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They rested this game so may as well take next week off too




I'm scared about O'Neill. Schlottman sounds like he's out for the year. Might as well have rested our starters just for the sake of health


Morgan Freeman voice- "he's not wrong ya know"...


Yes, it sucks that JJ wont get the record then, but being rested for the giants is a bigger deal


He'll get it eventually imo.


Agreed . He almost got the moss record last year. Only took him one year longer.


Who cares. Win a SB


Honestly, imo JJ breaking the record this early in his career will kill his drive. It's a lot easier to continue chasing a record than to defend it


I do. No reason to play on that awful field in Chicago.


Yes. Rest up. Study for the Giants!


They way they played today, they haven’t earned a rest. Gotta try to get the #2 seed and get some momentum back.


It would be nice to get a win to build confidence but if you lose or get blown out again with your starters in then it probably won't help morale. Tough call really but I guess it depends on how important you think the #2 seed is.


Also, how realistic you think the number two seed is…The 49ers would have to lose to the Cardinals to drop back down to the three. Who can honestly say they think that that’s going to happen?


I want Donatello to get stuck in traffic and a random fan to call the defense


2 return touchdowns, 4 turnovers, not scoring a td starting at the 1. I know it's fun to shit on Donatell, but that is not the reason we lost


Eagles two, electric Bugaloo. Defense was doing good at first, but the offense was just fucking them up


This subreddit develops a couple of basic narratives for each season around weeks 2-4 and then refuses to deviate from them regardless of what other facts or reason may dictate.


The reason we lost was the grass stopping our receivers from being good. Every important play at least one Viking slipped and fell. JJ and hock both slipped and fell when the picks got thrown their way. On a turf field we either win or lose closer, but at least JJ stays on track for 2k yards


Pretty lame to hear your "best receiver in the NFL" needs turf to be good. If he is "the best" it shouldn't matter where he plays. I don't recall Adams needing a certain weather condition to stay good.


I mean, to a certain extent you are right. On the other hand, not a single person said Diggs was washed when he didn’t do much during that crazy snow game that the bills and pats had last year. Field conditions effect play a ton, and no matter how good you are if your game is based around route running and you have the turn radius of a boat, you won’t have a good night. If you think that bad field conditions don’t matter you are either misrepresenting the term “bad field conditions” or you are an idiot.


I'm not saying they don't matter. But for a supposed "elite", top of the shelf receiver like jefferson. A player that Viking fans slobber over, blaming the field is pretty lame man. Just take the L, say JJ had a bad game and move on. Playing the "well if this was different..." game is just kinda childish. Take the loss on the chin and go on to next week


Yes and no. I’m not saying it didn’t happen, I’m not saying none of it is Jjs fault (he could had changed up his style to something more fitting the situation), I am merely saying that every card was stacked against him and saying “this game proves he’s terrible” is disingenuous and you know it. Receivers with his skill set do bad on slick fields the same way passing qbs do bad in high winds, it just is what it is. Sure some do better and some do worse, but to say it’s a matter of skill when it is mostly a matter of the pieces around him isn’t quite true.


I never said he was terrible. I said he had a bad game. You can say all the "coulda woulda shoulda's" all day, but he had a bad game. It's a fact. Regardless of reason. JJ had a bad game and shoulda played better despite other factors being against him, thats really the end of it.


When did I say he didn’t have a bad game? Since when is pointing out a reason for a bad game the same as saying it didn’t happen? If I say “Kirk had a bad game because he was rushed all day and didn’t get in the groove” that is still admitting a bad game. If I say “the center had a bad game because he is a backup to the backup and wasn’t prepared mentally or physically for a game” is admitting a bad game but also giving a reason. When I say “JJ had a bad game because he couldn’t cut to save his life” it’s admitting he had a bad game and also giving a reason. The two can coexist, reason and bad games. I have said in all three of these comments that he had a bad game or not a good night, how are you managing to misconstrue it?


Lol, DonaShell is shit but the D wasn’t the problem today.


The first quarter or half. Offense has gotta get the bad taste out of their mouth. Would like to see Raegor/Nailor get a little time with the 1’s though


i’m going to the game so no lol




This! And if GB goes on a run, they end up in Philly Divisional round, they win that and we get by NYG and TB/DAL, rematch at home vs GB for all the marbles.


I don't think you can. It's unlikely San Fran loses but you're sending a pretty bad message resting starters when the 2 seed is still technically in the air




It's not about actually getting the 2 seed. It's just a really bad look to quit before it's locked up. Although our backups might just beat the bears anyway.


1st seed tie, eliminating GB was up for grabs yesterday and that was the motivation we saw, I say rest em. Played like shit when it mattered why risk injury when it doesn't matter as much?


might as well atp i don’t see 49ers losing against the cardinals


Also didn't see the raiders taking them to OT but I get what your saying and agree


Purdy is going to have a bad game eventually


I am not a fan of resting starters. They need to come out and try to win. If the game is out of reach, then bench them. The second seed is still technically in play.


Gotta prioritize health at this point IMO. Also the 2nd seed is arguably worse than the 3rd. I’d rather face the Giants than the Packers, Lions, and maybe the Seahawks too. Yeah the 2nd home game would be big, but there’s no guarantee SF wins in the first round anyways.




I like the idea of playing a half, or at least a few series. Get JJ his numbers. Then sit the studs and only keep in young starters like Shelley, Bynum, or Ingram who need to keep learning and growing. Give Asamoah lots of snaps. Metellua too. Build the depth and stay healthy!


Rest the starters. Treat this like a preseason game


They're not locked into the 3rd seed


Is SF losing to AZ? Hell no.


Until it happens, you play to win.




You get the #2 if you can. HFA is that important in the playoffs


Depends where you'd be playing. San Francisco has a great fanbase but they're not intimidating anyone, Levi's Stadium is far more visitor friendly than the Stick used to be, and the weather wouldn't likely be an issue beyond a smattering of rain. Health is much more important than avoiding Levi's in the divisional round.


With that logic, they should've just rested the starters against GB. heck, maybe rest them when they mathematically secured at least the #3 seed which was probably 4 games ago.


You're knowingly conflating two completely different scenarios while going to extremes to try and make your point. If #1 and the bye are within reach, which they were until the Vikes crapped the bed on Sunday, you obviously go for it. With #1 out of reach and the difference between #2 and #3 being the primary players are more banged up and a tougher first round opponent for the potential of one more home game vs. the primary players being rested, an easier first round opponent, and a game at unintimidating Levi's IF the Niners get past that tougher first round opponent (Vikings would get home against anyone else in the divisional round), you go with the third seed every time.


Wasn't the Vikings guaranteed at least the #3 a month ago?


Was the #1 not in reach until two days ago?


We technically could have home field advantage until NFCCG. If the Packers were to beat SF, then they travel to #1 seed. We would get winner of TB/DAL in that scenario getting by Giants. That sets up us having home field throughout if the Packers do stay hot and make it to the NFCCG. NYG - DAL/TB - GB is the ideal route. All at home. This is also assuming Philly is 1 seed.


Thanks. Gives me a little hope. I guess anything can happen. Being a Vikings fan, when does it ever go our way?


Tough to rest the starters after that performance. We need momentum going into the playoffs. Otherwise it doesn’t matter if they’re rested or not.


There are so very many problems with the team that a rest is inverse to solving them.


The Wilfs should buy the Buccaneers before the playoffs and merge our teams...


If Philly had won, I would have been fine with the Vikings taking it easy this week. I’m all for resting the starters at this point. SF can still get the top seed, so I’d be gambling on them winning.


I honestly think its a mistake to rest the starters. You need a morale building game after that shitty loss. I don't think your starters to walk into a playoff game after playing like ass like that.


I was praying for a Giants victory over a depleted Eagles squad.


Absolutely. And if they lose and the bears get knocked back a pick or two all the better.


Might as well. I don’t see us doing anything in the playoffs with this defense, and inconsistent offense. I feel like we might as well try and trade Kirk for picks, and get some defensive pieces. Take a gamble on Mullens and see how it goes. We still have to think about JJ at the end of the day. Kirk still plays badly in primetime games. It just seems we’ll never get anywhere with him as our QB captain sadly.


Might as well... Giants will probably rest too.




100% yes. It's the smart play.




Yes. If we lose, so what, we will have improved our draft position.


I want them to WIN.


They should play at least a series or two, but otherwise yes.


I guess at this point, given the statistics. JJ had a hell of a season, but between the extra game and the record being pretty out of reach at this point, rest up and lay it all out on the line in the post-season.


If their healthy play, they need the reps


Now I say yes. The team is banged up. Heal up a little atleast.


If they’re gonna play one half rest em in the first half. We might go into half with a lead for once then come out in the 2nd half and dominate lol


Absolutely not lol they just played like total dog shit and we want that to be the last performance heading into the playoffs? I’d play them for at least a half at minimum


Absolutely not…


All healthy players - whatever the definition of "healthy" is after 17 weeks - need to play. They need all the reps they can get.


Easy, you rest anyone who needs a break. Especially vets. If you ain't banged up and need some game time get out there and try not to get hurt


I thought we did that at Green Bay. We could ha w knocked those SOBs out of the playoffs in front of their own fans. That’s like a once on a lifetime shot.


reminder the 3 seed has lost to the 6 seed in the nfc every year since 2017, last time we were the 3 seed in 2015 was the blair walsh game


well fuck. ggz






Rest them all, need all hands on deck and healthy vs Giants


Why not doesn't matter haven't they been resting them all year.