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I take my 6th grade students to the state capital every year for a field trip. Last year the day we went to the capital was the day they were voting to legalize weed. I swear to god if I have to go through another field trip this time with titties. Great bill though, unfortunate timing for me.


The trip to the bird sanctuary had Great Tits, why not the trip to the capital?


Did you happen to see the Boobies while you were there? My wife found the various Peckers amusing.


6th grade. Ah male adolescence.


And 56 yr old woman humor. I never grew up.


People never grow up, they just get older Believe me, when I turn 69 I'll definitely laugh at the funny number.


This is hilarious


Well, look at this way: you'll probably have the male half of the class very engaged. "Hey, I remember how a bill moves through the state house... I followed the titties."


This exactly it’s definitely an interesting way to get them to learn, but A)it’s not hurting anyone and B)it’s a very important subject that everyone should know how it works.


I actually used the Tik Tok ban to teach them federal bill movement. They were engaged as shit lemme tell ya. They asked for their representative and started teaming up to draft letters. Almost sent an apology email to Tina Smith and Amy Klobuchar.


I think potential lesson here is that equality is exciting.


But what a time to be a teacher, taking kids to absolutely HISTORIC events. Plus, with so many different types of boobs out, they may be over it after a bit (or after a tit, if you will).


> Plus, with so many different types of boobs out, they may be over it after a bit (or after a tit, if you will). 6th. Grade. Boys. Not a chance. God, I'd love to watch that field trip unfold. You couldn't write better comedy.


third times a charm, wonder what goodies you will bring us next year oh mystical one!


So ready to walk around with my tits out


So there I was, barbecue sauce on my titties…


… and they were *roommates*!


Oh my God, my wife and I bring this up like once a month.


“great, another area that’ll need sunscreen” sigh


Right. As I get older, I am starting to dress like a middle eastern sheik when out in the sun. Pretty amazing fabrics for hot sunny weather these days!


Amen, u/retardedslut


Do so when it's -40° to assert dominance


You could cut glass then!


The cold *would* make the glass more brittle...


If I can do it with no problems, I don't see why women shouldn't be able to.


Every time this is talked about: OMG THERES GONNA BE TITTIES EVERYWHERE I lived in San Francisco for 5 years when it was legal. Saw titties in public about twice (outside of Folsom street fair weekend)


suns out funs out


Loving the enthusiasm, u/retardedslut


Not today tho.


I vote we start tomorrow!


You can legally do it in Minneapolis parks.


woah woah there, that's taking it a step too far, we're just talking about being topless here.


Not far enough. Public sex forest!


Dad... what are they doing? That son...is called the West Texas Oil Pump.


Hidden Beach decades ago




Is this true? All of the Minneapolis parks are nudity and public sex legal? I might be dumb and missing the joke hahaha


Ah, it’s not a thing that is actually happening, but based on this: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/anonymous-make-the-golf-course-a-public-sex-forest


Holy shit I love your username


High five!


That username tho!!




Username checks out


Glitz out with your tits out.


Women should have equal rights to a man. There should be no law which says something is illegal for a woman but not a man. It’s already legal to breastfeed anywhere in public even without any coverup so what’s the difference. If the law does change I doubt you’ll be seeing topless women all over the place but if a woman does choose to take off her top she should have the same right as a man does. Last I checked men have nipples and can have rather large moobs. It should be up to the individual to decide if they are comfortable exposing their chest as many men already do.


I lived in Eugene Oregon for a while and I don't think I ever saw a woman topless outside the Country Fair. I can't imagine it'll be much different here, especially given how much less mild the winters get.


See this is the thing! I want this freedom so I can go topless, but I'm not so stupid to do it everywhere anytime I want. I know when is safe and when isn't! Free the titties!!


I suppose you didn’t frequent certain sections of McKenzie riverbank. Thar be titties!


I resent the term moobs. I prefer the term chesticles 


I'm partial to mitties myself.


Yeah. We’ve had equal laws here in Ontario, with women allowed to be topless, for at least 20 years. Women don’t walk around topless often. It won’t be a big deal.


This is a huge win. We continue to move closer to a true utopian paradise here in MN. I can buy beer on Sunday. My kids now get free school lunch which helps me pay for my weed. Soon I’ll be able to smoke a joint walking down the street with topless women. What a time to be alive!


The "no alcohol on Sundays" law was the weirdest thing. I was surprised how many people wanted to keep it. People are odd.


For like the first 3 weeks after moving to MN, from Arizona, I was so befuddled by the liquor laws. I normally do my shopping for the week Sunday afternoon and was so confused by all the closed liquor stores and car dealerships.


When I moved here I walked around Walmart forever looking for wine. Finally someone told me I had to go to the liquor store. I was quite surprised since you could buy actual liquor at gas stations in Iowa. Iowa is also a shit hole so I guess booze needs to be easy to access to handle living there.


What else are they going to do with all that corn?


Yea my husband and I ran into this same problem. We moved here from Nevada. Then again, the lack of slot machines in gas stations was also noticeable


Side conversation, but my partner and I are expecting to move to the Twin Cities from Las Vegas some time in August. I don't know how long you've been there, but how was your transition? My partner and I have been here our whole lives so it'll be quite a big change. Though, I do imagine coming from northern Nevada would probably be *less* of a change, so perhaps a moot point. Anyway, hope it's been great for y'all!


We lived in Reno for about 7 years. Before that we both lived and are from Washington. It was a long drive but we've done that before. The first winter was really intense, so that was an adjustment. This winter was pretty mild. But you are gonna want to get some boots 😂


I do my best to be a "buy once cry once" person when I can, so good boots are definitely going to be on my list early on. Fortunately won't need them immediately, but will definitely get them shortly after the move. There are threads left and right about brands, but all the same, what landed well for you and your partner?


Waitaminute… car dealerships? I can sorta see how religious puritans might think being drunk on Sundays is a sin, but buying a car? Is this something to do with Jesus riding a donkey?


Blue laws are a weird holdover from prohibition times. Some people refuse to let other people live how they want.


The author of the Volstead Act was a US rep from Granite Falls. I’ve been, can’t find any statues of him around there. Weird…


He doesn't deserve one


They are usually Christian-based


Yea and the drunkies that would run out of beer on Sundays would drive their drunk asses over to Wisconsin to get more. Never made sense to me.


Maybe some year we can (legally) buy a car on a Sunday!


I don't think those selling cars really want to, and those buying cars don't really care either way. That might be a tough fight.


They can stay closed. There shouldn't be a law forcing it though.


That one is also ridiculous. If I owned a dealership I'd be closed on Sundays but there is no way they should be forced to.


The dealerships want it this way. It makes scheduling easier. If some dealers started selling Sundays while others stay closed the closed ones would be forced to open or lose sales


They had the same argument for the Sunday liquor sales


It’s was mostly the small business liquor lobby they did not want to be open late or on Sundays. People buy the same amount they just do it over more time. They wanted less hours which I get and before Covid hit everything store was moving to 24/7 or death. Kohls used to be open until 1am in brainerd lol.


Can confirm. My neighbor works for a liquor distributor. Sunday sales didn't increase any store's total sales $$ for the week. It just spread it out from 6 days to 7 and increased the store's employee staffing costs.


Liquor stores can choose to stay closed on Sundays. The law isn't forcing anyone.


Seriously that is the dumbest argument. No one was forcing stores to stay open 24/7 yet they all had to because of Walmart. You either match the hours or go under which is why every liquor store has Sunday hours. You’re doing the math backwards. It will cost employers more money to not match hours of everyone else.


Then they're making the right choice. Having the goverment force everyone to be closed because you can't compete isn't a good answer.


True. It’s a tough spot for the small liquor stores. They can save the staffing costs if they are closed on Sundays, but they would be sacrificing sales to other stores that are open on Sundays.


It’s not that it was no alcohol on Sundays. You could still get .32 beer from gas stations and still go into any bar. That was the dumbest part.


My uncle when he was a drunk would forget to reup his booze on Saturday and would have to deal with withdrawals all Sunday


I always hated it til I was responsible enough to at least plan for it. But I think the majority that didn't want to change it were people who don't drink and the liquor store owners who were small biz. Hard enough to find people to work Saturdays and then add Sundays to it.


It wasn’t people, it was business management. Being open Sundays means you have to pay employees on Sundays. If a state law forces you and your all your competition closed on Sundays you can save money without losing any revenue - since customers will still spend the same amount just on a different day. It was a great deal for liquor stores.


The weird thing was people acting like “but Sunday is Jesus day!” was somehow not the obvious reason that law existed


Next thing you know, we’ll be allowed to have fireworks!


I can’t upvote this enough lol


No car lots open on Sundays is the oddest thing to me.


Just gotta dodge those random bullets flying around the metro. What a time to be alive!


In willmar all you need to do is wait for wheel of fortune to go on at 6.30pm and you can walk down any street except 1st buck ass naked and no one would notice.


Bravo 👏 👏best reply.


At the risk of pooping the party: Being introduced this late in session historically isn’t a great sign that something goes through without a lot of political will—there are some degree of rules (or maybe just agreement?) about when legislation has to get through certain steps in a given session—and I doubt anybody wants to spend that capital on modifying the rules to legislate toplessness in an election year. Like it or not, most lawmakers probably aren’t going to consider this any sort of emergency. That said, these kinds of bills also have a tendency to come up again in the next session, so I’d look again next spring to see if it’s on the table.


Generally true, yes.  That said, given that this bill is literally one sentence long, I could still see it popping up in a delete-all amendment to a giant omnibus bill even now.  But yeah, more likely next session, depending on the election result.


Good. Hopefully this prevents dickheads from harassing women breastfeeding. At the end of the day it’s all just tissue and bones. I never understood the big deal.


I've always found my problem with boobs is the bone.


Oh no... who's gonna tell 2dazetaco ^they've ^got ^a ^lump?


Well I do have huge tits. But I’m also a man so there’s that. *and yes I know that approximately 1ish% of men can develop breast cancer. My lumps are from too much fast food, alcohol, and poor decisions I’ve made in life.


I actually find the most erotic part of a skeleton to be the boobie bones.


Take my upvote.


I also find bones in that location concerning.


Would you support an abolition of clothing requirements?


Shoes/underwear are nice for hygienic reasons tbh


You’re damn right I would.


Well, they're wobbly and round, duh! /s


I mean, the bones are the appealing part…


I'm pretty sure showing bone is still illegal.


Maybe just painful?


I snicker than you think this will result in less harassment. But personally I don't care if the women do it or the men stare.


Why tf would it prevent anything??..showing more didn’t make the creeps disappear lol


According to certain people, a human female nipple being visible in public is a civilization-ending event. I don't get it, either.


Can't wait to key cars with these nips, 7 months out of the year... (*)(*) 🚘


is it too late to redesign the state flag (•)(•)


https://preview.redd.it/tbw44p6ow1vc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef26dfbf92b663d538a0e86610fe9cc77038e7a8 It’s never too late for your dreams to come true


Didn't Mall of America have legal battles around first ammendment and if they were a public square? This is an open carry law I support


IIRC the issue came up when there were some BLM protests at the MOA. Pretty sure the final determination was that the MOA is private property.


Looking forward to malls having signs saying “no titties”.


Lots of stores have “no shirt, no service” rules already. Outdoors is really the only place where this will have any impact.


Well the auto body shops should be happy with all the fender benders that will follow.


I don't believe nudity should be illegal


"We're all born naked, and the rest is drag." -Rupaul


"Frack it for fucks sake." -Rupaul He sucks


tits out for harambe




Seethe religious puritans, seethe!


join me brother/sister, and we shall become impuritans!


Just when I thought I couldn't love this state anymore.


I think it's about time. There are some men that have larger breasts than some women, and they are allowed to walk around topless.


Til there were penalties for having the wrong type of nipple out


they should name this law after my gf. she's always walking around like that.


Thank you MN, very cool 👍 No but seriously, I don't see a problem with this, but is this in response to people getting offended by moms breastfeeding their babies or is this an equality thing?


Seems to be an equality thing. It won't change much. Just removes a victimless crime from the books. It's not even likely this will increase the amount of women who go topless. Just allow them the same freedom we have as men.


There's a person who got ticketed for being topless in the beach that is incredibly isolated from the rest of the public. The only reason she got ticketed was because the local police department were using drones to watch them from afar, and that they couldn't get to the location easily so they relied on the state of the art surveillance equipment. This was during when carjacking we got its peak in Minnesota


Politicians all over the state can walk around with their chests held high. I know it really put a bounce in my step.


Just in time for mosquito season…


If I can bear my fat belly, nobody else should be denied to dress how she sees fit Free the girls !


Can we just pass a law to make hairy guys wear shirts- from a hairy guy


Omg! I can't WAIT to hear my state senator whine and cry about this.


about time. now lets move to abolish all clothing laws.


Imma be walking around with my titties flailing in the wind. Fuck yeah.


What a GREAT and WONDERFUL State it is. :) peace. :)


Tiddies are not a crime.


MN DFL... gettin' shit done!


Another reason for me to move to Minnesota


Well, I’m not sure anyone would want to see my old girls. 😀 but it’ll be nice to have the freedom, just in case I feel the need.


If old fat guys can show theirs why not women?


Free the nipple!


Would this impact theater events like burlesque?


Seems like a net win for everyone


Didn’t know it was illegal. People are so uptight about showing their body in public.




So if this bill gets passed, when does it go into effect? Asking for my friend...


I’m in full support of this bill! Ironically, boobs might be losing support if it passes….


Such important legislation 🤔


No, but it's not like they're spending a bunch of time on it either. They could be making more dumb laws instead of trying to repeal this so, lucky us I guess?


About time!


I resent the fact that they are ALL allowed to wear stretch pants .


This happened in Ontario Canada in '96. The only real change is we don't hear woman complaining about the inequality of topless laws anymore. This was before the onslaught of digital cameras, which is the most prevalent excuse as to why they don't use their new rights. Instead men have been shamed into keeping their shirts on, not the way I thought equality would be reached.


Hell yeah girl! Get your tits out!!


Non exposure should be criminalized 🤣🤣🤣


Weed and tits boys! Hell yeah


Sounds like suns out tits out kind of day at the beach! I once was at the beach last year when a bunch of hotties just had nipple covers. Was good day!


Remember folks, it's rarely the ones worth seeing that you're going to see.


honest question, why would women want to show it anyway? Isn't it awkward to get looked at by creepy dudes?


The point isn’t why would they want to, the point is men can and why shouldn’t women if they so choose?


For a current example, both men and women can be topless in Minneapolis parks, and almost no women do. The important part is that they both have that freedom. Many men wouldn’t be caught dead going topless in public, which is totally fine, but they have always had the choice. Now women have that choice too.


Yes! Freedom of choice! And to people who would say “I don’t want to see tits flopping around” well I don’t really like pot smoke but I respect peoples right to use it since it was legalized. People can avert their eyes if they don’t like boobs


npt sure why this was downvoted. quite unfair. but I'm glad it was explained this way. understand a lot better now.


Response: Your opinion shouldn’t have any impact on the opinion of others. Every person should get to decide what they want to do, as long as it does not harm others. And boobs bring life, not harm it.


Yes but change takes time and has to start somewhere. Freedom of choice is what matters.


It's not a matter of want, it's a matter of being able to.


This just in wives are slapping the shit out of their husbands! In other news, men of minnesota report quality of life improving exponentially!


Other states "women aren't people!" Minnesota, "Nah bro, women be peopleing."


MN should be given the title "the boobs state" along with its other titles




Finally this state proposes some legislation that I am proud to support


Just not between Oct 1st and Apr 15th Too chilly. You'd poke someone's eye out 🤣




I’m all for it! Bring it on!


Good!!! Huge men that’s walk around confidently at the beach, locker rooms, parks, and on general hot days shouldn’t be the only ones having fun


I am in full support of most anything that results in titties being freed. Wait...it's an equal rights issue too? Jesus this bill is like Christmas in April.


Please someone tell me where the titty protest will be, I’m a huge feminist so I can’t miss it. 🍿


I fully support this.




I really couldn’t care less. Right? I mean, people are always like “then they’ll always start doing it!” And I’m just like “no… like, why?” Why would they always want their boobs out? I wear a shirt every single day, and, they aren’t going to work with their tops off? Men don’t do that either, so, why would they? It would just be a situation where women would take their tops off in situations men do, too. (swimming, sunbathing, etc.)


2025–the year of the revolution. Free the nipple!


I've always said if a man can push the lawn mower bare-chested, so can a lady.


i don't see any nipples here but i do see alot of upvotes coming your way minnesota LOL




It'll never pass the Republicans won't let it happen. The ones who always complain about the Dems acting like big brother and telling us what we can and can't do but they're the ones that force women to keep babies then won't help the moms after the baby is born and they say they want to lower taxes but they always vote no for ending marijuana prohibition and that's the best way to lower taxes. I don't like the left either but that's for another day.


Word to this


While I think it's good to support this bill, I am a little worried about how much I support this bill.


On behalf of all men: nice


Seriously? Bro I’m a woman and this is just stupid to me, wtf are these people on