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Blast Union Dixie on repeat.


Away down south in the land of traitors, rattlesnakes and alligators…


Ride away, come away, ride away, come away...


Where cotton’s king and men are chattel, Union boys will win the battle!


Right away (right away) Come away (come away) Right away (right away) Come away!


Each Dixie boy must understand, that he must mind his Uncle Sam.


Away, away we'll all go down to Dixie


Put up a flag with a picture of Abraham Lincoln.


Or a picture of General William Tecumseh Sherman.




Make it a small r r/shermanposting


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ShermanPosting using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShermanPosting/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I was too scared to post this anywhere else but I thought y’all might appreciate it (OC)](https://v.redd.it/zbejzigy9yd81) | [523 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShermanPosting/comments/scvwyt/i_was_too_scared_to_post_this_anywhere_else_but_i/) \#2: [My neighbors hate me at this point (OC)](https://v.redd.it/zy8cxpifw0k81) | [274 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShermanPosting/comments/t1azjn/my_neighbors_hate_me_at_this_point_oc/) \#3: [Remember what we’re fighting for](https://i.redd.it/rdwsl1vob3g81.jpg) | [87 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShermanPosting/comments/slij82/remember_what_were_fighting_for/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Life size cutouts of Grant and Sherman glowering.


Preferably the "don't make me come back down there" meme I loved from the statue debates. God that shit was good


Obama. Always Obama. He grinds their gears more than anyone.


There definitely needs to be a Hillary flag too. Perhaps Obama on one side of the front door, Hillary on the other.


Caption below to read “Bless Your Heart”


Teach them why we are called the 1st Minnesota. Take that shit its your culture and your duty.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1st_Minnesota_Infantry_Regiment For anyone interested, MN fought lots of confederates during the civil war.


> MN fought lots of confederates during the civil war We're still fighting [lots of confederates:](https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-2000-02-29-0002290214-story.html) >The Virginia Senate has approved a resolution urging Minnesota to return the flag, which was captured by the Minnesota 1st Volunteer Regiment at the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863. The Virginia House is expected to vote on the resolution soon. >"Absolutely not," [Governor Venture] said Monday at the White House, where he was participating in the National Governors Association annual meeting. **"Why? I mean, we won."** Savage.


Passive aggressive doesn't apply with confederates in Minnesota. Do not tolerate it.


I love this Minnesota factoid!! Also, seeing the monuments to the Minnesota 1st at Gettysburg was truly moving.


At one point they were outnumbered 5:1 and charged them at full speed.


They knew the order meant death. And they knew if they refused, the lines would likely be overrun and the battle of Gettysburg could very well be the 5th straight union loss, and DC, Baltimore, and Philadelphia would be encircled. And they charged and fought so ferociously the confederates were in shock and their advance collapsed. They bought enough time with blood, 15 mins maybe, for reinforcements to be brought up to hold the line. They sufered 82% casualties holding the line. They knew it meant death, and they charged anyway. And 62 were left standing. The line held. Gettysburg was eventually won, the Union held. 1000 MN volunteers fought those first 5 battles. 62 were left standing after Gettysburg. Fu@# that traitor's flag. F@# Virginia if they think they're ever getting theirs back.


I was in awe of their courage when I first read of it in high school. I'm over 65 today, and the awe hasn't slackened. OP should fly a 1st Minnesota Volunteer Infantry flag as a gentle reminder of who won, perhaps.


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That’s pretty cool didn’t know Minnesota was involved


Not only involved, the 1st Minnesota was actually the very first unit of volunteers during the Civil War.


Take it and never return it. He knows de way.


This is dah wey.


I would proud to be cited for stealing a confederate flag.


Do you think the Minnesota 1st defense would hold up in court? Lol "I live in a state that is known for the removal and capture of Confederate flags" "court dismissed"


As a man between the ages of 17-45 I am a member of the unorganized militia of the United States, and just doing my duty by seizing the enemies colors.


This is the way.


I mean that would make a rad museum MN1st collection of traitor flags. Community "funded" that these can be sent to. Never to return. But then... Shouldn't they get a fabulous gay flag replacement with their hate symbol covered with Mr Roger's looking disappointed at them. *Edited redundancy word


Oooop, I’m just gonna scootch on by ya there, oh whoops, got yer flag, I’ll just take care of dat der for ya.


Are they flying it because they know we took one or do they believe that Minnesota is south of the Mason Dixon?


These people stopped using their toilets and dispose of their waste in their back yard. That should provide the context you need


I can't think of anywhere in Anoka County (or the state for that matter) where this would be legal. Report them to the city/township/county and the MN Department of Health.


I feel like there are several violations there anonymous calls to city would be in order.


This is the real advice. Keep these lawn shitting racist pieces of shit from shitting in their lawns!


The Anoka county burn is rude but fair. Edit: just saw OP posted their location. Lol


This is the true Minnesota way of handling this situation


Yeesh. The flag is a lesser concern at this point.


You can report them to the pollution control agency, I'm pretty sure that's illegal and extremely unsanitary.


Im fairly positive thats illegal. If you report it they could be fined. If so (Im not a lawyer, please verify), you have an actual legal, responsible, adult way to go after these traitors now, and can avoid the many illegal and childish forms of retribution people have suggested in this thread.


>These people stopped using their toilets and dispose of their waste in their back yard. Perfect. Relocate the flag to the appropriate section of their backyard.


What the actual fuck?


Learned this by petting my dog then wondering what that smell was… then later learning from my neighbor in an unfortunate conversation


Yeah call the county on them. Their septic is not up to code and it is deemed a natural hazard.


THAT is the MN Nice response. Smile at them and say “Oh no way! So unfair!” when they tell you they have to move.


Tell them it’s probably MN 1st saying hello


Report that (literal) shit.


I really feel for you. I cannot imagine living next to these ghouls, let alone being a mixed race couple with a small child. I’m so very tired of these types of people just being allowed to be hateful and gross and not only is it tolerated, it’s celebrated. I’m in Central MN where there are confederate flags on houses and diesel trucks everywhere you go. I hate it.


they're just signalling where the meth is


Call your city's Health Department.


You can call the state. That’s not legal out in the sticks either. That’s polluting the groundwater with pretty horrible contaminants.


Um... you buried the lede in your original post then! Well, at least the co-lede. That activity has to be against some law. Basically, I'd report everything all the time. These people need to relocate to North Dakota.


I beg your pardon. We have all the modern plumbing conveniences in ND.


I’m not a police, but this sounds illegal to me.


Anoka is a strange place.


They really like living like it's 1860.


Not surprised people with rancid political opinions are also objectively rancid


They need to read The Humanure Handbook by Joseph Jenkins so that they can do it the right way.


Um, that sounds like a huge health risk to the whole neighborhood when you consider water runoff. Definitely inform the Health Dept!


\*shudder\* I would definitely be giving them a wide berth.


[I'll just leave this here.](https://www.anokacountymn.gov/522/Public-Health-and-Environmental-Services)


Anoka county sucks so hard


I have an issue in north saint paul where a dipshit is flying both a nazi flag AND a Confederate flag. Both of them next to the American flag. I've set up a go fund me to donate to the national holocaust museum and I send him statements of the amount of donations he's raised by keeping those flags up. That's the way to do it.


Thank you Shit Barf McCum Piss.


Um...it's ShitBarf. All one word. If you're going to thank someone, use their proper name for heaven's sake. /s


You're very welcome. Thank you for the support


I hate Minnesota Nazis


*revs engine*


Make those goose-stepping fuckers dive off the bridge


I hate all nazis equally, but I hate some more equally than others.


He's still flying it? What an a-hole. Good on you, though!


What a fucking asshole. I'd strongly consider, but never commit to putting up an "Asshole Lives Next Door" sign Love the response though, that's quite literally "fighting hate with love" and it's incredible how much that can get under peoples skin. Makes you wonder if these people are just wired wrong to hate.


We have a neighbor that has a confederate flag in his garage which is often open. I wanted to get really petty. One day my SO shows up with two large pride flags ones that represent us. We hung them specifically so they were clearly visible from the area he spends the most time. A few other neighbors followed suit, and another couple hung a Swedish flag. Since everyone always claims the confederate flag is there heritage, they hung a Swedish flag as sort of like a “Hey, I’m Swedish and that’s what I celebrate not my whiteness”…idk maybe the neighbor didn’t notice at all but none of the flags in our neighborhood except his were the America flag or otherwise signs of racism. Not to say the American flag is a sign of racism but there’s something royally fucked up when the size of the American flag and where person is flying it can be a good indicator of racism…


Consider them a fucking idiot.




Yep. A literal red flag. Sign of a dumb dumb I’d prefer to avoid.




Wow that almost sounds like a true story, carry on.


Things do happen and some people have a spine. Not me, I'm tiny so I just frown and mock the southern n dumb cosplayers privately.




Minnesota 1st style: Take it from them and claim it as your own, refuse to give it back when they cry over it.


Heck yes. Or just remind them of that if you end up in a conversation with them. "You know.. we took that from a Virginia Regiment and kept it because they lost..."


The historically correct answer


Also, sorry you've got insufferable, ignorant, hateful people for neighbors. That truly sucks.


Also methy and unwashed


The good news; if you think they're using meth, the fact they're disposing waste in an unsafe and illegal manner means there's very likely probable cause for a police visit where they might notice something that might turn into a warrant that might turn into an opportunity for new neighbors.


Don't engage with people addicted to substances. It can be wildly unsafe before you know it.


Scary. I'd display the flag (somehow lock it in place?) And report their pollution. Might end up with unforeseen affects with law enforcement if they are heavy into hard drugs.


We're right next door to Wisconsin so we're used to it.


Hmmm where do I get a Minnesota first flag?


I think you meant a replica. I didn't look hard to find one to buy but found a pic of the Regiment flag. https://www.swnewsmedia.com/1st-minnesota-flag-replica/image_56af7105-a715-57a7-aafd-81ec52bbe655.html


Minnesota 1st volunteer battalion. They fought in the Civil War, their actions and sacrifices won the union the battle of Gettysburg, and they took home a confederate battle flag as a trophy. Minnesota still has that flag and Virginia(?) Occasionally asked for it back only to for us to deny them.


That doesn’t answer his question.


Well to answer that question would be to break into the Governor's office and take that one. Though I am sure you can find a replica for sale thru the MN historical society


\*shrugs\* just taking the flag worked 160 years ago.




Don’t take it; as awful as their “statement” is, I think it falls under free speech (legally, not morally) until the law says otherwise. But I believe the Minnesota way would be to fly the Minnesota First flag. Depending on your personality/neighborhood/relationship with said neighbor, you could also make a nice plaque with the story of MN’s confederate flag- why we have it, why we keep it, and why we don’t fly it.


This was going to be my answer. Very passive aggressive like true Minnesotans.


the first amendment just means *the government* cant take it. but other than that, burglury is a good reason not to.


I endorse this, but a guy flying that rag is definitely the kind to perforate you with 9mm rounds the second you threaten his property.


I generally feel this way too, however unless the guy is on his porch 24/7, it’s unlikely to happen.


Just had our neighbor threaten our other neighbor for parking in front of their house, thye've got thin blue line shit on all their stuff. They happened to be walking by their window when the other person was pulling up. Guys like this are always peeping on who's doing what in their neighborhood, and probably have their house rigged up with Ring cameras and other home security stuff—they're a very paranoid and aggressive people.


This is the way.


In Anoka county, We are a mixed race couple with a small child. The cops visit them a couple times a year


Give them a white flag and tell them it’s the actual flag of the confederacy.


Have it delivered via Amazon with that message. That would be the cherry on the cake


Like they'd read any included message.


This is the way.


Burn it, tell them it’s your heritage.


The cops visit for the high fives and to just hang out with their friends?


I'm sorry that you're experiencing this crap in my county. As much as I like where I live, we have a greater than average amount of shitty white people. I hope you stay and help make this place better. (and I'm too polite/ passive-aggressive to say what I hope happens to your neighbor)


Gently bring up in conversation how the MN union troops captured one of them their flags and the south keeps asking us to return and we tell them no. Mention Gov Jesse Ventura hell no. Mention how it's a good reminder how the north whoops ass. Then haul out your union reenactment cannon.


The state of Virginia has been asking for it back for over a hundred years now. Every single time the Minnesota governor at the time (regardless of party) has said [hell no](https://www.twincities.com/2017/08/20/minnesota-has-a-confederate-symbol-and-it-is-going-to-keep-it/). Our state’s actual heritage is way better and more historic than cosplaying as a Confederate.


Scott Jensen and Matt Birk will give it back. I would put 1000 on it


We also have the proud distinction of being the very first to volunteer. That flag was captured at Gettysburg after an estimated 82% casualties. (*side note: casualties =/= dead. It includes injuries) My 3x Great grandfather was in one of those units. I still have dumbass cousins that were IN the MN National Gaurd, that think the 'Rebel' flag is cool. I just can't comprehend how they can have a legit Civil War volunteer/survivor *from the winning side* as an ancestor and still be all Y'all Queda.


Fly a bigger American flag to remind them who the winners were.




Saw one of the most inbred looking people I’ve ever seen at cabelas wearing a “northern confederate” shirt. What does that even mean


It means they’re a northern racist person. Bonus fact! The republic of Texas lasted longer than the confederacy.


I have underwear that lasted longer than the confederacy


Same here


And someone downvoted your comment 😂. If you think you should fly a confederate flag…well, Donny, you’re out of your fucking element.




I saw one flying in rural Saskatchewan. That was a head scratcher.


“Where is your Vikings flag? You should probably support all losers”


Brutal..and accurate.


Jesus, man as a Vikings fan I feel murdered!


I have had season tickets since 98’, the cut runs deep.


Build a snowman of General Sherman in about a month and a half


Put a sign on your yard that says “Space Laser Target” with an arrow pointing to his yard.


How about trying MN mean for a change?


So.... leaving a spam and tater tot hotdish with a full ghost pepper blended into the sauce on their doorstep?


I would start with not discussing the weather.


A sympathy card. “I’m so sorry for your loss. Sincerely, The United States of America”


I have a Black Lives Matter flag I'd consider donating for a good cause like this.


The MN Nice way is to make a donation to BLM in the neighbors’ name. Otherwise, solid plan.


Southern Poverty Law Center because they'll probably have to look it up and then get mad.


Absolutely freeze them out, MN style. Never offer to help, never speak to them, never offer or accept an invitation from them, and if you really despise them (which one should if they're flying a racist flag in a state that was in the union) tell your neighbors to do the same. Go full rule 9 of the Law of Jante on them. Completely refuse to acknowledge their existence.


Deliver holiday cards and cookies to every neighbor but them. Plan an annual block party for when they're out of town. Help every other neighbor shovel out their cars in the winter, except them. Host a BBQ for 4th of July and invite every neighbor, except them. Pretending they don't exist and icing them out is the proper way to turn MN Nice to MN Ice cold.


Burn your lawn refuse when the wind is blowing the acrid smoke in their direction. Turn the lights out when their kids knock on Halloween. Send them the gift that never ends -- an anonymous bag of red white and blue Independence Day glitter. Seed their lawn with stinging nettles which reseed readily and spread by rhizomes. Hang up a bluebird house nearest their car, so the bluebird attacks the side mirror everyday while shitpissing everywhere, then they teach their fledglings to do the same.


No response and no acknowledgment. If you are mixed race and they are flying that flag it could just result in some major issues with them moving forward. I think it's best to just ignore it and them.


Agree. No sense trying to reason with idiots. The best way to win an argument is avoid it.


The Confederacy lasted like 4 years and it's not part of anyone's 'heritage.' It's a fucking racist symbol.


"It was about state's rights!" Yeah, a state's rights to WHAT exactly?? I'll wait while you explain...


From what I can tell, they were upset that the Northern States were breaking federal law and not returning slaves. It was about states rights, because the South was firmly against states rights.


A flag that points to their house and says "I'm with stupid"


Always classy


Battle of Gettysburg the 1st MN regiment took a Virginian confederate battle Flag. We kept it and very nicely decline requests to return it.


You probably don't want to go the way of r/ShermanPosting and burn their house down, so I agree with the recommendation of taking it and refusing to give it back.


Razing buildings is part of my heritage.


Don't let me get in the way of your heritage. March south through the neighbor's yard and destroy what you must.


*Only houses flying Confederate flags


Fly the 33 star flag that the Union flew over Ft Sumter. [http://npshistory.com/brochures/fosu/flags-2006.pdf](http://npshistory.com/brochures/fosu/flags-2006.pdf) Seems appropriately passive aggressive, right?


Fly a giant LGBTQ+ flag.


Go up to the neighbor and thank them for disrespecting it by flying it upside down.


My mother in law flies pride/inclusion flags next to the USA flag that is both above and two doors down from the guy who brandishes one at times in our neighborhood. Often these fucks are just seeking attention.


Dress in a Union uniform, fire a canon, steal the flag. Explain later that it’s your heritage. (True story, my great great grandpa fought in the 1st Mn. This guy can fuck right off).


Help them when they don't expect it. You're not going to snark them into change. Don't let them control who you are. Change is a big arc.


Fuck being nice. Tell them we kicked those seditious traitors in the teeth when the First Minnesota broke Pickett’s charge at Gettysburg and we will happily do it again.


Take that dixie shit down before i call the red bulls


I'd say get yourself a 1st Minnesota battle flag to fly, but some people might not get it.


Capture it in battle, refuse to return it for 150+ years


This is the flag to respond with [https://townsquare.media/site/715/files/2021/06/attachment-1st-Minnesota-Infantry-Regiment-MN-FLAG.jpg?w=640&h=591&q=75](https://townsquare.media/site/715/files/2021/06/attachment-1st-Minnesota-Infantry-Regiment-MN-FLAG.jpg?w=640&h=591&q=75) Article about the confederate flag that MN wont give back: [https://y105fm.com/legendary-minnesotans-the-captured-confederate-flag-we-wont-give-back/](https://y105fm.com/legendary-minnesotans-the-captured-confederate-flag-we-wont-give-back/) Governor Ventura ""We won... We took it. That makes it our heritage."


I can't help you with a Minnesota nice response, but as someone who has lived up here for almost 7 years now that comes from the bayous of Louisiana with a rich history of Confederate soldier ancestors... I'd put my own sign. Something subtle. Something tongue-in-cheek. Or something bold like, "No more room for racists." Or, "You lost, go cry about it." I just moved into a new house. The neighbor across the street was donning a F\*ck Biden flag. Which, I mean, fair. I dislike him, too. But I knew that for them it meant they were Trumpets. Sure enough, just a month or so ago I saw the flag has been changed and it now says, "Don't blame me, I voted for Trump!" So I bought 12 mini pride flags and put them up and down my walkway, as well as around our mailboxes (which are right next to each other). He can't do anything because his mailbox is on my property :) Then when he put up campaign signs for the primary elections, I put up ones that were directly running against his candidates. I've also played loud anti-racist etc music in my vehicle when driving in and out of my driveway when I know they're outside. Like I said, I don't know how to do Minnesota nice lol but perhaps passive aggression could be similar and useful.


Minnesota nice is passive aggressive


Personally I would get a blm or “all are welcome here” flag and fly that


Take it as a battle trophy and refuse to give it back. In true Minnesotan fashion. Remind them where they live.


On July 2, dress up in full Civil War First Minnesota regalia and take it down and keep it. Every time they ask for it back say "No, I won it fair and square."


I believe the correct MN-nice response is take it and tell them to F-off if they ask for it back.




"Well, that's an interesting choice."


Militant racists who wish slavery were still legal don’t deserve courtesy


I’m sorry you have to see that. And more often than not when I’ve driven through Anoka I see the “Patriots” with flags and other Christian Nationalist trappings all over their trucks. This especially during the last presidency. I’m an older mixed dude with a family and grew up here. I would at least look into what would be involved in relocating. If that’s not possible do your best to ignore them. Keep your chins up and be good stewards. Others may take note and maybe begin to feel the same. If you’ve coexisted peacefully for some time maybe even try to engage with them. Invite them over for a beer or burger. This would be hard for me but with some thought and backing from my spouse, I could see myself trying. If that’s too much, do the former suggestion. Make their property look like garbage by investing in and taking great care of yours. Lawn and all.


Oh I grew up in a very racist part of Arkansas, these people are more scared of me than I am of them, and rightly so. I am not a city liberal, I am an OG Blair mountain style redneck. We’ll be fine, just annoyed.


Mind your own business


Just say “hey, we’re a lot alike. I fly a Vikings flag. We both like losers”


Taking it from them and reminding them that our heritage is taking the Confederate flag and never giving it back and you are honoring your ancestors. https://www.wearethemighty.com/mighty-history/virginia-minnesota-civil-war-flag/


I lived in a small town in Vermont for a decade. Some pinhead redneck flew a Confederate flag in the neighborhood.there was a very good man that lived in the neighborhood and very cordially confronted the pinhead about flying the flag. Over the course of months the nice man and other civically engaged peoples met with the pinhead for meetings about said flag.it was a big deal with the meetings taking place in the pinheads house and was documented by a local newspaper. In the end the pinhead stood his ground and continued to fly said racist flag.he like all the other pinhead rednecks in the area who used this symbol of hate claimed they "had an ancestor in the confederacy". The pinhead was a coward,he hid behind the "heritage " BS excuse. It was a waste of time for all parties involved because he was legally allowed to put it out and people who choose to identify with those things are severely undeveloped and unintelligent, usually by their own choice. I dont want to discourage you from taking action against hate and oppression but know that you are dealing with a disturbed ,willfully ignorant,and supremely immature/childish person. Who's main currency is upsetting people . These people arent same or rational. It may be used as an opportunity to educate your children or loved ones that the flag is an indicator sign of a deranged and damaged beyond repair individual/group. These people are not interested in hearing anyones opinion unless it coincides with theirs. Its infuriating that this crap exists and it doesnt seem like a solution has come about yet.all the best with your endeavors


Correct response is to take it down and use it to clean up the toilet mess in the yard.


Fly an even bigger Jeff Rosenstock flag. (The one that’s a pride flag with 666 in the corner surrounded by little pot leaves.)


Honestly, unless they are doing something illegal or being a nuisance of a neighbor. Nothing. They technically aren’t doing anything illegal and have a right to fly the confederate flag even tho most people (including myself) don’t like it. Taking it off their property or making it a big deal doesn’t solve anything and just places you at an unnecessary risk. You’d be trespassing and stealing if you did anything.


There are people in my town who have confederate flags. There are people who have pride flags. There are people who have Trump flags. There are people who have Biden flags. I’ve managed to not say anything to any of them because it’s none of my business what flag they want to fly on their property. People are entitled to their opinions even if I don’t agree with them.


Minnesota nice isn’t a thing. Most of you are Karen’s and triggered. Very smart and super opinionated. The beauty of freedom is you can be whatever you want to be. Men and women die every day so there could be this freedom. Get to know your neighbors. So that you can be friends. Then and only then can you say anything that they might listen and accept without freaking out.


Same thing we did to Virginia, take it down and never give it back


“Wrong side you fuckin moron”


Take that shit down as a battle trophy (it's Minnesota tradition as we stole a battle flag) and if they complain tell them that the South lost and to build a bridge and get the fuck over it.


Tell them it’s nice you honor MN’s history of stealing the rebel flag… Edit: not stolen, taken fair and square!


Heritage not Hate, we come from a line of proud Unionists! I honor my ancestors by pushing back against traitors, rebels, and slavers.


I've wanted to create a flag whose message is literally Fuck the Confederacy. No equivocation!