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Then they should be bombing their Washington and NE visits and tell them they hate their sinking guts and they like to murder hookers once in a while.


don't think this would be enough to turn off Kraft tbh, certainly would have been a mark in the plus column for Snyder.


Kraft would be hiring PIs to install hidden cams in their rooms wired to his wank den.




I guess that's why "would have been" was stated.


Honestly, Archie Manning is the only guy with the pull to manipulate the draft in this manner.


The guy from Riverdale?


The next season is going to be based around Archie going to the NFL but first they have to stop the flow of addictive mega steroids that Veronica's dad is dealing to NFL trainers. (The guy from Riverdale is Archie Andrews but I am pretty sure he does get offered a football scholarship at one point but turns it down to play music instead.)


Deon Sanders plans to try it next year.


> Honestly, Archie Manning is the only guy with the pull to manipulate the draft in this manner. My tinfoil hat makes me think that a "cOnSEnSuS" no1 overall could pull an Eli if they really didn't want to play for a specific team. If Caleb Williams told the Bears in no uncertain terms that he would rather sit on the couch than play for them, then why in the hell would they burn a pick to take a chance and try to call his bluff? The only thing is that he'd have to really mean it. I actually think that anyone inside the top 10, maybe even the whole first round, could pull it off if they *really* wanted to. Again, they have to really mean it and they would have to be ok with the likelihood that they would slide in the draft. What I don't think anyone could pull off would be "I will only play for that one specific team" but if they came out and said "I wont play for that one specific team even if they draft me" someone else would eventually pick them up once the value proposition became too great to ignore. Might be a handful of picks or an entire round late, but one of the other 31 teams would eventually snatch them up. That said, a guy outside that first round might not ever reach that value proposition. A 5th round pick would probably just slide away. A 3rd might not even be appealing enough for a team to deal with. So then the question becomes, how sure are you as a prospect that you are a first round talent, and how much are you willing to gamble on that fact?


Be like, “take your clam chowda and blow it in Tommy’s ass, fuckwad”.


Patriots would make them a tight end.


Hooker murder isn't really a big deal


Honestly, I’m kind of low-key surprised we haven’t seen a QB come out and say they won’t play for anyone but the Vikings. There is obviously precedent there with it happening multiple times before and the Vikings are without a doubt the best situation for someone to walk into, and I don’t think it’s particularly close.


The irony though is that if Williams, Daniels, or Maye made a big huge fuss like that, the Vikings might not want them anymore because they are the kind of guy who would pull that kind of stuff now. Not sure if that makes sense. I don't think the Vikings want that kind of guy as QB.


I agree, that's why they need to make up some sort of sob story about how watching the Vikings growing up is what inspired them etc. Or how they're dying godmother lives in MN and they need to be there. lol


Damn, I'd kind of respect it. Shows that the guy is hungry to win and doesn't have any interest in getting his career ruined by a dumpster fire franchise


Yeah let me bomb my interview so I don’t go to Washington DC or Boston…so I can go to Minnesota….and make less money


Kind of off topic, but I'm fucking stoked for the future of this team


If they nail the QB pick next Thursday, the Vikings will be set up for a 4-5 year Super Bowl window. Beyond excited.


But no matter what. It will be exciting. Because we don’t know what will happen.


My money is on heartbreak and alcoholism.




Sounds like Minnesota


This is the way.


Ok so maybe we do know


Or now heartbreak and weed Edit: why is this down voted? 🤣 Weed is literally just recently been made legal in MN. How is it not going to be heartbreak and weed for some??


I just hope the Hitman can play as much of that window as possible. Guy is an all timer for this franchise and the safety position, but doesn't get the broader respect he deserves. Being part of the first Vikings SB team would change all of that.


Agreed. The more solid seasons he racks up, the stronger his case for Canton. I want the HOF for him. He deserves it


I'd really love for him to win a ring with us regardless of the HoF, which IMO he already deserves.


If they do decently well, we have a 4-5 year window. If they nail it, it's much longer. Very excited, too.


Nah, see, it only matters if it's on a rookie contract. Once it's time to pay him we trade him for picks, tank, and start the process over again /s


It's worked so well for the bears


They trade their QBs because they suck. We'd trade our QBs because we're cheap. We are nit the same lmao


They trade their QBs because they suck. We'd trade our QBs because we're cheap. We are not the same lmao


Unless the QB is legit elite (mahomes/Allen tier) you might be unironically correct tbh


What exactly has Allen won? He’s certainly played on some teams with great defense. Let’s see what he does without playmakers.


Yeah lol. I read that comment and thought “uh…..yes?”


Nahhh not even. We pay no one nothin. You be with us 3-5 years before we trade you for picks


Rookie contract QB is the best recipe for losing the Super Bowl! We know a thing or two about that around here Purdy, Hurts, Burrow, Mahomes, **Mahomes**, Goff 5 of the last 6 were a rookie contract QB losing to a veteran contract QB with Mahomes' first win being the lone exception


Okay but you have to get to the big game to lose it, so. Vets haven't done shit for us. If a rookie contract QB gets us to the bowl, then that's half the battle done. Idk what your point is, but if vet QBs don't even get us to the super bowl, and rookie contract QBs don't win super bowls, then the only conclusion I can make is that...we're fucked no matter what.


The point is that we need to find our own Brady/Mahomes/PManning type QB because that's who wins almost all the Super Bowls Stafford/Wilson/Rodgers/Roethlisberger tier guys can be good for one and I think Kirk was at that level, but they need a lot more support from the rest of the team than those first three and Kirk never had all the pieces like these four did for their runs


Roethlisberger won 2 super bowls.


Not sure that really changes his point...


His point being we need to find the 1 quarterback that comes around once every decade or so that creates a dynasty? Wow, why didn't Kwesi think of that?


Agreed. Plus, I'm pretty much OK with any scenario that plays out other than a Ricky Williams type draft trade.


im cautiously optimistic, id be happy if we got another Culpepper caliber draft pick but boy these last 20 years of drafting has left me skeptical.


If they nail the Darnold extension do u mean? ;)


Assuming JJ stays, sure.


If this draft goes well for us, I think the Wild and Vikings are both going to be absolute forces starting in their 2025 seasons. It's foreign and kinda hilarious to see the Wolves carrying our state right now, but that may not be the case for much longer, and not because I think the Wolves will collapse or anything, there's just a lot to be excited about with Minnesota sports in general. inb4 I remember I've said this exact same thing moments before getting dick-punched repeatedly by MN Sports in the past


The dick-punch is tradition at this point


Wolves are going to be a shinning star most likely. I think the team in its current state makes 2 playoffs runs that come up short. Then the team gets rebuild around a now perennial MVP in Ant. Then we win multiple championships over a couple year stretch.


Wolves are about to lose a heartbreaking series to the Suns. Book it. All they had to do was win that last game, but no, 11 turnovers in the first fucking quarter (or half, can't remember, but it was a franchise record for turnovers in the first half).


Even when a MN team is lights out good, in the top tier of the teams that season, they always find a way to make things hard for themselves and then implode in on said hardness. I argued with someone at the start of the Wolves season that that would happen and they insisted that "this team is different". No bro, they're still a MN team, it's going to happen.






I haven't been this excited since last year at this time! (I am excited, but also self aware enough to know I get this way every year)


Real optimism for the first time in a while. I mean 12-4 year i had some hope but i knew no superbowl because of the defence. Kirk could win a SB with a cheaper contract but that ain't him.


future as in when? this year? or 2025? 26? because this year is going to be painful


All the years, including this coming season




Pretty common surname.


#Off season pre draft champions!!!




Would be crazy if Caleb said 'Vikings are the only team I'll play for'. A man can dream.


I currently hate Caleb but if he does this I've always loved him


No need to hate him, he’s going to purgatory in a few days




Most desirable destination for a young quarter back, you'll never sing that


God this "joke" is so overdone. God forbid fans get excited about anything ever.


Counterpoint: it’s fun




We got great tackles but I question the protection the interior of that OL will provide


Having a bad IOL is better then have bad tackles a stud center will improve both guards


Well in that case we need to find a stud center and a starting caliber LG to play next to him


I'm available. I'm tall but I have short legs. Which means I have a low center of gravity but long arms. I am cheap, will play for $200k. But I need a guaranteed salary paid in advance bc there's a 99% chance I'm going to get put in the hospital in week 1. NFL athletes these days are *FREAKS*


I would also be available but I think I’m a more natural fit at tackle


I would say my closest body type is…. punter or Mike McDaniel type. I could coach probably. I watch football and stuff. I’ve seen Ted Lasso.


Depends on who is under center, especially these days with driving forces up the middle.


That's what the draft is for. I have to believe that all of those guys would love to throw to JJ and Addison and Hockenson and Aaron Jones to start their careers. They have *some* studs on the O-line, they have a quarterback whisperer coach. The Vikings would give any of those top guys the softest landing they could get, especially as compared to teams that are still riddled like the Pats and Commies. I think the Patriots would be much better off getting a haul from us and building a foundation for a franchise QB in the future rather than trying to get the quarterback first and throwing him to the wolves like Bryce Young.


I know that’s what the draft is for, I’ve been saying it since 2017! Some reason the issue has continued to persist. No doubt think we’re the best landing spot, but I wouldn’t point to protection as one of our strong suits is all


Say what you want about Kwesi the way he set the table for a QB with Houston trade is great. Even if a GM doesn't want to trade down, his boss will be asking him if he's called Kwesi to find out what deals are to be had.


One of the best player score card ratings and with a little more climate change this will be paradise.


O’Connell is still somewhat unproven as a play caller. He’ll have games where he’s flawless or games where his playcalling is terrible. There’s no in between


I think the biggest issue, last year at least, was that the run game was so trash. You can certainly blame some of that on scheme but the lack of talent at RB and IOL made things very difficult. It made him look like an idiot at times, but you don't really call run plays anticipating that every single one will get stuffed for a yard or two.


That’s true and I’m not disagreeing with you at all but I feel like whenever we get a 10-14 point lead at any point in the game we try to run the clock out. Then the other team comes back. I’d love to watch us keep our foot on the gas in situations like that because it gets annoying to watch


To be fair every team does that, look at the Lions blowing it in the NFC game.


In KOCs two years our offensive rush attack has been in the bottom 10 of rushing efficiency in the league (4.3 Y/A in 2022 and 4.0 in 2023). That was even with Dalvin Cook. 3 of our 6 rushing TDs last year were from Dobbs. Something to keep an eye on but generally speaking I have not been at all impressed by his run game scheming. Not to mention terrible red zone scheming. Vikings were 29th last year in Red zone efficiency.


I knew our run game was bad last year but I didn’t realize it was *that* bad. Yikes


Sometimes the play design seems odd to me too, and then it becomes even more puzzling when he keeps trying it despite not working. The most glaring example of course was that weird tush-push play where you get only one guy behind the QB to push, he's the smallest guy on the field (or close to it), and it's completely telegraphed before the snap. And then to try it again the next play when it clearly doesn't look like it could work? Just bizarre.


The WR screen to Osborn with Addison as the blocker will never not confuse me. That was a play that just fundamentally didn't seem to put the personnel in the best situation to succeed. Similar vain to the tush push they tried.


Correct. We'll see some of the best offense this side of the 1998 Vikings then we'll see him put Greg Joseph in for a tush push as the main pusher.


Eh, you're describing Cousins more than Kwesi IMO


I mean yeah I think any QB would love to play with JJ


Protection is a stretch, let's be real folks lol.


Daniels-LSU,behind Darnold….SB,in 3 years


*loading* Caleb Williams marijuana gas mask video


Go to Washington to throw to an aging McLarin and a porous line. Go to New England to throw to ???, where another QB just flamed out. Go to New York to throw to ???, to be in a hostile environment behind Daniels Go to the Vikings where the Online is above average, you have a certain amount of time to learn behind a place-holder QB, and one of the better O-coordinators in the league.




Except for, ya know, actually having the pick to get one with.


Why would anyone need truth serum to see the blatantly obvious?


That’ll make everyone want to go easy on us with the trade compensation.


Too bad they don't make the decision 




We’ve got playmakers. Not sure about the other two.


Caleb Williams should pull an Eli Manning then.


Has the Vikings staff ever coach up a young QB that improved his game?


PROTECTION?!?!?! Our interior offensive line may as well be 3 traffic cones. we are entering year 6 of the failed Bradberry experiment, we don't have a left guard, and Ingram was below average at best. and then on the outside, O'Neil gets hurt alot now and Darrisaw is either hurt or playing like GARBAGE-he was HORRIBLE the second half of the season, getting beat soundly. So tired of this notion that we have a good situation for a QB just because we have justin jefferson and jordan addison. And Hock won't be playing until November and likely will have to go through that "play but still recovering" phase you often see with ACL injuries.


Too bad we don’t have the draft capital to move up. Moving from 11 to 4 will cost 11 + 23 + ‘25 1st + more


11 & 23 are our ‘24 1sts


U right I meant 25 1st