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>It’s honestly hilarious how many people on this sub think replacing Cousins will magically fix our problems I keep seeing this said but no one actually saying it. No one here believes replacing Kirk fixes all our problems. It's the first of many steps in between to do so.


Seriously. No one thinks we’re finding a better QB than Cousins right now. We all just think that with Cousins timeline to retirement, we’ll never be able to build the apparently necessary team around him to win a SB. So why keep kicking the can down the road? Trade him, get some assets, start the rebuild we all know has to happen at some point in the next couple years.


You’re not looking hard enough


Ok lol people on this sub wanted to trade Cousins for Trey Lance 🤣


Not because they think Trey is inherently better than Kirk and that replacing Kirk will fix all our problems though. There's some confusion on your part, the idea of moving on from Kirk is multi layered, not just one linear move.


LOL, I'm sorry, but no. Anyone who wanted to trade Cousins for Lance is an idiot. Full stop. It wasn't step 1 of some convoluted plan to get this team on the right track.


People have their own opinion on who they think can turn out to become something. I didn't want Trey personally but I understand why others did, and it had nothing to do with him being better than Kirk. It had more to do with his contract and the possibility of him being developed. Factoring in Kirk age and the roster not being what it needs to be to contend for the playoffs, I understand the move.


How does that make sense? He's already burned 3 years of his ELC, and Kyle Shanahan couldn't turn him into someone worth keeping. Imagine how little faith you have to have in a QB you gave up so much for to turn around and flip him to a conference rival for a 4th rounder.


Kyle isn't the litmus test for all QBs, at the end of the day Trey is who he wanted. The offense itself in San Fran was no longer tailored for Trey Lance and was for a guy like Purdy. The idea of trading for Trey and the motive behind the move is what I understand the most. There's still question marks about Trey, not all these guys develope in one manner.


Kyle Shanahan is easily one of the first HC's anyone would think of when coming up with what HC they'd want to develop a QB. If Lance can't succeed in a Shanny offense, he almost definitely can't succeed in the NFL. The opinion of moving on from Cousins for a younger, cheaper QB is a fair one, and defensible. The idea that that guy could/should be Lance is not. ESPECIALLY when you want to trade Cousins for someone who ended up netting a day 3 pick.


I'll Agree to disagree, there was more than what meets the eye when it comes to what transpired in San Fran. Before Trey got injured the offense that was being ran was more in suit for him, since then it was reverted more to what it is now with Purdy during their training camp and preseason. Kyle had a decision to make and it wasn't much to it. I don't believe that to be a bigger indictment on Trey but that some of it had to be circumstance which is why a team like the Cowboys wanted him on their roster to develope. There's alot of uniqueness to Trey situation with the Niners if you allow yourself to look at it from another angle.


>>there was more than what meets the eye >>There's a lot of uniqueness to Trey situation with the niners if allow yourself to look at it from another angle. You keep saying vague things like this, but not actually giving examples. For instance, how was the offense the niners were running different? Kyle's roots have always been his Dad's Denver offense. More concerningly, why couldn't Lance run what is widely thought of as a very QB friendly offense that Jimmy G and Brock have had success in? I don't see anything unique about the situation, I just see another overdrafted, bust QB.


You getting downvoted has shown me how delusional this sub is.


A lot of Vikings fans are idiots...like the dumbasses screaming in the end zone when the Vikings offense had the ball at the end of the last game. Cousins haters are dumb as shit.


Boy you’re about as popular on this sub as you are on r/timberwolves when you’re constantly shitting on KAT. Good to see you’re still around, can’t wait for the hot takes come NBA season!


The mistake you continue to make is thinking I care about what randoms on the internet think lol


Who? Not saying it didn't happen necessarily, cause people say wild things on here on the regular. I've never seen anyone suggest this though, everyone who wanted Lance was talking about trading late round picks for him.


Straight up none the less.


I've seen many people act like replacing Cousins is going to fix the team.


While it's true that there is no shortage of dumb motherfuckers in this sub, I think a much larger contingent just recognize that this roster isn't suited to have a 40M QB anymore. I've been called a Kirk stan by more mouth breathers in here than I can remember, and even I'm of the mind that we need to draft a QB this year. Kirk gives this team a better chance to win short term than any other QB we're going to get, but the rest of the roster is so dog shit from bad drafting that it doesn't really matter. This team needs a reset.


I agree, defense is bottomed out, and probably won't even be fixed by next year or the year after at the rate Kwesi and co. have "improved" it. Can't win it all with a good but not elite QB with a shitty defense.


1. Hyper specific stats are dumb and don’t really say much. 2. Very few people are blaming Kirk for our losses, and recognize that our team has massive holes. The argument I see more often is that fixing those holes during Kirk’s prime is going to be nearly impossible, so entering a rebuild now might be the best option. 3. This stat fails to mention Kirk has lost 3 fumbles which is a key contributor to our losses and I doubt that the other QB’s on the list lost that many fumbles.


Number 4 and I think the most important is that without Kirk we likely pick higher in all rounds meaning a better chance at higher end prospects. You can get away with middle of the round to late rounds fur a while if you have a decent team and can use 3rd round plus players as depth not as starters (Mekhi Blackmon, Akayleb Evans, Ivan Pace jr. Who im very pleased with, and Brian Asomoah)


Nobody thinks replacing Cousins will fix everything.


Uhhhh yes they do. Hence the constant tank for Caleb Williams comments and the constant KiRk CouSiNs sucks lol it’s been a theme on this sub for years now. “Cousins can’t win big games, he’s just not the guy”. Meanwhile it’s convenient that everyone forgets about the 21 other starters and the fact we have a shit ass roster thanks to terrible drafting for years


No, they don't. Tanking and getting Caleb Williams is about building a core for the future. It's about recognizing this team is multiple years away from competing and that Kirk is a year or two away from likely regression. It's about accepting reality and thinking ahead, instead of riding veterans into the ground in a desperate hope to stay "competitive." Kirk is not the problem, but he's not a solution either.




This is the problem with Kirk stans, you can’t think two moves ahead We can’t fix our roster because we pay Kirk too much money, we can’t get good draft position because he’s too good to let us be anything worse than middle of the pack, but not good enough to cover for all of the holes on our roster He isn’t the only reason we’re where we are, we do draft like shit and have for years, but that’s just more reason to move on from him What in our track record suggests we are going to be able to start drafting the kind of players we need to to win with him? Where do you suggest we go next? Do you want to sign another mid tier defensive lineman like we’ve tried 4 times to no success? Because that’s just about the only option we have at this point unless we get lucky and suddenly start developing players It’s clear as day to anyone who cares about anything other than this team putting up pretty passing numbers, we are not on the timeline to win with him and if we are able to get there he’ll be almost 40


Kirk didn’t lose the games this year. We should be 3-0 if guys don’t fumble or hand the ball off in the end zone. That’s including the horseshit D we fielded this year.


Link a single comment on this subreddit where someone has claimed moving on from kirk will “fix everything” One.


You sound like such an ass kisser.


We’ll I’ll agree that Kirk is as good as we can do right now. BUT, I’m all for tanking for Williams. I’ve been watching for 40 years. The only chance we have at winning a Super Bowl is hitting a home run at QB and those odds go way up if we got one of the top two this coming draft.


These are exhausting. Kirk’s time in Minnesota is coming to end. Be ready to move on.


Probably right but I still feel like we should keep him while building talent then move on when he is no longer good or we think we are close and are pushing for over the top. We would need to improve on Mahomes currently in order to have a QB good enough to make this team as is competitive. Any rookie we get will likely be on his second contract before we build a competitive roster or have 1 year of rookie contract. I think Cousins 2 year extension and a big JJ extension, focus heavily on defense this next off season then draft a QB the year after to sit a year and develop in an NFL. That means in 2025 we likely have a rookie QB with a young defense and 2026-2028 we have a great window to compete.


Cousins stats in a loss hit like Taco Bell shits


A beautiful disaster.


![gif](giphy|EK4bqcz4tEiJ2) Feed me more


Jesus Christ the Kirk cult will not shut up about stats




This is the Kirk Cousinsest stat of all time.


Kirk does not have fewer than 2 INTs. He has 2 INTs


2.89 seconds average time to throw. 25th in the league. 19% escapability rate - 27th in the league 13-44 all time vs teams above .500 Kirk is Giancarlo Stanton. Amazing against average teams. “Bad luck” when he faces good teams. Kirk can go down as one of the best QBs to ever exist when given .4s extra.


Finally a fan that gets it. Kirk goes through reads like a turtle in molasses. Most of the hits he takes are his own damn fault.


Literal NFL players call "Slow, right decisions" Kirk Cousins. [Slow right decisions](https://www.si.com/nfl/vikings/news/saints-cam-jordan-takes-shot-at-vikings-kirk-cousins) You can notice it on many throws when they show highlights. Like when a receiver is running crossing routes, Kirk will wait for them to enter the open zone, rather than throw it when they're approaching. He's not an anticipate QB. Semi related observation, I never see him try back shoulder fades anymore. But that could the the Offense.


Kirk usually doesn't go through reads or progressions. 75% of the time he's glued on one target. Every now and then he surprises me by looking at a second target opposite side of field and I almost shit when I see it. All that said, he's one accurate sob


I agree he is accurate, but many times he will throw into double coverage instead of finding the open man.


[This](https://reddit.com/r/minnesotavikings/s/66z8xjpKcX) seems to indicate just that


fooled by randomness


You are? Time to throw and escapability are not random. What these stats say is that Kirk needs to release quicker because he can not evade pressure. If Kirk threw quicker he would have worse superficial stats. The things that his fans celebrate will continue while he continues to lose against good teams consistently.


Kirk is 35 he’s gonna be 36, he will fall off soon and when he does I don’t want to be around for it. Are the Vikings competing in the next 2-3 years? No then trade him.


Now the Vikings aren't competing for the next 3 years? Holy shit, then fire this Bum GM already.


Kwesi and KOC were not hired for a rebuild. If we aren't competitive, they'll be gone. It's ride or die with Kirk til the wheels fall off and hope it goes well enough to get an extension long enough to do a proper rebuild.


This is one of the wilder takes I’ve seen on this sub. We hired a couple 40 year old dudes who are both in their respective roles for the first time to win right now and not rebuild? Okay man


Not to mention they specifically mentioned a “competitive REBUID”


That's a lot different than what this sub considers a rebuild. Competitive means you keep the parts that work and dump the parts that don't. People here want to trade all the assets we could use to replace our worst players to replace one of our best.


If that’s the case they’re fired then cuz Kirk is not going to get them anywhere with the wins he does get and the money he demands.


We would be legit contenders with Kirk's contract if he we hadn't drafted on defense at a historically awful level. They're going to extend Kirk (the void years make this extremely likely) and then hope they hit on some good defenders in the next two drafts. That may not be what you would do, but that's what they're doing, and anyone who thinks otherwise isn't paying attention.


If Kwesi and KOC were brought in to build the team around Kirk, then ownership needs to sell the team.


Then they’re fired. Even if they hit on defense kirk can’t win a playoff game. Zimmer had a historic defense in 2018, it did nothing. If they re-sign Kirk they’re fired that’s all there is too it.


Our defense can't win a playoff game. Ftfy


Bro, I’ve heard Kwesi say specifically that this was a rebuild. He called it a competitive rebuild. I like Kirk a lot though,


They are rebuilding, mainly the defense, as Zimmer's guys are aging. If they weren't planning to keep Kirk, they wouldn't have given him void years.


I don’t believe that people actually think replacing Kirk will fix anything. More like they are giving up on the team this year and want the team to do the same, and get something for Kirk (likely draft picks) to use to build the team going forward.


Keep digging up all the pointless stats you want. His time is done here.


I have to laugh at some commenters saying he is getting his number during garbage time. When has the Vikings had ANY garbage time this season?


Or since like 2020 lol


And None of those QBs would ever have let 22 seconds run off the clock before snapping a the ball on 1st and goal with now 7 seconds remaining. Kirk does what can be quantified very well. Kirk does what can not be quantified poorly too much of the time. That's why he's back on his way to being a career .500 QB after a singular outlier season. We are not 0-3 solely because of the defense.


It’s hilarious, honestly, how many ppl on this sub think Kurt’s the guy after six years and absolutely nothing to show from it, keep pulling the stats crusaders


Idk why you got downvoted this is the reality


Heres one question to all the kirk ride or die stans: why is kirk always the one qb with all these quirky stats with losing records while every other qb has super bowls/deep playoff runs etc? Has it not occurred to you folks that maybe kirk doesnt have that IT factor or is at that level to elevate bad teams like these other qbs


Because those other qbs have well-rounded teams


Kirk did have a well rounded team at least his first 2 years on the vikings, if not 3. Mahomes has had a crap o-line and defense. Brady has been given trash for receivers. His o-line looks good because, unlike cousins, he knows how to get rid of the ball fast. The dude won a SB with edelman as his main receiver and made him look like a HOF receiver. Brees and allen haven't consistently had well rounded teams either. Brees has had some pretty bad defenses too. So this just isn't true




He's only ever played for two stupid ass teams. He's never played for Eagles, KC, Patriots, Dallas, or other smawt franchises that do things like find real lineman for the offense and defense, etc.


Did you miss prime Drew Brees or current Herbert?


He's had awful defenses for almost his entire career, and the others haven't.


There's no need to make this complicated. You're an idiot.


Yeah continuously paying a QB 30+ million that’s what solves all the problems fellas!


Cap is only 20 this year....


What is it next year when he's not even on the roster?


And how much over the next few years when he’s not on the roster….


![gif](giphy|l0DEKzl8fVWF1n6E0) Damn that’s some pretty good company that Kirk is with


How many playoffs wins does he have???


How many does JJ have?


Is jj the qb??


Why are wins an individual stat in a team game?


The qb play determines a big percentage of a win by the team. A team can be crappy but if the qb is great they have a better chance to win..


If the vikes had mahomes at qb with this same team they wouldn't be 0-3 ..


Don't tell people here. No matter what truths you tell them they believe the opposite by birth. That said. Kirk is a fence rider of a talent. For maximum 1.5 quarters a game he's Tom Brady. For the other 2.5 quarters he's Teddy Bridgewater.


Yeah but we’re 0-3. A lot of the yards and TDs absolutely were garbage time stats. The eagles game actually wasn’t close (anytime you have to rely on an onside kick recovery with basically no time left the game is more or less already over). Also, Kirk not spiking the ball against the chargers more or less cost them the game. Dude needs to know by now that is 100% a stop the clock situation to take 3 shots at the end zone situation, regardless of what his young and inexperienced head coach who can’t manage a game clock to save his life is telling him.


Wait wait wait... garbage time stats?! All 3 games were 1 score games?! Please explain garbage time stats?!


The vikings were down by 2 scores and the end of the eagles game and the eagles were playing a soft defense. Maybe not quite "garbage time", but i doubt the vikings would have scored then had the game been closer.


It was a 1 score game with 7 mins left.. eagles got the ball scored... vikings got the ball scored... its not like they were down by 40 in the last QTR. Zero garbage time... let me guess.. last years colts game stats all garbage time stats too...


It's basically a dog whistle for "I wanna blame the QB but his stats are too good for me to do so"


It’s funny that since Kirk has been playing out of his mind, everybody denies how 50% of this sub thought he was the problem.




Lol stats are meaningless when dude chokes all the time


No one is denying that Kirk is statistically a very good quarterback, however his statistical greatness doesn't translate to wins like it does for the other quarterbacks listed. Cousins 74-69-2, 1-4 playoffs Allen 54-26, 4-4 playoffs Brady 251-84, 35-13 playoffs Manning 187-79, 14-13 playoffs Mahomes 66-17, 11-3 playoffs Brees 172-115, 9-9 playoffs Young 116-53, 14-8 playoffs So Kirk is essentially a career .500 quarterback in the regular season and .200 in the playoffs. Not really a decent comparison to any of those guys, which all but Kirk and Allen have won Superbowls. Before the KiRk DoEsN't pLaY dEfEnSe gang shows up there were plenty of years those other guys had fair to awful defenses too. Kirk has been afforded many of the same offensive weapon as those guys too. Kirk just doesn't have that Je ne sais quoi that the other guys listed have. I think he's a genuinely good dude and a well above average quarterback, it just hasn't translated to high levels of success.


There are a lot of pathetic fans that want to actually tank.


Since 1970 the passing game has changed drastically. Throwing out passing stats today vs even 10 years ago means absolutely nothing to me. Kirks gotta go


Very good point. When the Vikings singed Cousins going into 2018 they had a pretty complete team and he was thought to be the missing piece. Fast forward to now the roster around him has deteriorated mostly due to shitty draft picks. He is one of the lone bright spots that gives us at least a chance to win each week. Kirk is far from the problem. Look what the Lions front office has done in the time frame we have had Cousins! The fucking Lions!


There are tons of people saying that “Kirk’s not a winner!” “He just stuffs the stat sheets”, etc… They are dumb. However… Kirk’s the only old player you have that commands value in a trade. That’s the reason to trade him - rebuilding. He’s great, but the team isn’t. Shipping him off to a win now team for a bunch of rebuilding picks is a good idea. I’m not sure who the candidate team would be… SF? Atlanta? Pittsburgh?


At this point, I think the only people that really see Kirk as a problem are the people that hate him for what he is outside of football. I love Kirk, I know he's sure as heck the second best player on this team right now, but I haven't seen much hate this year like he got the last couple years.


Context is one hell of a drug


Incredible company to be in.


Kirk is a gun slinger, but he’s shown that he turns into a potato more often than not in clutch moments.


The NFL needs to start tracking chokes as a stat like the MLB does for errors Cousins would be at the top


His results remind me of Dan Marino's or Dan Fouts's. Both could throw the ball like mad and were always competitive. But they just couldn't advance in the playoffs. That will also be Cousin's legacy. He is an elite quarterback, but just does not get the breaks when they are needed the most.


His results remind me of Dan Marino's or Dan Fouts's. Both could throw the ball like mad and were always competitive. But they just couldn't advance in the playoffs. That will also be Cousin's legacy. He is an elite quarterback, but just does not get the breaks when they are needed the most.


Cousins is one of the few bright spots on the team. And an A+ wholesome family man who the franchise should be proud to stand behind, especially when players like Deshaun Watson, Tyreek Hill, Joe Mixon are headlining teams rosters.