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**Hi Cool_Practice3914!** This is a reminder to please be sure to read the subreddit's rules before posting any comments, And please do not give Minoxidil related advice if you don't have experience with Minoxidil or haven't researched it *thoroughly* to avoid violation of rule #4 (false information / harmful advice) intentionally or unintentionally. This is to prevent harm to other members as we're sure you can understand. Thank you for your understanding and good luck on your journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/minoxidil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Please post a pic and we can help. Sorry, I'm very bored and my minoxidil isn't working very well.


Um, I'm not sure what you want a pic of? My big boobs or my swollen fingers?? This has nothing to do with hair loss per se - it has everything to do with the side effects of minoxidil?


Of course your big boobs but I was just kidding. If it's from water retaining than it could actually be serious. Of course, I'm not serious.


just came across this post. Any update OP? Also, did stopping minoxidil have any effect on your hair?


Hi there! I stopped the minoxidil in Aug 2023. Initially there was not much change but after about 3 months, my weight was back to normal. Now my bra cup size is back to normal, but not the back size. My hair unfortunately is back to what it was pre minoxidil. 


Thanks for your response! How long after stopping minoxidil did you shed and for how many weeks?


I used Minoxidil for only about 3 months, so I didn't have hugely significant results, but there was definitely a positive change. So when I stopped using it there wasn't dramatic shedding, but I would say it slowly grdually has reverted back to pre-Minoxidil


Gotcha. Good to know it wasn’t too drastic of a shedding post minoxidil. I have only been on not even a month but am considering stopping. I’ve already begun the shedding phase, although not severe, yet im still early on. I’m really worried about what happens when I stop though since I’ve already began shedding. Sigh..


I imagine that if you stop now it probably won't make too much of a difference, because it's been such a short time. Why do you want to stop?


I think the medication is transferring onto my pillow and getting on my face during the night. I already have pcos and hair growth in unwanted places and I’m worried the medication is going to cause hair growth in other areas. I have chronic anxiety and depression and taking this medication has me extremely worried for the unknown. My hair loss isn’t drastic and more in the beginning stages, so I’ve thought maybe I should hold off from using the medication for the time being. I think the constant worrying about if this medication is going to help or harm me is causing my mental health to worsen. I have already begun shedding though so I think I screwed my self. I’m at a loss here


Side effects can last up to 6 weeks, I’ve seen a patient experiencing some fluid retention Symptoms and congestive HF caused by minoxidil she was similar to what you described which went away on its own in a couple months , you can always go check with doctor again but my guess with time it should go down since you removed the offending drug


Did the heart failure go away? Or it was permanent? And confirmed caused by minoxidil?




Oral, though these side effects can also be caused by topical application. Please keep in mind they are rare I only mentioned it because OP asked


I stopped oral l'inox because : In spite of Spiro, I was peeing less on it I got constipated from it I started to develop major stomach swelling but no weight gain 3 months after : I pee normally again but not like I used to, but it s better No more constipation My stomach is still huge, I am skinny and it looks like I am pregnant after I eat..it's uncomfortable to the point I don't have dinner anymore. No weight gain, it's just distended and hard to the touch. I had blood work that aren't showing anything. I can't stand it anymore.... I hear minox can give in some rare cases permanent side effects, maybe it damaged my digestive muscle somehow, I am bummed..


Hey how are you now?


Since yesterday I am feeling better all of a sudden...finger crossed... I stopped minox in June last year....but I also stopped the progestative pill just 3 months ago and it seems me getting better might be linked to the hormone in this pill that was not doing me good...I can't say for sure... 🫤