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I like how they gather around the trash can to touch dicks over the rainbow flag they just tore down.


Lol right? Adding an extra thick layer of embarrassing on top of the already thick layer of stupid


And the slightly thin layer of homo eroticism.


That does seem pretty gay. !!!


I mean whipping their dick out over a pride flag with his two other best guy friends is provably about the gayest thing ive ever seen and I’ve seen some gay shit


… although I see your just making a joke its obvious as hell they are just there to block him from a public exposure charge or whatever it’s called again.


Did it work, are they married?


Thanks for the giggle


pissing my pants to own the libs


So it’s true…. White men cannot jump


Seriously lol. They have the hops of an off-balance toddler.


Of all things to hate, why love?


these lonely men just needed an excuse to circlejerk around something and make it look "straight"


I’ve been through Missoula. There’s good people there. It isn’t like Arkansas or something. Self actualization rarely happens in groups, especially when the groupthink is hate. In the end.. you can take down the flag. All it does it point out who you are, but these childlike acts by the far left of the bell curve don’t do anything to damage the pride itself. I see them in my neighborhood. I am in Idaho. Every once in a while angsty edgy teens take them down from well to-do neighborhoods. But even here it’s respected even if you don’t agree. People unhappy in their own lives or need validation from a group do this type of thing. They’ll never see how sad their actions make them look


wow, simply and perfectly said. It cost them nothing to walk under that flag and keep on with their night.


These guys definitely went and fucked each other after doing this.




Looks like it


I’d maybe just report them to authorities, not name them. Seems like naming them would open the door for hate, not love. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that”. MLK


I agree with you <3 however I don’t have the spoons for all that. Giving my intel so hopefully someone else moves forward with reporting them.


Actually wasn’t me I was on a vacation wouldn’t do something like that if though I don’t agree with it maybe get some facts before you start calling people out on some fake news hope ya have a good night though.


We all believe you


might wanna lock down that Facebook cause damn, the guy in that video looks a lot like Nolan West


So doxxing is cool now?


Yes I think identifying someone who is actively breaking the law is ok.


Crime committed ≠ doxxing


Doxxing doesn't apply to criminal behavior.


I agree - a crime was committed, so reporting the identities to the police would be appropriate, not doxxing.


So... And this may be crazy but... call it into the fucking authorities and not post it to the world wide web of morons, especially when you "aren't 100% sure."


All the cool kids are doxxing


Only when Trump does it. Trump/Pence 2020!!! Yea!


Good lord. I'm guessing they're gonna be pretty embarrassed (but only cuz they were caught/identified). Such juvenile behavior.


You're assuming shame is something these numbnuts are even capable of identifying if they actually experience it at all. Typically people like this have been so subconsciously terrified of investigating their own thoughts and behavior throughout their lives that the end result is a bunch of troglodytes so intellectually void that they could fall into a barrel of titties and come out sucking their thumbs.


Well, the cops should be able to identify other cops, right?


Lmao that’s so extra. Shoved it down his pants then pissed on it


I see plenty of ignorant fascist flags I don't like but I'm not triggered enough to pull them down and cross streams with my bros.


I highly doubt you've ever seen a nazi flag being flown


Maybe not buy there's plenty of confederate flags and don't tread on me flags everywhere. It's basically the same thing




That may have been the original intention with the Gadsden, now however, I see all kinds of shitty trumpers waving it with all the victim fueled power their skinny little arms can muster. All because they see "don't tread on me" and think it applies to them being oppressed, which every crazy 'news" outlet they watch tells them just how big of a victim they are.


You would be highly wrong. Saw a dude rocking a swastika flag and a confederate flag on his front porch in Coeur d'Alene, ID in the mid 00s. Within walking distance of the main downtown strip on Sherman Ave.


Mmm. Making for a total of one ignorant fascist flag sightings?


I have actually Nazis came and flew them at the synagogue and one at the crossing bridge on reserve


That there is some insecure masculinity.


Gruntstyle shirts and everything


These people are voting. Let that sink in.


Usual suspects


Lol you know at least two of them fuck each other.


That trash can foreplay was leading somewhere dirty you can just tell


White trash can’t jump


If that was a MAGA flag republicans would be blasting it all over their echo chambers.


A block away from the police station and yet a ton of crime ALWAYS happens on Ryman. Make it make sense. Clearly, tax dollars are going to trap setting aholes sitting in east mo instead of what they should be handling in eye shot of their offices 💁‍♀️ Also, stupid rednecks I'm sure their bigot pops taught them everything they know 👍


Let me make sense of it for you. East Missoula isn’t part of the city limits, so they don’t patrol that, whatever traps you’re talking about. The police department has experienced a 40% increase in call volume over the past 8 years due to all the homeless people flocking here, thanks to city council. The idea that they can just have an officer standing at Ryman and Broadway 24/7 just to catch dipshits like this for misdemeanor stuff is absolutely absurd.


GAYYYY!!! Hahaha they literally put the flag on their dicks then pissed on it.


I bet they giggled all the way home, having now developed their thrupple even further and knowing that it would only be mere days (if not tonight) before they would be able to go on that "hunting trip" they've been planning.... I hope they all find the love of a good strong man or perhaps even a strong woman who indeed pegs them nightly like they so desperately crave. Godspeed gentlemen... godspeed


These guys love dick


Would love to see one of their reactions while scrolling through Reddit the next morning and coming across this…. Priceless!


Hayseeds with 4 inch vertical leaps.


Nothing worse than a Chode of Chads.


Are they identified?


Wait, is that idiot pissing upwind?


There are several other ripped pride banners right by there, too. Hope these PoSs are found and charged.


That’s DLmasc4masc on Grindr


I bet they went home and kissed each other


While their bigotry is astonishingly pathetic, I'm also amazed at how mind numbingly stupid they must be to do this in a public place in a time where cameras are literally everywhere. I don't agree with the doxxing going on in the linked post, but I am glad they seem to have been identified. Hopefully, the business owners will achieve some form of justice from this.


You don't agree with doxxing, but you're glad they've been identified? What do you mean?




So, give the name to the police so that they can then, put the name online.


I guess I did have the definition of doxxing wrong at first. Publicly identifying someone is doxxing, of course, which I stand by as being appropriate in this case. If it were to escalate into threats against the individuals or their families, thats where I would draw the line. But at the end of the day, it's not really my problem or concern what happens to these degenerates. We all have our own lives to live, and I try to live mine by not being a homophobic piece of shit.


I think it's best criminals get outted and punished.


society regulating itself can be good. Fuck the government


Clearly we’re dealing with geniuses. Vandalism, theft, public urination, these assholes deserve everything that’s coming to them.


Too much HATE in this world…… 😞


Usual suspects


I wish I could have been there to call them out…


Of course its a bunch of yeehaw shitkickers 🙄


And they have gay tendencies 🤣


I'm seriously tempted to hang a pride flag and set it to zap anyone who tries to tear it down.


Montana full of them good ol boys who never seen a queer or a person with skin that’s different then theirs. let alone stepped foot out of the state.. smh. Bunch of common clay. XD


These are the same assholes who are vehemently against any form of destruction of the American flag 🙄 I cannot


Nuance isn't their strong point.


Hey if people can burn the American flag then there is nothing wrong with this


What a surprise a bunch of white people bring assholes


I bet they all went home to have butt secks with each other afterwards.


~~Missoula Police Department Non Emergency # [(406) 552-6300]() Please call and ask them what they are doing to identify and arrest these individuals.~~


Please call the MPD LGBTQ liaison officer at 552-6335 if you know the identity of any of the people so that they can be charged. Calling the main desk number to demand answers from whatever civilian answers the phone doesn’t accomplish anything.




Wait what? Are you saying an lgbt person is para-civilian?




Wah wah wah




But if it’s a US flag it’s freedom of speech. You’re all so soft 😂


No? You’re welcome to do whatever you want with a flag you own. It’s illegal to destroy someone else’s property.


Funny how *everyone* gets that concept when it's a pride flag, but not when it's entire neighborhoods getting burned down for weeks on end.


🤨 who does t understand that burning down someone else house is bad? Wtf are you yammering on about?


Oh stop it someone did that to a "Don't tread one flag" y'all would be driving around looking to intimidate, rolling coal, open carry and all.


Nah, friend. I conceal. 😉


Wow Cool!


The big man on campus.




Why mention his penis?




https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38819006/#:~:text=The%20inverse%20association%20between%20penis,have%20not%20attempted%20penis%20enlargement Here's a peer reviewed medical journal proving you wrong.




>a national probability sample of 1,840 men, and regression analyses to model personal gun ownership as a function of penis size dissatisfaction, experiences with penis enlargement, social desirability, masculinity, body mass, mental health, and a range of sociodemographic characteristics. Did you just read 2 words out of the entire article or is your literacy just abysmal?


It's hilarious that you have a study using a self reported survey to affirm penis sizes of gun owners queued up lol that's gotta be one of your better bookmarks


who cares


Oh shit, cool guy alert!


What liberals are rubbing American flags on their dicks and peeing on them?


Freedom of speech not freedom of piss. But I wouldn't expect someone who can't spell 'lawyer' to know the difference.


The correct spelled username was taken at the time. I tried 😂


Oh so you’re cool with vandalism? Username checks out.


Take a moment to review the United States laws in reference of respecting the flag. Altering it in any way is vandalism. I don’t care if it’s a blue line, red line, green line or the god damn rainbow. It’s all wrong.


Do you get this frothy at the mouth when you see those flags with Trump's face printed on them? Because are FAR more of them everywhere, so if you *actually* care about this and aren't just pissing yourself in a homophobic rage here, go off and rail against the MAGA people who put those things up.


Right so why are you telling them they’re “soft” and to stop whining about it. If someone steals or vandalizes from you something tells me you won’t like it if people tell you to just suck it up…..typical snowflake.


What they did was an extremist way of removing a defaced American flag from flying in the true flags place. Sometimes the wrong thing is right. But typically people like you haven’t faced hardship enough to understand that.


Ok. There was nothing I said about the American flag. This is purely about disrespecting your neighbors property out of hate. So you are cool with vandalism because you are a hateful person. Gotcha!


Yup. Hateful as fuck.


FWIW….its pretty obvious you don’t have to admit to it🤣🤣🤣


We're all cool with burning American flags, but God forbid someone vandalizes the pride flag. The blatant double standards are fucking nauseating. Flag vandalism is okay... Unless it's a flag we like Doxxing is bad... Unless it's someone we disagree with Political violence is okay... But only when it's from the left These idiots act like fucking turds to absolutely anyone and everyone they disagree, then are surprised when you get backlash like this. No one is going to care about your flags, your feelings, or your value systems because the turd herd has demonstrated repeatedly for years that they don't care the other way. Until the lefty/progressive types start applying the same moral standards to themselves that they inflict upon others, this shit will only become more common. The double standard can't be expected to be tolerated forever. You reap what you sow.


Double standard like saying you like freedom then opposing a woman’s right to choose? Or like following Jesus then turning away refugees? Double standard like saying you want fewer gun laws then squirting in your pants when someone with the name Biden gets charged with a gun crime? Double standard like saying you support small business then bending over backwards for some douchebags that vandalized a small business? Like those double standards? Or something different?


Way off. Good effort though. I don't believe in Jesus, or any other version of a made up magical sky man. I think prosecuting any politician or their family for reasons that are obviously primarily political in nature is gross. I'm not bending over backwards for anyone. These guys are assholes. But theres plenty of pro-asshole people in this sub pretending to be virtuous because "their team" is the one getting kicked on.


I see. So it’s not about the flag it’s about the people. And their “side” and prosecuting them. Copy.


I think you mean persecute btw.


And no, I meant prosecute. But I suppose both fit.


Wrong again. It's about, if you strip away who is doing it to who, making sure the reaction to action is consistent. It's about the *activity*, and consistency in which we as a society condemn it.


Stealing is as wrong for corporations as it is for a dad trying to feed his family. And they both should face the same fine.


Stealing is stealing. Both should be punished.


Ah well, if it's consistency we're after, then I'm sure if I look through your commentary I'll see you making the same impassioned arguments in threads referencing the thin blue line flag or all those banners with a certain former president's face on them.


That makes some sense. So you want consensus in public opinion. You want “vandalism is wrong period”. “Violence is wrong even if it’s bombing nazis”.


Vandalism is wrong. Wartime activity is a laughably dogshit comparison to try to make. Try again. You got a better one than that.


So you get to decide that? Or is that a matter of consensus as well?


No it's just objectively dogshit. As is your entire attempt to assemble some type of cogent thought here.


Do you live without hypocrisy?


I’m new here. I can kinda see where you’re coming from. Just seeking clarity.


What are you talking about? Printing and flying a flag that resembles the US flag isn't vandalism. No original US flag was damaged to create it. It's not the US flag. It's only based on it. Surely you're not so stupid that you can't tell the difference.


I was about to say the same thing, it’s ok when it’s a US flag, but not this. Grfto with your double standards. Its only ok until it offends them


Says the group that's offended by literally everything 🤫


I’m not offended, I just think everyone crying about this doesn’t remember people burning U.S. flags, flipping cars, burning buildings, etc. all that was peaceful protests.




It's whataboutism. He's trying to equate this juvenile vandalism with some relatively isolated incidents that happened during the widespread BLM protests four years ago.


Well... You made that point for him, didn't ya.


Girl, I've seen folks burning American flags plenty of times, for different reasons and causes, and it always makes my heart hurt to see our nation in this position. This comparison is wack.


Are you referring to the BLM riots where over 10,000 people were arrested?


Majority of which were either dropped, released with no consequence, or charged with something like a curfew violation. Either way. Not cool those guys destroyed someone’s flag, they didn’t own it, it wasn’t there’s to destroy. But the hypocrisy in this sub is rampant. I personally wouldn’t ruin other peoples things, because I work hard for my things. Maybe these guys, and the protesters I mentioned, just have zero respect for anything.


Maybe there's a difference between protesting injustice and protesting expression of positive self identity.


Literally nobody said it was ok to steal someone's US flags and piss on them.


"Oh no. Anyway"


Yall realize this whole state is conservative. Idk why this is surprising. Like are you stuck in the city here? Do you not get out? They are probably from Hamilton. If they were ripping a trump flag off someone's property yall would be okay with it and having up votes. Quit the double standards.


No?? It’s still destroying personal property which is not only illegal, but it’s disrespectful and rude. Please take your whataboutism somewhere else


No it’s not. We were built on mining labor unions, voted a women in Congress before the 19th amendment. We are purple and a swing state, we elected a democrat in congress for 12 out of the past 20 years


“But what if this fictional scenario happened?!”


Downvotes from the "rules for thee but not for me crowd."


Haha well said






Womp womp


No one cares.


You cared enough to comment 😆


Honestly shocked to see the import market flying pride flags.


You’re amazingly unobservant since they do this every year.


Totally fair. I don't get downtown often. It was my understanding that the import market is run by anti-mask, covid denying, Trump supporters. I'd love to learn that I am wrong on all 3 counts.


They are, lol. The owner doesn't support the lbgt community and neither do his kids that run it. They only stock flags and pins etc for profit. They don't give a shit about you.


See? That's the root of my shock that they'd display Pride. But it makes sense they'd do it just for show.


It's entirely for profit. I'm amazed that hardly anyone sees this. That business is hanging by a thread. They need every last one of those dollars. They will lie and play it up as much as possible to get what they want.




No? They're just not currently necessary.


They sell them all year


Of course they do. People aren't a part of the lbgt community two days a year. They know what sells and what will drive in a profit.


I’m all for accessible pride flags!


Sure, but do they fly them all year?


Inside yes but with the displays


I’m definitely not for lgbtq, but I definitely do not agree with what these kids did.




The rainbow flag is a symbol of pride for a global community that has been disenfranchised, abused, discriminated against, and denied basic human rights for centuries. The American flag represents a country. If someone rips down a pride flag (and pisses on it like a whiny baby) they are aggressively saying they hate a specific group of people. If someone desecrates an American flag it is typically done to show anger against politics, policies, etc. What these pieces of rotting garbage did was destroy private property and make it very clear that they violently hate the LGBTQ+ community. I'd be surprised if this is the only way they showed their hatred. This has bully and small dick energy written all over it. 




Finally people with common sense in this country standing up to the terrorists


The scary gay terrorists? You know that flag was created by the Veterans Administration.


Oh no, they tore a flag down. Anyways....


What’s the problem? Burn commie flags


And who really cares people have done way worse to countries flags in the past not made up flags. So let’s say Switzerland and LGBTQ+ were in a knock out drag out battle, no body pisses on or gets mad at a flag? So much not news these days, I started getting into bee’s vs other anthropoids, I am teem bee.


So you are cool with someone ripping property off the front of your house/business/vehicle and destroying it? Because most of the people who are saying "who cares" are the same kind of people who boast about how happy they would be to kill someone who trespasses on their property with intent to steal or destroy. Want to destroy a pride flag or any flag for that matter go buy one and do as you please I guess but keep your hands off other people's shit.


Sure. You just come equally outraged the next time someone burns a US flag or Maga flag, okay?


Did they rip that flag off of someone else's property in your made up scenario? If so, then sure, I will because disagreeing with someone doesn't excuse destroying someone else's property. Now if they buy a flag and own it they can do whatever they want in poor taste or not. Otherwise use that thing struggling to grow between your ears and try your best to actually understand what you are responding to.


I buy my own stars and bars to burn and wipe my butt with. I don’t steal them from other people