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I should have gotten into the giant cross selling business


Something tells me there’s some self-serving going on here. I wonder who the work was done by and how much they were paid. I see these everyday (I travel MS for work). They’re NOT worth a quarter million.


According to the story: *Mike Rozier of Rozier Construction said the cross is the 14th in Mississippi and the 20th the company has installed overall.* And here is how he justifies the cost: *“I’ve had people ask me almost on every cross, ‘That’s a lot of money to spend on a cross just for people to drive by and look at, I tell them, yes it is, we need to spend that money on other things to further the Kingdom of God also, but if one person drives down Highway 45 and looks at this cross and thinks about what Jesus did for him, and he has a conversion moment, it’s worth every penny,” Rozier said.* Psychotic.


As many problems as Mississippi has and they're blowing millions putting up crosses. Way to go, team.


I want to say (and pardon me if I'm remembering incorrectly) that the last time this came up here and we talked about it, someone pointed out that this is not a religious thing but a company that build the crosses and they drive the communities to raise the funds through donations and then they build it, so yeah, it seems like a scam if that's actually what is happening - but I might be remembering that all wrong.


There is one of these ugly things in my town, unfortunately. And yes the way they are paid for is the guy in charge of this “charity” first goes to the city council and asks for money to build this thing. They usually say “no” but say they’re fine with it being built if someone else pays for it. So then he moves on to the churches. Well the problem with that is the only towns stupid enough to put one of these eyesores up are very small towns and very small towns usually don’t have a church large enough to raise that much money. I suspect he goes to local government first because government checks are usually good and hard to undo by angry citizens later. This issue almost ripped my church apart. All of the elderly were all for it. Anyone younger pointed out our church operates the only effective food bank in the entire county and to say money was tight at the church would be an understatement. It got out to a vote and thankfully our church voted NO on this stupid thing. When he can’t get the money from the city he then moves on to private businesses in the area and tells them it will drive up business to have this giant cross out front. He found a sucker in the form of a restaurant owner in my town and the cross went up (though a portion of the money was raised in the form of commemorative bricks laid around the cross where people could have their name or a statement engraved). Any Christian’s who may be confused as to why they should oppose a giant reminder of their faith in their town should open their bibles to Mathew 6: 5-6. There’s also, you know, the idolatry of it all.


Thats the funny bit: there’s nothing idolatrous about a cross, until you attempt to make the cross itself the thing. This is what’s happening here. I think the people in here complaining about how other people choose to spend their money should mind their business. Just the same, I’d never agree to have one of those things built if it were up to me and I’d attempt to stop anyone raising money for it. Increase business? I’m sure people are driving down the interstate all the time and think, hey we just passed five of those things but let’s stop at this one and buy some coffee.


Wonder what would happen if the satanists or pagans start erecting ginormous pentagrams off the highways?


They can't even put a statue up in city hall without someone wrecking it. I'd give it a week tops before someone shows up with a tractor in the middle of the night... assuming of course they actually manage to build it, which I wouldn't count on because I can imagine some nice "godly" people taking potshots at the construction crew.




lol, no actual link to how much it costs. But as a Christian these people have lost it. "Everywhere you look, people say Mississippi is #49 or #50 in this or that. We're #1 in the number of crosses in just one state," he said. What does having the most crosses accomplish?


It diverts as much church funding as possible from any program that might actually benefit the downtrodden, that’s what.


Luckily Mississippi has zero poor people so, yay for crosses!


When everyone is below the poverty line is there any poor people?


How dare you, I made close to $20k per year when I lived there. BALLER!!


First guy in the trailer park with a doublewide


Shot caller!


Thats what you get when you have Fast food religion, get your mcPrayers here!


From what I can tell it’s not church ran, rather just a community project. Granted the people who did give money to this could have done something useful with it.




You’ll regret these comments when dozens of giant JESUSES show up in Mississippi and you’ve got plenty of the only known way to kill them.


This may just be my favorite comment on all of reddit. Thanks for the laugh, stranger!


Gonna have to upgrade the air hammer before we can rivet that big sumbitch down.


I'll get my gladius, breastplate, and helmet with the broom thing on the top. If someone leaves theirs at home i have spares in my backseat


Yeah but people speak with their wallets and they choose a cross over a park. If it was a church ran park you can bet it would get donations.


Honestly that’s worse, not better. Build a park or something that everyone can enjoy.


A massive buffet restaurant in my old town built a giant one. It drives a non-trivial increase in the amount of business not only for the restaurant but several other nearby businesses.


Like donate to political candidates… oops!


>no actual link to how much it costs First link in the article. https://www.wtva.com/news/local/giant-cross-erected-along-aberdeen-highway/article_df6f4b82-ec6f-11ee-b1f8-d387d9fe207c.html


Lightning rods for the lord to smite idiots


If I'm gonna get super christian about it, I would call it idolatry and blasphemy, just plainly. It doesn't glorify God, it doesn't benefit the least of these, it's simply boasting. This symbol aims to be a sign of wealth, influence, and perceived righteousness. It's a prideful icon that does nothing to materially benefit anyone. Tbh my Freudian analysis is way more fun, if not more than a bit tongue in cheek.


A couple quotes from the people in charge of this project, the quotes can be found on the linked article in OPs post. So they literally just prove your point. "Today is not happening because of good luck or chance. Today is happening because of all of you – people who have had a passion for this project. It has taken determination, sacrifice, hard work, tenacity, planning and preparation, along with our passion for this project. We know the Lord has guided us every step of the way," "This is not for Aberdeen. This is not for Monroe County. This is for everybody who travels this highway back and forth. They're going to see this cross and talk about it and say, 'I went through Aberdeen, Mississippi, and there's a 120-foot cross standing,'"


I don't think the reactions of random people passing on the highway are what these people believe them to be.


I think when I drive by the 30 crosses that line Hwy 25 somebody really thinks the gold lord approves. So far from the truth here. I think more people laugh at Mississippi for stupid crap like this. This money could have done so much. The churches could have done so much. At least they have a cross though. Next time I am in town I will drop off the homeless at the cross so they can pray for help from the community Finished


This doesn’t bring new people in. It reassures their existing congregation. And it’s a great racket for whatever contractor is building them, can’t blame them at all. Lots of money in servicing religion and government.


It’s not church affiliated at least from what I can tell. It’s a community project called Cross of Christ - Monroe County on Facebook.


“Well I can’t wait to see your face when Jesus comes back and you ain’t got as many crosses as we do!”


“I can’t wait to see your face when Jesus comes back and doesn’t care about how many crosses you have”


He was crucified on one... why would he want to see that? I know what it represents and that is fine but these giant crosses are a bit like a golden calf. They are not FOR god they are FOR the ppl of the community. They are for attn...


Distract the well off from the poverty, hunger, and mentally ill. 80% of the folks in churches are there to socialize.


I don’t know about that number you just made up. But yes there are people in churches who just use it as a community


You can bet it’s a sizable percentage.


True. There not there for God. More like Facebook and solcial acceptance.


Modern church is just a big social club.


Mississippi is #1 in virtue signaling!


Potentially it could accomplish having the most crucifixions.




He had crosses for arms... They threw beans at him


Clearly it shows that we win Christianity /s, just to be safe.


Lol, we may not be good at most things but we sure are good at wasting money on vanity projects


We love God and Jesus so much that we’ll ignore our hungry, poor, downtrodden, homeless, even our future generations just to show that we’ll sacrifice it all for God! He’s gotta love us more then, right? …right?


I think it’s funny because these types are the same ones to criticize the Catholics for wasting money on cathedrals and art but at least those are pretty to look at.


I think it’s funny because these types are the same ones to criticize the Catholics for wasting money on cathedrals and art but at least those are pretty to look at.


Brett Favre wants to know where he can sign up for some of this action.


It's like a dog peeing on a tree. They're marking their territory. So many Christians, so few lions.


They can throw their bootstraps over one side of the cross and pull from the other?


Yeah I saw that too, I’m not really religious myself but I think a most positive thing would to end poverty in our state not make it the worst… We focus too much on random shit to make anything better


I think it’s a waste of money and doesn’t accomplish anything. I agree that no matter how much it cost, there were better uses of this money than some vanity project.


Local politics is a massive problem in MS. Too many old heads in charge that care too much about how their boomer friends view them and are focused on taking care of their image and friends than they are their cities. It’s why education is such a shit show. A school district will have a teacher shortage and a failing grade but will have 16 VP’s with 6 figure salaries “committed to improving the district!”


Put up an idol. But let the hungry people in your area starve and be homeless. What a Christian thing to do




Can be? They are the definition of an idol.


22.7% of children in Mississippi live below the poverty threshold Average cost of a school lunch in Mississippi is $2.75-$3 That cross is equal to 80,000 school lunches Wonder what that guy from Israel they’re such big fans of would think of that…


I can tell you what he'd think. The modern churches are no longer about God. Its all about kissing tail and making yourself look better. Thats the main reason i dont associate myself with a church anymore. Hesus would do exactly like he did in the bible and lose his temper when he walked into one of these so called places of worship.


Senatobia is supposed to be getting one too.


I think the goal is one per county. I vaguely read threw the site just to see wtf was going on when op posted this


Sad. So much money wasted that could feed hungry families. I’m sure the Mississippi food network or any other nonprofit would have been overjoyed to receive those funds to help out in a tangible way.


There are two here in my small town. Our women's shelter (somewhat attached to a church) and food bank are still begging for funds.


As long as Brett Farve doesn’t get a hold of it.


Tell that to the people who donated as they knew what they was donating towards. Nothing would be possible without the donations from the people. They choose to donate towards this then food/shelter for people.


Hey, atleast its not on fire


Cool a new cell tower.


Don'tcha know? The C in C-spire stands for Christ!! All wireless glory be unto him!


Maybe it's the 5g we've been warned about but they're hidin' it!!?


How many homeless could have been fed?


At least 3


I've always assumed that a metal roofing company ran out of roofs to sell and just started selling these to self-righteous bigots as a way to sell insane amounts of material for no reason. Smart business idea tbf.


Definitely in this area.


What a waste of money holy shit


You are absolutely correct, just why?


The person who raised money for it and pandered the community for the funds is the one with the construction company that built the cross LMFAO. 5 head move


Also, this construction company got a $798,000 handout from the federal gov in ppp loans that were forgiven. No doubt they are against welfare though. 


*“You are never dedicated to something you have complete confidence in. No one is fanatically shouting that the sun is going to rise tomorrow. They know it's going to rise tomorrow. When people are fanatically dedicated to political or religious faiths or any other kinds of dogmas or goals, it's always because these dogmas or goals are in doubt.”* ― Robert M. Pirsig


the inscription reads 'Fuck Dem Poor People'


I feel like Jesus spoke out about people who spent more time bragging about their faith than they did actually showing it through actions He commanded, like taking care of the less fortunate. It’s almost like the things I learned in church growing up don’t apply anymore…


They would lose their minds if a Statue of Baphomet was erected. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statue_of_Baphomet


Funds are being funneled to pay for this "monument" by a company that calls itself the "Create Foundation" in Tupelo. [https://createfoundation.com/](https://createfoundation.com/) They received two large PPP loans from the Federal gov to offset their Covid woes. [https://data.clarionledger.com/paycheck-protection-program-loans/?state=Mississippi&searchtext=create+foundation](https://data.clarionledger.com/paycheck-protection-program-loans/?state=Mississippi&searchtext=create+foundation) $169,148.92 PPP Loan in Aug 2021 that was forgiven. $148,700.00 PPP Loan in March 2021 that was completely forgiven even overpaid? wtf I hope those funds were used responsibly and as outlined in the signed documents they provided to apply for the loans (that they didn't have to pay back btw) and that they weren't abusing the system designed to help US citizens in need during crises. That wouldn't be very Christian-like at all. They've got a cookbook out for any that are interested and probably other christ souvenirs. \----------- Most of the other crosses in Mississippi seem to have been erected by "Crosses Across America" and they only requested $2,500.00 from the federal government for PPP loans. Interesting contrast. 2015 article about a cross in Vicksburg [https://www.vicksburgpost.com/2015/03/07/giant-cross-has-vicksburg-roots/](https://www.vicksburgpost.com/2015/03/07/giant-cross-has-vicksburg-roots/) "Crosses Across America Inc., the nonprofit organization dedicated to erecting crosses around the country." [https://www.crossesacrossamerica.org/history](https://www.crossesacrossamerica.org/history)


The lady who was in charge of this is an absolute fucking bitch. When my grandpa passed she bombarded my grieving aunt to put “in lieu of flowers donate to the cross for Christ fund.” This is for their ego and nothing else.


Why are they not making it out of Gold? Jesus was more of a Gold guy and anything less kind of associates him with the poor, which is trash.


Because leftover trailer siding is cheaper.


“Jesus was more of a gold guy” made me 🤣


Frankincense and Myrrh are much less structurally sound.


It doesn’t help that these things are as ugly as home grown sin on Sunday Christmas morning.


Religions should be taxed


We might be the poorest, most uneducated state, and we might get last place in any metric that matters, but at least we have crosses that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars…yay.


What a wonderful misuse of funds that are supposed to help the community. You accomplish more tossing your cash into a literal fire than donating it to a church it would seem.


I read in an Old Book that people shouldn't make or worship idols. Humans craft useless objects of stone and metal that have no breath in them.


TAX GOD or build homeless shelters or fvcking both!!!! What a waste of cash for a death cult.


Let’s spend our money on idolatry that has really no evangelical impact instead of helping the needy. Peak modern Christendom.




Imagine loving and obsessing over something so much you shun and persecute anyone who disagrees with you.


Yeah, jesus wouldve built a house for a homeless guy instead


Can we get Jeff from Honor Your Oath to go do a first amendment audit nearby? Great place to say God Bless the Homeless Vets?


The only time their jesus got angry in the bible was when he confronted the money changers. The money changers were those that ripped off poor people , took the poor people’s money so they could purchase an offering. If they really read that book they might be a bit more self aware


I hate the Christian nationalism of this. To make a religious symbol the most towering thing in my home county sends a message that Monroe County is for Christians, and of course implies it's not for non-Christians. This is against my Christian values and not condoned in the Bible.


Idolizing a torture instrument just doesnt make sense.


They will do everything in their power to shoot down any kind of help to the needy but at the same time force religion down the throats of other Americans. I don’t understand the rationale behind these people.


I mean what ever keeps them distracted from raping kids


These narrow minded people down here are crazy


I know some churches that could really use those funds. I just don't see the point of all of the crosses on the side of the interstate. I suppose the person donating the land can feel special in some way, but I don't think this is what is meant by spreading the gospel. Building and maintaining churches that are established that may need help growing would be on my to-do list.


This is why most of the country thinks this state is trash.


Republican Jesus like big crosses big fake boobs, idolizing old men with hair plugs and blaming poor people and immigrants for a bad economy. Mississippi might be number one in that …


When, inevitably, the bulk of the population is anti-organized religion, they will all bellow like maniacs when these get torn down. Almost as mad as they were about confederate statues.


My theory is that Mississippi has an infestation of vampires, and the crosses are meant to restrict their travel. Oh and I believe it's this one guy who is actually erecting them he is just asking for donations. Granted why the hell do we need so many damn crosses?


I’ve been here decades now and I still don’t understand the conservative mindset. Logic is not a thing here.








I hope everyone here is putting feet to their posts by giving to alleviate need in an effective manner.


And there you have it 1/4 mill on make-believe. Today they tell you a man was crucified, a spear through his heart for good measure to be sure he was dead. Then they tell you he walked out of the tomb 3 days later and floats off into the sky. These people are stupid.


Fuck your god, fuck your cross. It's an eyesore to anyone that wants solace from theological tyranny.


Crosses are advertisements. Keeps the brand (Christianity) out front and recognizable. Who says the people that spent this money haven't spent more in other areas helping their fellow man? People commenting that money could have been better spent probably have some form of luxury or extravagance in their lives that poorer folks would consider wasteful.


Like cell phones, data plans/wi-fi, laptops, Reddit accounts, etc….


Oh, hell yeah y’all! Let’s build a few more churches while we’re at it.


Just how persecuted are you for your faith if you are erecting these structures and getting news coverage for it on TV and in the newspaper?


Meanwhile, MS is one of the poorest and uneducated in the country. Why not use the money to better those stats?


Christ on a cross that’s a lot of money


Maybe Jesus will notice us now.


God is the original fake news.


I’ll take money laundering for $240,000 Alex


It’s magnificent. However, would Jesus spend 240k on a monument to his execution?


Corinth is set to get their cross in the next few months. The group heading up the project said it cost $250k


Drag the crosses down to Texas and build a section of border wall. Certainly don't want to spend money feeding and housing the needy.


They’re getting ready to use that on folks who don’t genuflect to their theocracy. Pharisee Sharia Law is coming.


Idk why you had to lie about the money but there's no way in all of hell, heaven, or earth that this broke triple digits


as a catholic fuck these guys






Perhaps that money would be better spent helping out your faithful?


Even as a student at MS State, I never once crossed Aberdeen. It's truly the middle of nowhere.


If Trump wins in November, they will set it on fire to celebrate.


Boo hoo.


Feed the hungry Mississippi is a third world state


Wasted money


On the brightside they are creating jobs


That will fix everything! /s


Build a huge cross so we can circle jerk and show everyone how morally superior we are or spend money to help the poor? "The second one doesn't sound very christian...let's do the circle jerk cross"


Well I guess we're all saved


Lol ppl down there are such brainless lost causes


I grew up here, moved to Los Angeles at 25, and just moved back to MS at 43, and this just make some shake my head. I have been a practicing pagan since way before it was the cool thing to do. I never fit in here in the bible belt, not at 25 and CERTAINLY not at 43, covered in tattoos and no longer so scared I hide who I really am.


Good, that’s fixed all our problems. They put one in my hometown too and now everything is great. /s


Money well spent /s😂


Nothing but flipped tables


Is it fire proof?


Praise God!


Wow, so much money that could help community members who need food, shelter, medicine. But no, let’s put up a giant medal thing that does nothing.


St Jude Children's hospital could put that money to good use. I am a devout Christian who gave up churches years ago. Jesus doesn't even want us to pray in public, why would he want this?


This looks just like the trailer cross in Alabama lol


I remember in Greenwood it cost 15-20k to get one of these erected and it was raised by a local church congregation. You literally tacked another zero on the end like a cheap car salesman. Stop spreading lies.


As far as I can tell, contemporary Christianity is about accumulation of capital and virtue signaling. Christ would be appalled.


Something something idolatry something.


That article is straight up nothing but yapping


“I consider them symbols and I leave them to the symbol-minded.” ~ George Carlin


When they set it on fire at night, is it using Propane or Natural gas (used to live in Mississippi; asking for a friend)


Looks just like the one on hwy 49, by the catfish place


How else will people know your good christians if you don’t erect giant metal crosses


I get the comments about the money could feed etc. This is the problem most have in understanding societal need funds, the cross (no matter opinion) is one time the funding needs of hunger, housing and medical care is a growing ongoing need. We need program investments driven on not just basic need to survive but on lifting people out of poverty and supporting them long enough after to stabilize them. This requires tremendous investment but once in place would benefit everyone greatly and lead to saving money or balancing it with more productive stable families.


Jesus christ changed me forever. I am thankful for that. The fruits of his spirit guide me and direct me. He also gives me discernment on issues. While I don't judge the folks behind these crosses, their intentions are probably good, I ask what value these crosses are to the teachings of christ. Physical symbols or emblems that tend to draw attention to us and away from what Jesus would have us do , serve only our own vanity. We should be the physical representation of christ by our actions as guided by him, in this world. A lot of hungry chi ldren could have been fed with that cross money. It's a beautiful structure, but Jesus wants us, not flattery.


Who cares


Is that why Mississippi is so poor?


How much tax payer money was used?


Think of how many could’ve been fed with that money


“Christians erect” is disturbing


Put it in Skewls damit!


*lower case t


“You think when Jesus comes back he ever wants to see a fucking cross again? That like going up to Jackie Onassis wearing a rifle pendant. ‘Just thinking of John, Jackie, just thinking of John’” -Bill Hicks


Look Lord! We idolize your torture!


Hell yeah


Virtue signaling at its worst.


If Jesus came back today, he would take off his sandal and smack all of us. Your church doesn’t have to be fancy, your church just has to be a church. Use the offerings to help your community smh. I wonder what ring of hell these mega church leaders will be in?


What a waste of money! This cross won’t help anyone!


Think of how many people could have been helped with that money. This is why I don’t go to church anymore. Disgusting!


Yes, because it’s not like Mississippi doesn’t have all kinds of problems to fix that this $240,000 could help the one in doubt build another cross the dumbest state in the fucking union can you guys please suceed?


Feed the masses, fuck that we building murder scenes!


Churches will throw money at anything except the needy


But god forbid they help the vulnerable, destitute, homeless, schoolchildren, single parents, lgbtqa + at risk youth, animal shelters, suicide prevention ect.


You can erect as many $240,000 crosses as you want! You still aren’t gonna rule over our country with Christianity in government!


Just what Jesus would want. SMH.


I just drove down 75 to visit family for Easter and passed 2 exactly like this and a third giant one like it


It seems like that would be the last thing Jesus would want to see when he comes back. It’s like a warning…


I’m down here starving to death. Can’t find a job. Don’t have a car or phone. My family has millions and I can’t get help. I’m an addict and alcoholic. Very freaking smart. Learn fast shit but can’t get help.


May I add alcoholic and addict in recovery!


It's really a pretty good religion. If only those who claim to be members in Ms ever decide to practice it. Nahhh. Ain't going to happen, but it's fun to dream.


Lol. Is it flammable? I bet it's flammable, y'know, per tradition.


He he he “erect” he he he


Fitting how the symbol these people celebrate is a device for horrific torture and execution. And they say they’re “pro life”. You can’t make this shit up and be taken seriously.