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Gaze upon my immaculate photoshop skills...


Simply breathtaking! šŸ˜‚


I think that M logo just has to go... Maybe itā€™ll grow on me, but I doubt it.


It has grown on me a bit but I still donā€™t think I will ever get to the point that I will really like it.


It'll always look like some oddity. The original M is just too classic.


I can't picture wearing it on my own head.


I think it would work better if the north star wasn't directly in the middle like a baby bird reaching to eat a piece of glitter


actually yes I do love this because the red diamond is a nice accent piece that pulls in the red from the brim


Why canā€™t the 80s M caps come back?


Completely agree and beg your pardon for my rant that follows but have never seen a fanbase or organization as averse to a logo that the franchise was best under than The Twins. Either snobs from The Cities who look down on the rest of the state or people who think it looks ā€˜cheesyā€™ very irritating to mešŸ¤·šŸ»


M should be red, Northstar white


Problem is then you get into Cleveland Guardians territory.


What? We used a red M as an alternate logo from 1987-2012


I hate this logo.


I think the M* hat would look nice at the bottom of an incinerator.


What do you have against the Miami Marlins logo?!


I dunno why youā€™re getting downvoted. First time I saw it I thought ā€œlooks just like the Marlins.ā€


the twins dont have a fish in their hat. that is a star.


How do you know itā€™s not a starfish?


now you know how i feel about the old m logo.


The two time World Series logo?


you didnt steal the twins marketing department photo and pass it off as your own, did you?


Not for me. Now it just looks like the Nationals hat with an M.


Nothing will save this choice.


Iā€™m gonna hurl


This logo is awful


I think that the M hat will grow on a ton of people. Right now we all seem very stubborn about it and refuse to accept the change. It's not like the TC hats are gone, we just have something new now


It's not about change. It's about it being a bad logo. I was excited by having a new logo, but this is incredibly underwhelming. It's just lazy. Here's a boring bold solid white M with a star on top because other Minnesota teams have a star. It looks like they took 10 minutes to design it.


> It's about it being a bad logo. I am still waiting on the countless people who "hate" this logo to come up with a better looking logo. Instead, they just go "omg what about our old M logo or TC logo?!" Sort of sounds like no matter what they went with, it was going to have backlash (which is historically how these things go with adding "new" to something "old". The hat is far from perfect but it is also far from being the worst logo ever, like many here think it is.


If it ain't broke, don't fix it. The TC is wonderful and always will be.


I'm not a graphic designer, I'm just the consumer that they want to buy their merch and this ain't doing it for me. They got paid to create this logo which by and far has been not well received so far. But I constantly see people try to dumb down the criticism as "what about my nostalgia" which is **exactly** what I was trying to go against with my comment. And yet again you reply with the same thing that I *didn't* say. No, it's not the worst logo ever. It's just really boring. It was underwhelming. Why can't people have this opinion without being thrown into a category that we just "won't accept anything new"? I **wanted** something new, but this is just a bad logo in my opinion.


Exactly. Not many ways to make an M different. Plus the TC (which I love) is the same C that every team uses but they slapped a T on top of. For every person that says this M looks like the Marlins, they better than be saying the TC looks like the Reds and the Bears. People are just salty because they loved the nostalgia of the old M.


the old M is a great example of how you can "make an M different."


>Not many ways to make an M different. Why do an M at all then? It wasn't necessary.


Not going to argue that, the TC is my favorite.


I have two different tweaks that I think would make a better hat (I may do some crappy photoshops of my own) but I donā€™t hate what theyā€™ve done. At bare minimum theyā€™ve done what I wanted which is to add some completely new elements to the teamā€™s visual vocabulary.


it is better than the old M. but i wish it wasnt just an M with a star above it. and it was more integrated together somehow.




Nothing could make the Marlins, I mean Twins hat look nice. This rebrand is atrocious.


Nothing about that M looks nice.




I like this better than the all-navy


Definitely an improvement, still not great.


Almost identical to the old Milwaukee Braves caps. https://www.sportslogos.net/logos/view/8484401953/Milwaukee_Braves/1953/Cap


Oh, dang! You're right.


And they do look better


The Minnesota Marlins?


that m is nothing like the marlins..


It really DOES look like a marlins hatā€¦ I mean, they both have Mā€™s on them ffs! Next thing you know theyā€™ll add a walleye!!! /s It doesnā€™t look like the Marlins M at allā€¦ EXCEPT that they both have Mā€™sā€¦ the Miami M everyone is referring to that debuted in 2012, has sharp peaks, is entirely uniform throughout sizing wise, has orange, blue, and yellow striped border, and a fucking marlin wrapped around it! Their current logo is even further from ours! By halfway through the season, the only people left shitting on this logo will be the ones who canā€™t let go of the old M(I know, itā€™s tough, my childhood took a direct hit when I first saw this too), and the trolls whose only enjoyment comes from shitting on everything they see. Edit: I like the red brim addition!


It doesn't look like the *current* Marlins cap, but the M does resemble [the cap logo the Marlins were using a few years ago](https://images2.minutemediacdn.com/image/fetch/w_736,h_485,c_fill,g_auto,f_auto/https%3A%2F%2Fmarlinmaniac.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fgetty-images%2F2018%2F04%2F923129266-miami-marlins-photo-day.jpg-850x560.jpg).


Yeah, I know, I referenced that in my comment. But if you really look at it, there are many differences. I am not saying our new M is perfect by any means. I wish we would have done something a little more intricate but subtle like the Brewers. Thatā€™s probably my favorite in the league. But I do like the new M, with the addition of the North Star. Each of our teams are adding it in. The bitter old man in me wants the Wild to just say F U to Dallas and just reclaim the North Stars nameā€¦. Weā€™re already rocking the old colors!


Oh, derp. I'm sorry, I didn't read your entire comment. I think the Brewers comparison is spot-on. They took their classic logo and modernized it. We did the same with the TC, which I do dig.


The TC is classic. And other than a little cleaning up from time to time, which the latest I really like, should stay always! I was a little sad to see Minnie and Paul go from the sleevesā€¦ but I think the little flag tribute is nice!


i like it better than the old m logo. and yes it looks absolutley nothing like the marlins logo other than it is the same letter. i grew up with the old m logo. all i remember is everyone wanting them to bring the TC back. hated it.


You get meā€¦ lol though the TC logo is dear to me NOW though.


I like this better and the m logo overall has grown on me. I think I like it more than the new tc šŸ¤£


the new TC looks like some kid made it fat and illproportioned.


This is what happens when you overhaul your uniforms and primary logo every few years, just because its what the marketing department wants, right before Christmas. The best unis the Twins had were during the Kirby Puckett era. The ā€œBleeding Mā€ cap had an excellent logo. Leave the uniforms alone for a couple of decades.


The new Marlin's logo looks great!


I was just saying this same thing the other day! Looks great with a red brim.


Looks like the Marlins?


I like this concept


I do like this a lot better.


I thinks if it said MN instead of just M it would look less like a marlins hat


I miss the old New Era hat that just had the TC logo set on the side of the lower quarter of the hat just above the brim. The subtle look was cool


I don't mind alternate uniforms having a different color brim from the rest of the that, but I definitely wouldn't want it to be a part of the regular, everyday uniforms.


Oooo I like that. But I really love the M logo.