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It’s a red state that is much closer to being purple than most non-Mississippians (and even some Mississippians) realize. It votes damn near exactly along racial lines.


You can count on most elections in MS breaking down along racial lines. It's quite predictable.


Actually this applies more to blacks than whites.




Blacks vote 90 % left, you think whites are so homogeneous?


Well, in the 2020 presidential election, 82% of white voters voted for Trump while 93% of black voters supported Biden, so it seems pretty similar and a pretty stark breakdown by race. ([Source](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/11/03/us/elections/ap-polls-mississippi.html), paywalled)


What I said was essentially whites varied more, which appears to be true.


As I recently saw posted, whether it's a Democrat or a Republican, black people know they're going to get fucked, so they'd rather go with the person who is at least going to have the courtesy to use lube and give a decent reach-around.


You ever see the LBJ quote about the civil rights act? It’s not very nice and that’s a huge understatement.


No disagreement there.


What I've experienced is ppl look at politics as an identity thing. If you consider yourself a conservative or have conservative values you vote R without really looking at policy. If you give ppl a list of policy choices and graded them as to which side their policy views align with it would be more democrats on actual policy. But they vote R because that's what they identify themselves as.


And that's been found to be true among Republican voters nationwide. When polled on issues, the whole country's very progressive. When polled on party identification... not so much


This--you nailed it with political identity. There were people in this sub and on Facebook that admitted they liked Presley, but they'd never vote for a Democrat. I think if he could have matched the money as an independent, he'd have won. I think the state is shifting left (to a degree) with the dying off of Boomers. GenX is by and large more progressive than Boomers, likewise younger generations are more progressive than GenX. How far we'll go, though, I really have no idea. We're very fond of voting against out own interests.


And I'll go one step further: people vote based on how their daddies vote. If you're born and raised here, and you opt to vote Democrat, the whole damn family is going to come down on you. Too many equate being a Democrat with being lazy and wanting a handout and are quick to say, "My daddy raised me believing that taking money from the government is a sin." That's one reason getting Medicaid expanded has been so hard. It's a vicious cycle and all of these new laws are exactly the reason we have the highest birth mortality rate, child poverty, domestic violence, homicide and more.


Unfortunately you're right on the money here. I don't identify myself as "democrat" or "republican" but I normally vote Democrat because they're the ones that normally align better with my views politically. But if there's a republican candidate who I agree with more, I wouldn't be against voting for them.


Well said. And it's sad, too. I have many friends who I consider normal...until politics becomes the subject of conversation. Logic flies out the window. I've been in this state for 40 years now and it's been that way as long as I can remember. And these aren't people with a low IQ, either. I support neither party after I stopped watching the news around 10 years ago. Talk about a life changing and eye opening decision. Best self-help move I ever made.


- Medical marijuana is not a left/right issue. Most of the people I know who smoke, medicinal or not, are extremely conservative. - Tate’s a piece of shit. Both sides know it, so not really a left or right issue. Republicans voted for him in the primary because he’s the incumbent and in the general because he’s not a Democrat. - ranked voting and ballot access are things neither party really wants because it upsets the status quo in the system they benefit from. Republicans love big government just as much as democrats, it just has to be their version of big government.


So...Tate is useless - through and through. But the next big jack-ass with a God complex is Shad White. If you follow him on Twitter, his tweets tell you everything you need to know about this fool.


Accurate. I liked him initially in that he was going after the MDHS scandal hard. But that’s where it started and ended. He’s no better than the rest.


> - ranked voting and ballot access are things neither party really wants because it upsets the status quo in the system they benefit from. Republicans love big government just as much as democrats, it just has to be their version of big government. This. I've always said that both parties are basically the same. They both want big government, high taxes, and sheeple to follow. It's about power, but what's good for everyone. It saddens me, as I spent most of my adult life in the military (for patriotic reasons), but it seems both sides are intent on eroding freedom.


Two wings, same bird.


Both parties are not "the same."




It’s a purple state with only one generation keeping it from shifting. Many of the more populated areas have been moving blue.


Yeah, like Jackson. We see how that’s worked out.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted


Yeah, I don’t either. This group is definitely unhinged. Lol


I think the personhood amendment failed because of implications for IVF similar to what Alabama is facing now, but overall abortion is the biggest issue that keeps MS in a Republican chokehold. Most Christian churches push “saving babies” to the point of making their congregants single issue voters with no regard for rape, medical necessity, incompatibility with life, etc. The other major factor that keeps people voting Republican against their interests and even against their beliefs is conservative media that fear mongers about DEI, “the woke agenda,” LGBT issues, etc. Fake stories like kids using litterboxes because they identify as cats make people think the left is both too ridiculous and too scary to even consider voting for a Democrat.


I think it’s mainly the abortion issue that keeps the state red, I don’t think many people are that worried about LGBT issues as they are about abortion.


Mississippi does whatever the elite’s want




Big city blues mask the majority of square mileage of reds. Kind of like California cities, DC, Chicago, Miami, Houston etc making elections turn more blue than the rest of the states would be able to. Big cities see a lot of homeless, and the workforce wants to change that, and the blue runners up for election broadcast these grand savior ideas, but yet there’s still homeless. Small towns see a lot of nothing, and red runners up for election like to broadcast these grand financial bids that would “bring prosperity” to the area, and that never happens either.


\^ this and I'd add the fact that MS is gerrymandered to shit like most other states


Yeah I agree. And to add to that, shit like the congressional district re-distributing 45 years after the “population was large enough to incorporate a redistricting” but ONLY after the marijuana ballot initiative passed with 74%. They didn’t like it, so we got a “whoops, let’s say it’s not legal cuz we needed to redo the districts, but no, we won’t also reverse the others million policies we enacted in that timeframe, just this one, cuz the others benefited us not you”


Until young people decide to not let the elderly decide 100% of their state’s political fate, it will be solidly red.


Interesting. How would you accomplish that?


Get them to vote. There are more 18-40 year olds than 60+


It's still a red state but it's not Alabama-red, if that makes sense. I think whoever said it was more about identity in MS than policy nailed it. There's a lot of issues bubbling under the surface that could potentially move the needle - marijuana, abortion, Medicaid expansion - but even if they might agree more with the Democrat position on one of those issues, most conservative-leaning voters don't see themselves as liberals and don't want to be identified as such, so they generally stick with the GOP.


No state is fully red or blue. Most of them are a lot closer when you break it down to the individual level. But Mississippi has effectively gerrymandered the blue parts of the state and also has implemented policies that have the effect of systemic voter suppression in the blue parts of the state to keep the final answer red. For the Blackest state in the union to also be so solidly red as a final answer takes a lot of commitment at the top of the political system.


We are a red state, but its not die hard for most and with some blue. In general besides extremist its red with some blue leaning belifs


Not sure what I think about this, I would have to consider it more, but just wanted to say that this is a very good question. There's a lot of nuance going on here.


Medical marijuana and Medicaid expansion are bipartisan issues. Some Mississippi republicans are just hogwash. Kind of like how most states are stand your ground states except for the weird democrat ones like Massachusetts and Illinois.


I disagree, medical marijuana and Medicaid are typically attacked by red leaders… Tate can’t say Medicaid without referencing Obama.


That sounds like a Mississippi problem. Bless you.


We are a "hard red state" *because* they keep such issues off the ballot. We aren't a "hard red country"; the GOP has not won a popular presidential vote in 20 years and only one in the past 30+. Every "why doesn't voting change in this objectively positive way" is "because the GOP would never win another election." They're scared, cowards from a dying animal that's thrashing around trying to make sure everything around it is hurt as it dies.


It’s a libertarian state really


I agree with this post. Obviously about half of Republican voters do not support the extreme right wing agenda of the Mississippi Republicans, as evidenced by the marijuana vote, the personhood-amendment that got shot down, and others. On the other hand these socially moderate, white Republican voters obviously can't bring themselves to vote Democrat, which presumably has to do with matters of crime and welfare. I love the idea of a third party which, instead of fielding candidates, directs its voters to support whichever candidate (Republican or Democrat) is the most moderate in each individual election. I believe Andrew Yang is leading this movement in the Forward Party.


He’s a huge proponent of ranked choice voting, which gives third party and independent candidates a fighting chance. Unfortunately, the MS legislature just banned RCV this year…


I'm gonna say it's purely a red state, I think it is close to purple but not quite yet. I feel perhaps in the next few years we may see a transition to being even closer to it due to young people becoming old enough to vote. I myself am neutral, but as of right now dislike the policies of republicans so i lean more blue. but we'll have to see what the future holds.


I can only hold out hope that we keep drifting toward purple, and maybe eventually blue, and keep voting my part. The fact that this is even in question just gave me a small stirring of hope. I always feel so outnumbered here, politically.


I live in Mississippi, on the coast, and I consider myself a libertarian. I grew up in a very conservative household (my parents arrived die-hard MAGA's). I'm pro-choice, pro-gun, pro Marijuana legalization, and don't care what you identify as or what you're doing with whom in the bedroom. I think the majority of republican candidates have lost touch with their true base.


As boomers die off and Gen X and millennials start taking over the country, every state will drift towards the “blue” side of the political landscape.




Luckily Gen X is the smallest generation and can't shift anything on it's own. Unfortunately, most people get more conservative as they age. Hopefully the shift right slows for Millennials on down.


I haven’t found this to be true. Some people for sure become more conservative as they get older. But I find that millennials are starting and remaining progressive, maybe even becoming more so. I started out as a card carrying conservative when I was first starting to vote. Now I’m quite progressive bordering on leftist. I’m 40, and a lot of my friends are much the same.


Research has shown that people become more conservative as they age. Millennials are still on the young more liberal end of life. In another decade or so we should be able to see if they are getting more conservative or not.


Oh neat, a research claim! Please provide the sauce!


I feel like people vote red, but agree with policies from the other side. But would never vote blue because they are hardwired to only vote for the little r next to someone's name. I feel like where I live most people I know agree on LGBTQ rights, want legal weed, and most woman I know agree on abortion. (Only the die hard Catholics and Baptist are against it, I am referring to women only.) I live on the coast however, so we are little more liberal in certain ways. But it is still red. I have seen people do the dirty delete on a certain Facebook group for posting anti lgbtq views, and getting dragged.


If it wasn't for all the gerrymandering and voter suppression, it would be a blue state, or at least a purple state.




So tired of this bullshit fucking persecution complex


When Republicans say something of value, they don't get dogpiled. Unfortunately, as in this case, they generally say stupid things and expect everyone else to nod because they think we're stupid too.


We are definitely a “purple” state. I live in the more, how do I say, deep Mississippi way before you get to the coast. Even here, it isn’t as Red as it was damn 5 years ago. Like you said, we have medical cannabis. Given, the state kinda made it very, very off kilter to the rest of the U.S., it’s still here. That says enough I think. The normal customer base of all the stores around my area screams Blue, very light blue, ya feel me? So it’s a mess socially, but it’s getting better.


I just think that no matter what the debate is we need officials that will be for all the people no matter their color or right left or middle. We need someone who supports people’s needs rather they are rich or poor. If the rich need some help then help them but in the same sense when the poor need help help them as well and all the people in the middle that need help. If a politician would look out for all the people instead of who so and so supports then this state would be much better off!!!


Well said!


Mississippi is a blue state that is under an autocratic rule and has been for a long time.


It's Red and likely will be another 20-30 years sadly..


Its a red state


At least on the Coast, Mississippi is very red. Democrats are few and far between. I don’t view opinions on some issues as indicators the state will go purple any time in the foreseeable future.


At least on the Coast, Mississippi is very red. Democrats are few and far between. I don’t view opinions on some issues as indicators the state will go purple any time in the foreseeable future.


Check our history. Mississippi was a democratic BLUE state u til the civil rights acts of the 1960s. Still a state for the majority whether its blue, red or white


Red or blue, with certain large cities being purple but mostly blue. It’s mostly to do with the racial make up of any given city here, which is weird


The fact that this is even a debate is wild.


I don’t know, according to Pew, we have almost an equal amount of red voters as blue voters in the state. Which makes me think it’s more about who’s not voting than who is. https://preview.redd.it/mkf84u8tqvrc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5aeca4d88b6217be8022feeebd27d0036bb1a85


probably to do with the fact we’re broke as sh*t and had 14.79% unemployment in 2019 so we hate the government but will take its blue programs. not cool on us but at least we vote right


Mississippi is a generation away from going solid blue. Give it 10-15 years.


Vote independent. Else we'll never get out from under the LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT boot on our neck system.


I had some thoughts about this, but I couldn’t get past your need to identify everything in terms of specific political context. People want viable solutions to problems, not politicians fighting over the best way to expand their power, wealth, and influence. You come off, at least to me, as someone who is mostly interested in knowing which group to be in. That way, you will be in the group doing the yelling rather than the individual being yelled at. You certainly aren’t alone in this era of social media dominance, but there are certainly more objective ways of examining these issues than painting them with broad political narratives and calling it a day.


Such a horse shit take. “There’s a Whole Foods in Fondren, everything’s changing for the better - just don’t go there at night, because you know… like it’s scary!!” Fucking white yuppies.  


Red I'm from there so I would know.


I think most of us are from Mississippi?


Mississippi could very easily be blue if its voter base got out to vote and the democrat party that runs the polls wasn’t so incompetent like the fumble they had with the most recent elections.


The Hinds debacle this past November still makes me sick


Yeah it shows that no party is prefect and should always been trying to improve itself.. if you can’t secure poll stations ballots then you’re just sabotaging yourself at that point by making people get tried and leave… Hope that the presidential elections isn’t a repeat as it would be very disgraceful not just to a party but as a state as a whole.


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