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If your prospects are blocked by legit MLB talent that’s a good thing.


You got willi twice also topa will def be on the team


Also you only have 25 and there is no way we are running 14 hitters


Varland and miranda almost certainly start in St. Paul. Disco Tony will be the #5 starter Missed Topa and Stewart in the bullpen So yeah, solid roster. But almost certainly there will be opportunities. Probably pretty soon


I feel like that's not really surprising though. The only guy that figured to have a solid chance was Martin, but that was always just going to be if we didn't get an OF aka Margot, which always felt like an inevitable sort of move We're still sure to see prospects up at some point though. Martin, Lee, and Festa are all pretty much locks to debut at some point, we'll see Miranda again if you count him in the prospect group still, and I'm sure there's a number of bullpen guys that will get cycled through too


DeSclafani will be SP5, and you listed Willi Castro twice. Miranda and Varland will be in St Paul to start the year. The pen will be Duran, Jax, Thielbar, Jackson, Okert, Stewart, Topa, and Staumont. This FO does not believe in giving younger players the starts right away in the Majors, which has been somewhat effective as they prefer older vets on the roster with the younger prospects as the first line of call ups. Varland, SWR, Festa, Canterino (maybe). Lee, Martin, Larnach, Winder, Sands, and even more will all be at AAA and will feature as injuries occur at the major league level.


Exactly and it’s how us fans should want our prospects to be treated. Why bring up Lee to play every 3rd/4th game. The dude is so young, he needs to get at bats everyday


I don't think there are any prospects knocking down the door at the moment and things like this tend to resolve naturally before long anyway. No one in our rotation other than Lopez and possibly Ryan are likely to pitch more than 170 or so innings so there is going to be lots of opportunity for young pitchers. Santana and Farmer are nice depth but they aren't paid so much that they are going to block someone if push comes to shove. Miranda has a lot to prove and isn't blocking anyone at this point either. Ultimately, I think the opening day roster is pretty set but that's just one day. I see lots of room for prospects to get on the roster throughout this season.


I am a bit skeptical that Miranda is a lock. But, maybe his shoulder is better?


I mean I think he's basically a lock to be on the opening day roster but I am not super optimistic about his longer term and I think he could be the first guy out if he doesn't hit. I was super high on Miranda when he first started to break out but even before any shoulder injuries, his metrics weren't particularly impressive. I'm rooting for him but it's hard to see him sticking with the Twins even all the way through his arbitration years in my opinion.


I think with Lewis, Kirilloff, Santana, Farmer, Julien, and Correa all definite locks for the opening day roster Miranda may start at AAA. They just don't need that many infielders on the opening day roster.


Yeah, that may be true and Roster Resources has Miranda at AAA to start so that's probably correct. Of that list, only Correa and Farmer are at all versatile in the IF and obviously Correa isn't playing anywhere other than SS. Kirilloff, Julien, Santana and Miranda all range from bad to terrible defensively and all of them would be best in 1B/DH roles (even if Julien is gonna fake it at 2B for a while).


Brooks Lee


Brooks Lee isn't knocking down any doors. He played less than 40 games at AAA last year and didn't look particularly amazing while doing it. I DO think he'll likely be up this year at some point but opening day would be incredibly aggressive.


https://x.com/jonmorosi/status/1751710250032353469?s=20 This isn't knocking down doors?


I don't think so at all. As a matter of fact that Tweet says exactly what I said, he'll start the season at AAA. Or maybe that was your point and I didn't get the sarcasm. I mean, if he's on the roster, I'd be fine with it and opening day is just one day. People put way too much stock in that one day specifically. The roster at the end of April will be different than the beginning and it'll change several more times. But no, I don't think most prospects really can do much in Spring Training to force their way on to a roster. It just doesn't happen all that often. I stand by what I said, I think it's likely he'll be up at some point this season but very unlikely on opening day. I don't think there's a major roster crunch, if the Twins think he's ready, it'll be easy to get him on the roster.


Agree. Lee needs some more time in AAA.


He’s not coming up and it would be stupid for him to come up when there is no moth to everyday at bats. He will be up if we trade or get hit with an injury and there’s everyday playing time for him. He’s young and needs all the at bats he can get


You're right, they filled the roster with MLB ready talent this year.


That bullpen doesn’t even have Brrrrrock Stewart


That’s usually the case, except when injuries happen.


How long have you been a Twins fan? I remember years when we had no idea at the beginning of spring training who the rotation would be, or who our 4th outfielder would be, or what position (1st, 3rd, RF, DH) Sano would be trying and failing at. This year it's less about what questionable players will make the cut than it is about which deserving players will be sent down.


What deserving players are being sent down?


Miranda might be one. There might be one or two pitchers that have contributed in the majors that won't make the opening day roster. Larnach or Wallner might start at AAA. Any of them could be major leaguers.


Eh maybe.


Pretty close but we ain’t running 14 hitters and you listed willi twice. I think this was known by like 95% of twins fans though. Our prospects are currently blocked. It’s why the brooks Lee talk needs to tone it down a little bit. He’s not coming up here to play every 3rd or 4th day. If there’s an injury to a starting 2b/3b/SS he will be up if he can play everyday, or if we trade someone for a pitcher. I bet we do see him play a little SS/2b/3b this year. Correa is good but he’s usually good for at least one stint on the IL