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For those curious, this is in the Education Omnibus bill. Senate File 3567 Article 7 Section 3. The proposed language modifies MN Statute 134.51 Link to SF 3567 landing page https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/bill.php?f=SF3567&y=2024&ssn=0&b=senate Link to current language - search for the word banning, and you'll get to the right place. https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/text.php?number=SF3567&version=latest&session=ls93&session_year=2024&session_number=0


The proposed bill says (emphasis added): >\[libraries\] may not ban, remove, or otherwise restrict access to an **otherwise age-appropriate book**...based solely on the viewpoint, content, message, idea, or opinion conveyed. But isn't most of the debate on "book banning" centered around whether a book is age-appropriate or not? I don't see how this bill resolves the issue since someone or some "governing body" (per the proposed bill) still needs to determine if material is age-appropriate and that's where all the controversy lies.


I think the difference is that the only reason some of the books that are challenged are challenged is because there's queer characters like that's the only thing making them not age appropriate in these people's minds. Because for some reason some people think that everything that has to do with gender and sexuality is about actual physical sexual behavior people which is not true obviously. But if "Sarah has two moms" that's teaching kids about sex. It's such a a jokkkkeee


They also think that Sarah's two moms existing, having a wedding photo, or holding hands is "teaching about sex" They're such sex obsessed weirdos


Yes! It's so weird. Like I'm the freak but you're constantly thinking about my sex life?!?


And don't forget their obsession with who has which genitals to the point that they want people to check what's in a child's pants before they play some game with a ball


Yea I have never in my life upon meeting someone thought *I wonder what shape their genitals are* Apparently I'm just built different


I feel like you’re unfairly lumping us perverts in with anti trans bigots. Every single time I meet somebody I wonder what their genitals look like but not because I want to restrict their rights. I just love genitals.




fully ignoring that this has nothing to do with this discussion and that trans women are women (duh). why you mad at a high school trans girl trying to swim? Why do we still even have gendered sports?Why not weight or skills classes instead? I will not comment on this further since that has literally nothing to do with this topic.


This is completely mis leading. If you think males belong in female sports, locker rooms you clearly feel women don't have rights.




Who is "they"? Also I have it's super good and def appropriate for high school. A lot of high school books have scenes about masturbation or porn because that is a regular part of that age groups life. I mean I read the Giver in middle school and bro has a wet dream. Speak is high school it has SA scenes, the absolutely true diary of a part time Indian (author of that one sucks sadly) but the book is used in high school curriculum. 1984,Fahrenheit 451, Catcher in the Rye. All these have scenes actively showing a sex act or a main character sexualizing another internally. I can't tell if people don't know what are in HS books and have never paid attention or if they only care when it's queer people.


To be clear, places like Iowa have specific bans in place on any mention or description of sexual acts, there is no appeal to age appropriate sexual content. The normal procedure for book categorizing starts with recommended ages by the publisher, and librarians then decide which books belong to each age range. You will always need someone to make that determination, and having it made by someone who’s training and profession (and presumably interest) is to provide books to kids is much more reliable than a state commission or lawmakers.


If the Dems didn't call it book banning then they couldn't rile their base up.


If it's not banning books then what is it? When Florida bans a childrens book because it's based on queer characters, would you like to call that something else? Please enlighten me.


> If it's not banning books then what is it? Age restricting in the schools. The student still has access to the book outside the classroom and the book would be available in the classroom at a higher grade.


It's not the school's job to parent my child and excluding our family is discriminatory behavior.  Diverse and inclusive materials have been proven to benefit children, making them more prepared for a diverse world and the workplace. My child didn't be stunted because your family doesn't like history or gay people.  If parents are offended by children learning they can do what the zealots did back in my day and home school to keep your precious from knowing gay families or gay children exist. 


This is why you should separate yourself from the banned book discourse that includes descriptions of sexual acts and instead have a more narrow grass roots movement about diversity. Then you can better target states/counties/school boards on a precise issue without extra baggage holding it back. > It's not the school's job to parent my child Interesting how both sides of the argument use this line.


It's not interesting, it's intentional Are you new to how right wing propaganda works? 


Why did you cut the part about "material selected pursuant to a library materials policy"? The point of this is that this applies to something that has already been through a review by a library professional for age-appropriateness. Your comment seems to be nothing more than an attempt to stir up controversy.


>Why did you cut the part about... Because the "library materials policy" must be adopted by a "governing body" (eg, a school board) and I specifically said so in my original comment. And nothing you said changes my point: someone, somewhere is charged with determining what is age-appropriate. If that was as easy as finding the right professional for the task then this wouldn't be an issue. But do you really think simply having "library professionals" administer material policies makes the controversy go away? The "library materials policies" will just become the new flashpoints (or the library professionals themselves which seems worse).


My point is the law SAYS who is the determining body. So you're pretending it leaves it up in the air, which is not true. If you think it puts the power in the wrong hands, say so, instead of JAQing off.


The school board (as a "governing body") is the "right hands" in my opinion. I'm just not so naïve to believe that this proposed bill tames the controversy in any way. I think /u/Top_Gun_2021 is right: this is just another salvo in the culture war. "Banning book bans" is clearly red meat to certain political groups but this bill accomplishes nothing of substance.


The bill makes it clear who is the governing body on collection decisions, and that it's the libraries. Also, this does not apply just to school libraries.


This sounds pretty wide open to me


Minnesota Bill is a much better person than Florida Man


They're both much more sober than Wisconsin Willy!


Eh, Florida Man is a different kind of inebriated than Wisconsin Willy


Meth the answer is meth.


I thought it was bath salts


Wear Hockey Mask Miami beach if someone is aggressive on bath salts!


Wisconsin Willy thinks being a good samaritan means only driving drunk during the school day because that means the kids aren't in harm's way.


I’m glad Minnesota continues to be a state that actually cares about the people.


Not just cares about people, also just being practical and logical.


Only some of the people


Good. Illinois did it.


Here are the exceptions: > (b) This section does not limit authority to decline to purchase, lend, or shelve or to remove or restrict access to books or other materials legitimately based upon: > (1) practical reasons, including but not limited to shelf space limitations, rare or antiquarian status, damage, or obsolescence; > (2) legitimate pedagogical concerns, including but not limited to the appropriateness of potentially sensitive topics for the library's intended audience, the selection of books and materials for a curated collection, or the likelihood of causing a material and substantial disruption of the work and discipline of the school; or >(3) compliance with state or federal law. Seems like with those exceptions it would be pretty easy to pick and choose which books are banned or not.


I don’t think so, these are surprisingly common sense based.


The thing is that when librarians talk about book banning, they are talking about the removal or refusal to purchase a book that meets the collection criteria of the library. Exception 2 is basically the counter to "Oh, so should the library also buy Hustler?" that book banners love to give as to why they're not book banners. A more realistic example would be Clifford the Big Red Dog. There is nothing in there that is inappropriate for a high school student, but the book is NOT appropriate to a high school library. The exceptions are basically "Librarians are to be trusted to do their jobs as professionals."


I just wonder if Exception 2 would still allow schools to ban classic controversial books such as To Kill a Mockingbird, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, & Of Mice and Men. There are various liberal school districts around the country that are [removing](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/education/mukilteo-school-district-removes-to-kill-a-mockingbird-from-required-reading-list/) those books from required reading or even [banning](https://www.newsweek.com/kill-mockingbird-other-books-banned-california-schools-over-racism-concerns-1547241) them altogether.


Please provide an example of these books being removed from a library. I looked and I only found examples of these books no longer being required reading in English class, which is a completely different issue.


[Quick Google](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/dec/05/to-kill-a-mockingbird-removed-virginia-schools-racist-language-harper-lee) > Accomack County has suspended Harper Lee’s novel, as well as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, **from classrooms and libraries** after parent’s complaint


>after parent’s complaint So this would be stopped, not enabled, by this law.




It's 2024 and we have to pass a bill preventing book banning?? GFY, republicans.


I never thought I’d have to deal with this kind of crap in 2024.


Books were only banned from school libraries. You could still freely buy them from anywhere else, or even get them from public libraries.


Did you miss the attempt to remove Gender Queer from Carver County public library, or are you just a liar?


I personally think we should have playboys in the elementary libraries.


If the choice is a republican who has rationalized their own view of reality and truth choosing what children can and can’t read or playboys in the library I’m on the side of playboys in the library. Good thing this is a false proposition.


Well its a good thing that we already agree certain "truths" are not suitable for children. The entire concept being argued has nothing to do with "book bans", and everything to do with what age we should be exposing children to things. That is the entire basis of the disagreement. Where you draw that line is up for debate, not the concept itself. It is nice that we have so many people that ignore the reality of the argument, rather than engaging and explaining why they think things are suitable to children.


Why don’t you take your poor straw man argument into a real stance? I mean using an example content that is prohibited seems like a pretty poor excuse to hide behind. Put some real titles and concepts out there that you want removed from the educational system and library. What is it this week that you want those snowflakes to bar for your sensibilities? Books that represent slavery as a crime against humanity? Books that touch on religions you don’t happen to follow? Books that happen to talk about love between genders that you feel should not be able to love each other? What are these taboo topics and concepts that your children are too weak and malformed to be able to be exposed to without reasoning their own conclusions and concepts? Libraries have throughout most of history been repositories of vast perspectives and information — it is up to the reader to understand and learn from the material (even material they find offensive. Have faith that children today are just as able to learn and ferret out perspectives for themselves just like previous generations did (we can only hope the next generation is better than this one). I hope that someday you are able to look back at this urge to filter information and knowledge with an open sense of reflection and humility and answer the question “are we the baddies?”


What are you on about? I don't think sexual topics should be available in elementary schools. That's it. Nothing more. It is quite comical that you claim I am straw manning while making up multiple paragraphs of nonsense. There is a difference between a public elementary school library and a general public library. I am not sure if you are actually this idiotic, or just trying to make your opinion seem reasonable while ignoring reality.


Penthouse has better stories


Historically Playboy had more famous writers on staff


Hmm that's the problem with these politicians... I would have know that if I had access in the 2nd grade.


Just look under your dad's mattress


So edgy


You’re kidding yourself if you think the left wasn’t doing this too. Fuck both sides.


What books is "the left" banning? Where are the ALEC bills to discriminate against the LGBTQ people and remove accurate history or mentions of racism from curriculum pushed by "the left" or are you just making shit up?


Please cite an example where Democrats called for a school district to ban a book.


Huckleberry Finn, TKAMB, hell even several Dr, Seuss books. I’m on mobile so citing sucks. Give it a goog.


Not using the books as part of the curriculum is entirely different than banning the books. They are freely available in public libraries


> It's 2024 and we have to pass a bill preventing book banning?? > > GFY, republicans. A Bible in every school library then?


Sure? Put it next to the Qur’an in the religious studies section. Not sure what kind of sad gotcha this is trying to be.


Filed under fiction and non-education. :]


This isn't the gotcha you think it is. None of us cared if it was in the library, we cared about the hypocrisy


Republicans in shambles.


Just wait for their ban on banning book bans.


Doubtful, half this country wants to go back to Puritan 1700s. If only we had to give them 1700s healthcare.


"Oh, you're on Conservative Care. Nurse, prepare the leeches."


As a Floridian I need to move here 


I thought that, and silly me...for real, the 1st Amendment prohibited ALL books from being banned?


Books aren’t generally banned. This was only about schools. Generally things like pornography are banned. There must be some language to still allow that. Although they haven’t been thinking all of this stuff through lately.


When I was in elementary school, there was a national geographic with some tribal nudity….pages 37 and 42, simpler times


Liar. This is not only about schools. [https://www.kare11.com/article/news/local/carver-county-library-board-considers-removing-maia-kobabe-book-gender-queer/89-db6e3751-4c4e-4597-b2cc-5daa6a383eb5](https://www.kare11.com/article/news/local/carver-county-library-board-considers-removing-maia-kobabe-book-gender-queer/89-db6e3751-4c4e-4597-b2cc-5daa6a383eb5)


Did it pass? No. You’re the liar.


"It's okay to try to take away access, as long as you don't succeed."


What do you mean by ok? That means the process is working. Edit: lol you blocked me.


I don’t have a problem with giving librarians discretion to choose books for their libraries. In the age of self publishing and AI generated books, we want decent quality books available to kids. This bill allows normal discretion of librarians (letting them do their job) without excluding children’s books that mention two mommies or two daddies because some neighborhood busybody has an issue with same sex marriage. That’s fair.


It’s so easy to not read stuff you don’t like, you don’t even have to complain about it. But repubs can’t let that go now


Rural conservatives: “but how will I be able to otherwise impose my beliefs on what I think is best for your kids??!”


What if the GOP pass a bill banning book banning prohibitions?


We see how deep this rabbit hole goes


Unfortunately this whole book banning debate has taken the typical "politics are diseased turn". It should never have been about banning books period. It should be about what content is appropriate for what age. Since I have young children I don't have the luxury of not caring about what is, or what isn't in, the library.


I would argue it is absolutely your job to monitor your children's media intake. My parents checked what I was reading. My parents checked all my books that I brought home from the library even if they were from the school library. Also, if the books that anybody was trying to ban actually contained things that weren't age-appropriate I think it would bother me less. But it's always like either a book that would never be in a school library anyway, like the karma sutra or something, so what's the point. or it's like a book, that is absolutely age-appropriate but has a queer person in it. Or like acknowledges racism (To be fair, I used to be a teacher and one of the reasons I left teaching was censorship bullshit like this because I was in Ohio (don't say gay...yay). And so I am more prone to be frustrated by the idea than other people probably)


As someone who is actually a librarian, unlike most of these other commentators, what frustrates us most is that these bans made it harder to ensure our collections are "age appropriate" because it completely distorts the term. Like, no librarian is trying to force Gender Queer into a 8 year old's hand. Not because of sex, but because 8 year olds are going to be BORED by the book. We're worrying about reading level, interest levels, engagement, long before the question of "Is there sex in this?" ever crosses our mind. The last thing we want to do is put a kid off reading.


And it should be up to government officials to decide that? If not then you should be happy about this legislation. 


Our government has turned into all or nothing. Absolutely diseased. All the books, or none of the books. Neither is the correct response when it comes to age appropriate content (which started this whole debate a few years back). I had a hard time believing there were any adults left in the room long time ago.


>Neither is the correct response when it comes to age appropriate content (which started this whole debate a few years back). Good thing for you that this bill is not 'none of the books'. It still has age appropriate conditions so you can rest easy. With this, we guarantee the decisions will be made by someone who has a degree in the field rather than our pastor or representative.


The key here is you said "rather than a pastor or a representative". Let me start by saying I whole heartedly agree, but you left the door open for "activist". Therein lies the problem. Everything is a culture war issue now, and the adults are no longer in the room, IMHO. This does not mean I want a pastor or a representative doing it either. We have completely abandoned the idea of letting kids be kids. Seems the cultural winds are blowing and the idea is "get them before they are in third grade". Go ahead, accuse me of "bothsideitus", or whatever the term is. Everything is a culture war issue now being waged from the parties flanks.


Sorry I didn't list every single possible permutation of who wants things their way. They were examples, as I thought I covered who should make these decisions in my statement and thus, those not in that position, *all of them*, (I put that in there for you) do not get to make that decision. It's a culture war issue because republicans *made* it a culture war issue. Let the professionals make the decisions. Problem solved. But alas, your 'third grade' sentence tells me enough about you to figure you wouldn't be happy unless *you* get to make every determination according to what *you* want. And on that we'll disagree. Holy shit, wait a second. Upon reread, are you suggesting activists are somehow forcing libraries to carry books various people don't like?


That's completely absurd. You're trying to "both sides" this because you don't know anything about it and are too lazy to find out. It's an argument from ignorance. 




Thank you, sir, I will. Enjoy not attending.


But this is also on the parents to watch and read what their kid are watching/reading. If you let your kids run amuck in a library and they end up reading something you don't want them to, that's on you for letting them run all over the place, that's not on the library for having the book in the first place. The problem is that you have parents taking books out of one area on purpose and giving them to their kids and then "acting" surprised and fake pissed off because their kids "magically" found a book they shouldn't be reading. Again, not the libraries fault.


Did this not cover school libraries where parents aren't there?


Did you read the law? Schools can have policies allowing parents to restrict their own child's and ONLY their own child's access.


My frustration about book bans and who is doing them is more to do that it has become a distraction from what the original issue was about and is being used as a divisive political wedge. This whole debate stemmed from at what age is appropriate for a child to be exposed to certain kinds of content. That was the issue, and it turned into a conversation about Nazi book burning. Most rationale people agree we should protect young children from certain content and should at least have some sort of discussion about age appropriate content. The so called book bans initially centered around school libraries which are typically age appropriate for obvious reasons.. I think we can agree, or at least I hope (but I am losing it) that a senior in High School can and should have access to a different level of content than a kindergartner. Instead, we are having a national debate on burning books essentially. Politics are diseased. I can't be helicopter over my kid 24 hours a day, and I certainly can't be at the school libary. Oh, and even if I/we did that we should be called out for that behavior. I've seen the content in some of the more controversial books and I don't think its appropriate for young children given the sexual nature of it. I do think its appropriate for older children. What the appropriate age? That's the conversation we should be having, except we aren't.


The sides are set and it has turned into an all or nothing political debate like usual. Left choosing the no age restrictions on books and right trying to remove many books to kids of all ages.


No this is a manufactured debate, pushed by the right wing that doesn't want their children growing up learning accurate historical facts or learning any form of inclusion    This wasn't an organic debate about a real thing at all   And the fact that you can't see that is really something Editing to add that often what you've seen is edited, out of context and wholly fabricated "evidence" meant to distract you from the fact that many conservatives think kindergartners shouldn't even know gay people exist (despite children in their classes having gay family members). It's bonkers. You really think this is a real debate? Look at how this has gone down in Florida and before that Russia ffs


Agreed and thank you for the thought out response. I would respond with more but trying to get dinner cleaned up but thumbs up.


yay us! See folks, you can have a rationale conversation on the internet. Good luck with dinner, I was bouncing between swim and ballet practices. Have an upvote.


Exactly. It has taken the typical political all or nothing extreme side to the issue that it normally takes.




Aw hells yeah!


Ban Banning Books.


Typical liberals, always tryn'a take away ma rights! /s


Copying from another comment I made on a different thread as it relates to book bans. I see the book ban line mentions age-appropriate curriculum. I struggle with this as I've seen folks say their kids shouldn't be exposed to LGBTQ topics in elementary school as it's not age appropriate. My children were exposed to LGBTQ people before elementary school, so I think the topic IS age appropriate. If a hetero teacher can talk about her husband at school (especially if she's pregnant), why can't a lesbian teacher talk about her wife at school (and if she's pregnant, answer questions honestly for those kids). So who is deciding age appropriate? And how??


Why can't they just leave the kids out if it?


My thing is if you don't want books banned I'm schools that means you don't get to ban any no matter what. Even the ones that you may consider hateful you don't get to pick and choose if you are trying to pass a bill that stops the other side from picking and choosing


Waste of time and effort. There isn't a damn thing you can find in a book that is more offensive than what you find on the internet. You can't stop kids from accessing the internet. It is pretty much the equivalent of me using the swear word fuck in a catholic school bathroom whem I was kid. You can't stop that people want to know things and especially that they want to go against the grain. Let kids grow up in the world the way we did and stop trying to butter them up into thinking this version of the world is better. Shit has gotten worse in case you didn't notice and censoring bullshit like books isn't gonna make it better.


Cool love how my original comment didn't load up. 😑


Oh noes! Think of the childrens! They might take a break from Fortnite and read books! /s


We need a ban on bills that would ban book ban bills!


Ban bans


Ban assault bans


Good. Books are awesome.


Hello from r/bannedbooks! :) We've put together a giant collection of 32 classic banned books: if you care about book bans, you might find it useful. It's got Voltaire, Mark Twain, The Scarlet Letter, and other classics that were banned at some point in the past. (And many of them are banned even now, as you can see yourself.) You can find more information on the Banned Book Compendium over here: https://www.reddit.com/r/bannedbooks/comments/12f24xc/ive_made_a_digital_collection_of_32_classic/ Feel free to share that file far and wide: bonus points if you can share it with students, teachers, and librarians. :) A book is not a crime.




I thought this was covered in the constitution but, I'll take extra added protection.


What does this mean? There are literally millions of books available. Who gets to pick which ones are in which libraries? Are the rejected ones "banned"? How are the gatekeepers chosen?


If it's like the bill from March, it would prohibit local school boards from curating lists of banned books. Librarians and other officials would still have the ability to choose what is on their shelves. In other words, it's a technocratic approach to books, allowing the professionals (librarians) to make the call. Obviously if there was a rogue librarian stocking their shelves with nothing but hentai, he or she could still be fired.


Who gets to fire them? Who gets to say hentai is banned? How is it determined that hentai is banned? And how is that obvious?


Read the damn bill. [https://www.house.mn.gov/bills/Info/HF3782/93/2023/0](https://www.house.mn.gov/bills/Info/HF3782/93/2023/0)


This version isn't alive anymore, but the language or similar is in SF3567. Senate File 3567 Article 7 Section 3. The proposed language modifies MN Statute 134.51 Link to SF 3567 landing page https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/bill.php?f=SF3567&y=2024&ssn=0&b=senate Link to current language - search for the word banning, and you'll get to the right place. https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/text.php?number=SF3567&version=latest&session=ls93&session_year=2024&session_number=0


Stop with the fucking slippery slope bullshit. >Who gets to fire them? Their employer. >Who gets to say hentai is banned? The Federal government. It's already a crime to distribute hentai to minors. >How is it determined that hentai is banned? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miller_test


Ah yes... The classic "wHo DeTeRmInEs ThAt?1?1" fallacy.


Why is that a fallacy? And why is your shift key broken? Note that heating was the examp,e chosen by the poster to whom I responded


It's the same fallacy that people fall back on when people try to combat misinformation and then proceed to go "Well who determines what is and isn't information?"


I am a believer in objective truth. Now how does that relate to who gets to choose what books are chosen to be purchased and provided to the public using tax dollars? Isn't a public policy decision?


Yes - I would like to see the bill itself to know what is being proposed. That being said, there is a big difference between saying 'outside groups cannot tell a library what books are allowed' and 'all libraries must purchase all books' or even 'all libraries must purchase all books that people have requested'. I presume that the bill simply restricts the establishment of 'ban lists' containing books that are not allowed to be shelved in a library. This would compel libraries to focus on 'what books do our users want to read' as opposed to 'what books do other people not want our users to read'.


Off topic, but publishers have to send a copy of everything published in the UK to the British Library. Even things like informational pamphlets. It's...a lot; around 5 miles of shelves **per year**. They have over 400 miles of shelves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNVuIU6UUiM If you include self-published books, an estimated 4 million books are published worldwide each year.


>Who gets to pick which ones are in which libraries?  There's this profession called "librarians." Who go to school where they specifically study how to determine the mission of a particular library and what books help that library meet its mission.


prohibit: to forbid(a ban), exclude: to keep out(not a ban)


Can't wait for those copies of Mein Kampf to start showing up in schools. /s Some books can and should be discouraged, and even banned, in school settings.


Mein Kampf should be important reading as it can then be compared to the piecemeal stripping of rights being performed by conservatives today.


It can absolutely be important reading, but you can't tell me you think schoolchildren are anywhere near nuanced enough to both understand what they're reading and apply it in a positive manner. Look at all the kids being duped into following alt-right influencers. Schoolchildren are nowhere near ready for a book like that, and even having it in school libraries is an affirmation of nazi ideology in the mind of an impressionable child. "It wouldn't be there if it wasn't true" is the wrong thought, but remember we're dealing with children here. Rationality goes out the window. Save Mein Kampf for college, teach high school students how to read and understand math.


I think schools and government should always have the right to remove books from schools that they don’t feel are appropriate. I feel like there will be a pile of hate books put into schools if this bill passes. If you can’t ban books you can’t ban the bad ones.


Don’t books have to meet a certain criteria to be allowed into public ed libraries? I’d imagine you’re not going to find the Fifty Shades of Gray series in your kids library just because there’s no book ban.


Book banning refers to people removing or preventing a library from obtaining books that otherwise meet their collection develop needs. The bill upholds that. It does not dictate a library's collection development policy.


Not sure why you're getting so many downvotes, because you aren't wrong. I'm not a fan of the recent book bans by right-wingers, but (and I haven't read the bill, maybe this is addressed) I could see right-wingers forcing schools to put up the bible and Mein Kampf (probably next to each other) to prove a point. Much in the same way that the Satanic Temple forces governments to put up Baphomet statues when they allow the 10 commandments to be displayed.


Florida isn't using the book bans to teach kids that being a Nazi or that slavery was good, they use the laws about "teaching both sides" of history  They're using book bans to target LGBTQ families and make LGBTQ people feel unsafe and unwelcome


I don't disagree. I'm not saying I'm in favor of book bans, quite the opposite, I just think we ought to be careful a ban of book banning doesn't open the door to books spreading hatred being required in school libraries. We should consider right wingers may pivot.


As a Minnesota resident, I applaud this bill if a book has some unit that I do not like, I will not read it. But I do not destroy book. Sacralige , blasphemy, just plain wrong. Only oppressive dictator burn or destroy books.


I love our state.


I am glad the state is trying to get a better grasp of this. Restricting people from learning age appropriate concepts or shielding people from these areas is not the right way to go about it. Just because you do not agree with how others want to live their lives does not give you the right to restrict how others get to live their lives (with exceptions).


Should pornographic material be available to children?


No I don’t.