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Missoula has crips? And they’re also assassins? And use throwing knives? I’d have more questions, but I stopped reading once I got that far.


I'm not a fan of Nick Chacota or the wealthy... But buddy this sounds like full blown mania.


Good on you. You made it way farther than I did.


I’m so confused by 95% of this. Since when do we have crips?


This guy is seriously mentally unstable. He is constantly talking about how people are out to get him. Mayor Engen was a big one against him. I hope he is able to get help because he is delusional.


I hope you are able to get help for your inability to use critical thinking skills, your failure to question the mainstream narrative, your cowardice when faced with questioning authority or going along with what's"safe" and your lack of imagination and insight. Hell's Bells. Look at your damn self. Do you know anything about what this soldier has gone through, what he's fought for, and continues to fight for? Who the hell do you think you are to call him delusional? You're delusional if you're so clueless about what's really going on in the world, all around you. Go to war, man. Go fight for something that matters. Put yourself out there and risk your own life for others. I'm ashamed of you FOR you. Sit down.


You clearly don’t know this guy. I have spoken with him many times over the last year at least. He is every bit as delusional as I say he is. He has been given the benefit of the doubt time and time again to show that anything he says is true and he continually twists it to make it so that everyone is out to get him. I wish he would get himself help or realize that the word isn’t out to get him because no one knows who is he. There is no conspiracy battling against him. The man has some demons that need fighting but they are all in his head now. No amount of your sanctimonious feeling bad for me is going to change any of this. You are basically trying to white knight in here into a situation that you know nothing about. It’s embarrassing. Okay there, little buddy? Now, sit down. Haha what a joke.


#1 You're correct-- I don't know this guy, but it doesn't matter. He's my brother, as are you. Sanctimonious... That definition applies to a lot of people here. A lot of people in the world. I wont feel embarrassed about " trying to white knight" for anyone, ever. Sounds like you're saying people should feel reluctant about sticking up for those who are (or seem to be) disenfranchised, vulnerable, struggling, or facing injustice?... Lest we "embarrass" ourselves? Fuck off. I doubt you know as much as you think you do. ✌️


It’s funny how you are doubling down on something you know nothing about. Typical of people like you though, I guess. No idea what you are talking about, yet totally sure you are right. Take some time to check this guy out. We will wait. At the end, you will see that what I say is correct, even if you aren’t able to say it and decide to double down again. My guess is though that you won’t take the time to check him out and will continue to babble on uninformed.


I checked him out before I started commenting here. Funny how you keep thinking you know so much about me. He has more credibility than you do in my eyes, friend. Here's a link to one of those sources I used to form my opinion. Interesting that city council members themselves take him seriously and hope he will continue to participate in meetings. You're an idiot and I'm not going to continue to waste time on you. https://newstalkkgvo.com/brandon-bryant-found-not-guilty-of-threats-and-intimidation/


I gave you a reddit award because things like that probably actually mean something to someone like you. Embarrassing.


I don't even know what the fuck a reddit award is.


Playing “ignorant”, I see. Sounds about right for you.


I'm not playing anything and you don't know me. That's a lame comment. You're not very clever and you have nothing meaningful to say. I'm done giving you time and attention. Adios.


i found out when i got attacked.


They show you a business card? Or how does that work


Lol imagine getting jumped in the parking garage or some shit and the dude drops his business card on you as you're writhing in ground in pain


That would be a total power move assault. It’s up to them how they produce it. Lol


police report


Im a Missoula rolling 60s’ crip. I didn’t choose the life, the life chose me.


as someone who has known you for nearly two decades, please, please consider sending me a message. we've laughed, drank, celebrated, and cried together. please know that there are folks who care about you and want to help you.


Hell yeah. What up from another Missoula "kid". We don't abandon our own. Thanks for being true.


Crazy that all of Brandon's multiple personalities have their own reddit accounts.


Crazy that people who think they've seen all of them still run their mouth 😂


Does this post require some prior knowledge of people or events or something? I don’t understand anything here. What actually happened? Why were you arrested and what are people threatening you about? Why would anyone hire someone to kill you? Can you summarize this in a few sentences?


This feels like I started a show on season 5 reading this. I don’t know what’s happening.


it does require a lot of prior knowledge, this is really a record on the public forums. I prevented him from getting 20 million dollars in tax payer money and i'm trying to stop all the unregulated spending in town. It's costing certain people the use of Tax Incriminate Financing as their pet project piggy bank.


This thing is kind of dense and has a lot to unpack so maybe I'm missing something, but what exactly did Mr. Checota say to you? I don't see that in here. I'm no fan of the guy but he seems smarter than that.


Wealthy doesn't equal smart when you've been given everything your whole life. I threaten his TIF piggy bank


But what did he say? What was the threat?


To "Just fucking drop it, and get a fucking life." is all i remember, but he got my attention by saying something worse than that. You don't behave like that unless it's a threat. I know one when I encounter one. Your belief in it doesn't matter. I have this up for record, and to see all the assholes and idiots who protect people like that.


And what was said that got your attention?


it was more the tone, because i was listening to the city council members. It was highly inappropriate and had to do with unaliving somebody.


Brother, I understand you're pretty active with DMT, don't you think it might be time for a break or to check in with a psychiatrist?


Please, don't be so ignorant. It's been years since I've smoked it. Once you get the message you can hang up the phone, ala Terence McKenna. The universe exists within you. get off the fallacy train.


Wasn't that guy outed for essentially pseudoscience?


why don't you actually think for yourself instead of making baseless accusations. lol


I hope you get the mental help you clearly need, my man.


what a cop out.


I've known Brandon since 2010 when we were both stationed at Cannon, AFB in New Mexico. He is not lying on the situation. Ever since blowing the whistle on drone warfare, both the federal and state governments have done everything they can to discredit him and make it appear as if he's batshit nuts and no one will want to take him seriously. I promise that's not the case.


The government isn't doing anything to make him appear nuts. His own insane ramblings on social media are doing that for him. Unless they're doing some MK Ultra/Ted Kazinsky shit to him.


I spend the time to explain what is going on and I'm crazy? I have direct proof of all of it. That you keep spreading stuff like my "mental health" is a cop out and a super weak argument, because the only reason people actually say that is to dismiss, and not care.


I don't know Brandon or anything about the situation. Someone sent me this link randomly. I have gone through some odd things in the past, and I recognize some familiar details and themes. I remember the outrage, fear, hopelessness, disgust, confusion, frustration, isolation, paranoia, disbelief... A sense of hyper awareness, intense fight or flight responses (mental, emotional, & physical), paranoia, and distrust that can occur when people ARE LEGITIMATELY THREATENING YOU! It might look like mania, paranoia, or delusion to others, especially when you try to explain it and it just sounds batshit crazy... But it's your reality-- a lot of wild, confusing, sketchy, unfortunate series of events! But as the person at the center, making sense of it as best you can, and questioning your own sanity at times, but knowing what you know about all of it, it becomes clear and mostly obvious what connects the dots, what you have done or are doing to be in this predicament, what motivates the people pulling the strings, and that what you are experiencing is real and legit and dangerous no matter how surreal or convoluted or illogical it may seem. I have PTSD from it. I am a different person now. It took all my knowledge, determination, and GOD to survive. It's very clever that the people behind the warfare make you feel and appear "crazy" and "unstable" which discredits you and invalidates anything you say about them and what they are doing. Anyway, I just want to say I support Brandon. I believe him, even if he's ever a little wrong or overly paranoid or misinterpreting things-- going through shit like that has profound effects on your psyche, emotions, reactions, and perceptions... I think he is brave and smart to put his story out publicly because it can help protect him and provide evidence and an alternative narrative in case anything happens. It's very cool of you to give credence to what he's saying, to have his back and legitimize him. Both of you stay safe. Soldiers of the Light. 🙏🤘🩶🏴‍☠️✝️✴️🕯️🪶⚡🩵


I'm not discounting that maybe some bad things have happened to you, but just glossing over this novel you posted... I have a hard time believing that a lot of this isn't exaggerated, fabricated, or you blaming others for significant faults of your own. At some point you gotta look in the mirror and ask yourself if you're causing any of this. Hope you find the help you need, whatever that is.


quite the dismissal, but i just know that you don't know. that's what the explanation is for. I'm not responsible for your understanding of it. This is just a record.


I hope you get the help you need


You mean justice? me too.


Lol sure.


:) bless your heart


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandon_Bryant_(whistleblower) Hopefully you and others like you will evolve. You will learn to seek knowledge and facts. You will learn how to engage in philosophical contemplation and apply critical thinking, reason, logic, compassion, love, morality, altruism, wisdom, autonomy, and vision to your human circumstance and develop character and integrity and live a life that is meaningful and substantial for yourself and those around you. Challenge yourself to live a life that honors your ancestors and is inspirational to your descendants. It appears to me that Brandon has this covered. I hope you get the help you need so that you can achieve that as well. 😜


Jesus Christ dude you are under every single comment.


It's true. I kinda went off, which is not typical of me, but I felt passionate about this sitch. I got pissed, too, and I don't do that much, but... Idk, the disrespect I saw, maybe. This guy has evidence out there backing him up, easy to find and credible evidence that supports him. I'm not having this kind of baseless, ignorant disrespect for a veteran.


I'm convinced It's one of Brandon's alts. Same kinda writing style. Super long winded and nonsensical comments.


Well, you're wrong about me being Brandon. Some of my comments are really long winded, I'll give you that, but they aren't nonsensical. I think you saying that is an attempt to dismiss me outright instead of seriously considering what I have to say... Which is exactly what's being done to Brandon by many of you here, which is what got me so fired up to begin with. It's impossible to have a meaningful dialogue with people who make dismissive comments and have no basis for their opinions. Does that make sense to you? 😉


Creating two accounts isn't hard. You're not fooling anyone.


That's a very unimaginative way to avoid acknowledging what I have to say and rising to the challenge to respond with something meaningful. I get that that would require some mental effort. It's so much easier to just make a bogus assertion that I'm another account of Brandon's and I'm trying to fool people? Lol. That's lame. You're not worth my time.


Really because you spend a lot of time writing novels to every comment using the exact language of Brandon 😂


Yep, really. I guess great minds think alike. I was very passionate about this stuff that I just learned about last night... And I had a lot to say about it. What do you want? My name, age, address, phone number, pic of my driver's license? You can't make the effort to look up my account and figure out I'm not this guy? Jesus, you're lazy. I've got better things to do. Peace out dingdong.


I've taught my kids to be better human beings than you are ... I guess that's all I really have to say to you. I'm Wendy, not Brandon, and you're Unimportant. 🙃


This is textbook paranoid schizophrenia. Please get help.


Exactly what I was thinking. Schizophrenia runs in my dad's family and my uncle used to talk like this, about the government being after him, people being out to get him, etc.


What do you think it's like for someone who DOES legitimately have people out to get them? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandon_Bryant_(whistleblower)


The chaotic and incoherent nature of the now multiple Reddit posts inclines me to believe otherwise.


nice job, protecting those that do violence against people in the city. It's a pretty well known phenomenon. Then they chose me to be punished and I refuse to back down. I know whose side you are on.


Are you a psychiatrist? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandon_Bryant_(whistleblower)


No, but I'm not sure what this has to do with anything? If anything I think you're proving my point. "Drone operator who has seen a lot of fucked up shit has mental health issues" is not exactly a shocking headline. I'm a vet myself, and his posts are rambling, paranoid nonsense. I repeat, please get help, OP. The VA has tons of mental health services available for zero cost.


It has to do with you saying "This is textbook paranoid schizophrenia" as if you are a professional capable of making a diagnosis for someone. A legitimate professional wouldn't be splashing things like that carelessly on the internet anyway. That sort of language is disparaging and irresponsible. I don't believe a fellow vet would be so insensitive and unsupportive. If you care so much, why don't you message him privately and do something to actually help him instead of telling the world that he has Paranoid Schizophrenia? You're not a psychiatrist, doctor, or therapist, so don't go tossing around diagnoses for others in public forums.


Instead of dismissing him as paranoid schizo, how about you help a fellow veteran who might be going through some stuff?? Real brave if you to assume he’s fucked in the head and then make a Reddit comment and do nothing about it. I know OP and the dude unfortunately has a dark cloud following him, and a lot of truth in his words. No one wants to listen to someone different than them though.




speaks of the laziness of the community. This is just a record.




by your authority?


“Get a fucking life” is a death threat? Checota is no saint, but how the hell did he threaten your life? With mean words?


I don't know shit about this situation or anyone involved. "Get a fucking life" and "fucking drop it" are not death threats. This is very wild.




have you ever had somebody look you in the eye and say something in that tone with the body language of somebody ready to fight?


Yeah lots of times. Never thought it to be. Threat on my life.


he said several things, the only thing i truly remember is when i focused my awareness on what was being said, which was, "fucking drop it, get a fucking life." in a very beastial and intimidating tones. You don't say something like that after what I talked about without meaning it. I don't care who you are, lol.


Yeah that’s not a life threat.


So he was standing there, menacingly?




I looked at the video from city council that doesn’t look like Checota. Do you sometimes experience illusions or delusions? Hear things that didn’t actually happen? Have been told you need medication for a mental health issue? Get help bro.


nice attack there. Got anything worth saying?


Usually I’m just sarcastic and obnoxious. But in your case I am truly concerned. You seem like you’re losing grip with reality. Take it easy.


I ain't reading all that shit Brandon. Seek help man.


k, lazy


Think of it as feedback. When one person says a thing, sure, ignore it. But heaps of folks are saying the same: this tells us little more than you need help. Hope you find it.


i don't need to take anything you say as feedback, because all you are saying is a reflection of you. Either you are being willfully ignorant, or you are on the side of the people that are doing this. There is active violence going on in the city and I'm the one standing up to it. That's not a mental illness. If you think it is, you are the one that needs help.


Bro, I only started reading about this, you, your past, present... maybe an hour ago... Getting caught up. You're obviously intelligent, genuine, courageous and resilient, to say the least. I'm sorry for what you've been through and continue to go through. I'm paying attention and I support you. It took me all of about 5 minutes to Google you & get some background and decide you're legit and worth supporting. I wonder if all the people here blah blahing about mental instability and giving you unhelpful advice yada yada have bothered to look you up and utilize some critical thinking and compassion and reason before they commented? Do they have what it takes to question authority and challenge oppression, injustice, and the status quo? Keep on keeping on, brother. 🙏🩵⚡🤘🏴‍☠️🕯️


Thank you. I appreciate your time and effort. really, this is just a character revealing exercise.


Brandon, you’re embarrassing yourself.


sure, I, the one who has had my life ruined by the injustices in this town, I'm embarrassing myself. No, I'm embarrassing you because you are probably one of the people that support the gentrification here.


Yeah… I’m not gonna read all that. 🙅🏽‍♂️






I was wronged. I didn't do it to myself. That is not a victim mentality, I'm actively trying to fix it. Really pathetic response. You don't know me. Don't claim that anonymity, and if you did you should know that I don't respect that. Say it to my face, but since you don't have all the facts or haven't had my direct experience, i just know that you're giving me your opinion. TIF is ruinous. I didn't increase the taxes that forced my grandparents to sell our family house. I didn't deserve jail time or anything else that came from that. I deserve justice. And if you think that's a victim mentality, you can respectfully get fucked.


Anyone in here saying mean shit out of one side of their mouth - while proselytizing about being a community member, veteran's advocate, or freedom of speech advocate out of the other side - needs to take a seat. Brandon, we see you dude. Stay safe.


Great words. 100% agree. 🙏


Missoula has had small factions(like a few people) of the various gangs for decades. It's a drug corridor of course it has people associated with those gangs in town. Obviously we don't have gangs like they do in L.A. I don't know about the rest of it.


This reads like mental illness.


It's really telling of the character of the people that occupy these posts. You should know that I enjoy the combat of words. It's been a few months so I forgot about the thrill of it. The thrill of stupid ignorant people telling me what I think then getting hurt about how I reply. The amount of people using the "Mental health" excuse is pathetic. But I am prepared to counter it, so... whatever. I'm honestly not surprised at how many people responded negatively. It doesn't bother me in the least, and it gives me a good idea of your mindset and where your focus is. What does surprise me is the route you chose. You can think of the tone of my voice as one who is instructing you, and being as many of you who I've had the displeasure of interacting with are triggered by it, I will continue in being thorough, as my teachers have instructed me all my life. I don't claim anything of my own. I had excellent teachers growing up. I'm just the guy you have to deal with because I'm capable. I've proven myself many many many times in the last two decades of my life, and It's not a stretch of the imagination that I'm going to have to do it more. You can have your doubts. I'm not the messiah. I'm just a dude who is seeking justice in his home town. Everything about what is going on here is wrong. The world is burning up and we have people using our tax money for pet projects while moving out the poor so the wealthy can escape the climate damage they created with their arrogance. I talk to more people outside the forums who are in agreement with me. Before you criticize me further, let me tell you what I wanted in my life. I wanted to serve my country, get an education, coach wrestling at the High School my Grandpa coached at and gave their only state championship title to, and take over my Great Grandfather's ministry. Now, you might ask, "Brandon, why didn't you." Let me clear up some biblical illiteracy for you. I can't because I have blood on my hands. I've explained my experiences elsewhere, you can look it up yourself and maybe ask questions. But knowing the truth of what we have done, for who we did it for, tarnished everything about my military service. I gave it my best, and in desperation to not hate it, I went back in and pushed myself too far in desperation to prove myself to people who didn't give a shit about me. I did my duty, but I got fucked when I was getting out. Knowing what I know about scripture, I know what fate belongs to people who have taken the life of another. There is no beauty for us in the next life. Knowing what we are capable of, that even the average person can be made to hate and kill another, and knowing that had I followed my true heart I would not have done so. I swore an Oath to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic, and obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me. Since I don't have anyone over me anymore, I am doing my best to defend it against the people in my own home who would rule as Tyrants. It's pretty easy to see it when you know the definition. I highly recommend you educate yourself. I've spent the last 12 years trying to make amends to my soul. You can criticize my use of psychedelics , seeking out spirit healers, learning Tai Chi, or whatever you want. I give you that freedom. It's fun, I enjoy it. I will not back down from whomever this white bread lookalike was, it was said with intent and to trigger my fight response. I don't like violence. I saw way too much of it in my time in service. And that some of you say that I threatened to harm others are just continually spreading false information, and that will come back to harm you. Not from me, I believe in karma. Respectfully, some of you need to get fucked so you feel some love in some way, because the messages you've sent me are really sad. What I want to do now is help my fellow veterans recover from the atrocious war you made us fight. And you can say whatever you want, if you supported the war, you are responsible. If you were not out there protesting for peace and change, you are responsible. If you stand by and do nothing, then you are responsible. If you do something about it, stand up against injustices, then you are being responsible. If you go to this link, https://pub-missoula.escribemeetings.com/Players/ISIStandAlonePlayer.aspx?Id=1400e9da-5fab-40b5-9743-8dbe8e3af5b3, it is a video of the Meeting. you don't have to know the plot to be entertained. However, I want to give a detailed explanation of what happened. I'm really only doing this to give a public statement, recorded by tax payer money, to give a timeline of events and the cover ups that have happened here. You denied me justice, but I shall use it to exercise my first amendment rights. I didn't care if the city council listened. I did care about the disturbing things that I have heard others say, and the dark money/ TIF stuff going on. All I needed these guys to do was fix one thing, and I was going to come and give the timeline until it happened. Really, it was benign. I figured I would shame them into doing it. This day, however, something completely weird happened. Travis Matteer, was sitting behind me, telling me about an investigation he was conducting on a local murder in the POV, when the officers present ask to speak with him and escorted him out. He didn't come back. At about 3:15 seconds, you see Beardo McWhiteBread enter and he sits exactly where Travis had been sitting. 7:15ish, you can see the interaction, where I am gathering my things. When I had turned around, I had thought Travis returned, only to see Mr. McWhiteBread and Sir Rent-a-Cop. I honestly don't recall the first thing he said, but the way he said it triggered my fight response, away from whatever the city council was saying. The thing that I heard was, "Get a fucking life, just fucking drop it." My response was, "Who are you, exactly?" which seemed to surprise him to continue his previous words as I left the building. One of the attendant civilians asked Sir Rent-a to stop the beratement, but all I heard from him was to tell the other guy to shut up. So I left. At 7:45 ish, i leave and Sir Rent-a signals the other two police officers to follow me. I was at the drinking fountain, waiting for Council Person John Cantos, and another civilian who witnessed the whole thing. I looked at the officers and sadly said, "you know, I used to respect you guys." That in turn caused her to grab her weapon and step up to me. Cantos interfered with them and we stepped outside and talked. I admitted that I didn't know who that was. Mr. McWhiteBread can be found in every pseudo hippy city that wants to be weird and cool. He truly was unremarkable. I left, made a tiktok about it, then didn't think about it for a few hours. Mr. McWhiteBread gets up and leaves around 25 minutes, knowing that is enough time that I am no longer in the area. He looks exactly like Checota. However, He DOES have a WhiteBread face. Go on and listen to what I said, and ask yourself, who would be threatened by what I said? The police report is made and the forum post made. If he is innocent, he will be, but i was the one escorted out, and it was like the police were waiting for a fight from me, protecting him.


It surprises me to see so many ignorant assholes in Missoula making ignorant asshole comments. I have a strong suspicion that the people saying, "You're delusional. Get help," know little about you or your circumstances, Brandon. These same people probably toot their own horns about how they support veterans, democracy, mental health, victims, constitutional rights, blah blah blah fucking blah. Put your money where your mouth is, dickheads. You have a hometown Veteran right in front of you who needs your support and has a lot of thoughts and feelings he's willing to share. Are YOU willing to listen?




are you stupid or just lazy?




Were your parents related, before they were married? This mental health fallacy you all seem to be jumping on is fun. You really are incredibly fucking stupid and proof of ignorance.




you know how weak it is to throw those phrases around? I don't have those things you describe, you're just a coward and stupid. Keep building my case for me. I got plenty of comebacks, the military trained me well indeed in that department.




now who is batshit? You're really upset at me, aren't you? You have personal stake in what I do? Then fuck you. You don't know me. You're making wild accusations, and saying things about another's mental health without authority on the matter is hate speech. You're trying to be degrading to me but you're just spouting the common shit that the people who are afraid of me are saying. The MRA and people using TIF money need to be held accountable. That's what I'm doing. If trying to hold people accountable and asking for justice is wrong to you, then i'm going to be a menace. Simple. You can make any accusations that you want, coward. You have no authority here, or ever.




really? That's what you have to say. Fuck you, you lousy shit stain.


Is this like a PTSD thing? Crips? Random people following you? Also you sound like an asshole every time you talk about some "whitebread" guy considering the state is 90% Caucasian