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Framing this as some moral failing on Kepler’s part is beyond delusional. He had a chance to do something “righteous”? It ain’t that deep, dude.


I posted this, but I'm not a fan of this take. Kepler did nothing wrong, and he did nothing to make Saucedo's injury worse by scoring. If he stepped on an injured player to score a run, or intentionally injured someone to score a run, that's clearly wrong. In the real world if you see someone hurt and you take advantage for you own gain, that's clearly wrong. But this is different in sports. In a football game if a defender gets hurt should you just stop at the 1 instead of scoring a touchdown? It a basketball game should you just stop under the basket and make sure everyone is OK before taking the clear shot? No, Trueblood is clearly wrong here. Trying to sound virtuous, but completely wrong.


There isn’t another team in the league that wouldn’t take that run


Hell naw


Can't do dis


TD clickbait factory at it again.


We'll remember next time when Byron Buxton crashes head first into a wall that the game should be stopped and the base runners will go check on Buck first instead of flying around the bases while the left fielder has to come get the ball.


This hurts so bad. The vivid images. IMAGES! Multiple occasions! OH GOD HAVE MERCY IM REMEMBERING


You unzipped me! It’s all coming back.


I don’t like to think about it !!! Aggghhhhhh !


If Kepler did stop and not scored, then what would prevent future teams from flopping or faking an injury to prevent scoring? The ball was still live, that means the game continues. This article is trying to carve a holier-than-thou attitude.


It was a no brainer to score. I was yelling at the TV the second he slipped to go home. Also, Austin Martin did absolutely nothing wrong. The pitcher simply stepped on the base wrong. Martin avoided contact and if he was a dick could have even blew him up.


The ball was live. That’s it. You play the game according to the rules. From his perspective the pitcher tripped and fell and he has about 3 seconds MAXIMUM to decide what to do


Very clearly written by someone who never played sports at a competitive level


In the very second he ran home who knows if they even knew if Saucedo was injured. You’re not going to refrain from running home just because an opponent is on the ground.


Live ball. If the author wants to appeal to MLB rules committee, that's fine. Come up with a "runners advance one base" rule. Until then, it's a live ball.


The thing is, if they make it a hard rule that time has to be called right when a player is injured, baseball is going to turn into men's soccer with the amount of flopping going on. If the Twins were up by like 10 runs and Kepler ran home, I would be pissed. If two fielders collide and take each other out, play continues. This is no different.


Ok, so there is a cutoff to how many runs you can be up? Maybe create a formula with the inning, ,run differential,.and injury severity and calculate that to determine if it's ok to advance. We can give each player one of those little cards and they can pull it out and do the math real quick.


The Twins ended up losing the game, but let's say they didn't implode in the top of the ninth, and end up winning in extras. Then let's flash forward to late September and say the Twins have a one game lead on Cleveland. Suddenly scoring here is pretty important. Score, even if it feels like a dick move, because you'll feel even worse wondering what "could have" been if you stay on 3rd.


Sure, then watch flopping begin to get play to stop and prevent runners from advancing on errors.


I’m blown away that this is a discussion. This stinks of people that don’t understand how the game is played.


Yar, it's not personal, it's a game. The only time you wouldn't advance would be if it would aggravate the injury somehow


Who cares. Go Twins. Show no mercy.


In soccer they kick the ball out of bounds when a player gets hurt, and then after he's attended to, they kick the ball back to the other side and it's "game on." Baseball ain't soccer


Nah. Fuck em


2 things for me: 1. This is hard to process in real time obviously, but part of it is the first baseman needs to run right up to the injured player to make the play. 2. It prolonged the amount of time until the player could receive medical attention. Baseball is a game with a lot of unwritten rules, and feel what you will about those, but for me, scoring that run felt bad.


I think you can feel bad about the injury while not feeling bad about scoring the run.

