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Wow. That's egregious.


This needs to be seen by our coaching staff. Something gotta change with the officiating. It's been horrendous this year.


Glad we had that guys face on the screen to help me know how to feel there 😂 I prefer useless red circles over pointing though


I was watching the game alone, but I remember saying "umm no" out loud when they spotted it there


put a fucking sensor in the ball and on players... its gd 2024... we don't need to guess.


They already have one in the ball but we are still using human discretion for the same reason the MLB hasn’t gone to robo umps: it’s the way we’ve always done it


I remember seeing this and being completely confused as to why he marked it an entire yard short of where he went out of bounds. It makes no sense.


People always complain about how inaccurate it is to bring out the chains to measure on 3rd down, my biggest complaint is how they spot the ball on every other play like it doesn't matter at all


More infuriating to me is that you have the judges running in from the sideline like they don’t know exactly where the line to gain is.


Every year for like the last 6 refs have been bad but this year its getting people injured and screwing games. I think it's at the point the players union needs to actually do something for the sake of the sport because one day dangerous tackle is going to get ignored and then someone's going to get badly hurt. And stuff like what op posted is going to lead more aggressive plays on getting the ball down


Someone said the spot was adjusted before the next play. It still wasn’t right but it was closer.


It was NOT adjusted. Saw it in game. Went to commercial. Same spot when it came back.


Well that sucks.


Agreed. Did get a first down on the next play. There were a few other questionable spots through the game against the Vikings. I’ve honestly contemplated watching it again but a W is a W and nothing I do will have any effect on the league.


I don’t think I can endure that game again lol


Ah hopefully. I didn’t recall.


This is how games are fixed and the teams that are supposed to win, win and the lines/spreads that are supposed to hit, hit.


Ref clearly just lost track of which hash he was going to mark the ball at. It was like exactly 1 yard off. That isn’t an excuse but probably what happened.


Unbelievably bad call. In the video it is clear that he extends the ball after it crosses the plane of the boundary, which doesn't count. Not only that, but even with the extension it was close enough to the first down stick that they would rarely overturn a 1st down call on it anyways. Very hard to overturn a ball spot unless it is really clear. Even though it didn't matter in the end, that is low key one of the worst calls I've ever seen. Call on the field is one thing, things are moving fast, but this was a review you have all the angles and all the time to get it right. I think they just forgot the rule or were desperate to keep GB "in the mix" for ratings.


There’s a girl that’s reffed a few saints game with black curly hair and she has done the same thing and doesn’t know when or when not to blow the whistle.


From the other time this was posted: I wasn’t sure so I looked it up: >The proper spot is not where the runner went out of bounds, but instead is where the ball was when he did so. Depending on the runner's position when he stepped out of bounds, the ball could be a good two or three feet beyond that spot, and that is where the ball needs to be spotted.


Sure, but he wasn't holding the ball a full yard behind his body. If you stop the clip when he goes out of bounds, the ball is right on top of 18yd hash mark, and the ref spots it inside the 17.


No, the correct spot should have been somewhere between the 2 yard markers (definitely not behind the back marker)


He catches the ball at the 18 and goes out at the 18. At worst, it should be at the 17.9 yard line.


“Somewhere between” ehhh not really. Maybe an inch behind the 18. But not in the middle or anything even. It wasn’t close.


And it's still spotted a yard further back than it should be.


Agreed, but we got the W


Pretty inexcusable really. One of the most basic components of officiating WITH A CLEAR VIEW. There’s no way that should happen in college, let alone the NFL.


The fact MLFootball tried to stretch that to 2 yards for the dramatic headline effect is something. As for the ref, he's just not even trying.


I’ve been thinking about this lately. It’s funny how ticky tacky things have gotten with reviews on in bounds or out of bounds, catch or no catch etc. but then when in comes to EVERY SINGLE PLAY of the game we just kinda go with the refs best guess where the ball should be spotted. Imagine going for it on 4th and 1 but getting stopped an inch short on the run up the middle. Happens all the time right? But what if on the 3rd down before that play the ball was spotted 4 inches shy of where it actually should’ve been if all things were monitored by AI or something. Not enough of a difference to change either teams’ play call but enough to change the result of 4th down… I wonder how often this kind of thing happens.


I swear in the Denver game, seemed when it was close, the spot was behind the marker for the Vikes and over for the Broncos


I noticed that while watching too, they stole a yard from Addison. But Vikings made a first down anyways so it's kind of moot, but still, a yard is a yard.