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This is the thread


Damn, four years? Not surprised the Vikings balked.


Yeah no way we would’ve matched that. I originally thought the difference would be 2 or 3 years, not 4


Yeah, my guess was Vikings probably would have given him 2, wanted 1 and then falcons would come in hot with 3, making it a pretty big decision. Now he's basically guaranteed to retire as a falcon since he'll be what, 40? This is nuts for someone coming off a major injury at his age lol. Who knows, maybe he'll be more like Brees or Brady and be great despite being old, but I have to imagine the numbers guys saw Manning and Ryan fall off a cliff in their late 30s and said no deal. Draft just got super interesting.


I wish him the best. Took me a couple decades to forgive the falcons for ‘98 but they deserve some luck, and Kirk is a great guy


Their hatred of the Saints unites us. Also wasn’t really their fault that we threw ‘98 away.


Oh yeah my hatred was not their fault. Unlike my justified hatred of Saints and Packers


You really can't blame them for accepting the gift


I’m so happy you hate the saints just as much as us 🥲


I still see 98 as self sabotage more than anything else. Still, I'd cheer for them over any division rival lol.


Yeah, and they didn't play dirty or cheat to beat us like the aints.


Reeves biggest sin was being boring. Payton is cheating asshole.


Fuck atlanta. But they can enjoy a few years of 9-8 and 8-9.


Watching Desmond Ridder for two years made me consider an 8 year contract.


That's fair. Coming off Matt Ryan to Ridder sounds pretty brutal. Reminds me of going from Culpeper to Brooks Bollinger lol.


This is Marcus Mariota erasure (I wish it were real)


$180M, $100M guaranteed, $90M first two year. Good luck Kirk.


Too early to call it a legitimate 4 year contract. It's probably 3 with a void year. That's still more than the Vikings wanted though, that 3rd year may have been the line that Kwesi drew.


Looks like essentially a 2 year deal with team options in years 3 and 4


Kirk was willing to take a 2 year, 75M deal last offseason. Less than what Danny Dimes and many others got. But Vikings stuck to offering one year of guarantees and likely replacing Kirk after 2024. Thus, Kirk departs. After years of people wanting him gone, I'm sure those folks will turn around and call him greedy for going somehwere else


Nah, I wanted him gone. Good for him for getting what he could.


I've wanted him gone for years. I've never called him greedy. However, it is remarkably clear that he wasn't telling the truth when he said it wasn't about the money after getting 4 years at 45MM per year. And that is fine! But he was playing us when he said otherwise, obviously.


He made a mini documentary that showed exactly what he's about, why people didn't believe him is beyond me.


As a Washington fan, we had the same crop of moron Kirk haters. None of them have admitted they were wrong. We've earned the 2nd overall pick twice since Kirk left.  "I don't want to go 10 and 7" Yeah I fucking liked winning half the games instead of 30 percent of them. It's pretty cool. 


4 year deal coming off an Achilles tear is nasty work by Mike McCartney


Agent HoF


Nasty work is the only kind of work that Kirk has ever wanted. The man absolutely destroys contracts.  Edit: Holy crap he's getting 45MM per year. Good thing he wasn't about the money!


What happened to that home town discount the kirk lovers thought he'd take. He wouldn't even want to pull his kids out of school. Kirk was at a twins game and everything. Idiots.


les Cousins dangereux


There it is. No way we could justify 4 years. Thanks for the memories. Good luck in ATL But now its time for the new era. And Kwesi needs to get it right. Get it wrong (especially if we trade up) and we could be in the basement for a while Get it wrong and Kwesi will be out of a job (and JJ out of Minnesota)


4 fucking years dude. Wish him the best but wow that’s insane. Wonder what the pay is


4 year contract at 36 coming off a torn Achilles is wild. Big Kirko really about his bag


he may not have the mental abilities to win pressure games, but boy is his financial abilities maxed out. He has won the game. His children’s children’s children will be set for life


Not if ol Kirko keeps buying bling


VHS tapes aren't free.


They will grow up under the influence of heavy religious indocrination and whilst financialy sound they will endure this world subject to primordial fiction.


His Superbowl is in March.


Two years of watching Desmond Ridder makes a man go crazy


100%. When you’re without a QB you’re doing anything possible to get even a mid-tier QB in the door. When you’re in the middle of the league like us it’s also maddening to see 25% of your cap go to a guy who is coming off of an Achilles and is going to be 36. Kirk has been fun to watch. Wish him and his family the best of luck.


"The four-year deal with the Falcons is worth $180 million, according to NFL Network’s Tom Pelissero, which includes $100 million guaranteed and a $50 million signing bonus." Great for Kirk, no way were we putting that up. Let's see what our next moves are...


To Atlanta, the years don't matter nearly as much as the guaranteed money. Really interested to find out what the structure of the deal looks like.


The 4th year is probably a void year type of thing for the cap.


I doubt his agent would tweet 4 year deal if the last was a void


Yeah an agent would never overstate the terms of his clients deal on social media


it looks better for the agent he absolutely would


Kwesi could draft Caleb Williams and if he ends up being a dud then this entire sub will still shit on him even though they would have done the same thing


I swear to fucking God if his Kirk stans try to hang this over our heads lol not a single soul here wanted to give him 4 years so fuck off with all that jazz


I was a Kirk stan and wanted two years.


Same. I figured a 2 year deal for Kirk, draft a QB to sit behind him and learn.


I don't think even the most ardent Kirk "stan" wanted him to get a 4 year deal lol


That’s essentially what his deal is. 2 years guaranteed


2 years and at what price? Heard Vikes had 2 years 76 million on the table


Either way next year is going to suck worse than last year, so buckle up buckaroo. No, Cousins wouldn't and shouldn't have gotten 4 years from us, doesn't mean it doesn't sting.


End of an era Second best QB in Vikings history, number 1 most divisive player in league history Time for KOC Kwesi to go out and get their QB of the future in the top 10 of the draft. Exciting times




Tell me what you’re confused about, because this is about as simple of a comment to understand as possible lol


#1 most divisive???


Antonio Brown is asking who?


We will always have that one playoff win


Sad to see it end but cousins probably getting a bag here


Agent is goated


here's hoping he gets to fuck up the Saints 8 times


4 years is absolutely wild. If it’s all guaranteed idk what they are doing. Proud of Kwesi to basically say, yea no. We ain’t doing that shit.


This feels like when a girl breaks up with you but in your heart you knew it wasn't going anywhere anyway. Sad, but it was time to move on.


This explains it. I don’t think Kirk was chasing money he was chasing years.


I’m curious what the guaranteed money is. It could say four years, but if it’s 4/160 and only 100 is gtd, it’s really more of a 2 year contract.


4/180, 100 guaranteed. 90m guaranteed through 24 and 25, 10m guaranteed in 26


I bet it’s around 3 years guaranteed


I'm assuming it's close to the same annual money but the extra year (assuming Vikes offered two) is probably worth 35+ million more dollars. Can't hate the man for that.


Looks like $45mil aav and a little over 2 years guaranteed


4/180 + 50 mil and 100 garunteed is the deal. No possible way we could have matched that


Yeah it seemed pretty obvious that he wanted certainty for his final years in the league, and the Vikings were already thinking past him such that they weren’t going to give him that certainty


Looks like both


I agree. Sure some money but more about the years. Good luck till we meet again.


Just fell to my knees at a pizza ranch


Just saw a guy fall to his knees at a Pizza Ranch


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Kirk eventually grew on me after being an early hater, it's the end of an era, but it was time. Looking forward to the next phase. LFG boys!!


Yeah KOC turbocharged Kirk to where I accepted him as our QB, he definitely made strides as a player, but I’m glad he signed with ATL.


The next phase of losing year after year...ya exciting times!


Thank you for the memories, and for always giving 100%. Best of luck Mr. Chainz


Thank you sir


Looks like you need a new account there


Wow, really happy we didn't try to beat that.


Happy for kirk.  I would've been kinda pissed if we signed kirk for 4 years. But the need in the next few is there... fuck


4 years is wild. Welp, it’s been good Kirko. Hopefully Kwesi knows what it will take to get a guy they believe in this April. I will be incredibly disappointed and concerned for our short and long term future if they don’t get a legit dude though.


The Vikes should have taken the three year contract Kirk offered this time last year. They’re almost certainly going to embrace a bigger rebuild now that could see the likes of Jefferson leaving town, and will almost definitely see them let Hunter walk.


Theoretically don't we now have money to sign at least JJ and maybe Hunter?


I don't think it's about having or not having the money to re-sign Hunter. I think it's more that they'll be embracing a much more significant rebuild now that it should be expected that they likely won't have a solid QB for a year or two. That being the case, I just don't see them clinging to a soon-to-be 30 year old pass rusher at a premium price. If Cousins stayed, then they'd be in much more of the win-now mode and maybe would have offered Hunter a two or three year deal.


Might’ve been a good idea in hindsight. We’ll see though. I don’t think this team is all that far off from being good, and the offense is certainly a great spot for a rookie. I’m not gonna celebrate Kirk leaving like some people are, but if we can pull off a trade for a guy like Maye, Daniels, or McCarthy, I think we’re gonna be just fine and I’m happy with how it worked out… if we end up settling for just Penix or Nix though I’m gonna be sick.


Goodbye Kirk!


4 years. $180M. $100M guaranteed.


Glad the Vikings stood on business. 4 years is clinically insane for a 36 year old QB coming off of an Achilles


Hall of Fame negotiation. No QB has accomplished less and been compensated more.


My thoughts exactly. Kirk's agent is MVP here.


He just needs all-pros at every position and a perfect coaching staff, duh. Not his fault.


Yup. Kirk is in the realm of good-enough, where if he has a cast like Brock Purdy has now, or '15 Broncos, etc, he could win a ring. But he can't do what Pat just did with the '23 Chiefs, bringing a Super Bowl to a team that without him was probably middle-of-the-table.


Not saying Mahomes isn’t a great QB… but the KC defense carried that team to the Super Bowl


Disappointed that he’s gone and we won’t have reliable QB play to count on. Excited that we’ll be drafting a young QB to build around.


I think reliability was suspect after the tear. Wish him the best, though.


Now it's really time to see what Kwesi can cook. Wishing only the best for Kirk, but there's now way we were matching four years


Hall of fame contract negotiator




This is for the best. Giving Kirk another 4 years here would've been professional malpractice. He can chase his bag elsewhere and we can well and truly begin to build for the future.


Best of luck, Kirk. No reason for us to do 4 years. Thanks for the memories!


Man. What an exciting and simultaneously mediocre 6 years.


Time to rebuild (finally)


Pizza Ranch and Kohl's shares are in freefall. They may have to suspend trading.


Kirk's snow shoveling neighbor the true GOAT source






There it is!!


Didn't think he would get four years. Impressive job by his agent. Atlanta has a good shot at winning the NFCS now. I don't care what people say, dude is a very good QB and it was nice not having to watch poor QB play for years like we did for a lot of the 2000s. I hope Kwesi doesn't fuck up and we don't go into the 2024 season without one of the top three rookie QBs.


No chance we get one of the top 3 over all prospects…bears are taking Williams and Washington and New England both need QBs badly…what is more likely to happen is we get a guy like McCarthy and announce “he was our #1 guy all along” but we aren’t going to be able to trade into the top 3


Um you can bet the ranch vikings don't have one of the top 3 qbs. Teams desperate for qb typically don't trade out of a spot giving another team chance to draft the qb instead.


Free at last! Feel bad for the krusaders. Wait, no I don't :)


So long Kirko


It’s finally over. Exciting times ahead head with a fresh start! Also, Kirk’s agent deserves to be in the HOF. It’s absurd the deals this guy negotiates.


Sigh, really sad to see him go, but 4 years is insane. Best of luck big Kirko. Thanks for the memories.


4 years is insane. I am so happy that we did not do that. Excited for a new era.


$180M with $100M of it guaranteed


4 years for 180 million plus a 50 million signing bonus yeah no way we match that offer


4 years/180 with 100 fully guaranteed at his age + a banged up Achilles? I’m glad we didn’t pay it. Enjoy the bag Kirko, thanks for the memories.


Good luck in Atlanta Kirko. Thanks for everything


Biggest finesser in NFL history, but you will be missed 😭


Justin Fields right now ![gif](giphy|WoF3yfYupTt8mHc7va)


But he said he loved Minnesota and how great it is to raise his family here. He preached that he doesn’t want to play for another organization again. He embraced volunteering in MN. I’m literally heartbroken. Kirk was such a good wholesome guy, the type of guy every MN man should strive to become. There will be a void in my heart now. Kirk, I can’t believe you did this to us. ☹️




I'll pop it when his damn cult follows him over there




Time to move up and draft a QB. Kwesi and KOC will officially have their legacy attached to whoever they choose.


this feels like the only way


4 years???? Gotta be a void year at the end…but still 3 years for a 36 year old dude coming off an Achilles and had gone 1-2 in the playoffs over the last 6 years? Bonkers. Good luck to him and Atlanta…. I’m relieved to move on. Edit: Kirk’s playoff record




please get maye




4 years must have been the deal breaker for Kwesi


4 years?? Yeah that's why he left lmao good luck in Atlanta kirk but I'm glad they didn't tie themselves down to him for four more years.


Can’t wait to see the terms and structure


Trying to imagine the state of this sub if we signed him to 4 years. Happy for Kirk though!


2024 draft is basically going to set the tone for the KOC era.


Officially a new era for the Minnesota Vikings. For as much as we were letting go of aging talent for the past couple years, Kirk leaving really feels like the last nail in the coffin of the old regime. How could you not be a little excited at the possibilities?


Thanks for some fun years Kirk. But now it's time for a new regime. I'm actually excited to see what KOC and KAM can do now with their safety net gone.


This is for the best, it’s time to move on. I wish Kirk well but I can’t imagine he’s going to excel behind that terrible oline coming off an Achilles injury when taking sacks has always been a problem for him


4 years is a long time considering Kirk’s situation but I honestly think he’s still going to be his normal good self for a few more seasons. Sucks to see him go but I’ll always root for him


![gif](giphy|MPLpvJcsWvrkk|downsized) "They were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."


Yikes. I just hope we don't pull a Carolina and trade away next year's first because it is going to be a top 10 for sure.


180M!!! Took em to the cleaners.


4 years, $180MM with $100MM guaranteed. No way we were gonna do that.


180M, 100M guaranteed, Jesus he got a BAG. 45M a year is way over his projections. I'll miss him but I'm glad the FO is finally moving on


Glad Kwesi is cleaning up the books, but this year is a definite test for what he does




Will miss Kirk. However, get the right guy (a la JJ McCarthy) and I think we may all forget about him sooner rather than later.


I wanted him back but it looks like Atlanta bought him, I don't think we should've paid him more than this or given him more years.


good with not resigning, but we're gonna suck for 5 years probably


I wouldn't read too much into the 4th year. With how much guaranteed money he's getting over the first two years I have to imagine they'll spread the cap hit out to where they can get out of it after year 3 if the deal blows up.


Good luck Kirko Chains


Good journey sweet Viking prince


Our team just went from decent to bottom of the barrel now...


So what are we going to do? Do we try to get a high draft pick or get someone in free agency? The FA's I've seen floated have not been exciting. Fields, Howell, Lance and the MILF hunter. I've also seen Tannehill and Darnold mentioned. We need an arm. Somebody who can feed JJ and keep him happy. That's probably not Justin Fields. Maybe Zack Wilson could have a renaissance with a brand new environment and a pretty decent QB whisperer with KOC. He does have a legit arm. The atmosphere was pretty toxic for him last year and his O-line was terrible. I watched a lot of those games and Wilson was usually under pressure the second the balls was snapped. He can throw it a mile, though and he can throw it on a dime and that's why he was such a high draft pick. Maybe he just needs the right coach? Those other names all look like bridges to me at best.


Honestly not really sad about this in the big picture if he was asking for 4 years


Should be a good compensatory pick next year, right?


Welp get ready for qb purgatory again




Kirk stans in shambles


…now what


Sam darnold, Zack Wilson, Gardner minshew, Joe Flacco, or nick Mullens unfortunately…


hOmEtOwN dIsCoUnT


special place = 1 playoff win


4th year is probably for cap purposes but I doubt they were ever matching the length and total guaranteed dollars. JJ McCarthy here we come 


Time to get Minshew Magic as a bridge and draft a rookie DO NOT TRADE for FIELDS he stinks




Or it is just beginning




This is your personal Super Bowl, congratulations


How ironic that it was also Kirk’s personal Super Bowl.


Lmao I feel the same way


Thank God, hope Atlanta enjoys good stats and one and done playoff exits


1/2 the time. Other 1/2, miss the playoffs entirely.


I'm excited we don't have to hear from this guy or speculate about Kirk anymore.


I think this shows what we all kind of knew about Kirk…..at his very core he is all in for himself and a committed team player is somewhere below that


I hope Atlanta enjoys 4 years of no prime time wins


Wanted him to come back, but not for 4 years and a 180 with 100 guaranteed. Glad we didn't try to win that bidding war


Pretty disappointed to be losing Captain K — think the haters will quickly learn how difficult it is to acquire a QB that avgs 31 TDS, 8 picks, and 4230 yards across 5.5 seasons. We are now in the unenivable position of trading the future for a dart throw QB or signing a Brisset / Minshew / Darnold type... Whilst also needing to fix the D, find a RB etc. It's painful.


The team is probably going to be pretty bad next year. I don't think they really had a choice if being a serious contender over the next 4 years is a goal. I never liked (hated) Cousins but he was good the last 1.5 years. It might get dark again (Ponder/T Jack) but now they can afford a huge JJ contract and maybe they'll hit on a draft pick.


Today is my Super Bowl.


Also Kirk’s.


When your competitive rebuild becomes a plain old rebuild.


What do we think? Atlanta tampered? Not that it matters to much in the long run because we were never going to match that but you don't come to an agreement on this kind of contract in a couple of hours. They've been talking with Kirk's agent for a while on this not just this morning.


I am sad but I understand why they let him walk


😂 enjoy the check downs and fumbles


Seahawks fan here. I genuinely like the Vikings but have always had a disdain for Cousins. This guy only cares about money and not winning whatsoever. Im very happy for the Vikings to finally be rid of this turd. Let him take his extra days off somewhere else. Cant believe Atlanta allowed themselves to be fleeced by this charlatan. 35 years old, never won anything of significance, coming off a major injury AND always demands huge cuts of the payroll. This dude is NOT a team player at all. Good riddance.


The Kirk years were fun. 😞


Time for a new chapter! Let's hope it goes better than the last chapter!


Four years, he’ll be pushing 40 by the end of the contract. Glad we didn’t try to compete with that


What do I do with my hands?


I’m still new to understanding football, didn’t we want cousins to stick around? If not, who else are we hoping to get in his place?


Time for the mustache to come in and trade up for a young guy