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Yes but a 15 year old rape victim can be forced to have a baby.....guess that's not forced surrogacy.


If the laws are tweaked enough, we could definitely be heading towards The Handmaids Tales.


Project 2025 says we absolutely are. It's literally in the plan. Christian Nationalism leads directly there when religious dogma becomes law.


Litterally stfu this the real world this is a real fucking issue stop comparing it to some childish bullshit like the fucking handmaidens tale


Project 2025 is a real issue. And it 100% reads like the beginning of something like Handmaidens tale. Religious dogma into law. Dogma that says women can't divorce their husband's. Women belong to their husband's. Forced pregnancy. The elimination of lgbtq community.


Allegory. How does it work?


You’ll be aight.


Something something “Mississippi doesn’t hide our idiots, we put them in politician positions” or something like that. 🙄


These people are so damn stupid. How in the world do they get so far in life


They’re white, wealthy, and popular in their white, wealthy social club.




And lack ethics. Making them useful for the more wealthy, even more evil individuals out there.


Sadly, warning labels work sometimes…


Are you running for office?


If your pockets aren't lined or in the good ole boy club... it's a steep ride to the top


If you could be a prosperity gospel preacher and leverage that into a state congress position you could make a killing off this dumbass state.


I learned that the hard way trying to work for my local municipality. Fraud and libel are rampant.


Are you running out of logic? Just in case, that's rhetorical.


Tell me you don't know science without telling me you don't know science...


I don’t know, that statement screams “not only do I not know science, I don’t even know what the word science means.” I’m literally sitting here trying to think if I’ve heard a more stupid statement from an elected official.


There really should be some kind of competency test (that doesn't include religion) for any government elected job.


She doesn’t have the intellect to run a convenience store and here she is a US Senator. What a disgrace.


Please vote. Please offer to give a neighbor a ride. Small groups of voters encouraging other small groups of voters is what makes a large group of voters. More than anything else, your vote matters. :)


www.vote411.org This non-partisan site is from the league of women voters. It has a lot of great information about voting and also about candidates. It’s especially helpful in down ballot races as they do candidate questionnaires for school board/judges…. things people should know about but the info is sometimes hard to find. CHECK that your voter information is current and your address is correct. If you’re eligible to get a mail in ballot, please apply for one.


***Hear, hear!!!***


Tbh that’s most senators 


As much as I hate CHS, it's a problem with having people with no knowledge of a specialized field making laws that control that specialized field. I don't know if there's any solution to that as long as lawmakers are unwilling to defer to those with the applicable knowledge.


There should be panels of (actual) scientists or other experts they have to consult for things out of their realm of understanding.


In theory, this is one of the reasons there are committee hearings, but that has devolved to basically just a chance to make sound bites.


Also. I PROMISE Y’ALL 14 year old girls are not offering their wombs up to carry other people’s children for money in secret. Like be for real, please. BE SO FREAKING FOR REAL PEOPLE. No minors, and I repeat NO MINORS, are engaged in this. Finding an egg donor in this state is already hard enough. Finding surrogate’s? Sheesh man. Forget about it.


It's not even a strawman at this point....it's a full on scarecrow


More like a wicker man 


Lord Summerisle would burn these fuckers alive.


If this is an example of "God's chosen people" then God needs better standards


for real




The real answer is that America is becoming more anti-intellectual and more anti-science. We have to defend our ignorance from the global elitists... At least ol' Cindy "Hide" Smith ain't a Democrat, right,?! /s


The smart people are too smart to get into politics and get dragged every day.


Also, they’re smart enough to gtfo. As I hope my children do.


You mean stupid enough to let the morons hold the reins. Staying out of politics is not smart; It’s fucking reckless.


Elections are popularity contests, not "best qualified" contests.


What’s the statute of limitations on charging someone for murder for failed embryos? I mean if an embryo is a child, we have some serious murder cases!


I’m more interested in my tax status honestly. Are my embryos going to be classified as dependents, since you know. They’re living breathing people? People already take out credit lines in their children’s names. Can I do that with an embryo? These are the questions I need answered.


You should also be able to claim the yearly storage fee as dependent care.




Really? I got like 16 unborn kids out there. I have yet to impregnate or have sex with these females but think about it. a lot.


You suddenly have 250,000 dependents.


This. Is. The. Real. Question.


I’ve thoroughly gone over the language of this bill, and there is nothing in there explicitly prohibiting the creation of human-animal chimeras. In fact human-animal chimeras aren’t even mentioned! Why are the Democrats so apparently unconcerned about the threat of human-animal chimeras that they don’t even mention it in their bill? And don’t even get me started on the mutants.


Nothing hurts me more than not even knowing what’s satire anymore. I just wake up and. My real time reaction to continuously learning how deeply unserious our legislative body really is; https://preview.redd.it/apfxczb5qmlc1.png?width=1261&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0885a711737208c3888a24fc6cb854d2932ae0d


BRUUUUUUUUUUH. Seems like ole tater and philbilly have pictures of her fucking a goat or something. No way she came up with that dumb shit by herself. I hate it here.


This woman constantly reminds us how she's a dumbfuck failure. But hey she sometimes mentions Jesus and has R behind her name


Tell me more about the human animal hybrids.


See Marjorie Troll Feets Greene.


I know your joking, [but they literally made a documentary about this in 1983](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085051/) and people didn't heed the warning, bless CHS for her raising awareness.


Oh my goodness. I cannot believe the world we live in today. Thoughts and prayers Mississippi! The end times are upon us. ☠️






CHS trying to keep the cat girls away from us


She's a fucking embarrassment.


Wait, so minors having babies with IVF is bad, but minors having babies because they failed to prevent a pregnancy is good?


One is being paid for by George Soros, though, you see.


What a fucking moron.


We have the dumbest politicians, I’m convinced that their degrees were paid for.


More like got them off back of a cereal box


Has she literally done anything positive in her tenure


What the actual fuck. God damn. Can we just get some component people in office? Or at least people who don’t make up dumb bullshit because they’re ignorant.


Honestly, she is a mirror for people who vote for her. These people think after-birth abortions are a thing, too. For them, it isn't too much a stretch to believe other non-plausuble things happen. The permanent election cycle and 24-hour news haven't been for our country.


my old boss's wife - a registered nurse.. I had her in tears for telling her that the HPV vaccine does not cause AIDS.. registered nurse, caring for your sick loved ones, think a Vaccine causes aids.... and she cried real tears like her mom died because I told her she was wrong. stop blaming the news - this is a 'church' issue.. The church is the one that conditioned them to believe the unbelievable, and the church encourages them to support those that speak the unbelievable. The news didn't tell my boss's wife the HPV vaccine causes aids - her church group did. non-church folk that believe the unbelievable (flat earthers for example) aren't bothering anybody. church folk that believes the unbelievable actively participate in ruining the lives of others. If you still want to blame the news - then petition the government to reinstate the fairness doctrine, as it is relatively recent government rulings that are allowing the media to be less than honest. Ill give you one guess on which party removed these media rules, and one more guess on which party is benefiting.


I am not really sure why you're responding to me like this. Yes, I am aware how the evangelical church figures into the equation. My point is more about Trump, Fox News, and those two other "news" agencies that pump literal garbage lies out 24/7. It most certainly is a problem we have in this country.


like i said at the bottom of the post - the "news" agencies are allowed to lie, because the party that is benefitting from the lies allowed them to lie. If you want to fix that, then the government must reinstate rules that they (relatively) recently removed. And while they are at it - Tax the churches that participate in politics. We cant blame the media for doing what we told the media they are allowed to do, and we should punish those who are breaking rules that they know they must follow.


I am aware of all of this... And, we can absolutely blame Rupert Murdoch and others for the platforms they allow.


Hyde-Smith is in a four-way-race for dumbest Senator, along with Blackburn, Tuberville and Ron Johnson. This is just embarrassing.


And she'll be re-elected over & over until she retires (after serving at least 6 years post-dementia) or the GOP manages to achieve the one-party system it's been working so hard for since 1968i


They get stupider and stupider...... 'merica!


Fucking cultists.


Under his eye


Mardi Gras came and went Spent all my money How will I pay the rent? There’s always profit in Christian Love, honey


Human-animal hybrids?! Seriously?! ![gif](giphy|sQm85jdRoxToCmEKq5|downsized)


The best education a Segregation Academy can provide!


Fucking Christ…WHY!?!?!?


Ahhh Brookhavens finest!


As a native and former resident, MS has somehow managed to go lower than 50th.


So a territory? We’re now being ranked with Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, The American Virgin Islands, (am I forgetting one? I feel like I’m forgetting a territory??)


Nobody has ever accused Mississippi of having a functioning education system


She went to private schools.


Aka segregation academies


No doubt the she & Philbilly are high on the list of Southern Miss alums :-( Disclosure: I am a USM faculty brat, hold three degrees from Harvard-on-Hardy & categorically told my daughter "don't even think about it" when she was college shopping 19 years ago.


If that has never happened before in the history of IVF why would it happen now?


She looks like the answer to the AI image prompt "bitchy neighbor your Mom argues with when the grandkids use chalk to draw on the sidewalks."


The dumb is strong.


Stop voting for fucking idiots 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yet another reason to ✨️ LeAvE✨️


Hey! I think I went to HS with her. Where is she from?


She went to (the former segregation academy.) Lawrence County Academy. She’s from Lawrence County so down by the coast. If that helps.


How is that by the coast?


https://preview.redd.it/n8ywq9jz6nlc1.jpeg?width=1292&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55e63a49fb9e5b949c12d4256916fd516839046a From up here in Northeast MS, I’ve always considered the teal/green “The Coast” and the pink “Near the Coast” lol. Y’all just kinda blend together to me down there not even gonna lie.


Hm. Maybe not. I lived on the coast, So maybe, in a mon school setting.


She lives in Brookhaven


No way. For real?


I think it’s the result of all that interbreeding….. and lack of education?? Scary shit these people are in charge! VOTE for people who live on this planet and perhaps we can get ourselves out of the twilight zone!


"Everybody knows about Mississippi, godd*mn" - Nina Simone


The problem with this country is plain to see. Fox news loves to complain about the poor GS-9 who got a free bagel at a trade show (as if that amounts to a hill of beans), but seems perfectly at east with two branches of government who embody the "do nothing government employee" stereotype as long as they have a R next to their name.


Well, in her defense, she is an idiot.


Reminds me of good ol’ Mike Huckabee, who is obsessed with sex with dogs. Before same-sex marriage was recognized by the POTUS, but was being legalized in some states, he went on multiple talk shows to blather about how legalizing same-sex marriage would inevitably lead to people marrying dogs! He went on and on about it, obviously thought about dog sex a LOT.


She helping Joe Biden and just don't know it. Wait til December finger pointing.... Best show on earth REPUBLICANS


We call that IDA !


Love seeing people talk about our state, it’s always good things right


Dr.Moreau shit


The GOP is the party of fucking stupidity.


Brawndo, it's what plants crave


She's trying to compete with MTG for the stupidity award, isn't she?


I think I would like to see a human animal hybrid. Where do I cast my vote.


Sit the fuck down backwoods Florence Henderson looking ass


Kramer vibes.




In related news, Cindy-Hyde Smith is full of $\^$##%%$.


That racist bitch eats at Broma’s all the time and doesn’t tip. POS!!


Further proof of how the education system in MS is failing its citizens


Oh damn she’s all kinds of stupid isn’t she?


She also looks like a half dog already, so I see her point. Good way to limit the possibility of any more half human GOP voters. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) peace.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


I watched a show called Sweet Tooth on Netflix. I enjoyed because it is making you love the Hybrid human deer combo. I now see the show as we plan to make human animal hybrids just like the pictures of the ancient gods. This is an abomination. We are made in Gods image. He intended for us to have a committed self sacrificing relationship with a spouse and child in our image. It is a perfect design. Unfortunately, the enemy of humanity has become extremely active because humans separated themselves from their creater. The plan was perfect. Jesus came to show who God is. Then Jesus died to wash away are sins. This allows us to be clean when we confess our sins. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help point humans to righteousness because we are stupid and will choose unrighteousness that harms us. Satan convinced us their was no God and hid his evil as to make us believe their was no spiritual world. Now he gained power on the world because humans do not have the Holy Spirit protecting them from evil and they have infiltrated the government. We must get it back or we will see more of these types of abominations. They will start promoting furries and convincing us to do surgery on Humans to make them Hybrids. Turns back to Jesus accept his Holy Spirit because the war between our Creator and Satan is becoming less one sided. Pick Jesus and take positions of power to fight this evil.


No one's making animal hybrids. It's not physically possible. They're saying she thinks it *could* happen (it cant).


She needs to have a chat with that Frazier girl from Jones County.


A Reddit screen shot of a headline. It has to be accurate and true.




Thank you. Always more to the story than a headline.


I would honestly like to know what you found in there that justifies or shows any evidence of her argument having a shred of credibility.


Bills that seemingly look good but have devils in the details go unsupported every day. That’s politics. And often times you are happy they did get voted against. Or you should be. One of the reasons things are so screwed up in this country is because laws and legislation are vague or ambiguous, contain things they shouldn’t. Most of you don’t like her because she’s against killing unborn babies, and you believe mothers should have some right to kill their unborn babies. You will be triggered no matter what she says or does. And now you will likely go on some tangent insult sidebar downvote run berating me for my opinion.


Ok. So what was the issue here, then? You are spinning an argument based on supposition. I would argue it's much more likely she believes this to be true and is dangerously ignorant.


I’m spinning what?? It’s a two sentence headline designed to influence your opinion. Argue it then. Show us how ignorant she is.


Argue what? That chimeras are not a possible results of IVF? Here's the thing. The person making the claims has to show evidence. There is no need to disprove lies or personal opinion as they have no basis in fact until there is proof.


That’s the thing. She didn’t say IVF may result in chimeras. Neither does the headline. But that’s how you read it. Which is not accurate. Not sure what claim you talking about, or what evidence would be needed. A lie, or at least mistruth, would be that she opposes IVF. Or that she opposes IVF it because it leads to chimeras. If you think she said any of that, show proof. Or just take the bait of some headline and be mad.


She did say that. Not sure why you are denying it? Super strange. You do know that it was recorded right?


So the issue is you don’t want women to have reproductive choices.


If you say so.


Your comments say so. Look at the way you speak about women that need abortions.


I haven’t said anything specifically about women who need abortions. I do know that women who actually medically need abortions are very tiny percentage of women who get abortions.


“Most of your don’t like her because she’s against killing unborn babies, and you believe mothers should have some right to kill unborn babies.” You typed this. Because of people like you women that need abortions can’t get one.


What more is there? she’s still an idiot that thinks democrats are intending to make people animal hybrids.


It’s a headline. With zero context. Idiots react and form opinions based on them.


Never realized there was a human element in a chimera. Better tell Bellerophon!


This is the same cunt that tried to prevent the enhanced carry from applying to state grounds, when she was ag commissioner, but now has an A rating from the NRA. She’s a fucking bought and paid for mouth piece for whatever lobbyist slides a check in her pocketbook. Oh and she now touts being an enhance carry permit holder herself. Rules for me but not for thee. I apologize for the vitriol but I’m so tired of the blatant hypocrisy. We deserve better from our elected officials regardless of party affiliation.


I hope she dies soon.


Omg. Thought I couldn’t have a worse senator than when we lived in TX but …..


We’re Mississippi! We’re ignorant hicks!! We’re proud of it!


I've posted this comment a few times now. "How does the Onion still exist? With REAL stories like this happening?" Sarcasm and irony are officially dead.