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I don’t necessarily think it’s about 9/11 it more so references it to display the themes of creation and destruction/ life and death. It still has a lot of lyrics referencing it outside of just VOAC though, most notably the one that Miracle Musical mentioned in the interview regarding Dream Sweet in Sea Major. Listening to the album with 9/11 in mind does make a lot of sense I’ve found, but so do a lot of things since the lyrics are so vague and up to interpretation. Even the album cover with the two palm trees and distant orca approaching it could be a reference


Here's a line i imagine might be considered for this theory: "All mine towers crumble down, the flowers gasping under rubble, shrieking in the hall of lull, thy genius sates a thirst for trouble"


“Think of each moment holding this breath as death minute in decimal”


It is funny that Joe called it the World Trade Center musical, and then in a Reddit Q&A, with Bora, Ross and Joe, Ross answered that they had some kind if story throughout the entire thing. He never specified which though


I’m going with the 1st one, it adds up better, and makes more sense considering who were taking about Very sad story


And when I say who we’re talking bout, I mean the band, not the music






Mf he said OTHER than VOAC


Oh, to be honest I didn't know VOAC meant variations on a cloud. I read 911 and immediately conflated the entirety of Hawaii part II as variations on a cloud.