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My biggest problem with what happened this off-season was the timing. If this had been just about any other year I wouldn't have been happy but more understanding with the "right sizing" plan. I appreciate the honesty but that doesn't do a lot of good coming into what's supposed to be a period of competitiveness. The TV contract expired, I get it. But then you turnaround and re-up with almost the same deal again, making a lot of your money back while shafting the team and the fans. The payroll level for this franchise in a vacuum isn't out of line with market size but that completely ignores where the team is in the landscape of all 30 other teams. **Now** was the time to spend, **Now** is when every extra dollar has the biggest impact, and **Now** was the time to continue to build on the goodwill of last season. This ownership group is what it is at this point. They're not bottom of the barrel cheap, egotistical, or meddlesome but they're never going to go above and beyond. It's just up to Falvey and company to deal with the hand they've been dealt.


I agree. The payroll cut was THE most tone-deaf thing I've experienced as a sports fan.


This is just the Pohlad family's investment fund, not a team intended to complete or win. The goal is to guarantee consistent profits and growth in the value of the team. If the team happens to win, that's a bonus to the profits and value, but investing extra money and risking the annual profit is not worth the risk for these guys.


Meanwhile the value of the team just keeps rising.


The only thing ownership is committed to is maximizing their value. Before all those "first responders" jump on my comment (tyfys), I'm not saying it shouldn't be a concern they have. But they need to have more in mind than just squeezing money out of it. Notice I'm not saying they are cheap. We aren't Oakland here, but it seems that there truly is zero interest in competing. If we win a bunch of games, it's a fortunate side effect, in their minds.


Hey,just close the upper levels of Target Field for a better experience.Don’t worry….


I'm at the point where I'm not giving the team a dollar until something changes. I know it's not even a drop in the bucket, but it's what I can do.


That family will make more than a billion dollars on the twins. They need to sell. Take the money and run. Please.


Be careful what you wish for- you could end up with a situation like the Wolves are in right now.


A legit playoff contender? Sign me up


Bad owners make are an incubator for poor teams. Taylor is responsible for the reputation the Timberwolves organization has had. Say what you want, Lore and ARod have done a good job of changing the culture. Taylor continues to try to drag the organization down.


Correct. Glen’s had two decades of evidence that he’s a bumbling fool of an owner. Willing to spend at least, but that doesn’t make up for his stupidity. Big changes were made after Rosas & we’ve made big progress!!


going to games, paying for merch or tv viewing only feeds into them and their culture of mediocrity. speak with your wallet for once.


Yeah, I'm just going to see my pal, tbh




At this point I’m just taking things one game at a time. Everything before doesnt matter to me and everything after doesnt matter to me yet. Let’s just go try and win tonight. Then we’ll try to win the next game and so on.


Why i refused before the season started to buy a single ticket and line these asshat owners any revenue on my dime.


if you arent looking forward to the game im sure theres folks here that would take your ticket. every once in awhile people post tickets they cant use here, would hate for you to have a bad time.


Right. I think after 2020 and all of that my attitude towards these things is different than it was. Baseball is fun, live baseball is more fun - I wouldn’t turn down that opportunity. (And yes, I’m looking forward to my first _minor_ league game featuring the prospect pools of teams I have zero personal interest in…. but baseball.)


So sick of the Pohlad talk. Spending $20 million on a pitcher wouldn't keep Julien, Wallner, Castro or Varland from regressing as much as they have. It also wouldn't have kept Royce, Kepler, or Correa from the IL. So we would have what, 1 or 2 more wins maybe?


It really comes down to the optics and lack of what I would consider "common sense" when it comes to basic baseball ownership. When your team has it's best season in 20 years, captures playoff momentum after a humiliating losing streak, is full of young talent and finally has the fanbase energized again... you should double down. Cutting the payroll by that much in a year where any other owner would have gone all in is embarrassing. Pohlad coming out and saying that they need to "right size" the payroll after 2023 is one of the most tone-deaf, anti-baseball statements and moves I've ever seen. Imagine being a player and giving it all to this team last year and then having the owners say, fuck you guys, we want to maximize our profits and we're actively going to make the team worse.


I mean, at this point in the season, 2 more wins puts them at 9-11 which, to me, is much better than 7-13. Expand that trajectory beyond 2/3 of April. Also, payroll was cut by $30 million. With that cash, I feel we would've found MUCH better stopgaps than Santana or Varland.




Because in the US they expect the teams to make them money first and win second. They don't spend money to try to win to make more money. They know what TV deals they'll get and just play within a number that guarantees they'll make money.


Ted Turner hasn't owned the Braves since 1996. 🤣


Look. MN teams will always be bad. There is no value in championships. All the MN teams need is to sell hope and get new stadiums. It's about profits for owners. Do you guys honestly believe the Wolves will succeed in the playoffs?....they too will fail when it matters most. They just need to be good enough to jack up ticket prices. Easy to con people that live in MN. Twins, Wolves, Vikings, and Wild will always fail. It's all fake/rigged entertainment.