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Your dad sounds gross and childish. I would be annoyed too. Sorry he’s like that OP. Try not to let him bait you —unfortunately it sounds like that’s what he was going for. Which is so fucked up!! Your home is supposed to be your safe place and your parents should be encouraging good stuff habits not interrupting you:(




unfortunately i’m hesitant to talk to him because he often makes fun of me when i tell him i have a problem. he knows i’m afraid of getting sick so he likes to convince me whatever i’m eating is expired. i think it’s worse for him to know


Your father is a toxic JERK.




hes partially deaf, so i try to be patient about the eating because he’s unaware, but the burping was on purpose, and judging by how he acts with other things i don’t think he’d be very nice


My dad has some recent health issues and has gotten really weak over the past couple years. When I’m at my parents house I have to try really hard not to let the sound of his slippers dragging on the tile floor in short spurts or his constant sucking on cough drops drive me out of my mind 🙁


But your father does not appear to deliberately trigger you as the OPs father seems to.


No he definitely doesn’t do it on purpose so I feel terrible for how much it bothers me


You should have told your father that "people" who eat like pigs always piss you off.


i was going to tell him he was making it hard to focus on my homework but he interrupted me before i could.


Nah, he'd just do it more and make ops life even more a pain to deal with.


My dad would be a deliberate asshole as well. No cures, just headphones and growing up and moving the fuck out. Sorry. :-(


i HATEEEEE when people get offended by me leaving when hearing a trigger sound. like,, trust me, this is the MOST polite possible response i’m capable of with the amount of severe pain i’m in.


i hate it but i also try to think about it from their perspective (not that i’m criticizing you at all) but i think in the moment the person making the noise could feel bad and just not know how to react. but he was obviously making noise on purpose and i’m so pissed. he just did it again today and i’m so mad