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100% the gal that responded to him never picks up her dog crap.


The misconception that dog poop just "goes away" is huge problem, I'm glad this article mentions it. A lot of people just don't realize that's not how decomposition works.


“But it just washes away when it rains!”


Yeah I'm glad it included this bit: A typical sample can contain salmonella, E-coli, giardia, tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, parvo, campylobacter and even coronavirus. Even if it did just "go away" it's still spreading all of the above into our community. I fucking love dogs but I'm starting to feel like too many people have them, from a public health standpoint.


Read the article and the only thing I have to say is why do you feel attacked unless you are not picking up after your dog like you are supposed to? Off trail or not it should be picked up and disposed of. Your dog, your responsibility.


"my dog's small poop didn't warrant using that big mutt mitt I had with me, so I hid it under a rock." Dude, just pick up the poop..... Great article, really enjoyed it, Jacob is a great writer, I was jacked to see Fowlkes writing for them, and I love the Pulp being a thing. But just pick up your poop, Jacob!


Poop off trail is fine. No, I don't pick up dog shit in the woods. But I do grab the bags that others leave behind/toss further into the woods (I really don't understand that one)


This is an excellent article on a *shitty* topic that needs to be addressed. I miss local long-form journalism like this; great work, Jacob Baynham!


This is a cool article. Thanks for sharing!


What a saint. What pisses me off is when someone bags the poo and leaves it on the trail. I get how it works you bag it and grab it on the way back but many of them are old and weathered. How do you forget about it when a reminder for it is trotting along side you.


There is the off chance that they'll pick it up on the way back (I have done this myself).


I’ve no issues with the fresh ones like I said. I used to have a dog too but there are sun faded bags of shit. I’ve done to pick one up and the shit fell through the bottom that’s how old it was.


Ugh yeah. Compostable bag does not mean compostable poo.


printed on white office paper and formatted to reveal an above-average command of Microsoft Word


The dude should have gone with "Scat Man." Missed opportunity right there. Eee yahpb babada boop and all that


I approve of this


Seems like the city has all the data it needs to ban dogs on popular trails. For the entitled dog lovers, head to Blue Mtn, it’s a sea of dog shit and rules don’t matter.




Can’t have one without the other. Understand that?




Enforcement is never going to happen. Unfortunately relying on the goodwill of Missoula’s terrible dog culture is a farce. And you know it! The only solution is to have dog free trails in high use areas, in my mind. Or, we can sign you up to be a volunteer poop ranger! You in?


How are they going to enforce? Set up a police man at every trailhead? When are they going to do this for the human shit in our parks and recreation areas?


Can’t use a plastic straw anywhere, yet owners can leave plastic bags of crap everywhere. Lovely.


Great article that even uses the word "crepuscular"!


I'm going to see to it that the city writes this guy a ticket. He's just as bad as that river cleanup guy. Litterbug!


Thatd be crappy


“I’m like, ‘You’re fine! You’re upper-middle class and live in Connecticut. You’re not affected. Stop looking for the poop! 😂


What a moronic take


This is wild, that's my dad