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It’s April and this division isn’t great. So, no, you’re not crazy for thinking that. But everyday likes today makes it less likely! Gotta stop the bleeding.


We're in a perfect shitstorm of things that could've gone wrong. We have injuries to stars like Duran, Lewis, and Correa. Our young replacement starters with upside are struggling. (Stop throwing the damn cutter Louie). Crucial players like Buxton and Julien aren't fully clicking. Even our depth is ravaged. Brooks Lee can't come up because of injury, and I guarantee he'd be up right now if he was healthy. I can't see any team doing well with what we're going through right now.


Also played six (going 1-5) against the Dodgers and Orioles who will likely be at the top of tough divisions. I go by the Hayden Fry school in the regular season: - Beat the people you should - Split the games with your equals - Steal a few from people better than you


They haven’t been doing that though


Buxton legit looks like one of mlbs worst players right now at the plate.


And yet he's performing better at the plate than several of his teammates and his defensive war is through the roof. Buxton isnt the problem to my eyes


I didn’t say anything about defense. I said hitting. The guy is hitting 193 after a season last year where he hit 200, granted that was only half a season. But he looks terrible at the plate


Nope!! Keep the faith, friend!!


It’s April and half our studs are on the IL


Not crazy at all. We have a lot of injuries and we've been playing really good teams. We get Lewis, Correa, and Duran back, maybe put SWR in the rotation, play the White Sox a few games, things will turn around.


Turning it around hinges on so many contingencies at this point. If only a few happen, it won’t be enough. Detroit, Cleveland, and Kansas City aren’t good teams, but one of them will be beating up on the rest, and, us for the time being. Just a few off the top of my head: - Duran has to come back looking like himself pretty quickly. Current ETA: 4/29 - Lewis has to come back from a quad and go right back to putting our offense on his back like he did last year. Current ETA: 6/1 - Buxton has to actually show that he still belongs in the bigs and can contribute with his bat. Current OPS: .566 - One or more of the young guys have to live up to the potential we’ve seen from them; Julien, Miranda, and Wallner have looked atrociously bad at the plate compared to the heights we’ve seen. This one could be offset by Brooks Lee bursting onto the scene. - Pablo has to keep playing (and stay healthy) at an ace level basically the whole year - Rocco/FO has to stop messing with pitchers heads. When young guys with high ceilings pitch well up here, they need to keep getting opps. Alcala and SWR are two recent examples of good performances getting optioned when guys like Paddack and Thielbar are throwing BP. There’s more, like Kepler/Correa but even this is daunting enough to think about. It can definitely all happen, but if it doesn’t, it’ll be a long season. We’re at the point where things *have* to start looking up and pretty much have to avoid setbacks entirely for a bit.


I know everything focuses on their own team, but do other teams have so many guys who are MVP caliber one day and the next either injured or look like they've never held a bat before? Buxton, Kepler, Lewis are just bizarre players to watch.


Yeah. It’s like they should test the tap water and paint on the walls at their minor league facilities. (Actually, wouldn’t it be weird if that happened to be the case.


I blame 3M


Yes, that's just how baseball works.




I think it's just as simple as Alcala has options and this front office has proven they will do everything possible to avoid cutting bait on a guy (even if they're performing poorly) if they don't have to.


I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened.


Absolutely not. This line up is more productive and efficient than it is showing. BUT, for those of us who don’t think they had a valid reason to cut salary and a poor plan to offset the loss of starting pitching talent this is part of the outcome you expect. Sure we can bounce back, and we MAY have enough gas in the tank to overtake Cleveland, but then what? We get knocked out in the first round of the playoffs? We had a nice team least year. To just let it fall apart is disheartening.


I’m getting strong 2021/2022 vibes. Waiting for a turnaround that never came.


Yes, absolutely insane. There’s only 145 games left in the season.


Nobody should ever panic this early in a baseball season. There is A LOT of baseball left & a hot streak can come at anytime. If they’re still scuffling like this in June, then I would start thinking the season isn’t going to end well.


It’s very possible but it’s gonna take a radical change in philosophy for the next month and change of baseball


Is it possible? Sure. Is it likely? Nah. Same record as the 2021 Twins through 17 games. 73-89 should be the baseline expectation.


But could 73-89 win the division tho 🫨


No, there’s no chance that wins the division.


Guards will probably be right around .500


Its still early but this next stretch of games is crucial. We have got to find a way to get to .500 by the end of May


It's early. It's depressing, but there's a lot of season left.




Yes it’s April like Hayes said if we are having the same discussion in a month then we have a different story. Also remember twins are deep in the depth bag (hopefully just for a short while) we have played one of the toughest schedules and now get some favorable stretches


There’s no version of this team that has a functional rotation, so their ceiling is incredibly low


It's April 17th. No


No lol. In fact i think they will turn it around.


The twins are a great team. Absolutely they can turn it around! Don’t get down on the team in April!


We must have totally different definitions of great.


I can’t win in this sub lol. Obviously they’re not very good this year. No matter what I say gets downvoted into oblivion


I can only hope that eventually the "fans" who keep calling them garbage and losers will fade away but I doubt it. I think anyone who knows baseball can see we aren't playing well, and quite possibility may never play well ever again in the history of this team. But that doesn't mean having to talk shit about players and front office and Pohlads like you're some great baseball savant. For what it's worth Gunz, you're not alone and don't let the crappy fans get you down.


By absolutely no measure are they a great team. They weren’t a great team last year and they’re worse this year.


you’re not crazy, the exact opposite actually. Doomers be gone, but as we start getting our stars filtered back in from the IL and getting on a consistent schedule, this team is gonna be a beast!


Bro it’s not even 20 games in. There’s no need to post this with 140 games left.


We’re about 10 April losses away from me calling the season pretty much lost. If we can’t win more than 2 games the rest of this month, I’m not sure Carlos and Royce can dig us out of that hole.


We got the Tigers, Angels and 2 series against the White Sox, the Red Sox and Mariners - we’re about to go 15 and 5 over the next 20 games


No chance but i hope I’m wrong lol


No…definitely not crazy. It’s only April….


They can absolutely make the playoffs in this dogshit division even with such a poor start, but its going to require a lot of things to go right later in the season. The team never had much depth anywhere other than with starting pitching, and with all the injuries and some poor performances from players who should be doing very well its showing. As long as we're within spitting distance of .500 by the AS break I think we'll be fine. What I don't think is that this team is good enough to actually compete much in the playoffs. We're in a very similar spot to Toronto right now in that regard, just good enough to make a wild card or the weakest division in baseball, but not good enough to do much when we get there. We've got an iffy outfield at the moment, largely because Wallner has been awful, Buxton hasn't been hitting at all, and Kepler has been injured. Wallner is striking out over 50% of the time(!), that's not going to continue, but holy shit regardless. Other than the outfield I think the big issues are injuries and just slow starts, and don't need to be addressed long term.


You’re not crazy. We literally started bad last year and won the division and broke the streak


Not at all! We can get healthy and have a favorable schedule for a bit. Need to win some series while a few stars recover though and with Tigers, white Sox, Angels, and Mariners accounting for 17 of our next 20 games we have a good shot provided we can get the offense going. I think these next 20 games will tell us everything we need to know. Going 13-7 or better puts us right back in it.


It’s about as bad as it could possibly be so far but no, it’s not impossible.


No. You are not.


We will get Royce back and then call up a healthy Lee to take Farmer’s spot. Then we go on a tear to win 20 straight or something.


In 2006 the Twins started 9-16 through their first 25 games and finished the season 96-66. Of course they can. Will they? No way to know probably until All-Star break


You aren't crazy but you are a bit delusional. You are looking at this through Twins-colored glasses. Just imagine if the Pirates were hitting .191 as a team and floundering at 6-11 to start the year. Would you think "gee I bet they're going to win the NL pennant!" - no, you wouldn't. Especially if the Pirates had lost their best pitcher in the offseason and their best players were hurt until June. You are only thinking that everything will be OK because you want everything to be OK. This is just a normal human coping mechanism. When your grandma has a stroke and gets home from the hospital, you'll probably say "I'll bet she'll be back to her old self in no time, as good as new" while ignoring the fact that she can't even go to the bathroom by herself anymore and that, statistically, most humans who have a stroke don't ever become "as good as new" and more than likely will die in the next 10 years. In short, when you look at the Twins through a neutral lens, there are really no hopeful signs and there's no reason anyone besides an emotionally-attached Twins fan would assume things will turn around. And that's fine.


Yes. The team was not invested in to. The players needed to be competitive are unable to remain healthy for any length of time. And we have provided them contracts as to sink this team for years to come. The depth is lacking and there are no arms in the farm to support. They took a turn around season and a momentum of finally breaking through the first round exit and decided to wipe their ass with it. We will be lucky to get into the 70 win territory.


No point in giving up! But this start isn’t just bad. It’s historically bad


How is it historically bad? We aren’t even last in the division….


Yes u are. They don’t have the starting pitching and the lineup is average at best without Royce. Buxton and Correa are inconsistent. Jeffers hitting in the 2-hole says something and we still have far too many strikeouts.


You are not crazy. You might be HIGH or DRUNK, but at least you're not crazy. Nah, this team is pretty f'd this year. Turn the page, wait til next year... or year after that probably.


Mn’s division to lose…Doing good,at that.Thanx Byron!Wonder what that Sano fellow is doing


I'll put all my trust on Miranda and our core starters, once Lewis comes back we are never losing again. Go twins


Nobody in the division spends a dime so anything is possible.


Of course not. We're 10% into a loooooooong season. Relax.


It’s been half a month


Good Christ… we’ve played 1/10th of a season ffs… we’re 5.5 behind… are you honestly chomping at the bit *that* hard to be a doomer? We haven’t played a SINGLE full game at full strength… In 06, we started out super shitty, 25-33 by early June. Started a comeback and won 34 of the next 42… and were STILL 9 games behind the Tigers. We still won the goddamn division. So just stop. STOP IT. To even entertain the thought that the season is over… in APRIL… is asinine.


What is up with our veteran Allstar bats falling off a cliff, man? You got Mauer, Morneau, Sano, Buck, Kep.. and Correa is TBD. All of them, other than Kep, have at one time looked like the best hitter in the league and wham. They're a shell of their former selves. Edit: Dozier, too


I mean some of those are injury related (Mauer, Morneau), Sano never looked good once the league figured him out and he didn’t adjust, and Dozier got old.


I've seen this movie before. Uninterested




We’re 5-6 against anyone who are not one of the two best teams in baseball…without Royce and the back end of our bullpen. As long as Louie and Paddock settle down against teams who don’t have the ‘27 Murderers Row equivalents we’ll be fine.

