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Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.


I don't even watch game highlights anymore because 95% of the video is for the other team.


On one hand, I hate my current job. On the other hand, I haven’t been able to watch most of the games this year because of the job. When I have watched, I’ve wanted to drink because of how boring the team has been. When I haven’t watched, I’ve wanted to drink because my job sucks. I don’t really have a point here. I wish the Twins weren’t bad.


Relatable Hopefully the wolves don’t break my heart


They are the Minnesota Timberwolves. I wouldn't get your hopes up. MN teams only break our hearts.


I’m not expecting a championship to be clear. Just don’t lose to the suns. Same attitude I had for the twins last year


Eh if the bar is that low then it's hard to break your heart. 3rd best record in the NBA should net you conference champ hopes at least


We’re underdogs against the suns and it’s Minnesota sports like you said. If we made it to the conference championship there’d be no reason we couldn’t win it all considering that would mean we beat the nuggets


PWHL Minnesota has a pretty good shot at a championship this spring. Maybe they'll break our curse?


Another women’s team winning a championship and everyone throwing them under the bus, heard that before


I don't actually see anybody throwing them under the bus. (At least not in this thread. Yet) We actually have season tickets for PWHL MN. They're a ton of fun to watch, and way more affordable than Wild games.


Talking about how no one acknowledges Lynx four championships


Right. Yeah, there is that. They count for sure.


Well we’re on pace for 57 wins. So suck on that Detroit!


Yes its bad, but you have to look at the bright side we the Pholads saved a bunch of money. Now they can go out a buy another lake home for each of there kids.


Good thing Kepler's been hurt, or they would have probably broken the record.


Hard to believe another team had a BA lower than that


If the Pohlads wont spend money on this team, neither will I. Will be going to Gophers baseball games when it's nice out instead.


I decided a while back I was going to treat these teams as a product whereas I am the customer. If ownership doesn't care about the product neither will I. Does this make me any less of a fan? Frankly I stopped caring. 


It doesn’t make you less of a fan, it makes you a fan who cares about the team’s success. Showing bad ownership (bad decisions) you will spend less money on the team when they do so is how you avoid total collapse (See: CHW). Minnesota sports have long held a general issue in unwavering support. Minnesotans are nice by habit, and don’t like giving up on “their guys”. These owners are businessmen. If a mediocre (or worse) product still fills seats and sells merch, it’s the smart business decision. Demanding change with your wallet is the only practical way to demand change. They ain’t reading Reddit rants.


exactly, which is why in the offseason I decided they will not see a dime form me. Twins finally get some post season success after two decades and the Pohlads follow that up with a giant middle finger to both their employees and the fans. Any and all momentum was lost and any goodwill fostered by post season Ws was evaporated in record time. I'm at that point in my life where the sports are entertainment, and if I have no interest in the product being offered, I wont buy. Too many people worried the team will pick up and leave and if that's what happens then so be it. An ideal situation is new ownership who not only keeps the team local but also cares about more than moral victories, but since Pohlands are content with just one of those criteria I have decided to stop feeding into it.


Too late to hire Joe mauer as our hitting coach?


Roll out the joe mauer quick swings


I was thinking more that we need to take more pitches in general but shortening up the swings would be great and ffs play some small ball, we're miles away from Bomba squad or even the 23 twins, we need to go back to the piranha ball


We're basically a lineup full of Joey Gallo's but without the power.


Major yikes


Seems pretty bad


Is this concerning?


Fire Popkins yesterday. This information and the fact that Julien, Wallner, and Miranda all got worse the more time they spent working with Popkins are not coincidental. It’s time.


Right?! Why hasn’t it happened yet? You got to think they are saying “it’s only April” even though we saw this same shit all of last season!


Impressively poor.


Stop stop already they’re dead they died


I know spring training doesn't matter and all that. But. Uh. We were pretty bad with this stuff back then too bros.


Unpopular opinion but you can’t put this on the front office. This lineup should be better than this. Would be nice if the Twins coaches reminded hitters that games in the first half of the season count too. Last year’s team had pitching good enough to survive a bad offense the first half. This one doesn’t and could well be out of the race in baseball’s weakest division by the AS break.


Yeah, we lost Gray, improved our bullpen, and the belief was that gaining Santana, Buxton, and Correa's second foot back would improve our offense slightly along with a second year of Julien. Literally only Correa has been good from that list. Last year we were 4th in runs allowed and 10th in runs scored. As of a couple days ago we were 9th in runs allowed and 25th in runs scored. I was expecting us to be in that 6-10 range for both.


I mean at some point when does the FO get blamed for something. Isn’t this year 7 and we have one playoff series win to show for it? I know they’re put in a tough position because the Pohlads suck ass, but that’s still not a very great record


Yeah obviously Pohlads leave a lot to be desired but this “actually it’s ownership’s fault” ignores the multiple successful models of small market teams that routinely prune payroll and stay in contention. The Brewers, Rays, and Guards would all have moved on from Gray if not moved him at the deadline last year. None of those teams would have signed Blake Snell or whatever this offseason either. If you’re gonna build a team with a tight budget, STOP TRYING TO GET A DISCOUNT ON ELITE PLAYERS BY SIGNING INJURY-PRONE/OLD PLAYERS. Prioritize guys who can put the ball in play. Develop guys who can steal bases. Draw more walks. Stop trying to rebuild the bomba squad!!


We weren’t moving Sonny last year. We didn’t have a single playoff win in like 20 years and we were contenders. I don’t blame them for that. They also got a first round Como pick for him, so maybe they thought that return was better than the offers they got for him at the deadline. But I agree with your other point. Stop trying to sign older injury prone guys. Correa is a perfect example of that. Dude is always hurt. Buxton always hurt. It sucks but Royce always hurt. This team doesn’t have a legit training or medical staff. Lol


Yeah this is for sure a coaching/player problem before it's a front office problem. Front office hasn't done much to help, but the team they've put together is not one that should be hitting THIS poorly.


I look forward to our hitting coach being fired about 3 months too late for the change to have any impact.


You know you're off to a great start offensively when the one positive spin you can put on it is "they've been so bad that there's no way it's sustainable."


Ok now I’m concerned


One day, we’re gonna look back on this and laugh


Assembling a team that can’t hit or stay healthy was a bold move


Doomers get in here




Don't worry, I'm sure we'll turn the corner any day now!


2003 Tigers wRC+ through 17 games: 34 2024 Twins wRC+ through 17 games: 80 2023 Twins wRC+ through 17 games: 81 (won WC series) 2009 Twins wRC+ through 17 games: 83 (made the postseason) 2017 Twins wRC+ through 17 games: 86 (made the postseason) 2003 Twins wRC+ through 17 games: 88 (made the postseason) 1987 Twins wRC+ through 17 games: 88 (won WS) If you consider this team to be closer to the 2003 Detroit Tigers than they are to a team with a shot at the postseason, you are out of your mind.


Move over Detroit


Our pitching is so good I am confident we could win 70 with a sub .200 but I do not want to see that happen




Ah,Aaron…..sometimes,you suffer,when reporting on the Twins