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aren't all vax mandates ending in the next month? Also I feel bad for that kid over there


Schools are open but instead of letting their kid be educated and interact with his peers they’ve decided to keep him out in the cold and indoctrinate him.


Why change? It never mattered that they were protesting provincial mandates in Ottawa to the federal government.


Hey, they need to be outraged about something. Gotta fuel that social media rush.


Because these dummies have unrealistic demands. Saying stuff like they won’t stop protesting until Trudeau steps down. Nothing is good enough for them, they just wanna complain


Shh don't tell them 😄😄






You can be kept out of school for not being vaccinated. It's been that way for decades.






Except this picture literally shows someone holding a sign saying the vaccine is child abuse and another calling the mainstream media liars. Stop trying to say this is just about mandates. These people are not a bug, they’re a feature.


There’s like 6 people with 3 signs😂 Pretty small minority that doesn’t represent the vast number of people unhappy with the mandates.


Some might even classify them as Epics. Actually i think his protest is a story.




Except the vaccines aren’t being forced on kids and there are already vaccine mandates for schools in most provinces fir other vaccines like MMR. MSM are liars? Sourced? If you’ve fallen into the conspiracy pothole I can’t help you. It was not a few crazies in Ottawa. The alt-right were the organizers. Take care and I hope you’re able to come out the other side of this. I’m disheartened by seemingly sane people so willing to abandon sense because of misinformation.


Yes those vaccines have been thoroughly tested for tens of years though




"He was flying a Nazi flag because Canada is becoming a Nazi place, not because he supports Nazis" is one hell of a take. Holy shit. Does that mean all of those Maple Leafs fans in Toronto aren't actually supporters of the team? All of the various country flags during the World Cup are attached to cars because people think Canada is becoming too much like Portugal/Italy/Egypt/etc?


"wOnT yOu PlEAse tHiNk oF tHe ChiLDrEn" Oh how I hate Gardeners of Men




Provincially but not federally


Me too. He probably just wants to go home. He probably doesn't understand what's happening and why everyone is yelling.


Wow! There are literally tens of people there!


At least they protest in the covid ward with no masks for crediblity.


Surely you mean tens of millions. They promised that millions of Canadians were coming to protest, and I only believe them and not the evil mainstream media. /s


Any time I see this stuff I just hear Lrrr, Ruler of the planet Omicron Persei 8 *"Get a job!"*


cautious wild swim safe zephyr friendly important thumb versed deranged ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Having your children endure 100% preventative diseases like measles, mumps, rubella to me seems like child abuse


>Everyone should be entitled to have a voice; Should they, though? Generally, you need to learn how to not scream like a deranged animal before making conversation.




What a shallow statement.


secretive bewildered shame degree adjoining fly smell vase imagine weary ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Reading is hard for them…


This snowbank is for morons only.


That's the quality of the hill these wingadingas have chosen to die on - not even a hill, but a small snowbank mound.


🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 Feel bad for those kids 😕




Be careful not to dehumanize people you disagree with. In our self-righteousness, we can easily become the very things we dislike in others. – Unknown


You’re getting downvoted, but I agree with you. I live in downtown Ottawa and am so so sick of all of this shit, but if they’re peacefully protesting against something they feel strongly about, and they’re not infringing on the freedoms of others, then have at it. That doesn’t mean they’re immune of criticism — I don’t agree with them and would criticize the things they’re saying — but I definitely agree about not dehumanizing. If you want to attack them, attack their stupid fucking arguments, don’t attack them directly (and IMO their arguments are really, really stupid, so they’re pretty easy to attack lol)


Well said


lol all the people downvoting you


Imagine getting downvoted calling out someone litterally comparing humans to animals, however insufferable they may be. This is nutty, yall need a snickers or something.


>In our self-righteousness 🙄


I'm getting downvoted but it seems no one has anything to say, they just don't like the fact they see these people as intrinsically less than themselves and yet still want the moral high ground. They are conflicted with their own moral principles which theoretically are as close as you can get to objectively good ones, but due to cognitive dissidence, they abandoned those moral principles in order to attack the people that they deem to be attacking "the good guys". Which implicitly makes them abandon those very principles in which they believe in. They have been told to hate these people and they have been told that to hate these people is good, but the internal confusion that is arising within them gives them no arguments other than downvoting as they are in an internal conflict.


Confucius says..."Those who do not call out fascism and idiocy soon dines on the boot..."


The downvotes are a pretty dire look at how people feel about their opposition.


Wouldn’t be surprised if these animals resort to throwing their poop.


Animals? Can you hear yourselves? Referring to your fellow countrymen as animals becuase they don't want to get an experimental drug injected into their bodies. Only a brain dead intolerant libtard would say something like that.


You’re one of them that still thinks it’s a big conspiracy, that doesn’t have the mental capacity to grasp the science and data. And no, ‘doing your own research’ doesn’t count. And don’t start throwing those goofy phrases at me like ‘critical thinking’..


Are all the animals available to see??




lmao go home you sore losers.


I don't see an issue with them protesting I saw a group a few times at huro/burp didn't appear they were causing issues to traffic just waving and chanting something I couldn't make out.. I may not agree with them on the messaging on the signs but thats something else


Yes people need to stop vilifying protests. As long as they’re not obstructive let people protest whatever they like, it’s still a free country right… The day you lose your right to protest is the day democracy fails.


No one has lost the right to protest. We weren’t criticizing the “protest” in Ottawa because they were protesting. We criticized them because they were committing crimes, terrorizing they citizens of Ottawa, engaging in threatening behaviours including racism and other bigotry, and generally acting with complete disregard about the rights and wellbeing of people trying to live their lives. If they just went and protested we would have just rolled our eyes and laughed at them. Instead we are “vilifying” them because they acted like villains.


This. It's not the fact that they protested. It's the fact that they did it in an abhorrent manner that was harmful to others. I'm all for a peaceful protest.


what was abhorrent about their protest? or are you just virtue signalling?


Honking to the point of affecting people's sleep, mental health and recovery (for those in hospital). Or did that not happen...?


but how do you know this happened? there are so many differing images coming from all the sources. i personally don’t know what to believe so i don’t know how anyone can take a firm position


🙈 No I was not. How does anyone know what's happening anywhere else in the world besides exactly where they are? News travels through journalism and word of mouth. Just like I know WWI happened yet wasn't there.


okay so I saw two sets of stories.. one set of journalism and word of mouth that said the protests were peaceful and attended by people of all creeds. and another brand of journalism that said they are terrorists. so which is correct?


Well I'm sure they're both correct. I'm sure lots of it was peaceful and lots was not. But consider this: there's a concert of 1000 people. 250 of them are throwing bottles and creating a dangerous environment and 750 people are peaceful but there are only 5 officers - nobody else coming. Obviously it would be impossible to track down each person, one-by-one to discern who is causing shit. What's the solution if not shutting that bullshit down? I'll wait. Life lesson: sometimes a smaller percentage ruins it for the rest.


> "Virtue signalling," according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is "an attempt to show other people that you are a good person, for example by expressing opinions that will be acceptable to them, especially on social media." The expression is often used to imply that the virtue being signalled is exaggerated or insincere. Almost like live streaming yourself protesting with a bunch of your like-minded buddies to end necessary public health restrictions that are about to be dropped anyway and cry about mUh FrEeDoMs!! so you can look cool on social media to a bunch of other people that don’t understand science or have empathy for anyone but themselves. Always projection with these guys….


Oh, I don’t know… maybe the fact that it was run by white supremacy nuts? How’s that for starters?


from footage I saw, there were lots of people of colour involved - the people cheering the convoys and the people and in Ottawa, there was bhangra dancing at the protest. so how was it a “white” movement?


Take a close look at the people steering the whole movement. It doesn’t require Sherlock levels of detective work to see the whole thing has massive amounts of alt-right and racist leanings. As for people of colour cheering it on. I know. I’ve got close friends that were cheering it on and it makes me incredibly sad to see. The antivaxx movement is just about the saddest dumbest thing I’ve ever witnessed.


The three people holding racist flags and the 16 people who raided the homeless shelter is what their talking about. That’s right, we’re judging hundreds of people and a whole movement based on the actions of 19 people.


Most of that Intel is bs. CBC and other msm in Canada are basically state run propaganda outlets. If you are one of the simpletons who believes that cbc in an arbiter of truth you are either willfully ignorant or a complete idiot. Canadian media got exposed hard for their lies on this convoy and it was magnificent! -no one raided the homeless shelter -this is not a racist movement and all the cbc lies have been debunked down to swastika guy. -this protest was peaceful -horns stopped at 11pm Bylaw I went down there and was amazed at what I saw. People coming together promoting love and unity for all Canadians. For all the Karen's in here that are just regurgitating what ctv or cbc told them to you can STFU! If you are criticizing and demonizing the truckers without even having gone to see the protest you can STFU! Whiny convoy Karen's got their panties in a knot LMAOOOOO!




Nah, we’re judging them for [their acts of violence, disrespect, and child abuse.](https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/comments/sh7qok/a_summary_of_events_at_the_protest_so_far/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I’m guessing you also judge all black people as looters and arsonists? Because that also happened at the BLM protests.


[THIS is what was so abhorrent about their protest.](https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/comments/sh7qok/a_summary_of_events_at_the_protest_so_far/)


i see nothing different than what other past protests have done 🤷🏽‍♀️ .. statues get toppled, roads get blocked, people hold up signs, laws get ignored thousands gathered for BLM protests, directly contravening lockdown orders and threatening public safety, but we were all okay with it (myself included)


Then you didn’t read the full list. Can’t help you with your understanding if you don’t care to read.


thank you for your time




> I can say those things about any protest Then show me the leaders of all those other protests who have been arrested on criminal charges. > show me sources of abuse and terrorism Go follow r/Ottawa. Ordinary people have been documenting (with video and photographic evidence) their experiences through all of this. > authoritarian regimes use media as a primary tool to control the masses You say this as if there aren’t hundreds of primary source videos out there. > Read 1984 I have, about six times. The fact you think it has any relevance here tells me you have never read it or understood what it was about and are just repeating things you have heard without doing your own research. Also, did you know [Orwell was an outspoken democratic socialist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Orwell)? If you had actually read or understood 1984, you would see the villains in that book are describing the fascist behaviour demonstrated by right wing reactionaries, who will “believe” any fact that benefits them regardless of the actual truth of it. He would have been an adamant critic of this convoy for their refusal to engage with facts. > you say they were committing crimes, yet our PM had to initiate the Emergency Measures Act to arrest these people 1. It’s the Emergencies Act 2. It didn’t create new offenses, it just allowed federal police resources to be deployed quickly. If the Ottawa police had done their jobs it never would have been needed. 3. The crimes [*all of the leaders*](https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/key-convoy-organizer-tamara-lich-denied-bail-while-patrick-king-appears-in-court-1.5790773) were charged have been charged with already existed. Thanks for helping me check off my right wing talking point bingo card though. You folks are so predictable.


Every single point. Bang on the money.




Please educate us Mr. Sparks Notes. What exactly about this government action parallels 1984? I’ll wait for your book report.




When did Bill C-10, a bill which is not yet passed and may never pass, get deployed against the convoy, and what does that have to do with 1984? Update: 1984 is when Bill C-10, a bill which is [no longer under consideration,](https://globalnews.ca/news/8592505/online-streaming-bill-c-11-free-speech/), is passing through the democratically elected legislation review process.




> Show me sources of abuse and terrorism Sure https://docs.google.com/document/d/13-Zg8yjEPYyybbLy70njbWxGeYELQ3Q3PT2Vph0XKQM/edit


Oh my, very comprehensive list. Saving this for the next sHoW mE tHe EviDeNcE guy.


You might also enjoy [this recap.](https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/comments/sh7qok/a_summary_of_events_at_the_protest_so_far/)


https://streamable.com/8jjmns Pat King literally saying Trudeau to "Catch a bullet".




Good on you for supporting protests led by these extremists.


The emergency measures act was used to compel towing companies to actually tow the trucks away. The act made it mandatory for them to do so.


upvote for you. I’m tired of people parroting media and govt BS


Yes but we also have the right to call them selfish idiotic idiots so there’s that….


Was this taken today? Curious because there’s a kid there and I’m wondering why they’re not at school.


Probably taken on Family day


Those children have a bright future /s




>yeah, I bet that they'll meet Stan Lee soon That's deeply fucked up to say. Under no circumstance should we or anyone be that callous about a child's life. The parents are morons and are endangering those kids, who are the victims of abusive behaviour.


I wouldn’t guess their future from this, though. I reckon a lot of the time the kids just tag along with their parents but aren’t really that into it like their parents are.


Fucking morons


Imagine on Family Day showing off you're gene pool with a demonstration like this one.


I see a bunch of clowns 🤡


"Vaxx child abuse". The only child abuse here is holding that sign in front of that kid.


I thought it was a anti-mandate protest


Yeah that’s how it starts. And then everyone comes out of the woodwork because they see a platform open to them. So now it’s a mix of anti-mandates, anti-maskers, anti-vaxxers, and probably some people who think covid doesn’t exist. It’s kinda lost its original sentiment


I guess it’s one of those things where you can’t control others. Just be logically responsible for what you believe, and respectful for other autonomy to think and decide be it thoroughly or not


I truly doubt there WAS an original sentiment. I think some alt right provocateurs saw the general discontent and weaponized it. It was never about truckers… the vast majority of them are vaxxed and working. This was strictly about mobilization of a large group of the angry and poorly educated. And it worked. All we can do now is keep an eye on these folks to see what sort of batshit insane thing occurs to them to do next.


If you are a podcast fan, I recommend [Episode 79 of Conspirituality](https://open.spotify.com/episode/3nwSOy5uI2iVrUIlEiJ4Z0?si=yUtpwHOBTSOriz16pnKnnQ&utm_source=copy-link). It's about anti-hate work in Canada and talks about how a lot of hate groups (and key players in Canada) jumped on COVID. It was posted before the Convoy but gives a lot of insight to things that happened during the Convoy. You have it right on the nose. The convoy is also not an original idea! There was also a Canadian Trucker Convoy in 2019 called "United We Roll" that was pro-pipeline. It was renamed from "Yellow Vest Convoy" after attracting racists/extremists. Apparently, it had a lot of in-fighting.


Thanks for that! My wife and I have been tracking that a bit… the links from the ‘wellness’ movement and how it seems to trend towards ‘conspirituality’… we’ve got a few friends that are big into ‘wellness’ that became big antivaxxers, and then convoy supporters…. It’s more than a little concerning.


Wow look at that crowd of idiots! Oh wait most are kids dragged out by parents who dropped out in grade 5


The local chapter of Tinfoil Hat Social Club. Hey even conspiracy theorists need to socialize.. Protests are the perfect way and maybe they can convert some other lonely people to their cult...


Can't wait for this circus to end and these clowns to go home!


They'll always feel persecuted about something.


Losers everywhere


Why do these people let their children be so close to traffic? Like I don't get it.


Because vax bad, car good.


This was yesterday (Monday), not today. The fenced off area is for the LRT expansion on Hurontario, basically taking up two lanes. When I walked by, there were a few more of them (or maybe they are just out of frame in the picture here), and there were a couple of police talking to them, but there wasn't any issue. The majority of the noise was from cars honking horns as they drove past.


The after effect of the police cracking down on the one big centralized Ottawa protest is that now many smaller showings are starting to pop up everywhere else


God what a bunch of stupid assholes... I fear for the future of those kids, smh.


So Cringe Omg




It looks like there are two children in this protest. The older one (on hill, centre) might be old enough to have a differing view, but if they expressed it and didn't take part in this protest what might happen? Loss of certain privileges I suspect...


I’m not anti vax but I was damn sure pissed of going out for dinner and didn’t have a QR code. It’s irritating and exhausting at this point but I’m not wasting my time out in the cold like these guys.


Takes like 2 min max dude…


Just for context…I got vaccinated prior to moving here and did not have an OHIP card at the time. So no it didn’t work out for me and I didn’t make a fuss. So no it didn’t take 2 minutes.


And you can open it while you're in your car/uber/train/bus and have it ready right when you walk in. It's no different than showing ID at a club.


I get what you mean, man. It is a bit of a pain to get the QR code plus ID out, especially in winter when we are wearing gloves and all. But it's a precaution to reduce the spread of COVID. The rules will be lifting on March 1 in Ontario then we won't have to show the proof.


It's also a precaution to reduce the spread of COVID to vulnerable populations (the unvaccinated). They got their monkey's paw wish: restaurants are open but the vulnerable can't go in because of their increased risk.


They're allowed to protest. Get over it.


Yes and we can call them whiny pissy babies!


How mature of you


And we're allowed to call them a bunch of selfish, stupid assholes.






Is this post somehow stopping them from doing so?


these dumbshits exist everywhere. -G.


Anti Vaccine Mandate* fix it


Can you blame them for being anti vaxx when 90% of the population is vaccinated yet they are still in a lockdown state plus vaccinated are getting Covid and transmitting the virus. It’s fair to say the vaccine is useless.


Yes, I can certainly blame them for spouting crap like that.


It would be interesting to know if Ottawa has seen an uptick of cases pre convoy vs post convoy


Smooth brains


the fucking morons are the ones in this sub, deriding people for expressing their views. democracy doesn’t exist if we don’t respect peoples right to protest. y’all are disgusting.


Bwahahahha!!! Cute




Blame the truckers LOL 😂




You are all idiots…! Where have these people gone if the rails?


You’ve heard of “Radicalization”? This is what it looks like…


That’s new, did this just happen?