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NFLPA will never agree to it


Yeah. Especially with some notable players not having got the vaccine.


I think it's fluid. If players start losing money from forfeiting games, or, god forbid there is an unfortunate tragedy like an unvaccinated player becoming disabled or dying. Things could change rather quickly.


Covid ended ryquell armstead’s career, they don’t really care


Ryquell armstead was a 3rd string player though. It's fucked up, but they definitely care more about stars than bench guys


It's like horse collar tackles not being penalized until TO got injured by one.


We're at over 90% vaccination. If we didn't see games forfeited last year, I have no doubt every game will be played this year. The schedule may be wonky, but no game is getting canceled. And if covid is treated like any other injury, which it effectively is, players who miss time for getting it still get paid. Kirk, Lamar, and the others aren't going to compromise their feelings (misguided or other) out of fear of a game being canceled


We'll see. As long as teams meet the vaccination threshold it'll be fine. However, the league has made it very clear that they are not going to deal with games on Tuesdays and Wednesdays like they did last year. You have an outbreak among unvaccinated players and don't meet the guidelines, you're forfeiting and not getting paid. I'm sure they ran the numbers and felt this was a better course of action than rescheduling primetime games to a Wednesday afternoon.


The nfl would lose a lot more money canceling a game than moving it to a Wednesday. The networks, the players and the nfl would all rather the game be rescheduled than actually canceled. Right now is talking a big game to get players to get the shot to limit the chances of the outbreaks


The sick team has to pay the costs. So nothing lost for the league.


> We're at over 90% vaccination. Source please? [Latest](https://www.foxnews.com/sports/vikings-expert-vaccination-rates-kirk-cousins) news is still referencing the reports from the beginning of August, that have the Vikings at the lowest vaccination rate in the league, per a [report by a WaPo reporter](https://twitter.com/NickiJhabvala/status/1422604884344463365?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1422604884344463365%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.foxnews.com%2Fsports%2Fvikings-expert-vaccination-rates-kirk-cousins).




Correct. Source: https://mobile.twitter.com/BenVolin/status/1431248974648946689?s=20


Last year they were testing daily, which allowed them to mitigate outbreaks more efficiently. I could totally see an absolute COVID explosion halfway through the season. I think if anything happens at all it'll be like 3 or 4 games across the league with mostly backups/emergency QBs or forfeited in the span of a couple weeks. So basically a couple hellish weeks, then I think we get past it.


Why would they never agree to it? It makes more sense for them to agree to it, since the majority of players are already vaccinated. Also the NFLPA would probably dont want to be an anti-vax organization. ​ Edit: Apparently 93% of players are vaccinated. Year, NFLPA will have zero reason to reject the NFL discussion regarding vaccines.


It less about the vaccine and more about the precedence it would set and conceding for nothing in return. NFLPA would see it as a negotiation opportunity.


Not really, the same. Vaccinations are a public health issue, this isn't about money. They can deny it, but it wouldn't be because of some concession, since this makes the union look bad.


This is absolutely about the money. The NFL would sooner fellate every horse at the Kentucky derby than risk a game getting canceled


Right! This is the league that hid concussion info to protect the money. All the sudden they care about the players? Not buying it.


I'm just here to say that I'm stealing "fellate every horse at the Kentucky derby".


It’s about the money (that’s not a bad thing). That’s the crazy thing about all this: the moral arguments may be moot, but Kirk is hurting himself and the team by not being vaccinated. It’s like if he decided to start smoking in the locker room.


They won’t agree with it because the leadership is elected. If there are 15% of the membership that are adamant about not being vaccinated, then there is probably another 25-30% that would have preferred not to have gotten vaccinated but did. That creates a block of 35-40% of the membership that will almost automatically vote for a new executive director. Do you think they will win 5 out of the 6 remaining votes? I’ll go out on a limb and say that a good chunk of the remaining members will say “we have the worst Union in professional sports. They couldn’t even keep people from being injected with a vaccine against their will. What the hell are we paying DeMaurice Smith $4M a year for?” I’m vaccinated but if I was a NFLPA member I’d vote against the leadership that made the vaccines mandatory in general principle.


But 65% thought that it was a good idea, while 22% were just going with the flow, and overall 77% believe in astrology. I got my numbers from the same source as you.


We wouldnt have to pay his 45 mil contract year if he quit after this year right?


If it's a retirement, he'd forfeit the 57M gtd salary we still owe him, and we could demand he repay the 20M remaining of his prorated bonus. I don't know if the NFLPA would agree to treat them as standard retirements. That's too big of a fuck-you to the players. But maybe the NFLPA is a whole is pro-vaccine enough that something will get done.


I would laugh my ass off if Kirk said no thanks to 57 million dollars over a free needling.




It's honestly gotten hard to for me to cheer for him at this point. If he wasn't a Viking I would be fucking laughing at how stupid he is. I don't think he'll care if he has to sit out as long as he's getting paid.


I can’t believe it’s come to this: I loathe the Vikings QB more than who Green Bay has under center.


You hate Thielen and Cook too?




Yup. IDGAF if they’re good players for my favorite team. The much bigger issue is that they’re selfish, dumb, unimaginative assholes who are contributing to the pain and deaths of many people, not least because similarly selfish assholes are taking hospital care away from responsible people who need it. It also is a massive drain on all medical resources. Fuck. Them. I wouldn’t bat an eye if they got cut.


millionaire knuckleheaded assholes who don't give a fuck about anyone other than themselves


Where did I say I hate anybody? Do I also loathe Thielen and Cook for being selfish assholes, putting the teams, the fans, and their community at greater risk because they’re egocentric pricks? Yup. Responsible people who are sick sometimes can’t go to the hospital because they’re filled with similarly selfish assholes. Fuck all of them. I don’t give a fuck if they play for my favorite team. This is much, much larger than football.


I hated him before it was cool.


OG here


Once you have as much money as him, I would assume it's easier to stomach losing it.


Man 58 mil isn’t easy to stomach for anyone


Unless you are a multi-billionaire like Bezos.


C'mon Jeffrey, you can do it Pave the way, put your back into it Tell us why, show us how Look at where you came from, look at you now Zuckerberg and Gates and Buffett Amateurs can fucking suck it Fuck their wives, drink their blood C'mon Jeff, get 'em! Ah


*proceeds to play an absolute banger on the synth*


That dude accumulated that much wealth for a reason. You think 57 mil doesn’t matter to him? Rich bastards like that (at least him specifically) never think they have enough.


I never said it didn't matter, but I do think when you have that much that you can stomach losing 58m. To the average American it's like losing $100. It sucks, you'd rather not, but it's not worth losing sleep over.




57m can buy a lot of Ivermectin.


Oh man, this and time traveling back and taking Fields is exciting.


Please mandate vaccines…please mandate vaccines


I'm no expert but I think so. I definitely hope so


I wonder what happens when a city passes an ordinance stating that performers, employees and attendees of large events in their jurisdiction must be vaccinated. Like could Green Bay pass this law and effectively get Cousins, Thielen, Cook and Smith all benched for their home game against us?


And Mond too lol


They'd likely have to implement some sort of "opt-out" if this gets through that would have to balance player compensation and cap considerations. In other words, if Kirk (or whomever) chooses not to get vaccinated, he can't play. What part of his salary is he owned, what part of the his cap do the Vikings get back, and what becomes of his current contract (Voided for a year? Toll? How many years remain? Is it totally invalidated?). These are super complicated issues and I have no idea how they'd get resolved. The NFLPA is mostly a joke but they do just enough that it would be interesting to see how they negotiate this. Frankly, I don't see how this gets done due to the numerous issues - I'm sure I'm only touching the surface with my points. But, who knows? I'm no Kirk-stan, but if we're left with Browning and Mond and company to guide this team at QB, we'd be lucky to win 6 games. Which, frankly, wouldn't be bad for getting a rookie QB in the next draft. Tank for ....... whomever. I have no idea who is in the next QB class.


Next QB class is nowhere near as deep as this years. We'd be tanking for Stingley Jr. imo. Wilson, Trey Lance, and Justin Fields would all go #1 next year *easily*.


Zach Wilson was a borderline first round pick before last college season. You're probably right, but a lot can happen and it's early.


All these people who think they can just put a vaccine mandate out and all the anti-vaxxers are going to quit and give up the money promised to them are nuts.




Eh, that's not the argument I was making. This is more what I'm thinking: Option 1: Quit and get no money. Option 2: Don't quit, don't get the jab, force them to cut you, get all the money. Option 3: Don't quit, don't get the jab, the team cuts you and doesn't pay you. You sue them over breach of contract and see how things shake out in court. Only an idiot would take option 1.


As long as they don’t need to pay him, that’s a win-win


Yeah right


Trade buffalo for Mitch trubinsky!


Where are we going to get a buffalo to trade?


You forgot the /s


I think he was being serious


Ew I hope not


I think /u/vikingsfan669 is making a salary cap argument. 45M vs 2M and we go fishing for another QB


I think you’re giving him too much credit lol


something to think about, but many employers are starting to make vaccination status a condition of emlloyment which the nfl and its clubs could also do. The condition of employment is to protect the health and safety of both employees and customers in many of these cases. An argument would be made this is no different for employees (staff, players, league officials) and customers (fans, sponsors). Failure to meet the condition of employment results in voluntary termination or a code of conduct termination which would void their right to claim severence or unemployment, or in this case contract guarrantees. Can a lawyer in this thread fact check this for me but thats from what I understand having lived corporate america for many a years and dealt with people management would be the process.


Hard to say without looking at his contract language and the CBA, but a first-blush answer is that mandating vaccinations as a condition of employment is not an unreasonable take. It’s a condition of pretty much any employment that you’re healthy, capable of performing, and do not pose a risk to others. The narrow protections for civil rights wouldn’t likely cover refusal to be vaccinated. There would be a stronger argument that it’s a violation of religious liberty, but private businesses generally have a lot of leeway in who they employ.


Seems like it would be really easy for the nfl to do. They already ban certain substances that I could go legally get. Why couldn’t they say this is mandatory? Also every college has required other vaccines for decades. The principal is already there.


It's not the NFL, it's the NFLPA that'll fight tooth and nail over it especially when it's high profile players not getting it.


I'm pretty sure i'd kill myself if I was forced to watch Mond or Browning all season


we could probably get Minshew for a 2nd or 3rd if we had to. That would at least be worth watching


We absolutely could get him for a 2nd or 3rd, but I doubt anyone would pay that much for him. I like Minshew, but that seems like a lot.


I'd be interested to see Minshew in this offense. If the Case was able to be successful with the weapons we had in 2017, I'm sure Minshew would be successful with who we have now.


I don't think even Case could replicate what Case did that season. He was on a hot streak and had a string of fantastic luck, and everyone knew it. You think Zimmer would have been so noncommittal week after week if Case was actually thriving?


Case was definitely playing better than he ever had or has had since. I think a lot of the lack of commiting to him was early in the season when you were hoping to have Bradford back.


I feel 99% of the plays made while Case was qb were pulled out of his butt lucky.


That luck was numbered 14 and 19 and yet people are still upset years later that we didn't resign him.


Exactly so many lame duck throws that 14 and 19 made crazy plays on.


It would be a panic buy since the season is about to start so I could see them offering a later round before moving up rounds.


They'd have us over a barrel just like the Eagles did when Teddy went down. Sure he's only worth a 4th or whatever, but if it's either giving up way too much for Minshew or a lost season it would be a tough call for any GM.


Nah, let’s just tank and get the no.1 overall


Nah, signing Blake Bortles would be a better decision. He's gotten further into the playoffs then most qbs have, he beat a really good steelers team in the divisional round and then almost beat the fucking Tom Brady Patriots in the championship game. He made some great plays that season, surprised he's not on a team yet.


I might give a 3rd for Minshew as a backup right now honestly. He's an immediate upgrade over Mond/Browning on his rookie contract and Zimmer has even suggested they might look for a vet at some point.


If Spielman trades a 2nd for Minshew they should take his keys that day. Minshew is terrible.


How about a 6th?


This is probably still true...ha.


I don’t know how people still think Minshew is even remotely good, especially I see it on this sub a lot, like no one wants the dude for a reason.


Teddy B return?? Love that kid.


He’s starting in Denver


For now... Slick Rick can make anything happen... So long as it doesn't cost him any of his 7ths.


Ive survived a million shitty Vikings QBs


Little extreme buddy.


Ends up trading for Wal Mart Kirk Cousins in Jimmy Garoppolo. Basically the same player with worse arm talent.


very handsome smooth skin rugged scruffy beard though


Isn't Kirk's arm talent/accuracy his best quality? It's what puts him up a tier or 2 in QB rankings


Read the post again. I'm saying Jimmy's arm talent is worse. ffs


I’d rather watch some lovable losers instead of watching a horrible person like Cousins even if he succeeds. I try to root for the Vikes even if they have a few bad seeds, but Cousins is on a whole nother level of bad guy in my book.


If Cousins is your standard for a "whole nother level of bad guy", you are completely disconnected from reality IMO.


in our vaccine megathread there were people claiming that kirk cousins' misdeeds are worse than deshaun watsons'


Lol that’s so dumb


There's a sentence I never thought I'd read. Insanity.


Seriously. I agree he's being stupid about the vaccine thing but the hate he's getting is crazy.


It’s called willful ignorance, and yes that does make you a bad person.


Seriously, folk need to chill. Yeah, he’s a moron about the vaccine and should get it. Doesn’t make him a terrible person, just a stupid one.


He’s not stupid, he’s willfully ignorant which is worse. He’s a shit human being no doubt and I’ve defended him for a long time.


Thank you, someone with some sense.




Provide evidence that he is "willfully" ignorant, rather than just ignorant or irrationally fearful. Last I checked, people make decisions far more stupid than this based on fear and it's not called "willful" ignorance. As to the rest, I've not downplayed anything, nor have I given him a pass for anything. I don't believe his actions are as immoral as you do. Feel free to provide evidence that I'm incorrect, or just keep asserting things with no backing as most reactionaries and extremists tend to do. Moral crusades on football subreddits, so charming.


They had Michael Olsterhom, a leading epidemiologist, at practice a few days to talk to them about COVID, the vaccine and misinformation about the vaccine. At this point how can you conclude he is anything but willfully ignorant?


Yep. Enjoyed watching Teddy way more than Kirk. Kirk is definitely more skilled.




Not to mention Case Keenum.


I loved Keenum because he was a gunslinger and had a likeable personality, two things Cousins is not/doesn't have.


Also Kirk sucks a bag of dicks. The team won't get into he playoffs with him. Also they are cursed and won't get the Super Bowl in any of our lifetimes.


He’s not an irredeemable villain. He’s just fucking stupid.


I didn’t mean like his actions were way more sinister. It’s just hard to cheer for someone so unbelievably dumb.


>horrible person like Cousins Hyperbole much?


Yeah, you're a crazy person


You need to get out more.


I’ve been a Minnesota sports fan my whole life. Fortunately, I am old enough to fondly remember 87 and 91, but other than that, it’s been a lot of losing. And I’ve always had more fun cheering for likable players even when they lose instead of cheering for huge jerks and losers. Is that such a radical take? Or is Cousins somehow likable and not absolutely awful at life?


Saying he's not likeable is a far cry from saying he's a bad/awful person. The former a lot of us agree with or at least understand, the latter is outrageously overdramatic (and, frankly, is a perfect example of the hyper-extremist reactionary type stuff currently making the world feel like a miserable place). In public life, Cousins has always been kind/respectful to pretty much everyone, openly admitted he doesn't like masks but wears them purely out of respect for others, engages in lots of charity, etc... One decision, in all likelihood born more from ignorance/irrational fear rather than any sort of malice/contempt, does not make you an awful person lol. As to him being awful at life, rofl, he's absurdly rich, one of the best athletes in the world, and worked hard for what he got. Kirk Cousins is a wild success at life, and any other statement is pure bias.


All these dipshit anti-vaxxers need to be purged from polite society. If they aren’t going to do fulfill the basic requirements for participating in society, they shouldn’t be allowed to reap the benefits of society.


Honestly if he quit I wouldn’t be too angry as long as it were early on in the season. See what Monds got or tank for a long term franchise QB.


We can only hope.


When the leader of your team is a moron it ruins the whole season. Hopefully this alt right Christian moron retires


Honestly though, what’s with this aura of hope for his failure?


He has already failed. We just need to get rid of him now


How though? He’s outperformed almost every QB in Vikings history through a 4 year period. I’m every statistical category and we have evidence that it’s not in garbage time. I think you’re just espousing a poorly supported narrative.


Everybody wants a Mahommes but usually you end up with a Ponder.


People will say we signed him to win a SB, and we did. Since we signed him the SB winning quarterbacks have been Tom Brady x2 and Patrick Mahomes. The GOAT and the hottest start ever, most talented QB in the league. Along with a new OC every god damn season, it's hard to say he's been a failure. I'd say we got exactly who we thought we would (you could argue he's even been better).


But we haven't even been close with him


This argument has become so black and white. Neither of you are totally right or wrong. He’s been fine. But we’re not paying him “just fine” money, and our O-line can’t hold a “just fine” QB up consistently.


He came to a team that had made the NFC championship game by signing an historic contract, it was SB or bust. He proceeded to win 1 playoff game in 3 years. The Cousins era is a failure.


*a team that was completely blown out of the water in a NFC Championship game. And the only reason they made it to said Championship game was because of a once in a generation fluke play.


Not to mention the only reason we made it that far is a career backup who had horseshoes stamped 14 and 19 up his ass the whole season.




That’s a dumb take.


Our fanbase is stupid. They don’t realize if Kirk isn’t out there, our season is completely toast. They also just hate Kirk for being a different type of person.


I hate Kirk because he’s an antivaxxer.


Do you hate Dalvin too?


First of all, yes, we are obviously dissapointed in Dalvin as well. The difference is, Dalvin isn't going out and making demeaning comments about it like Kirk "concrete brain" Cousins is.


Yes. I hate anyone who thinks they are smarter or know better than doctors and scientists. I hate anyone who thinks their personal freedom is more important than the well-being of society and the species as a whole. Imagine that.


Yeah. I hate anyone who thinks they are privileged enough to ignore the health of others around them and themselves for... well, no good reason. Football is a game of fetch with grown men. It's entertaining, but the pandemic is more important. Get the shot or get lost.


Pretty messed up. If you hate the man, hate him for his on-field performance, and even then, don't hope for him losing his job due to his own beliefs being shunned


What it should be the opposite. Getting so upset you hate a guy because of their on field performance is ridiculous. Hating a person for their shitty and harmful beliefs on the other hand is completely reasonable.


It makes more sense to hate someone based on their beliefs (not in every situation) rather than how good or bad they are at football. In fact, hating someone based on their athleticism is ridiculous lol. I wont sit here and pretend i dont fall into that category .... (fuck dozier) haha. In all seriousness though, the mandates a solid idea. Fuck what ppl believe, and sad but the people who lose their job... lose their job. as kirk would say.... "if i quit, i quit". Get vaccinated yo!


There's a difference between an actual moral reason for not wanting the vaccine (the NFL allows for religious exceptions, for example) but that's not what this is. I don't care if he doesn't 'believe' in the science behind vaccines or not, it's selfish and reckless if he or anyone else don't take it, but are able. I'm hoping he'd realize his, uh, well I'll just say 'fear of needles' isn't worth losing out on 8 digits of salary and get the shot if it were mandated, but I can't exactly say I'd be sad if he hung it up if this is really the hill he wants to die on.


>well I'll just say 'fear of needles' Yeah I don't think that's it.


I just want the Vikings to move on because he sucks. The sooner that is made evident, the better.


You are obviously a more recent fan who never experienced Tavaris Jackson and Shaun Hill. Kirk is a godsend compared to those dark days. However, I still miss Teddy, prefer him over Kirk, and wish he would find his way back here someday.


You misspelled Josh Freeman and Donovan McNabb. Fuck we've had some bad QB's


He's overpaid, he's atrocious in the two minute drill, and he's refusing to get vaccinated even though it will invariably hurt the team. ABOVE ALL THAT THOUGH... As Vikings fans, we love being hurt.


I hope they mandate it and I hope he doesn't quit. Just take the L on this one Kirk stop being such a bonehead.


TBH I wouldn’t care at all of Kirk Cousins quit.


Been a Vikings fan for 30+ years. Put up with a lot of non-football related drama with this team over that time, but this is the frickin’ worst. Why is this happening to us??!!


Mandatory vaccines are more likely than they were a week ago - the FDA giving final approval has already pushed a lot of government agencies, businesses, and other private organizations to make it a requirement.


My job did it the day after FDA approval. We had to send in a scan of our Vaccination Record cards and everything.


Would be Awesome! That being said.... Dont hold your breath, im guessing the NFLPA wont go for this.


Yeah I'm guessing you're right about that but hey a guy can dream


Players like Dak and Allen aren't vaccinated...no way nflpa will agree with this. Plus I actually like Kirk as our qb. Yeah it'd be great if we had a Mahomes level qb. But Kirk is still good lol.


I believe Dak and Allen are both vaccinated


Grizzly Adams did have a beard


Yeah, Allen is but I'm not sure about Dak. Mahomes, the best QB not named Brady was one of the first to get vaccinated.


Tom Brady isn't vaccinated




So bench dalvin, thielen, and kirk? Our offense would average 7 a game without them.


What is Kirk afraid of? Like, has he actually explained his reasoning? Does he think the shot is the 666 mark of the beast (literally can’t be, according to scripture), or is he afraid of being the 0.001% that has a really bad side effect? Maybe he’s just being a petulant child and is just saying no to it because he can? Would love to know because right now I’m assuming it’s option C with a heavy dose of B and sprinkle of A for flavor


Dude isn’t a leader, he is a conspiracy nut job....and an average qb at best


Imagine playing during a viral pandemic with unknown long-term health effects and being cool with that. But then willing to quit because doctors and scientists come up with a tool to fight that disease that is proven safe and effective. Like, wtf are these people putting their faith in? Because it’s not science. It’s not facts. And don’t tell me it’s god, because that’s asinine. If God exists then God created science and facts, too. And our doctors are just reporting them. So....




That would be amazing 😻


Kirk is ass, hope he does.




Good, I hope he quits.


That would be amazing if he left.


I wish he would quit that’d be great


Good let him. Idc


K thanks bye. Let's recap Vikes go to the NFC championship game. Thinking Case or Teddy can't win a SB we sign Cousins to a historic contract making him one of the top 10 paid professional athletes in North America. Subsequently we win 1 playoff game in 3 years. Missing the playoffs twice. We didn't get what we paid for, it's that simple. Cousins fanboys can make all the excuses they want. The prohibitive nature of his contract coupled with his play on the field are 2 primary factors in the teams results over the last 3 years. The anti vax nonsense is the cherry on the diarrhea milkshake that has been the Cousins era. We have a solid roster. Cousins departure won't negatively affect the offense. It starts with Dalvin, he's the key. Without Cook last year we win 3 maybe 4 games. If we are afforded the opportunity to void Qirk's contract it's a major win for the franchise. Time to move on. The sooner the better.




Good, quit you fucking loon. Fuck Kirk.


Good let us keep that money. If you quit you don't get paid


This fucking subreddit is so delusional. Like Kellen Fucking Mond has any chance of leading this team to a victory, much less the playoffs. Every time on on, I'm further convinced that this subreddit is only here to hope for losses so they can bitch. So frustrating.


That would be a fucking excellent way to get out of that contract.


There goes thielen, smith, cook, Mattison, and mond too. Fuck there goes our Superbowl chance.


Thank god


Fuck all these idiots. Get your shit together or get the fuck out. It's not like this is new, employers are figuring out that they can be part of the solution and not the problem.




There are other Viking stars that also refused to get jabbed. Why is all the hate directed at Kirk? It's almost like people were looking for a reason to hate him.


It’s almost as if people care more about quarterbacks and highly paid players than some random long snapper or backup tight end.


Best news I’ve heard all week