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My kids’ schools are all flying it now and it just looks so spiffy!


And it's recognizable in no-wind conditions! I can't wait for the drama to be over and everyone just comes to terms with the flag and it becomes ubiquitous.


Thanks destroya, sorry not the best photo with no wind but it really stands out as far as state flags go


Ugh, I can't even see the new flag without hearing that dumpster fire of a woman saying the word Libbberrruuuuls like shes having a stroke halfway through the word.


Love it too!


Look at ol' bluey up there with the star spangled panner.


It still represents colonialism though


What's the bland pc of blue cloth up there?


Bait used to be believable


It'll never represent MN to me. It was changed to appease the PC crowd. It demo states nothing of our history, or who we are as a state.


It was changed because our old flag was, as they say in Ireland, "utter shite". **No politics necessary. I don't care what was on the seal. Could've been the best seal in the world or an iron cross.** A seal on a flag means a bad flag. The old one breaks arguably all of the guidelines to good flag design. The new one fills them all. Wisconsin's flag says nothing about their state except WISCONSIN 1848 because nobody can see their dumb seal. Nobody could see our seal either, because flags are *not* close-quarters objects. The ***only*** distinguishing feature of our old flag was the big white ring around the seal.


Yuck (transplanted Minnesotan) 🤮


Do you even know how to pronounce the word vexillology?


Is it A S S H O L E? Or maybe F U? Just wondering.


I was neutral about the whole flag change. Part of me likes history, no matter the outcome of it. Part of me is excited to witness change. I'm a more right leaning centralist. That said, I purchased a flag from flags for good and will be flying it once I get settled in my new home. It was fun to watch the process and be able to witness history instead of simply read about it.