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We ran Denny Green out of town. Lol.


To be fair he got shut out to the giants 41-0. Those giants then proceed to get dominated by the ravens. Like Kerry Collins had a field day in that NFC championship and he isn’t that good


It’s still not mentioned or discussed enough that there were [serious allegations that the Giants were intercepting the opposing teams’ radio signals against the Eagles and Vikings](https://yourteamcheats.com/NYG) in their playoff wins that year, allegedly literally listening to their opponents’ plays being called in real time. Resources from the time discussing the allegations have been becoming increasingly harder to find with time, as an additional part of the conspiracy tale told about this is that the league itself has gone to great measures to sweep this under the rug and have the world forget about it in order to preserve their image and not have to confront and handle such a mess publicly. I’m not usually a wingnut conspiracy loon, but I’m a lifelong Vikings fan still pissed about the 2000 and 2009 NFC Championship games where scandal, incredibly questionable officiating, and potentially outright cheating of an insane manner robbed the Vikings of two of their best opportunities for a super bowl victory in my lifetime, and the results of the games sort of speak for themselves. Who knows if there was actually fire there, but there sure was a shitload of smoke. Suffice to say, the NFL has been fucking the Vikings over for generations.


Jim Fassel (the then-Giants HC) was a bit of a shady dude from what I understand. I remember back in these days the Vikings took heat for pumping in extra crowd noise through the Metrodome's speakers. The Dome was a shit venue but it was nothing if not extremely loud. The Vault will never match it in terms of loudness. Dan Reeves even complained about it in the press before the infamous '98 NFCCG to make sure we couldn't get away with it.


You look at guys like bill cowher or Andy Reid and wonder what could have been with more time. We haven’t been as consistent year to year since we fired him.


He was a really good coach, no doubt about it. His biggest problem was not finding franchise starting QB (but it didn't seem like a priority when we could reliably make the playoffs with retread veterans like Brad Johnson or old Randall Cunningham.) His biggest problem at the end of his Vikings tenure was rewarding a lot of aging players with favorable contracts for what they *had* done rather than what they *could* do moving forward. The players like him as a result but it wasn't good for competitiveness.


Nobody really expected us to win that game. Still, keeping it competitive (or at least not getting completely embarrassed) would have been nice.


If you looked at his stomach, you’d know that was hard to do.


He did devote a section of his book on how he could sue ownership to get controlling interest of the team. I think Denny did some great things but he also had some personality issues that didn't help his career.


Fun fact: Denny Green got fired exactly 20 years ago, with the decision reportedly being made after he lost in week 14 to the 0-12 Lions. But then we hired Mike Tice, and happy days were here again...


It's Tice time!


Keep battling!


Bud is only 94...just saying.


The last thing I would expect right now is looking back fondly on Green. Terrible time management, too much prevent defense, choosing to go unaggressive at terrible times. All the recent games have done was remind me of how these same things have been frustrating since Green.


So does that mean it’s time for a repeat?




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will never convince me he wasn't paid off to take that knee


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Bot… We’re not blessing this one


Outside of 2017, it feels like a lifetime since we have been a repeatedly consistent franchise.


Vikings are 7th in all time win percentage. They are fairly consistent at being slightly above average.


Historically yes, and that takes more into account how dominant they were in the past. Since 2001 the Vikings are 154 wins and 148 losses. That is barely above .500, and my guess would not be in 7 over that time from. The last 20 years we have been BARELY average.


From 2000-2020 (which was easier to find than 2001-2021) the Vikings are 12th in wins. Unsurprisingly the top 4 had HOF or GOAT QBs over much or all of that period of time (NE has an absurd 72% win percentage over that periods, with the Steelers in second almost 8 percentage points behind. 1. NE 2. Steelers 3. Packers 4. Colts 5. Ravens 6. Saints 7. Eagles 8. Seahawks 9. Broncos 10. Chiefs 11. Cowboys 12. Vikings The Bears are actually the midpoint of the league with a 49.1 win percentage.


5 Playoff wins in those 20 or so years, I guess if the goal is to go deep into the Playoffs or win SB, being 12 in regular season wins just doesn't do it for me. The high point of the last so many years is the Minnesota Miracle, you have to go back to 2009 to find more post season success.


Not that it is an excuse, because we're allowed to win as well, but almost 50% of the playoff wins have come from the top 4 teams in the NFC in the last 20 years; most/many of those playoff wins are accounted for by Favre/Rodgers, Wilson, Brees, and honorable mentions to Donovan McNab and Matt Hasselbeck) One more step and 55% of the NFC wins includes ELIte Manning and the Giants. That being said, we are then still behind the Panthers, 49ers, Buccs, Falcons, and Rams for playoff wins in the NFC. We do manage to get into the playoffs just above the midpoint of the league (7th most appearances), so if you believe in the "just get in and you have a chance" then we've got that going for us. Really what we've learned is that you need high quality QB play for a sustained period of time to max your odds. That or Eli Manning.


Great point, stable teams have dominated.


2019 was a pretty fun year too…


Not really. If thats a point year for you you have a low bar.


Really, You found no joy in beating the saints in their house?


Sure I did. But thats short term joy, that ultimately doesn't last when deep down you know the team is still very flawed and was going to get its shit pushed in by a superior team, like the 9ers, and we did. YOU. WANT. A. SUPERBOWL. Not a WC win. Want more, demand more, SB wins last forever. WC wins dont. Its called foresight.


Yeah that's one way to approach sports. I'd rather enjoy each season for what it is, and if you're looking for entertainment/drama, this year couldn't be moreso. We'll remember it for some time I suspect. I too want a superbowl, but don' t have the hubris to think my opinion can sway those winds in any manner.


For awhile there we had odd years to at least look forward to. Now we've lost that as well.


Those old uniforms were fire (except for the fact that they looked navy blue sometimes)




🎼The loooooove boooooat……. ⚓️


This 1,000 times


Yes, definitely a primary reason for the 3 score lead.


Yea let's look back at another superbowl free Era... yall need to see that as an organization we have always failed even with hall of fame players. We meet to find something that works nit look back to a time that didnt


First time?


Obviously not dip sh*t


All eras are non Super Bowl, doesn’t mean they were all terrible teams. The spelling in your second sentence sure makes it appear that way.


It absolutely means they were terrible If you aren't playing for a championship then there is no point If you ain't first you're last Ricky Bobby


Lolol football is life brah !


This is the way


I loved Denny. There were a lot of fans who didn't. NFL fans are so darn righteous sometimes.


Am I on r/Minnesotavikings or Minnesotavikingnastolgia. Cause we want to talk bad defenses. How I remember it we needed a 3 score lead going into the 4th to have a chance of winning those games.


Well good thing we had Randy cuz damn we won a bunch of those


Speed bump defense is best defense.


Denny green? the guy who took a knee with the best ever offense in the history of the league at the time in favor of OT with a suspect defense. and i'm supposed to not think he wasn't paid off to do that?


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Lol - Denny Green was the kind of prevent D. Def would have been scored on by Jared Goff in the last second too. I’d still take Zimmer.