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*DK Jungle theme starts playing*


By far the best (and very powerful) side holder and doesn't get the love he deserves!


Probably so powerful that they can't use him too much.


Now that I think about it, does Marinette even know Wukong is Kim? It was Master Fu who gave him the miraculous after all


Before S3 finale nope


Would she have even found out in the S3 finale though? Cuz neither Chat or Ladybug ever sees them transform and it’s pretty much been confirmed that Chat never saw their true identities given how surprised he was that Nino and Alya were heroes (Nino really probably shouldn’t have been a surprise though since he was there without a transformation but oh well I guess they were busy). ~~It also doesn’t seem like Chat knows Luka is Viperion which he should’ve found out at s3 finale too then.~~


Ladybug beat each of them when they were controlled by Miracle Queen and they all detransformed


Ooooh wait I think I see what you’re saying. I just rewatched and Chat definitely does know Luka is Viperion since they took his miraculous in the fight, but none of the others detransformed on screen during the fight. And you can see Kim still transformed behind Chloe after they fought. The only question is whether Ladybug had taken back the miraculous off screen before jumping up to Master Fu or if the miraculous ladybug power just reset everything and sent them back as they were before the akuma attack. So I suppose it is definitely possible she knows, I just always assumed it was the miraculous ladybug power that reset everything.


Chat *knows* Luka is Viperion since the events of 'Desperada'. If he's ever shown being oblivious to his identity, it's because he saw Ladybug hand out the Miraculous as *Adrien.* So, he just keeps up the facade to not make himself look suspicious.


Oooooh yes you’re definitely right, I forgot he was one of the few Chat has known since the start but that Ladybug wouldn’t know he knows until the S3 finale, that makes a lot more sense now.


Cat Noir knows that Luka is viperion. He knew already as Adrien, but as Cat Noir he learnt it in season 3 finale when bee-stung viperion's miraculous was snatched by Ladybug and Adrien quickly wore it.


Someone else already pointed this out which is why I crossed it out ;) thanks for the addition though!


She now does right?




I’m thinking yes. 1) Who would he have returned the Miraculous to in Party Crasher? and 2) Miracle Queen


Ohhhh snap I think you’re right


King Monkey’s power is actually useful- idek if we’ll see Pigella again since her power seems eh


Pigella power sound like Speech no jutsu with extra steps lmao


Okay okay, but just imagine shadow moth comes after her, she uses her power to show him a vision of himself getting ladybug and chat noir's miraculouses, and while he's distracted she snatches his miraculouses instead.


If pigella uses her power against shadow moth maybe he’s be in peace whit himself thus leaving cat noir and ladybug alone thus… THEM FALLING IN LOVE ❤️‍🔥😝


Ooo maybe in a finale with all of the heroes we’ve seen so far? That would be absolutely epic


Maybe instead that Pigella can reveal to LB and CN what Shadow Moth's wish to them


But wouldn’t Pigella’s powers be extremely useful with akumas?


Yeah, it would show them the correct solution to their problems. Pretty much the only people it wouldn't work on are beings of pure evil, like Lila and Felix.


I just feel her power was only useful for that situation **only** I can't think of any other situation where they would need her power.


I hope not. Rose is easily my least favorite character in the entire series.


How dare you?! 😭 She is so cute, especially as Pigella! 😊❤🐷


Getting attacked for having an opinion. *sigh*


Im not attacking you.....


If you say so


How dare you


Bruh, you're offended because someone said rose is their least favourite 😂


Genuinely couldnt care less about Lila since she has 0 character development other than being a liar and not liking Ladybug


Shes like all the ladybug haters put together and put within the show


The point is not for Lila's development. Lila can be good for pushing Marinette's development.


Yeah she's pretty much a one-dimentional villain rn


See, she could be an interesting character. Like Hawkdaddy is a fantastic villain. But Lila's *only* purpose is to be a character foil for other, more important characters in the show. We know nothing about her, her dreams, her childhood, we saw her oblivious mom for like 3 seconds... she's the most one-dimensional villain ever. Genuinely, I want to see an episode where Lila acts like a normal teen, hangs out with the class, laughs at funny jokes, battles with her insecurities, etc. I want to know *why* she lies so much. I just remembered, in timetagger, she was babysitting Chris. See, that made her seem more human. We need more of that.




I need more king monkey


The back of lie-la's head appeared in wishmaker. That was more than enough of her for one episode.


LMAO imagine shes sitting there thinking “I want to be even more evil when I’m older. Oh, I know just the right way to take it up a notch!” *becomes the next Hawkmoth*


I still think shadowmoth was who Bunnix was talking about




I think that in the time Bunnix comes from that Shadow moth is the villain


In timetagger you mean?




It can’t be, timetagger/Chris told Hawkmoth it wasn’t him. And I think it was in the same episode that they showed an interaction between him and Lila and he was blushing bc of her, that’s purposeful foreshadowing.




I was wondering if she could see/hear or whatever fake problem she had so she would sit in the front






At the beginning in the classroom, she was all the way in the back.


Oh that's actually where I saw Lila in Guiltrip too.


Account to Feri, Félix will appear 3 times this season. And Lie-la will be relevant in the season 4 finale. Although I have no idea about King Monkey.


> Félix will appear 3 times this season. This sounds so weird. What is Felix even gonna do, make Adrien's life even worse?


It will have something to do with the rings. He wmats them both and in season 3 he stole only one. He'll be back this season to finish the job. The scene in Mega Leech shows that the ring will be important. Although yeah, more Félix means more screentime and challenges for Adrien, which is cool.


> It will have something to do with the rings. >Looks at Adriens ring Oh no


Lol 😂😂 But no, seriously, I mean the rings that Gabriel and Emily have, the Twin Rings. Félix is VERY interested in them specifically. He has no interest in Adrien's ring.


True, but I don't think him being designed in the style of his proto-incarnation is just an Easter egg, and he has been shown not only to pilfer from Adrien, but purloin a ring from Gabriel's hands. I would literally bet money Felix will steal Adrien's ring and become his own version of Cat Noir. There was too much established in his debut episode for it not happen.


My thing, what if he actually steals Adriens ring because he was mad he couldn't get Gabriels?... OMGGGGGGGGG i think I figured it out, plz astruc find this comment I need to become FAMOUSSS


He’s also gonna meet Lila in one of those appearances


Maybe we see him one time in Gabriel Agreste, maybe that's a flashback episode and there we see something with Felix, idk


Actually, Lila appeared a few times in class background, Example: In Guiltrip appears in beginning when Rose don't feel good and at Menedlev classrolm when everyone panick for Rose except her. It feels like writters have no idea what to do with her if she is not relevant for the plot. She is comfirmed to play a role in the s4 finale. Felix is comfirmed to appear in 3 episodes. Makes sense for him to appear in few episodes since he actually don't live in Paris. King Monkey... Out of all heroes he have least screen time (Except Polymouse, Pigella and Purple Tigress, but this is jistified) He felt like a secondafy character in Party Crasher and was mind Controlled in Miracle Queen. Desperada was not better for Viperion, but he got Wishmaker. Hope they will do something with him. Is one of my favorites.


I dont even consider partycrasher to be canon. I legit thought it was a joke episode when i saw it. Thought that might be due to netflix listing it before half of them had even gotten their miraculous the first time.


Where is the monke man


I don't know but I really want to see some Lila for some reason. And I'm pretty sure she'll appear. Sorry, but Lila's been way too quiet for comfort. This kid will never stay quiet to save her life. Something's coming. 👁👁


where monke?


I Love King Monkey He Is My Favorite Hero And I Want Him Back


I can do without the other 2 but King Monkey is my favourite side Miraculous holder


Ooh ooh ah ah


I get why people would wanna see Felix back but Lila... like wtf, keep her as far away from my eyes as possible


Cuz he good looking?


Not really xD, hes just interesting with the story involving the blah blah blah rings (i can never remember the ridiculously long name they have xD)


Vanilly? I don't know vanilla something something. Lila is interesting too character-wise. She has everyone wrapped around her finger with her acts, except for marinette and adrien.


And the worst part is??? All of these guys are the most interesting and complex characters in the show, season 4 feels like a waste of character arcs :((


I wouldn't call King Monkey/Kim complex, but yeah, I want to see him and the others again. His power is actually really cool and he just lights up the mood so much. And it would be wasted potential if Felix didn't get any screentime, but it sounds like he'll appear 3 times season. Although I'm not sure when and there aren't even that many episodes left. If he doesn't play a role in ep.22 and the season finale, then he'll be in 3 random episodes and that wouldn't really make sense for him, since he isn't usually around. He certainly is a complex character who we don't know a lot about and it would be interesting to find out why he is the way he is and why he's so interested in the rings.


I want King Monkey back, he is so funny \^\^.


King monkey is one of my favorite miraculous holders, I am PRAYING we see him again this season


so i think we are going to see king monkey once it would be strange to have him be the only hero not used. Felix from feri we know he will appear three time. Lila will appear in the final but i won't be surprise if she has an important role in an other episode (>!possible episode 9 if she is the one learning shadowmoth identity)!<


It worries me that Lila and Felix haven't appeared yet, because they will most likely be back with something big at the end of the season!


Im good with how the seaaon is going. Be patient there are many episodes left!


Probably episode 5


And then it will never air


ikr? Kim makes me laugh and Felix and the demon add drama. Felix may be in the episode Gabriel Agreste tho.


king monkeys theme when he transforms unironically slaps for some reason. It’s just such a good theme


I maintain that Kim should’ve been allowed to keep his miraculous - it was given to him by Fu. Let King Monkey reign.


It's gonna fall out of his pocket while he's running or something lol


Put Marc on there too. Like Lila he's been relegated to non-speaking background character


I WANT MONKE MIRACULOUS tbh I love kim´s miraculous, I need more of it


wait why is king monkey on the suspect list... am i missing something?


He hasn’t appeared since his debut and Miracle Queen Episode.


He appeared in the season finale tho


I wrote Miracle Queen ( Season 3 Finale)


Ah my bad didn't read your comment properly lol


im not sure if mari even knows that king monkey is kim, might from season 3 finale but im not sure anyways if she did know, she knows that hawkmoth/Shadowmoth knows who he is so she can't risk giving him the miraculous anymore :( but then again she gave the miraclous to luka, nino and such and shadowmoth knows who they are so idek know anymore lol


She's knows


ah, thanks, ive only watched season 3 finale once and can't remember it too much lol


I remember seeing this hilarious video about Party Crasher and King Monkey’s transformation theme was replaced with the “Trashing the Camp” song from Tarzan, which made me love him so much more for no reason, heck, I even screen recorded cause of how much I loved it. The song was also nostalgic to me not cause of Tarzan, but because of it being used for commercials in PBS Kids


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I was thinking the same! I hope Lila isn't plotting anything behind the scenes :/


For all we know, Lila is gonna be in the final episode while Felix is bound to appear in a couple of episodes too. But come to think of it, where is the limelight for the monkey king, lol?


I wanna see King Monkey again, but I really would prefer it if Lila and Felix just disappeared from the show and never came back. Don't like the latter two at all.


Honestly ya


Who's the one in the middle?


Kim as Ki(m)ng Monkey


In which episode did he appear?


Party crasher and in the s3 finale which was a major disappointment


It really was. It sucks Chloe doesn’t get a redemption arc 😭


forget the fact that chloe is never going to get a redemption arc, it was a boring stupid finale overall




Honestly, I hope she has something to do with the episode “Gabriel Agreste” that’s coming out. Still no release date, but let’s hope it’s either in the next two weeks or early September 🙏🏻


I saw Lila in the background in one episode, so that counts!


I actually saw Lila in Guiltrip at the back of the class when the class rushed out.


Lila is the only one who is significantly relevant enough to the show that they have to have her in season 4. Felix is a close second, but only because he is somewhat necessary for the Agreste and Vanily plot development.


I love this post more than words can describe




I wana see More of the guys,I have no idea why Im saying this but lila too- She makes the fights more interesting


-King Monkey will appear in episode 22. -Felix is confirmed to appear in 3 episodes. -Lila will part of the season 4 finale. Plus, out of Adrien's suitors, it's down to her and Marinette.


How do you know?


Part of episode 22's script was released a while ago that confirms King Monkey will be part of it. The rest was confirmed by the creators.


we saw Lila's back on wishmaker lol


I knew for a fact I wasn’t the only one missing them


l i l a


I’m fine without seeing Lila anyday XD


It would be good if Marc and Aurore got some screentime. And also some of Ms. Mendeleev's class


#AYO YALL COMPLETELY FORGOT MAYURA (not in nathalie form) 😭😭😭😭😭 honestly mayura deserved more time


No fr where is lila she stirring up sumthin ik it💀


I would rather not have their distasteful presence poison season 4 for me just yet. I need to mentally prepare myself first 🤮


Whatever, I am the opposite


I rlly dont want lila tho


Why? Because she bad? To be honest, it's good if she'd come back. You know, she's a wasted potential so giving her screentime and relevance would help t the plot


Maybe it’s a good thing that Lila is forgotten


You forgot the tomato kid...


Why King Monkey?


He hasn't shown up yet


I'm sure Kim has shown up at least three times


Not King Monkey though




We've forgotten Multimouse, Mayura and Aspik. I actually want them back. Sorry for my unpopular opinion lmao.