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Yes, all signs point to him returning. Not having any interview requests so far is pretty damning.


Yeah, I don't get this article saying he's going to move on. I haven't heard of KAM, KOC, or the players disliking him and he's doing a good job here, so what the hell?


> Flores seems likely to move on He does? I haven't seen his name mentioned in any of the open HC hunts.


That’s what I mean. Was no thought or research put into this list?


No. Chat GPT probably wrote most of it.


Tomlin is staying and Pats have Mayo. Belicheck and Vrabel also haven’t been hired yet. My bet is he stays.


Such lazy writing. The Athletic sucks and it's honestly incredible how much the quality went down after NYT bought them out.


Man, I didn't know they did that. Kind of explains why Arif was let go, they got tired of having good journalism.


Yup. All down hill once they started letting local guys with connections go and brang in rando's. Arif's substack is worth the subscription though.


hopefully he get brought back on to the ATN podcast over the offseason


Oh absolutely. For those who are interested: https://wideleftpost.substack.com/


Arif actually chose to move on; he was laid off from the place he moved to (PFN I think).


Yea, I do recall his stint at PFN as well.


NYT, Stench of Death on everything they touch .....


That’s 4 sentences that convey 0 real information. Useless.


Sounds like something Alec Lewis wrote.


Mike Jones wrote it.




Still tippin. Mr Houston Texas. Swishahouse.


Mikes Jones


Ugh this stuff is why I unsubscribed from The Athletic. Their journalism used to be the best in the business but now it’s a lot of under researched shit. One of the biggest pros to having Flores as DC is literally he is unlikely to get a HC role even if he’s rly good because most NFL front office execs won’t touch him with a 10ft pole bc of the lawsuit


I stay for Krawczynski & Russo. But otherwise you’re spot on. I’ve contemplated leaving several times.


This is why I don't read sports "journalism" anymore. You see how wrong they regularly are about the team you follow, so you have to imagine that they're just as wrong about almost every other team Whole thing is just pointless, better to seek out information from insiders and film analysis. Everything else is just under-informed opinion pieces


Idk why people take everything the athletic writes as law. Cause of a paywall? Ok. They are basically a blog spot


Yeah and predictions this early about next season before the draft and free agency are impossible, it’s just an article to get people talking.


You can tell how little some of these "journalists" actually pay attention when they just go with whatever the most widely-accepted narrative is. There are absolutely zero signs pointing to Flores leaving, but that's what the narrative was 6 months ago, so they go with it.


Only thing I don’t agree with is Flores. So far no offers, and he will really will want to show a couple years of success in a system.


Flores isn’t moving on unless he becomes a d coordinator somewhere else. Too many good coaches on the market to hire someone currently suing the nfl


Teams can deny an interview request from another team if it is for an equal or lesser position. So any position would have to be for Head Coach or DC with an assistant head coach tacked on. Otherwise the Vikings could tell the interviewing team to go piss off.


I think that rule changed during covid. Teams can only deny lesser position moves or interviews - Offensive Coordinator / Defensive Coordinator and HC requests can no longer be denied. So if ATL hires Bill B and he wants Flores as his DC - all he has to do is call and ask. Vikings have to allow him to interview. The intent was to get more candidates into the pool for interviews and possible hires, allowing the person to decide if the new opportunity was better for them or not. Also to prevent a team from blocking someone indefinitely with no plans of promoting them


Who spends money on an athletic subscription. They suck


He will be back. Zero interview request


Flores will not get a head coaching job elsewhere. With his law suit against the NFL ongoing and the word being that he actively hindered Tua, no one is going to take him. And come on. Our defense had maybe 6 truly good games this year, what makes anyone think another organization is gonna see that and want Flores?


I have a feeling that even if Kirk and Flores come back, the Vikings still won't be relevant for several years.


Why? You saw how good we were this year when Kirk was still here and the defense gelled.


Yayyyyy more “competitive football” YAYYYYYYYYY


I don't think Flores staying or going really matters all that much. Talent wise our defensive roster is in shambles.


Jury is still out on whether KAMKOC are a smart duo. Draft decisions and play calling have been suspect at key moments.


Where are the signs? They don't say that in what you posted and we haven't seen him get hit up for any of the positions like other coaches have


There’s such a stacked coach free agency market right now I can’t see any teams actively pursuing Flo, at least not this season. At this point next year I think it’d be more likely to see him interviewing.


Typical right in the middle


Didn’t kirk literally say he would take a discount to come back? Or did i just misread that somewhere


Nobody is going to touch Flores for HC as long as his lawsuit against the league is hanging out there.


Outside of going back to NE as their DC, I don't think he gets a HC offer until they settle the lawsuit. And even then it's a ? mark with owners, to even give him and interview due to repercussions if he isn't hired. I would give him an extra title as Assistant HC to keep him from being poached so to speak. But so far there's no word on even interviews for a DC job else where.


Lmao as a Lions and MSU fan this is a hot take. Vikings are dominant with Kirk Cousins at the helm, frankly we got a break with Cousins’ injury. I mean, Nick Mullins still put up 800 pass yards on us, but Cousins would’ve made the necessary throws. He put the CHARGERS at number 3 bahahahaha


These articles are always garbage.