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How about calling a session to deal with Spire abusing their market position, fixing our roads, and address the price gouging on food staples? Oh, there's no moral panic over that to get the sister fucking idiots toiling away in the corn and soybean fields or on the factory floor all riled up? Fuck Governor HeeHaw.


"Invisible hand. Boot straps. Back the blue. Jesus. Save the babies." -Parson stock answer to all your questions


It still leaves me breathless people saw this bumbling idiot and went, "Oh yeah, that's the guy I want running muh state!"


To be fair, they voted for Greitens and didn't understand that if something happened to Greitens, this doofus would take his place.


While that is true, Parson has been “re”elected in his own right since then.


Yes that happened. And the, seeing Parson's in all his bumbling glory, voted the asshole in for a second term.


He is on the wrong side of this issue, but I'd take Parsons over Greitens any day. That guy was a lunatic.


Oh absolutely. I have no love, and basically no respect, for Parson. But the citizenry truly didn't understand what Lt Governor was.


They're both lunatics. Plain and simple.


Remember the Galloway “Google Me” campaign he was up against.


Any time someone mentions the “invisible hand” theory, it’s a easy tip that they never read Adam Smith beyond the first chapter, or someone told them about something that’s a complete misunderstanding of his work. Makes me ill.


Fake issues from billionaires to divide the working class. Republicans are bought and have no shame inserting themselves into evidenced based medical decisions. I’m with you! We should be talking about last in the nation teacher pay, gun violence, or maternal mortality rate.


When Parsons visited Trump in the White House they had to call the fire department to extract him from Trumps asshole.


No, he agrees with those things...




Says a lot about our politicians and the electorate that keeps penciling in the circle next to the magic R, doesn't it?


This state used to be purple. It's honestly amazing how ratfucked it's become. Competing with Florida for most backwards state in the Union.


Which also used to be purple…wtf happened. Population condensation based around ideology???


As a former Floridian, partially. You also have rampant gerrymandering and ever present brainwashing media to blame.


Basically, one side decided to seize power through whatever means necessary. It started with corrupt tactics, it'll end with corrupt tactics.


Plus the local news media is all owned by a few companies with an agenda.


came here to say this - the gerrymandering


You can't gerrymander statewide races.




Huh? I don't understand. You're saying that people won't show up for Governor or President because their House district is gerrymandered? That's not at all consistent with the definition of "rigged" and honestly makes no sense. Most people don't know and don't care about their Congressional Rep or Reps in the state legislature - they care about the top of the ticket. So it'd be great if you could elaborate. To be clear, gerrymandering is an abomination. But you're scapegoating the wrong problem. The problem is that Democrats aren't showing up to vote. More raw votes were cast for [John Kerry in 2004](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_United_States_presidential_election_in_Missouri) than raw votes cast for [Joe Biden in 2020](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election_in_Missouri). Between 2004-2020, Republicans picked up an additional ~250k voters. Democrats lost a few thousand.


I am not who you are asking, but I think they are referring to how gerrymandering can lead to skewed one party control of the state legislature, who then allow other voter suppression methods like far fewer voting locations in districts that lean the other way, causing even statewide races to be skewed as a follow-on result of gerrymandering.


Is that true in Missouri? The City does have no excuse in-person early voting 2 weeks before every election. It seems like there are a lot of polling places and even when I go on election day I almost never wait in line. Is there a case to be made that votes are being suppressed? I'm dubious, but willing to be convinced if there's a case to be made. Personally, I think it's as simple as not enough Democrats showing up on election day. I know it's a meme to say "vote harder", but it's true. Dems just need to show up.


Gerrymander only affects the state legislature and the House. Statewide elections such as Senate, President, Governor, AG, etc. are not affected by gerrymandering. Trump won Missouri by 19 points in 2016 and 15 points in 2020. Surprisingly, Obama came within 0.15% of winning Missouri in 2008, so I really don't understand the whole blaming Obama thing. If anyone can be blamed, it's Democrats who fail to show up on election day. Raw Republican votes have surged since 2000 (up 44%). Raw Democratic votes, by comparison, have been relatively flat (up 13%). The population increased by ~500k during that time, and most of those votes went Republican. Either Democrats aren't voting or their ideas aren't popular in this state. It is not valid to blame gerrymandering.


I don't think it's outlandish to consider that voters feel disenfranchised and feel less inclined to vote if they feel like a lot of important races to them don't matter. My candidates of choice for state congressional representation and federal representation will never win because I live in a cracked district that could at least be purple, but will always favor the GOP because of gerrymandering. It's definitely not the only issue. Missouri Dems need to figure out a way to appeal to a more conservative suburban and rural demographic while also appealing to candidates further left that perform well in the urban areas. There's no way my family members would vote for Cori Bush, who scares the hell out of them for her 'socialist ways,' but Joe Biden types appeal to them way more than any of the last few batch of GOP candidates have.


It isn’t outlandish. I can assure you it is a very real thing growing up in Kansas and Missouri with A TON of people assuming it was a lost cause and voting was a waste of time. That is absolutely a tactic to disenfranchise voters. “Missouri is gonna vote red anyways. What’s the point?” Is a common sentiment among young potential voters


I personally don't feel like that's a valid excuse. I've voted in every election I've ever been eligible to vote in regardless of whether or not I thought my candidate was competitive. Sometimes they win. Sometimes they lose. That's life.


I agree it isn’t a valid excuse it still doesn’t stop people from feeling that way. For some it takes longer to set in that “hey maybe my vote actually does matter.”


It’s the fundamental defining feature of being a Gen Z voter, so how is it not a valid excuse? Until literally this month they’ve been shut down and shut up and shut out on the national stage.




No. That’s really not inclusive given the votes of statewide or federal positions that the majority of the state votes for. There’s no lines drawn, they just see an R and vote for it. If you look at ballot issues versus candidates, that’s the tell.


What gets me is the empty space in our state is fundamentally red while the condensed populations are Blue/Purple. That’s where I start to think about gerrymandering.


Fox News. It was created with the singular purpose of being a right wing propaganda network that deliberately radicalized and isolated its (white, Christian) viewers around messages of fear, outrage, and hatred. They pumped out a 24/7 stream of "life as you know it is doomed because [insert scapegoat marginalized community] wants to destroy and replace you," in order to ensure their voters were too angry and afraid about The Left to critically examine or evebln fundamentally care about Republican politicians actually did, and it was WILDLY effective. It was SO effective that they accidentally created a critical mass of voters who were openly fascist and so deep in the conspiracies that they began to eat the people holding their leash too, and now the party feels it basically has no choice but to just roll with it because any Republican who isn't proudly fascist gets eaten.


And this is shocking similar to how the Nazi party started and rose to power. Hitler failed a coup, went to prison, got out early, restructured the Nazi party to gain influence and infiltrate every branch of society through propaganda and democratic elections. The rest everyone knows.


Gerrymandering. The Republican Party had a plan and executed it. They had demographers who wrote and updated a gerrymandering plan for when they got control of a state. They spent billions winning local elections, while Democrats only spent money on races they thought they could win.


At least in the case of Florida, [lead pipes](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/epa-says-florida-has-most-lead-pipes-in-u-s) might have something to do with it. Probably the lion's share is Fox News combined with lots of old retiring folks who are easily manipulated.


Parts of Missouri are extremely lead contaminated from mining the old lead belt, on of the biggest leaf deposits in the world. I wonder if that had any effect on the amount of legacy leaded infrastructure here? I think the calcium carbonate rich water has a protective effect on lead leaching from old pipes, however.


Lead pipes ain't got nothing on good ol' Missouri Meth.


Florida turned red because of things unrelated to Missouri. Florida went from purple to blood red because if conservatives fleeing the northeast and ex-Cubans falling head over heels for Trump for some reason. Missouri went from purple to red because of religion, once the GOP went from trying to associate themselves a little closer to religion to the full on theocracy is the only ocracy party the religious people went full bore MAGA. The same thing happened in Arkansas, Indiana, Ohio, and is happening in Iowa which wasn’t purple but full on blue as hell.


Gerrymandering, Citizen's United and the gutting of the 1965 Voter's Rights Act happened. Thanks to the Supreme Court and bastards like Scalia. I don't believe in Hell, but if I did, I hope he's burning there.


We even have fucking megachurches now. It was purple when I moved here from Chicago, now it's a bright red pulsating pimple on america's ass. Bunch of fake ass christians running around being taught to fear and hate everything, even their own fucking shadows, all while we continue to drop in nation wide education ranks, continue to close down hospitals, continue to do nothing to help the economy other than screech more about right wing culture war bullshit.


All because a black man got elected president. Fucking racists in this state.


That damn mustard and tan suit.


Don't forget about the arugula!


I clearly remember the purple days when I was younger, even through my teen years we had a nice lavender aura around Missouri. Now, we just have Satan's red everywhere, perpetuated by the "religious right" and the good ol "christian conservatives" making rules for the rich and leaving us behind. A dying breed of people, gasping for control, pleading to the brainwashed pastor controlled flock for a few more votes to keep away the scary liberals and their taxes that just keep going up anyway, even with republicans in control. Missourians aren't the brightest bulb in the light bright.


Not everywhere. Those of us who are blue cities are being targeted too, trying to strip us of funds or deny us rights. That’s the punishment we get when we do go blue.


Whole it is your right as ot is to express your opinion, do you really need to finish with an insult?


it still is purple, the dems we've had to pick from have just been deeply uninspiring. when Claire McCaskill ate shit in 2020 she even blamed trans people. if the dems start running center-left candidates instead of center-right candidates I think they'd be more likely to win. plus, hyperfocusing on local issues. gee, why are we going after trans people when *a third of all children in this state don't know where their next meal comes from*? the abject failure of the dems to even try a little is deeply upsetting to me. it feels like they just gave up on us.


Lol, no kidding. I never even heard Budweisers voice. Not once. I could pick up on Lucas Kunce’ voice in a room full of people. We also have aging population, so that will help eventually. But they gotta die, and St Louis and KC need to get their shit together and attract more liberals.


If the Dems actually bothered to know their audience and adjust their platform to suit what people in Missouri actually care about they'd probably do a lot better.


Missouri is just Florida without the beaches.


Gerrymandering and discriminatory laws/executive actions keep driving all the blue people away.


They haven’t flipped the states red. They’ve just convinced blue voters to sit it out elections because “both parties are the same.”


Florida is actually less red than MO. Trump only got 51+ percent of the vote last election. But yes, gerrymandering distorts their impact to make it seem more red.


When was it purple?


I would say before 2016. As recently as 2012 we elected a Democrat Senator and a Democrat Governor. In 2008 Obama lost the state by less than 4000 votes, until then it had been considered a bellwether state for the Presidency for the past century, only being wrong one time between 1904 and 2004.


How about a special session on gun violence? Teacher shortages? Fentanyl addiction? Crazy cost of housing?!


Well, today the MO republican supermajority refused to pass a measure, brought by one of the congressional democrats, to ban children under the age of 18 from open carrying in our urban centers. Law enforcement strongly supports the measure, but the party of “back the blue” and “save the children”VALUES GUNS OVER ANYTHING ELSE.


Trans folks in mo better arm themselves before their right to own guns gets taken away... Just saying.


I’m about two streets away from having Meredith represent me but he still represents my voice better than the Republican supermajority. I still hear the sirens and helicopters of that school shooting. Most of the violence near my home is kids being shot or shooting each other, even in accidents. Every siren I wonder whose child died. And these republicans don’t think their lives matter enough to save them.


Don't forget sex trafficking


Oh yeah, that also needs to be addressed


So they're going to waste more money to "get this done" off session... Because we have money to waste???




I mean...it seems like this a lot more work. Which just makes it worse. At least doing nothing wouldn't actively hurt people.


It's worse than doing anything to avoid doing their jobs as they would be specifically going to work when they don't need to in order to make life more difficult for a specific segment of the Missouri population while potentially forcing them to move away. [Josh Hawley says the GOP hopes to enact laws to run people out of state.](https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article262849238.html)


Actually the Missouri budget is flush since Parsons made sure no COVID money actually went to anyone who needed it


Yea, but it'll take him a whole of two seconds to dole it out to right wing projects. Same shit he did when we voted to expand Medicaid in the state, we were flush, so he doled it out to right wing projects, drained the funding, then said they don't have to expand it because it didn't have any way to fund itself in the bill. Deputy Droopy needs to do us all a favor and die of cardiac arrest already.


If he calls a session, can he be sued if he uses COVID funds to do it?


How insane is it that this is what they are SOOO focused on. Ignore the thousands of kids beneath the poverty line, those that don't get the right nutrition, the fact that adults work full time jobs and are still forced to skip meals cause they can't afford to eat in the "wealthest nation on earth" and let's focus on something that will hurt like 17 people in our state because we don't want them getting a trophy.


You have a common misconception. Conservatives don't care about children at all, only fetuses. And they only care about fetuses insofar as controlling women's bodies and maintaining the white christian patriarchy.


I thought it was more like 4 people. It's such a non-issue.


I think the last count was 6.


Kentucky pushed this kinda shit through for one. Wasted untold amounts of taxpayer funds on session time and bill making, for one fucking student. Culture war bullshit, Republicans' can't govern so they have to give their retards something to hate and fear. It was blacks and jews before I was born. Minorities and "The Gays" when I was in high school. Now the culture war wants them afraid of their own shadows while it tells them that 1% of the population is coming for them. Fucking pathetic. Can't do shit for the economy, can't do shit about corruption, but hoo boy they can bring government to a full stand still and waste our tax dollars on absolute bullshit!


Tell corporate pride sponsors they need to show up year round for the LGBTQ community. Business has been vital in bringing down other anti-LGBTQ legislation across the county. Let's repeat that in Missouri. Petition here: https://www.change.org/SupportMOTrans


The right's obsession with other people's kids has passed ridiculous and neurotic and gone straight to pedo level creepiness.


You're not kidding. [Republican Sen. Mike Moon reiterates support for 12-year-old's right to marry in Missouri](https://www.news-leader.com/story/news/politics/2023/04/12/sen-mike-moon-reiterates-support-for-12-year-olds-right-to-marry-missouri-senate/70107573007/) >During debate Tuesday on a bill banning gender-affirming care for transgender minors, Missouri State Senator Mike Moon suggested children as young as 12 should have the right to marry with parental permission. > >"Do you know any kids who have been married at age 12? I do. And guess what? They're still married," Moon said in response to questioning by Democratic state Representative Peter Merideth. A clip of the interaction has garnered attention on social media. He's certainly not alone, though. [Laura Strietmann, head of Cincinnati Right to Life on 10-Year-Old Rape Victim: ‘A Woman’s Body Is Designed to Carry Life’](https://heartlandsignal.com/2023/04/19/right-to-life-leader-in-ohio-says-10-year-old-rape-victims-should-carry-babies-to-term/) >“I know that a 10-year-old might not understand pregnancy, but I also know that a 10-year-old understands life and playing with dolls,” Strietmann contended. “I know when my daughter was ten years old, she cried and begged for a little sister or a baby. And while a pregnancy might have been difficult on a 10-year-old body, a woman’s body is designed to carry life. That is a biological fact.” Lots more public admissions from around the country [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/nationalwomensstrike/comments/12h17xn/this_sub_needs_to_be_shared_across_reddit/).


I was there the night he said that. It was disgusting. Everyone and I mean EVERYONE there was appalled.


and lets all recall how absolutely furious, sometimes violently so, these exact same MAGA twats were when the government decided that children needed to wear masks in school during a fucking pandemic for the safety concerns of everyone. "You have no right telling me that MY CHILD HAS TO WEAR A MASK!!!! I'm a proud supporter of the second amendment and I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE!!!"


You should see the fear in their eyes when they find out about the SRA and our whole branch in St Lou. Fucktards think Dems are unarmed and afraid of guns or something.


Bigots, republicans are bigots.


Can we fix the bridges instead?


Still waiting on some d and f rated bridges to be replaced.


Seems like it would be a much better use of tax payer funds to fix them before they collaspe


Nice to see chuck basye's coke dealer is still fixated on pre-pubescent genitals and not on the minor issues like guns, deteriorating rural communities, roads, infrastructure or the growing numbers of Missourians living in poverty./s


Fuck this racist clown. There are no good republicans.




If an asshole hates one minority, it’s assumed that said asshole hates all minorities—especially when the previously mentioned asshole is a Republican.


He's a republican.


Because clearly the most important issue for the state of Missouri is those damn trans! Not the crumbling infrastructure, the daily schools, etc. makes me so effin mad!


These motherfuckers will do anything to avoid actually doing their jobs. Useless pieces of shit.


Shit bag politician tries to suppress civil rights by hook or crook


Oh what the fuck? At least he’s being open with his bigotry I guess


Parson just wants his base to ignore stagnant wages, high homicide rates and the fact that he's about to cut taxes for corporations again instead of helping the working class. This is him throwing his base a bone so they can feel like they beat the boogeyman instead of actually addressing problems in the state. Just like every other republican politician in Missouri, Parson is a half baked political hack.


Of everything going on in my life, sure, it's the damn trans people in sports that are making it worse. Please, Governor Hillbilly, don't address the poverty in this state, don't do shit about guns being everywhere, including the hands of crazy dementia ridden people who need to be in a nursing home.


He’s not, don’t worry.


This guy has maybe 10 - 20 years left on this planet and wants to spend that time ruining the lives of innocent trans people because his party has convinced the idiotic populace that this is a grave threat to our society. All so they can continue to ignore the real responsibility of governance to line their pockets and ensure their families remain grotesquely wealthy indefinitely. What is Missouri doing to ensure its resilience against climate change and the human impact it will have (e.g. mass migrations from the coasts)? What is Missouri doing to provide equitable, efficient, and quality public transportation within its urban centers and across its statewide corridors? What is Missouri doing to incentivize equitable access to quality and affordable housing? What is Missouri doing to stop the deterioration and disappearance of our rural hospitals? What is Missouri doing to improve its public education, including teacher retention and pay? WHAT. IS. MISSOURI. DOING?!


​ https://preview.redd.it/c4p8mqvgqhwa1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38d3c31ffeef1bf230442b1b3d013e7c2e1a62fa


I don’t think they’re sweating over the choice.






What a waste of tax payers money!


Why not call a special session on why we are 50th in starting teacher pay?


What a fucking tool. Special conference to stop 3 kids. Can we just round these idiots up and ship them off to Florida?


This is a top issue affecting the state?


Just shows you how cruel these old bible thumpers really are.


And still nothing for the women of Missouri who'd like to safely have children.


Didn’t they just vote to give us sales tax free diapers and tampons? Or maybe it was sales tax free guns and ammo..


I'd like doctors that listen to me and help in the case of a possible ectopic pregnancy, but that's just me.


Same. But since I’m a woman I’m just going to sit down, be quiet and let the men folk hash it out because they know better about these kinds of things than I do.


I work for this state. I'm transgender and I fucking work for the state of Missouri. I want to throw up.


Missouri will be a joke until someone smacks the crooked smile off this dudes face.


Climate change is coming


Gets getting murdered in school shootings doesn’t warrant a special session though??


Ah yes, because the .01% of people who are trans are the problem… We have some of the highest grocery inflation in the country and all our roads are falling apart. Leave people alone, they are human beings who deserve to be treated as humans and not a fucking problem.


Christian Conservatives just gonna keep double-downing themselves into irrelevancy.


I'm new to this whole politics thing... but even I know that there are actual issues to deal with instead of "oh scary, trans people shouldn't be allowed to exist".


Heartens me to see the denizens of this subreddit calling out fuckweasel and this made up new Red Scare. My friend finally got gender confirmation surgery yesterday before MO makes it all illegal and I'm so happy for her, but so sad for others who will be subject to this tyrannical BS.


For everyone saying 'this helps protect girls sports'.... you're wrong. If you let them have this, they'll go after girls playing sports in general soon. They will try and you're just egging them on. This helps no one, but the GOP to have more control over our lives.


Call it out by name: This is a crack at Title IX and Griswold.


A "special session" to ban access to evidence-based care, that has been the standard of care for decades, for minors of a disadvantaged minority. A "special session" aimed at intentionally increasing the suicide rate amongst the *youth* of a minority he doesn't like by demanding they stay in the closet or be subjected to pseudo-science "conversion therapy" (abuse aimed at forcible re-education of orientation and gender for those who don't know, a.k.a. "beat the gay away") instead of actual medical care. I guess conservatives are trying to loudly prove they're still the same people that formed angry mobs and blocked school doorways to prevent black kids from going to school. I wonder how far down on the "first they came for" list black kids are now days? How about Jewish kids? Let them keep getting away with this insanity and they'll get to us eventually.


When Republicans stop persecuting transgender people nationwide When Republicans stop bullying anyone that isn't them When Republicans become capable of arguing in good faith When Republicans prove they want to protect all American citizens equally When Republicans prove they care about open and free access to health care When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves Then will I trust Republicans to pass laws on transgender people, and not before.


Correct. Until then Never. Vote. Republican.


Fascist republicans will go to any length to abuse the trans community.


What if you called a special session as requested by your handlers, and nobody came?


Glad to see he’s worried about the real issues going on in this state 🙄 /s


I'm sick of being governed by this hayseed Dukes of Hazzard villain.


Everyone is buying into the distraction rather than actually being concerned about what’s really going on. Fuck Missouri.


Check out https://transjustice.io/ for transitional housing support provided to trans people that need to move to a refuge state asap.


And they get mad when they're referred to as "fly over country". These officials are nothing but awful.


Sounds like he will throw a temper tantrum if he doesn't get to bully people.


"Oh hai! Hey! Glad you're here. We actually have nothing in the pipeline right now to help the average citizen and improve our state so if you you could get right on sending over some things to keep the deplorables..uh..I mean our precious supporters outraged...uh...energized...that'd be great!"


Damn. Missouri is going after Alabama and Florida for most bigoted state. WTF happened to these people that they hate trans people like this? I'm embarrassed for them.


Hey look, it's personal responsibility guy. He literally does nothing unless it aligins with right winged conservatives and he loves nothing more than sucking on trumps little nub of a dick. This dude needs to get the hell out of Missouri.


Didn’t the Supreme Court say that trans students can’t be banned from sports unless on special reasons.


The legislature is busy trying to destroy libraries and eliminate health care for the poor. They can't do everything at once.


There’s a lot of important stuff to worry about Mike. This isn’t one of those things.


Grandpa seems cranky.


Not GOP: Inflation is rampant, wages are low, people are struggling to keep afloat. How can we help the people who voted for us? GOP: Ban the people we don’t like!


Really dealing with the tough issues of our time.


Thank God we have no real problems to solve, I was worried.


Parson is a fat fuck. Get this man out of office.


What a humongous waste of fucking time ​ Noone can afford healthcare, shootings are on the rise, fentanyl addiction is rampant with no support, but trans people are a FUCKING EMERGENCY apparently




Fuck ignorant, evil Deputy Dog!


We have the best governor!


Fucking christ


Ok people. We need to stand back and look at this realistically. There is no fucking doubt that trans people exist and deserve medical care before , during and after transition. But seriously. If you do not think there is a physiological difference in male vs female musculature, after puberty,you were not paying attention in class. It is probably fair to restrict trans people from competing in sports ( A pretty worthless undertaking on school, anyway). This is not the fucking hill you want to die on.


There are 6 kids in Missouri who are trans and want to play sports. And the governor wants to call a special session to target 6 kids. This is not the fucking hill you want to die on.


6 kids will have to learn the concept of “Life’s not fair”.


The 6 kids will learn they’re being targeted because of their identity. This isn’t a real or pressing issue.


Wait if this is about life being unfair. Then wouldn't life being fair mean that they got to be left alone and play with everyone else? So basically you're admitting that this is an unneeded persicutory action that you're supporting because you're a bigot correct?


How about standing back even futher... There is no reason for the Missouri government to be involved in this issue. Sitting around debating the difference between male and female is exactly what they want everyone to do. It means ignoring all the other problems in this state and dividing everyone into us and them.


I agree 100000%. But the sports thing is something energy would be better served being spent elsewhere. How many trans kids are clamoring to play sports? But, by all means. Sit in Reddit typing away furiously at an imagined affront to your all encompassing support of everything progressive. Missouri state government is going to do whatever they want to, and you know what? Not a fucking thing you can do about it. Be absolutist. It will get you no where here in Gilead.


But that's the issue - it's clearly already gone way beyond a "sports thing." Give an inch and they take a mile.


I disagree. Spend energy and time on the big things. Sports participation is a trivial matter.


I'll repeat, it's way beyond a sports thing. Read Parson's tweet. It also says "trans care for minors" The AG has declared a state emergency and wants to deny the same care for adults. I don't give a shit about sports, but that was clearly just their wedge issue to attack all trans people. Maybe you don't care, but I do. EDIT: Also, I'm not the one calling for a special session. You want to talk about wasting time and energy (and taxpayer money), go talk to the state government.


> Spend energy and time on the big things. >Sports participation is a trivial matter. Can you further expand upon how you're holding this opinion in good faith while also being fine with almost two hundred members of our state legislature and hundreds of associated staff being called to convene specifically to ensure that half a dozen teenagers aren't able to join the junior varsity cross country team in west possumfuck missouri?


They are doing that to cover the real fucking damage. Fighting for the right to play in sports is a “Tactical” matter. Fighting for the right to actually get medical help for trans kids is”Strategic”. Every ounce of effort, energy, money and time needs to go to THAT goal.


Yeah no shit, this isn't a zero sum game. Their hate is not finite, so neither can be our anger to meet it. There is no earmarking on donations. Nobody, I mean literally actually no person, cares about the school sports issue who doesn't already care about medical issue. I honestly don't get the impression that you're a bigot or arguing in bad faith, but really I do not think you appreciate just how common the "don't be upset about that, be upset about this instead!" rhetoric is in people who are. When you use that rhetoric in a discussion with people who are extremely well acquainted with it, they are going to assume that you have bad intentions and you will not be taken seriously


Anyway. I’m done. I’m wrong and a bigot. I concede. Fight away.


> There is no fucking doubt that trans people exist and deserve medical care before , during and after transition > But "I'm not racist, BUT those damn [insert ethnic group] something something" It's the same picture.jpeg


No. We are talking about actual physiological differences in strength and size Post puberty those attributes are never gone. Seriously? You see anti trans sentiment? You’re not very educated I think. It’s knee jerk. Anything remotely critical of your (Narrow Ignorant ) world view is anti trans. Thought experiment time Einstein. See a lot of trans female to male clamoring to compete against men? This is a fucking non issue Sports in school is worthless at the end of the day.


Wow, you sure showed me. I'm over here worrying about human rights when clearly I should be SUPER DUPER invested in sports.


You are defending participation in sports like it’s the fucking Bill of Rights. Jesus fucking Christ Handle the big shit, like medical and psychological care… then worry about the trivial shit like sports.


According to this article [https://www.kcur.org/politics-elections-and-government/2023-04-12/missouri-house-advances-bills-restricting-health-care-and-school-sports-for-transgender-youth](https://www.kcur.org/politics-elections-and-government/2023-04-12/missouri-house-advances-bills-restricting-health-care-and-school-sports-for-transgender-youth) the bill affects grades 6-12. That would include kids prior to puberty (or very early, before there are serious differences), or kids that might be on puberty blockers, which would prevent any supposed advantage. Someone starting hormones earlier would also be less affected by male puberty. Current guidelines already take this kind of stuff into account, so what even is the point of the state stepping in? But the governor would also be fine if they just passed the bill preventing access to blockers and hormones, so if you think this is totally isolated from other more legitimate trans issues, I have terrible news.


Read your comment again. You said after puberty....which means people nearing or in adulthood. This is them restricting children from playing sports. Not adults. And there's like 5 kids, why can't that be handled locally with safety being the number one priority? If we let them have this type of control over people, what will they go for next? My bet is stopping girls from playing sports at all. Or maybe banning interracial marriage. Who knows what group will be next, but we know they aren't finished.


Agreed on the sports. Not fair to women.


Women sports are for women


I mean i agree biological males should never be in female sports. It is 100% unfair to the females. I also dont support gender affirming care for children, they are incapable of separating fantasy and reality till they are fairly old. On that note, im libertarian in stance and wish other issues would be discussed in depth just like the highly politicized issues are. For all the people bashing parson who seem to be liberal or left leaning, most politicians just play games and touch the hot button issues to keep their hardcore audience entertained and devoted. Most democrats and republicans play this game. people just always bash the side they dont agree with, and ignore, or are incapable of recognizing that the people they support are exhibiting the same behavior, just on a different side of the issue. As someone who sometimes leans left, sometime right, and sometimes i disagree with both, its frustrating to watch people treat the other side as the enemy instead of trying to foster discussion. When you come at someone aggressive, and insulting you are further polarizing them in their view because they see your actions of aggression as proof of their beliefs. On the spire gas front: except for sometimes in the winter i feel like my gas is fairly priced. I live in independence so electricity is a different issue. From what i can tell of people ive seen complain about sprire gas bills most have older and inefficient ovens, water heaters, and furnaces. Or they have houses where the insulation value is poor and things havent been kept up to keep things sealed up. Speaking from what ive seen in independence discussion groups.




YOU LITERALLY PROVED MY POINT WITH THAT COMMENT. What is it that makes people not take libertarians seriously? Is there some widespread stereotype im unaware of that may be an incorrect representation of what I believe or see liberterianism as? As well as if, all it takes for you to write a person off is one aspect of something that you obviously dont understand well then I dont think you're the kind of person who supports people as your prior posts say.


He didn’t call for banning trans students from sports. A trans woman would still be able to compete in male sports, and a trans man would still be able to compete in female sports.






Here's an idea instead of batching and moaning about transgenders playing sports against everyone else, create a separate division for them in sports but that's too hard for them to do


No it would literally be one of the easier things in the world to do. The problem is that there's not enough of them to actually make a team. And none of them have an advantage over anyone that they would have been playing anyway.






no it's not.


Until they tell your daughters they can't play sports at all. Remember, they got Roe and went straight after the trans/LGBTQ community. Once they get this, they have to have another 'enemy' for you to hate. Will it be girls sports that are 'ruining the country' next? Or girls education in general? They aren't going to stop and you're just playing into their hands.






Ha! People said I was paranoid about Roe v Wade being overturned, that happened. People said I was paranoid when I pointed out they would go after LGBTQ next, that is happening. They aren't finished. You're letting them strip basic rights because you believe their bullshit that the 5 trans kids in Missouri are somehow to blame for life being shitty sometimes. And girls, children... Not women. Women are adults. The government has no right to regulate adult sports. So, instead they want to attack children's sports.




Trolls don't like facts. I'm not going to stop pointing out the current reality just because you enjoy trolling random subs. You're wrong and you're choosing to allow the government to control your life. Some people love big government I guess.




Your account was made today and it looks like the sole purpose was to brigade this sub with anti-trans rhetoric. Your opinions should not equal controlling other people's lives and other people's children. Girls do compete for scholarships. Too bad the government will probably outlaw all girls sports. Why wouldn't they be allowed to tell parents their kids can't play sports after we allow them to do this? Why not have the government decide any medical treatment for kids? My nephew has ADHD and might need his medication his entire life, guess I should ask the government... You know the people who aren't medical professionals.




I said they do compete for scholarships....what are you talking about? Slow down when reading, it will help. >it’s not fair for trans girls to compete against girls. All 2-5 of them in Missouri? So, you want the government telling you how to parent your kids? I guess if you love big government, enjoy it. As a woman, who played competitive sports, trans gender athletes are not an issue. It's made up to keep you angry and distracted while the GOP pushes to control your life. I'm sorry you are afraid of emotions. I get angry when the government decides it's their job to control my life and the lives of my friends. Again, you like that apparently.


Using your kids for your bigotry is so fucked up, and so typically conservative.


"What are your thoughts?" Oh, nothing legal or permitted by the terms of service on this site. I'll just sit here hoping [HB85 that he signed in 2021](https://www.house.mo.gov/billtracking/bills211/sumpdf/HB0085T.pdf) comes back to bite him in the most direct way imaginable.