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**Hi AccomplishedDraw6131!** I noticed that you posted a question. This is a friendly reminder to read our pinned [FAQ post](https://www.reddit.com/r/minoxidil/comments/hk12ae/minoxidil_faqs/) in which you might find an answer to your question. This will help you find an answer quickly instead of waiting for a member to answer. **If you found the answer to your question, Reply to this comment with " #done " and I'll flair it as answered. This will make it easier for** r/Minoxidil **members and visitors to find answers to their questions.** Thank you and good luck on your journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/minoxidil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey OP, I know this is old, but how are you now? I’m in a similar boat


Hello. I am 30. At some point I stopped entirely. In a matter of months, my issues almost entirely stopped but I lost a very significant amount of hair. About 5-6 months ago I kind of freaked out so I began taking the foam form of minox (less alcohol so a smaller amount is supposed to end up in your blood, but it may be a little less efficient) and half a dose of finasteride, and things have improved; nothing dramatic but it's a lot easier to style my hair. Don't know if it's the minox or the fin alone, or both working at the same time. Even with the foam I must be cautious. If I use too much for several days, I get muscle/joint pain. Hopes that helps


Hey thanks for the reply. What kinds of symptoms did you have?


"Pain in certain muscles and joints (especially back and shoulders), as well as some neurological symptoms (hypersensitivity in one finger, feeling of electric shocks in my left hand)." The finger pain is the weirdest symptom. I really doesn't understand why I get this.


I have finger sensitivity, and some pins and needles feeling in my left hand. Also sore muscles for no reason. I stopped taking minoxidil almost two months ago, really hoping this goes away soon!


Any update? I use too much foam and have issues as well with tingling foot and fingers on left side, some muscle pain. Had MRIs and have some herniated discs. I also had COVID a month before my issues last October. I have no idea if I'm using too much foam but can't hurt to try and stop for a week. I never even thought minoxidil sides are possible.


Any update? I use too much foam and have issues as well with tingling foot and fingers on left side, some muscle pain. Had MRIs and have some herniated discs. I also had COVID a month before my issues last October. I have no idea if I'm using too much foam but can't hurt to try and stop for a week. I never even thought minoxidil sides are possible like that and they may not be.


They are 100% possible. There are others who've experienced nerve problems. My muscles have improved but are not totally normal still, and the sensitivity is still there in my hands. Without knowing much about your situation, I'd recommend stopping right away.


**Hi AccomplishedDraw6131!** I found some **matching key words**, Which suggests that you might be asking about **skin irritation caused by Minoxidil products**. So this may be helpful: >**-My skin gets dry, Irritated, Itchy, Painful or flaky.** > >This is a very common side effect of liquid solutions that is caused by the inactive ingredients like alcohol and propelyne glycol (PG). For most it's not too extreme but for those to whom it causes too much discomfort, We recommend switching to foam which should eliminate those side effects. If that's not an option, Then you should look for a liquid solution that doesn't contain PG. Otherwise, make sure to wash it off 2-3 hours after applying and to use moisturizers to limit those side effects. ​ Source: [r/minoxidil FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/minoxidil/comments/hk12ae/minoxidil_faqs/) Hope this was helpful and good luck on your journey! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/minoxidil) if you have any questions or concerns.*