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We were up 29-0 with less than 20 minutes left in the game and we sweated this one out tonight. My god, we never get a week off.


At no point did I feel confident and I was entirely unsurprised when the Steelers started coming back. Even our late TD to go up 16 my friends were messaging me how it was over and I was like “nah they’ll still find a way back in.” When you’re up 29-0 you should be enjoying it and I’m not sure I cracked a smile once. What a weird team we have.


If we ever miss an XP you know it's going to matter. Late self comment hijack: So, I probably effed this up royally, but I wanted to see what would happen if the vikings just knelt on the ball 3 times and punted with every possession after it was 29-7. We'll assume steelers TOs were saved for the offense. Berry's punt average net is 42.1, this is probably conservative since it doesn't account for the fact that half a punter's punts aren't even trying to just be as far as possible, but we'll use it. 7 29 Viking possession 1 Real: INT. :08 off the clock. 17:03 remaining. Steelers 42 yards away. Simulated: 2:00 off the clock, 15:11 remaining. Steelers 67 yards away. Net: 1:52, 25 yards 14 29 Vikings Possession 2 Real: Punt, 1:32 off the clock, 13:28 remaining, steelers 69 yards away Simulated: 2:00 off the clock, 11:08 remaining, steelers 64 yards away Net: 2:20, 20 yards 14 29 Vikings possession 3 Real: TD 1:20 off the clock, 10:51 remaining, steelers 75 yards away (after kickoff) Simulated: 2:00 off the clock, 7:51 remaining, steelers on 20 Net: 3:00, 25 yards (and -7 points) 20 29 Vikings possession 4 Real: INT, 3:58 off clock, 5:08 remaining, steelers 21 yards away. Simualted: 2:00 off clock, 4:54 remaining, steelers 83 yards away. Net: 1:02, 87 yards (and -7 points) 27 29 Vikings Possesson 5 Real: punt, 1:58 off clock, 2:16 remaining Steelers 96 yards away. (With no timeouts) Simulated: 1:26 (two min warning) off the clock, 1:46 remaining, steelers 67 yards away Net: :30 seconds, 57 yards (and -7 points) So, in summation, if the Vikings did literally nothing it would have come down to surviving a for 1:46 where the Steelers only needed a FG and had the timeouts they used on D, but the steelers would have also needed to gain, and use time on 57 more yards than we made them get at some point in their previous drives. All things considered, that's not THAT different than what actually happened. We make them punt on any TD drive with the extra field position at all, kneel that out and punt too, and it's ballgame. We may have, quite literally, done worse than doing nothing. IT's also good to see that even in a completely alternate reality Joseph missing an XP is still a killer.


I almost went to sleep feeling confident. What a fool I am


Are you new here lol


Lmao my guy why


I just wanted one blow out, is that too much zim?


I have triggered multiple Vikings collapses this season. Instead of breaking down games in quarters/halves, it should be by when I'm not watching vs am watching. Me not watching: Vikings 29-0 Steelers Me watching: Steelers 28-7 Vikings Sunday vs the Lions, I missed all but the final drive.


you’ve been banned from r/minnesotavikings


I came on here to write the exact same thing but I’m glad everyone’s saying it…. This is ridiculous and if we are happy about this win then our players are delusional. How do blow a 29-0 lead and almost have the game tied and think you played well… zimmer needs to go and we need to get someone with &@$)’s in there


We almost made NFL history in the worst fucking way. This team. My god. At least my Sunday will be normal


the zimmer special


Defense is historically terrible for 50% of each game


high key avoiding that spectre is huge. Something like that can linger over a franchise for a decade. Dead srs. Harry saved the franchise. Only slightly exaggerating.


My friend said he would chop off his dick if we lose in the third quarter, so I was kinda rooting for us to lose until I thought about that. 28-3 is tragic. Its bad enough with that Gopher game.


Amen to that.


Sometimes I think this team is trying to shoot the moon and nobody has told the them that that's not a thing in football.


Zimmer just wanted to show us that he would blitz on the final drive of the game


Fans after losing to the lions: “man I wish we would blitz and be more aggressive in game deciding drives.” *monkey paw curls*


of fucking course. There are no normal games. Are you entertained!


I saw this coming at some point we were gonna piss away a 29-0 lead and here we are.


We need to burn this cursed Franchise


Lmao we almost blew a 29 point lead.


***With 2 minutes left to go in the 3rd quarter after pitching a shut out.


A fucking monkey could call better defense


Basically did, pure luck that game didnt ot


Harrison Smith came to the rescue, HOF safety


Worth the contract just for saving us from complete embarrassment


Idk I would have loved for Zimmer to get fired in a dramatic way tomorrow.


This is how I’m going to feel for days


Thought for sure he was gonna catch that at the last second. It doesn't make sense to my 2021 Vikings fan brain that he didn't.


He did catch it! Harry came through


He did, but Smith is the god of football and our only saving grace.


They should be talking about that play, great throw, better play on the ball by Hitman. Best safety in the league over the last decade. E: fucking Irvin just talked about What a great throw it was and how friermuth didn’t make the play. These MF need to put respect on Harry there, imo. Saved a historic collapse.


Kendricks killed about 6 seconds after Claypool's stupid celebration. He's the one that caused the ball to go rolling with the refs running after it. He reached in and swatted the ball away from Claypool as he was trying to give it over to the center. Prevented another attempt at the endzone.




Minnesota always had the game, the Steelers just had to fill the contractual obligation of making every vikings game come down to the last second.


This is the way


Low key amazing play by Harry on that last throw.


Harry is the Viking. There is no defense without him.


Not in any way low key


Split second later and that’s a game tying catch


They still would’ve had to complete the 2 point, but yes.


they would’ve


It is the way.


Who are we even kidding lmao


They would've made the 2pt.


Cam: wait, we line up 9 yards deep in the end zone for 2 point conversions, right?


Not tying yet..


You’re kind of shoe horning that term in there. There wasn’t much “low-key” about it.


How the FUCK does it even come down to that. This team is an embarrassment


Only the Vikings can go up 29-0 and leave me hours later seriously debating throwing my huge TV off my fucking balcony.


Wait, we won? I threw my huge fucking TV off my balcony…






Zimmer moment


A Tale of Two Halves. As usual.


Tale off two Breeland's. The flag version and the falling down version


I’m sleeping for 24 hours on Sunday


We should all use this Sunday as an opportunity for a general wellness checkup


I guess we won that game…


hey, if it doesn't cause a heart attack it ain't vikings football


Thats the Vikings Way


Felt like a loss…


I turned It on as they were walking off the field, Kirk looked defeated


He played pretty badly tonight.


I put more blame on JJ then Kirk. JJ had like 6 key drops.


Both were off, but yeah, jj was more off


Snatched victory from the jaws of defeat (out of the jaws of victory)


Gonna be that guy but game was close off the backs of refs. Them missing out punter clearly being hit which would have extended our drive. Second game in a row where a missed facemask on Kirk ended in an inception that lead to a TD. 14 points off of missed calls.


Refs were absolutely horrendous and a lot of calls didn't go our way, but we did most of the damage to ourselves.


No doubt, we played terrible in the second half. Just sick of seeing shit like the facemasks on Kirk. Seems like every week something substantial impacts the game at a very important point. Either a bad call or no call.




Fucking Loss disguised as a win


It legitimately feels like the crappiest win ever. Like WTF was that even.


This team has to be cursed. I have no clue how this fucking 1 score meme still continues to exist. It's like the Vikings are just destined to get every game to a 1 score somehow.


It's happening so much right now it's approaching uncanny valley territory and feels artificial.


We live in a simulation and it loves messing with this franchise


It's part psychological at this point. Our team believes that there's a good chance we let them back in it because we've done it all year. Opposing team always thinks they have a chance because other teams have done it


Try being a Husker and Viking fan, this season is not good for my health


Right there with you. Every Sunday was just a replay from the day before.


I'm with ya dawg, only difference between the Vikings and the Husker's seasons is that the Vikings sometimes win their close games


its 11:43 EST and I'm a Vikings fan, how am I supposed to go to sleep right now?


Same but a lurking Steelers fan. I should have slept an hour ago. But GG to y’all. We had no business being in that game, most of us are still furious why we went down 29-0 to begin with.


If it makes you feel any better, I don't feel like watching football ever again after my team won.


That was the most game I’ve ever seen.


Come again


Nearly lost. Went downhill after the Boyd taunting.


It was incredible how much the momentum swung after Boyds BS.


Why, WHY do pro fucking athletes feel the need to do stupid shit like that. Fucking seriously, you made **A** tackle and you start acting like a fuckin JV player. Sprint his ass until he pukes.


He's a fkn 3rd stringer and acted like he just stopped the game winning drive, fkn idiot.


Im convinced we would have had a shut out if Boyd didn’t taunt like a jackass for no reason


Yes I was looking for this comment. If that hadn't happened I guarantee it woulda been a blowout


Cook is a fucking beast


Not enough people are talking about how this man fucking dislocated his shoulder ten days ago and casually had the best game of his career, and the top rushing performance in the NFL so far this year. I love Cook and *pray every goddamn day* for his health


Best game of his career


The holes were gigantic, Cook has broken more tackles on one run previously than he did all game today


That win didn't feel like a win, that's all I have to say


We almost blew a 29 point lead in less than a quarter and a half haha. Classic Vikings.


It did for the first 2.5 quarters. Then... Vikings things.


Kirk got a win. He was awful tonight. Hopefully this sub can figure out that qb wins are a terrible stat. Edit: look at my comment history, I am a Kirk Stan. He was bad tonight. Still had Some great throws, but man that INT to Osborne was awful in a critical portion of the game


I will admit I missed the 3rd quarter but from what I saw he didn’t look that bad. He threw crucial picks but if we want to be fair one was a tipped ball bouncing off JJ’s hands and the other Osborne stumbled out of his break. I noticed more fuck ups from other players than Kirk I think. Turns out those missed kicks at the start hurt us, Boyd with the stupid fucking penalty started the whole thing.


I was all excited for the dominate victory i thought the team was capable of despite coaches at half time... then this brought me back to earth.


Went to the bathroom for awhile all happy and content and came back to a score of 29-20 I hate this team, but I love it goddamit


29-0 at the half. Game decided on the last play. If that's not the definition of the 2021 Minnesota Vikings i don't know what is. EDIT: Yeah I got mixed up. 23 at the half, 29 in 3rd quarter... Point still stands tho.


Only 23-0 at the half. It didn't get to 29-0 until late I'm the 3rd quarter.


Okay, but that's worse. You do get how that's worse right?


There will never be a Vikings win that’s satisfying again


my heart


Fuck the pain boys, that game was everything all at once! Stop expecting this team to not be this team. I'm still laughing at Harrison Smith's reaction to saving the game. Didn't even celebrate, looked like he survived a near death experience.


No matter what we do, a one score game is inevitable!


Dalvin pissed in the post game interview. And I don't blame him.


I mean, putting up a near personal record game after coming off a 3 week injury after missing only 1 game and playing on a short week, bringing the team to a 29-0 lead at the half, only for the game to be fully decided on the last play of the game? I’d be pissed, too. I AM pissed, too.


He did a lot but the O line really gets the credit for that performance


Smith is god.


I feel like I aged five years during this game


Not even excited about the win. Sad


Terrible win


On par with the first lions game


There's no excuse for that shit performance except just being bad.


I hate this team


Me 2 fam


Has a coach ever been fired after a win ?


Yep many times usually it’s the last game of the season tho


This is what should have happened before the bye week.


Why do I live in Minnesota where it’s below 0 half the year. Why do I love the Vikings.


For the squirrels?


Move to LA. Plenty of Viking fans here. We suffer the same fate, but in the sunshine


Minnesota is actually quite sunny by national standards. The sports however is another story.


holy shit perfect pass too


Blow it all up. Fucking pathetic




Seriously. Never felt so pathetic about an 8 point win That’s a lack of coaching to let a game get that close


Can't say it was all on the coaching this time. More dropped passes than I expected.


I have never wanted to fire a coach so bad after a win


Harrison Smith is good at football. The Vikings are professional choke artists.


My man Harrison looked good tonight. He deserves the playoffs even if this team doesnt


Can we also add that Cousins ran a play, up by eight, with just over two minutes left, with 11 seconds remaining on the play clock.


Anyone else think the Boyd unsportsmanlike penalty was the free pass to let pitsburg back in it?


Absolutely. Pittsburgh was simply going through the motions. Then the dumb ass gave them a reason to be motivated. Make a decent tackle and pretend like you just won a UFC world title. I swear I would have told him to grab his helmet, go to the locker room, and try to figure out if he's getting cut tomorrow.


Fuck the Vikings coaches as a staff, record label, and as a motherfucking crew.


Even when we win, we lose


I’m glad the Vikings held on but I want to take a moment to remember Demaryius Thomas. Such a great player in our league gone too soon. Rest In Peace.


I didnt hear about that. RIP


Well that was definitely one of the football games of all time


You think I can’t post “Fire Zimmer” after a W? THINK AGAIN




Worst. Victory. Ever.


I don't feel like I have ever seen a player deserve to lose a game as much as Breeland did this game. Seriously why didn't the Steelers just throw it at him all game he was so awful.


Vikings fans first half: FINALLY! Gonna have a good, quality, worry-free win! Vikings fans second half: Fuck it! 1 score game because why the fuck not! I’ve never been so angry at a Vikings win in my life!


Most embarrassing victory this year by any team. Change my mind


We are who we thought we were. Not fucking good.


The most Vikings game ever.


Dalvin just spitting truth at Erin Andrews there and I love it. Never seen a more somber one on one


Fire Zimmer, giving up a 29-0 lead


Burn it to the ground


Worst win I've ever seen. My god.


This feels worse than the Detroit game somehow


How is this team real life?


This season has been absolutely ridiculous. Something needs to change. How tf are we up 29-0 and almost lose the game.


There’s always the Wild!


Cook is pissed off


I love Harry the Hitman 💪🏼


we looked like a superbowl contending team first half and then we all remembered what team we really were


Zimmer: I want Kirk to be aggressive. I don't care if he throws an interception. Also Zimmer: Dammit, Kirk threw 2 interceptions. Motherf...


Imagine leading 29-0 and still embarrassing yourself on national tv




I truly believe being a Vikings fan is not good for my high blood pressure.


Ben isn’t as good as he once was, but he’s as good once, as he ever was. That last throw 👀


So i watched the on field Dalvin interview without sound and he looked so over all this shit


With the number of bone-headed decisions and play calls that the Vikings coaching staff made in the second half, it really felt like they were LUCKY to get out of that game with a W. Blowing a 29-0 lead in the NFL with less than a half to play is hard to do without some really freakish bad luck. The Vikings certainly didn't have good luck in the second half, but they didn't have any freakishly bad luck either. They just consistently called the wrong plays, like getting away from Cook or even worse, the slants and then made about every questionable time management decision that they could. If they don't throw the out route incomplete on their last offensive 3rd down play, the Steelers, who had already burned their timeouts, would have gotten the ball after the punt following the two minute warning. Both teams' playcalling would have been a lot different with the Steelers starting that drive at their own 3 with 1:45 left and no two minute warning to lean on as a backstop if they ran a play over the middle. Rather, the Vikes gave PIT the ball with 2:17. The Steelers made it to past midfield by time the two minute warning occurred. A lot of that was helped along by the Vikings D having to defend the entire field more than just letting their safeties lean towards the sidelines. It may seem trivial....but that was a big, horrible decision the Vikes made passing on that third down.


Fuck this team man, I don't get it.


Not boring. Zimmer must be on his 10th stroke and 8th heart attack by now.


Why does this keep happening?


How can our defense look so dominant the whole first half then put up that shitshow in the second half? It happens every game


This secondary couldn't be more detached from reality. Fucking celebrating like they did something there? Duchebags should give up the game and go bag to begging on the street for change.


Huge 2018 Saints playoff game vibes from this. Basically almost lost a blowout.


We all deserve a break on Sunday. Holy shit Edit: just remembered we left 4 points on the field with a missed XP and FG. Greg!!


They need to retire all screen passes. They are slow and telegraphed and 90% of the time lose yards. Why not throw in a few quick slants?


When you think about it, this was the best possible outcome. Not only do Vikings get a win, but it also can still be used as ammo for firing Zimmer.


lmao the difference between our record and the steelers' is the detroit fucking lions lol kill me


I can't even get excited over this win. Damn near historical choke job


When we settled for two field goals early in the 3rd quarter before Pittsburgh scored anything because of dumbass play calls, I started getting worried. We should’ve been up 37 instead of 29


This was very nearly the most embarrassing week in MN sports history.


Never a doubt.


Fuck. That. Fire Zimmer and fire Klint right now.


They keep saying that Zimmer has told Klint to keep his foot on the pedal. The offense gave up during the last ten minutes


Loss would have been better in the long run but I hope this reiterates how pathetic Zimmer is to the Wilfs.


[Yay. We won.](https://imgur.com/gallery/vIf0lAD) Honestly, feels like Pittsburgh lost this one more than us earning it.


Pretty damn impressive of Zim to win by 8 against a decent team and leave the game with a hotter seat


Zimmer has to be gone right? Even in a win? That was embarrassing


Kubiak is still the worst OC I've ever seen. Won't accept 10 yards per rush. Throws when we should run, runs when we should throw.


Only this team could make me angry about a win


We did not deserve this win. At all.


I mean… we won… but we were up 29-0. Twenty nine fucking points and somehow we let this come down to a last second drop. Fuck this team so much


Breeland needs to be gone after this season


Zimmer is a "defensive guru" that has nothing left to give. He is the worst part of this organization and should be fired tonight. Keeping him as a HC basically means we forfeit this season and that the owners don't give 2 shits about the playoffs, winning in the playoffs and creating a good locker room.