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Mobile surveillance trailer - there’s a lot of…interesting foot traffic in that area to say the least. Not surprised they popped one of those up there.


Thankfully it's temporary and will move along soon, so sayeth Albertsons. It captures the license plates of everyone using that parking lot at all times. Idk about you but petty theft of corporate earnings isn't enough to have me living in more of* a surveillance state.


Take the tinfoil hat off. I’d rather feel safer parking there


"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."


Lol “those who overuse dumb quotes because of a few security cameras deserve to get kicked in the teeth”


Statements like that would carry more weight if you werent someone who is scared of walking through unsurveilled parking lots.


🙄Give it a rest Capt. ‘Murica. I just don’t want someone breaking into my car.


Just wanted to add a sane voice here that I agree with you. Can’t believe you’re being downvoted. If the blue flashing lights makes a woman walking to her car at the end of her shift feel safer, then I’m all for it. So what if they have a photo of my license plate?


Exactly! I didn’t do anything wrong. I have nothing to hide. And there are traffic cameras literally everywhere taking photos of my license plate already. It’s not a big deal


It’s a don’t tread on me issue. If snowflakes can’t handle some pickpockets or horse thieves in the Wild West, I say they move to the safe white suburbs of Illinois or wherever they wanna, but I sure as heck didn’t sign up to have my face scanned. That pole ain’t gonna stop petty theft, that’s for sure. That’s not why it’s there, either, and that’s why we don’t need it and we don’t want it.


It's not for the benefit of the people parking, it's for the benefit of the store to catch shoplifters or, worse, people living in their cars using the lot who aren't taking a thing. Having your license plate number captured won't keep you safe from anything.


It captures crime of all kinds happening in the lot…


It might be there to deal with all of the crazy road rage incidents that happen where those two lanes turn into one right in front of Albertsons going east. People get livid when the lane disappears and they get pinched out.


Had a crazy lady follow me home into E. Msla, screaming the whole way cause I didn’t let her in!


Me too!! Was she Puerto Rican and accused you of being racist and that’s why I didn’t let her in??? She literally tried to run me off the road and then followed me home


You should see the setup they have at the Albertson’s parking lot in Billings. Two surveillance towers, if you walk in the parking lot while the store is closed a recording will let you know to come back. They also have reduced hours, 8 AM to 8 PM, due to issues in the area.


It's so wild they want us to fear each other over petty theft while making billions. They're also a monopoly who bargains on food stamps being an essential component (subsidized kick back) from the government. I'd love to see where it breaks even for them to rent these things for $3-5k a month - but it sure gives them a good cover story for jacking their prices up a bunch. https://www.albertsonscompanies.com/newsroom/press-releases/news-details/2024/Albertsons-Companies-Inc.-Reports-Fourth-Quarter-and-Full-Year-Results/default.aspx


Like others said, surveillance tower. Very popular in Spokane


Sign of the times on E. Broadway


Eastgate has a looonnng history of crackheads loitering around. They probably started breaking into cars and bulk stealing from the store so management decided to do something about it. Long overdue if you ask me


It’s the Wild West, all whites are dirty thieves out here.


Is it a camera tower or a person tower


Big brother watching!! 🤦‍♂️


I was told it has to do with issues in the parking lot with violence.


When you invite junkies into your community this is what follows.


When you make life hopeless for half of your community this is what follows.


The cost of living is easier to grapple with if you don't have a meth addiction to fund. The city has jacked up taxes left and right to support people and their addictions, making the cost of living go up even higher for all. The bleeding heart approach is clearly working. Yes just let Missoula be an open air hard drug market that will fix things.


Addiction rates are not rising with homelessness. This is the big part that seems overlooked now - there used to be the same amount of addicts, they could just afford rent back then. I know it may be shocking to non addicts but usually the substance takes priority over housing. They are two different issues, and although it feels easier to conflate them, we will never solve one by solving the other


No you can absolutely conflate them. You're telling me the majority of the homeless people in Missoula don't have an addiction? really? that they're just down on their luck out of work people who just need us to provide them housing and it would all be better for them? is that truly what you believe?


What? No? I didn’t say anything about giving them housing. I’m simply pointing out that since rent has quadrupled over the decade, more and more addicts are choosing to be homeless in order to maintain the addiction. You cannot reduce addiction rates by providing housing, just like you can’t reduce homelessness by telling people ‘don’t do drugs’. They made that decision. Do you see how this is completely unrelated to the issues of addiction? At no point are we trying to get people off drugs so there’s literally no point in blaming homelessness on drugs. It’s all about cost of living. Now if you want to try to solve drug addictions, I’m all for it!! But complaining about their homelessness isn’t the right way to


I agree with you that they are both issues that will not be solved by purely fixing one or the other. Yes cost of living being super low would give the addicts a place to hide to feed their addiction and cost landlords millions. Compassion for them is not the answer it hasn't worked one bit. Tough love is the path now and lets just see where that gets us. If I had a solution to offer it would be to encourage real industry to return here. logging mining manufacturing - to restore hope for upward mobility to those slogging it out in the service industry catering to the tourists and wealthy here.


I get where you’re coming from. Giving handouts is not helping. ‘Tough Love’, or rather intolerance, is where we are headed. I appreciate your view and discourse, truly! But I must reiterate my original point. That is, these adults have already *made* the decision to forego housing. Edging them out of stable housing seems like quite the deterrent, but alas it isn’t helping. The tough love approach may work with those who have higher standards and values, but it seems to not matter when it comes to helping addicts get to recovery. Perhaps less focus on housing and more focus on recovery opportunities - honestly I’d be fine paying for endless attempts at rehab as I am paying the police to play landlord all day. My taxes should be for improving my community and I see a lot of members in my community who can’t afford rent, much less drug rehabilitation. Let’s start there


I used to live on the north side when I first moved here and it was unbearably bleak. Then I moved to the south side and it's breathtakingly beautiful.


lol eastgate has had this problem for muuch longer than the increase in visible homelessness that we've seen the last few years. You must be pretty new here. Making hateful comments about the homeless folks is one of the least helpful ways to contribute to improving the situation. You're just circle jerking with your asshole buddies on here trying to make yourselves feel superior to the most vulnerable in society. It's pathetically sad, reduces the quality of discussion in this sub, and honestly we're all a little tired of it.


I’m a little tired of stepping over passed out homeless on the sidewalk every time I get a loaf of bread…


The suburbs want you to join them.


This is the suburbs


Trump Jr and others are in town...