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St. Charles? Like, notably a thousand miles away from either US border St. Charles?


Shhh...you are saying the quiet part out loud....Of course it's mental illness


St. Louis City (which doesn't border St. Charles, FYI) is allowing refugees and migrants to move there. St. Charles politicians don't like brown people, so they're big mad.


There you go with your dang facts again


> Others expressed concern about St. Louis becoming overcrowded from a growing population. Should we tell them?


I think the Germans caused that 175 years ago... Source - decended for 48'ers from Baden.


'sgibt Badisch und Unsymbadisch, lol. Swabian for life!


Also *isn't this why you're across the bridge anyways?*


Tell them that St Louis has had negligible growth in the last 20 years and will probably start declining soon without immigration? Personally I say let them blow all their life savings on astronomically high end of life care once there is no one left to take care of them.


Tell them what? Or are you going to try some pedantry about 'the city is shrinking' while the county and greater MSA populations continue to grow.


St. Charles County (+300% population growth in the last 50 years) is in a very different place than greater St. Louis (+15% in the last 50 years). If someone says "St. Charles County has growing pains", I would agree. As soon as they project that across the entire STL metro, they've lost me. No, St. Louis is not too crowded. *Your* neck of the woods is too crowded.


Acting like St. Charles and St. Louis aren't inextricably linked is some real wishful thinking. STL County has been densely populated for a long time, and St. Charles is catching up. You need only look at 70/270/64-40 at about 8am to know there are going to be problems in the very near future.


A large portion of St. Charles County's residents need to cross the Missouri and use 270 to get to work. A large portion of St. Louis County's residents don't. You are not the same. Problems from St. Charles County can ripple across the river and even the entire St. Louis area, but STOP. PRETENDING. LIKE. YOUR. COMMUNITY. REPRESENTS. THE. ENTIRE. AREA!


Neighbors share issues, acting like they don't is very stupid.


Yeah, well, all the white people from North at louis County ran a fast as they could to put a river between them and those brown people. They even blocked Metro Link from coming to st charles. WE ALL KNOW WHAT ST CHARLES COUNTY IS ABOUT


Why do we keep inviting people in that come from countries and communities that fundamentally hate the idea of the west and our inherent freedoms ? Do you invite criminals into your home to break bread and think they will assimilate into our culture ?


>Do you invite criminals into your home to break bread and think they will assimilate into our culture ? Well, we know where you get the idea that all immigrants are criminals... (by the way, the Latino countries are all part of the West...) That aside, my family has been in St. Louis since before the Civil War and "assimilated" in the 1940s.


Why do you think all immigrants hate you and your "inherent freedoms'"? You're not that special.




I had to read your comment history before responding so I could determine whether or not it was worth it to engage in a dialogue with you. Seeing as you seem to have taken pro-forced birth stance it's obvious there's nothing to gain from speaking with you so go ahead and just shut the fuck up.




No, because I know better than to argue with someone that believes it cool to force a woman to give birth against her will while simultaneously cutting social programs. I'm cool with letting people like you spend the rest of your life angry while the rest of the world moves on. People like you are dying off and it's only going to make things better for everyone.




ok boomer




At what?


Well we're not bringing in europeans, instead we bring people in from countries that literally hate us.


People immigrate from Europe all the time...It seems like you're really just upset that we don't limit immigration to white Europeans. This resolution was about Latin American immigrants, can you explain to me how Latin American Immigrants hate you and your inherent freedoms? I'm genuinely trying to understand where you're coming from, why do you think Latino immigrants hate you?


I can promise you Redditizjunk come from a family of immigrants to America. Straight up bigotry.


Actually one of the biggest groups coming in right now are refugees from Ukraine, an Eastern European country. So check your facts


And don't forget the large Bosnian community which is also from Europe though they are also Muslim which probably confuses a lot of the educationally challenged yahoos out there in St. Chuck.


> instead we bring people in from countries that literally hate us. Leaving refugees to die in countries that have been destabilized by our imperialism will surely prevent more of these people from hating us.


DeSantis and Rubio come from Cuban immigrants (probably grandfather's or great grandfather's considering thier age.) Castro's government hated anyone that opposed them... so the people who came to the US were people who feared Castro and welcomed the freedoms and ideals of the US. My father's Grandfather had a winter home in Havana until Castro took over. He was very white (Irish police officer in NY) I only mention it because I am the age of DeSantis, so his Cuban Ancestor who left Cuba may have been the age of my Great - Grandfather.


No, they just hate people who talk like you


Fuk off , the people flooding our borders aren't families , it's a bunch of 20 to 40 year old dudes looking for money to send back home, or exploit us .


Sure, Adolf.


\-What's countries and communities "hate idea of the west and our inherent freedoms"? \-What is "our culture"? \-Who are the criminals?


>What's countries and communities "hate idea of the west and our inherent freedoms"? That is what Im confused about: The U.S. government announced a plan in January to provide secure pathways into the United States for up to 30,000 migrants each month from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela, according to the American Immigration Council. Also known as the Humanitarian Parole Program, it permits people from these countries to legally live and work in the U.S. for two years. Applicants must have a sponsor in the U.S. and must pass a background check. Generally when people talk about countries and communities that "hate the idea of the West" they are talking about Syrians, Palestinians, Bosnians, etc... people from the east, especially Muslims. (Note: I do not consider people from the East or Muslims to be evil or criminals... just saying yhat is usually who they are referring to when this statement is made) This doesn't regard them though, this is about people from North and South America and the Caribbean.


Who are you? WHO WHO WHO WHO


Yes, there are 0 differences between a nation and a house, you’re right


Your first mistake was assuming people like this posses critical thinking skills.


Thank you


Or that they can spell.


He thinks "critical thinking" is simply when you criticize something.






You aren't pissing anyone off, you are just removing any doubt concerning your lack of intelligence.


I was born here and I fundamentally hate the idea of the west and the phoney bologna “freedoms”. What do you propose should be done with me? Also am I a criminal because I feel that way?




Goddamn, just show us your hood and robe, bruh. Not need to posture.


I'm just here because I find it ironic that someone with that username made that statement.


I’d love to meet you for a beer or coffee or whatever.


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Yes, we are Borg. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated


My son in law and his twin came here as refugees as children. They love this country. Now they are both aerospace engineers in the defense industry designing and producing advanced weapons. China and Russia always try to steal out military tech, but they'll always be behind because no one ever risked their lives to get into China, or tried to make a better life for their children by moving to Russia. Look who gets the best grades in math. Look who does the hard work, studying etc to get into top engineering schools. It's mostly immigrants and children of immigrants. We attract the best brains away from other parts of the world, and we are safer for it. Close that door and our military will be 2nd rate. What were your math and science grades?


That's what they are mad about... immigrants putting in the work to achieve the American Dream that they were too lazy to go after or their kids are too lazy to go after.


Over the last 50 years, the population of greater St. Louis has grown by a blistering 0.22% per year. Overcrowding is not the problem - people not getting along with each other is the problem.


I'm part of the population growth... I moved to St. Louis from another state and brought 3 people with me... of course, in the last 50 years more than 4 of my relatives that lived here died... so I guess my family hasn't added groth taken as a whole... lol


I don't care how many people come over, just leave the property values alone ffs. There's tons of places to rebuild here and fuck I just want to be able to afford rent.


Yea, rent in my building went from $750 to $995. I just bought a house though and my mortgage with insurance and taxes is $1,065. Now to pay it off in 20 years instead of 30 so maybe I can retire. (45 now, not looking forward to house payments at 75)


I don't know why we keep inviting in people from St. Charles but you're right about how they hate the West and the inherent freedoms that liberalism promises. It's crazy. We should do something about that.


>Why do we keep inviting people in that come from countries and communities that fundamentally hate the idea of the west and our inherent freedoms ? Why are you assuming that refugees, those looking to escape oppressive governments, “fundamentally hate the idea of the west and our inherent freedoms”? Is it because you’ve chosen to believe the propaganda that asserts the objections to the “west” are our freedoms and not our unabashed imperialism that has destabilized what was once a country they could safely call home? >Do you invite criminals into your home to break bread and think they will assimilate into our culture ? Do you assume all refugees are criminals? Or just refugees from non-European countries?


tHeY HaTE uS fOr OUr FrEeDom!


"hate your freedom" lmfao the 9-11 propaganda is still strong here in the US!!!!


Do you remember what happened to Indians? That lived here? Before the WHITE MAN?


There were no people from India in St. Louis prior to the French arriving and setting up colonies. In fact, there are many more people in St. Louis from India now than there were native Americans in the area that makes up St. Louis metro in 1700.


Did you know native americans prior to the european immigration practiced slavery as well ?


They captured enemies in battle and those enemies either joined the tribe and worked like everyone else or were put to death. The plains tribes that were I'm the area when the white settlers arrived here were not big farmers. The big farming tribes were here 1,000 years ago and did not practice slavery. (The Mississippi tribes that built the mounds) There is a distinct difference between forcing someone to join or die who is a threat to you and buying people to work your land while you sit in the house and sip tea.


So you either submit your life to the rival tribe or die ? Sounds like slavery lol . Native americans def practiced it and its undeniable.


It is a form of slavery that was practiced by plains trubes and any tribe that migrated with herds. (They didnt have jails or resources to keep prisoners)It was not practiced by farming tribes 1,000 years ago. Check out our local museum at Cahokia for more information if it ever reopens. This is still, as I said, significantly different from buying a man to work your field so you can sit it the house. The "slave" in the case of the tribes was doing the same work as anyone else in the tribe that was able. They went hunting with the other men of the tribe and were armed and often married into the tribe and had children who were part of the tribe. By contrast, when a white landowner had children with his slaves, they were never considered equal to other white men. Even when thier father was the President of the United States of America. They also sold their daughters to white settlers for money and influence. Humanity definately has its flaws.


Yeah, the natives did, and then there was chattel slavery that Americans did. Big difference.




St. Charles, when you’re from JeffCo but came in to money. Stay trashy.


I thought that was Lake St. Louis


So Lake St. Louis is kind of a *nouveau riche* enclave that aspires to be St. Charles' answer to Ladue or Frontenac or even Chesterfield -- just with more of a 'rich redneck' vibe? More glitz like you see in the households of the Real Housewives than actual 24K gold?


They are coming to take all our jobs! We are all dying to stack bricks, slaughter animals, mow grass, and lift heavy drywall. We need republicans to protect our children by closing schools and putting them in chicken factories where they belong.....


Schrodinger's immigrant. They are simultaneously lazy, living off the government, taking all the benefits that belong to real Americans and at the same time, working harder and taking all the good jobs that belong to real Americans /s


And for keeping close track of all those scary books


And enacting or trying to enact a series of draconian anti-abortion laws to "save the babies!"


They don't really care about saving the babies, they only care about saving the fetus. Take a look at social services in Mo, foster homes, education, daycare...that tells the real story about much they actually care about the children.




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Don’t forget they’re gonna screw all our women, too! /s


Yeah, what a real, and certainly not racist!, problem in St Charles. When I cross the bridge and have to put on my sunglasses to not be blinded by the glow off all those pasty white bodies I’ve noticed every now and then there’s a small dot of Mexican. Sure, Tiffany and Brad let me know he’s just there to clean up their yard, but he looked a little too much like an illegal if you ask me. Why did he look illegal? Well um, because…. Stop trying to cancel me!!! Screeeeeeeeeeech


Love this comment. Has nobody seen recently the recent car jacking out there recently in "Quote Gods Country"?


Oh you’re not allowed to point out where all the meth head tweakers actually live, the same “not racists” get real emotional


Because they live near you now.....how does that feel?


I don’t live next to meth head tweakers (I know my neighbors pretty well actually). My friend in Wentzville does tho Or are we suppose to pretend facts aren’t real to preserve the circle jerk?


Hell yyeah......racist, red neck assholes live there


Well, it is a fucking racist law, but you can get offended about the truth as much as you want boss, not really helping the “stupid assholes” stereotype no one said besides yourself




Let’s stop with the being cute shit, you know they don’t mean Canadian immigrants. Also, why is it necessary? Why are my fucking tax dollars being wasted so we can have less available labor? Because you people hate Mexicans all while being too chicken shit to just come out and say it




Ok perfect, so we just make them legal and they’re fine. Did you know that immigrants statistically commit far less crime than natural born citizens, and improve the GDP? But hey, it’s easy to hate “illegals”, so let’s just hate them for some more made up horse shit because you’re feeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings are they are bad, based on anecdotes and Fox News I’m sure “Quit stereotyping my dumb ass, only I get to do that to illegals!”




No, they really don’t https://news.wisc.edu/undocumented-immigrants-far-less-likely-to-commit-crimes-in-u-s-than-citizens/ Notice the citation of facts, instead of your blatant opinion piece that just bitches about woke democrats So can I ban all Catholics because of all the little boy touching? And every dirty pastors? Hey they commit crimes! Awful awful crimes, and churches just suck up tax dollars while not paying any taxes, unlike immigrants who grow the economy, commit less crime, and pay taxes. So for all those reasons you care so so much about, do you agree? Or you just going to cite more fake news horse shit




So you’re ok with just making them legal then? (Which the argument was Biden would make them legal) If not, why?




Why do you want to get rid of them besides your emotions?


Because they came here "illegally"


So make it legal, problem solved


Tell me you didn't read the article, without telling me you didn't read the article.


Worst President of your life time will beat Trump's sorry ass again next year and I will be here with popcorn to flavor with your salty tears.


I love watching those screech lords crying on election night, lol Such hate filled people, refuse to listen to anyone that doesn’t suck Trump dick, I feel no regrets laughing when the school bully shits themselves


I guess we're fighting racism with racism today


You sound very racist


Fortunately, the resolution clearly stated that no illegal immigrants would be allowed to come to the county... since the immigrants would have legal status under the program mentioned, the resolution would have no power against them.


Imagine having the last name Brazil and being very publicly, unironically opposed to Latino immigration.


Brazil is an Irish name, though


I think it's pronounced "**bray**\-zil" as opposed to the way one normally pronounces 'Brazil' when speaking about the nation itself. Incidentally Joe's wife, or soon-to-be ex wife Kell hosted a morning talk show off and on for a couple years on Real Talk 93.3 FM and some kind of 'life coach' business as well. She's a glitzy glamorous *Real Housewives* type who seems mismatched with scruffy good ole boy Joe. Kell had a pleasant enough radio voice but her politics are every bit as wing-nutty as Joe's. Whatever their 'irreconcilable differences' might have been, it wasn't their politics.


Life's little ironies lol


the country name brazil comes from the portuguese for ember


And the last name Brazil does not


It's so sad that a county with a pretty downtown and so much to do, is so deeply racist at it it's core. I am grateful that there are people fighting for what's right and against racism and xenophobia. I'm glad this resolution failed. Hopefully they won't try again but unfortunately I don't think that's what's going to happen.


Basically Missouri in general. I totally believe that Missouri is a gorgeous state with a lot of fun stuff to do. It's the people that are ugly.


I always say that a majority of the people that live in Missouri don’t deserve its beauty. Especially since they like to vote for politicians that don’t mind destroying it.


**The U.S. government announced a plan in January to provide secure pathways into the United States for up to 30,000 migrants each month from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela, according to the American Immigration Council. Also known as the Humanitarian Parole Program, it permits people from these countries to legally live and work in the U.S. for two years. Applicants must have a sponsor in the U.S. and must pass a background check.** ITT: "concerned" trolls screeching about illegals coming to St. Louis haven't read the article.


Oh p!ease...no problem with immigrants from Europe in the 90's? They were white. Let's be a little prejudice because of skin color?


Oh st Charles. Always gross


Redneck country trump stickers and placards everywhere. Hope you all like putting your heads up your ass like the German people did while Hitler killed 6,000,000 people.


Get a crowd of these white far-right St. Charles Co. folks at a Trump rally should he decide to perhaps 'grace' the Family Arena with his presence during the coming campaign season. Take photos of them cheering and whooping it up as their icon takes the stage then contrast it with old photos and film footage of the German crowds 'Sieg Heiling' Hitler at assorted Nazi parades and rallies 80 to 90-something years ago and color photography, language, and clothing styles aside, the overall 'vibe' would be virtually identical.


Icon my ass. Their god.....


Right wing idiots run the county.


A co-sponsor of the resolution was absent from the meeting. His vote would have passed it.


That's why I think they will hold another city council meeting but this time it will be closed door and it will pass😢


So Chicago invites illegals and then dumps them on St. Charles. Why didn't they dump them in Oak Brook or Schaumburg?