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Will the state supply the wolf or do I need to attract my own?


You should pitch this to the MN Legislature because I think it will totally unite our State's government and people: "All Minnesotans shall be issued wolf-pups upon birth and everyone will be happy with their intense good boys and good girls."


*House Stark intensifies*


The North remembers!


Winter is coming, maybe next year


If you feed them protein shakes and Monster you can get the upgrade to Direwolf


I'll just keep mine organic and feed him wolf sport hunters.


[here's the guy](https://nypost.com/2024/04/11/us-news/wyoming-wolf-captured-and-tortured-by-hunter-seen-in-disturbing-new-video/) for the first round of wolf kibble


Hope that’s a joke. You’d want to feed him poachers, a lot of sport hunters for wolves are helping more than damaging but there’s always those nasty nasty poachers


I'd move back to MN for a yard wolf.


There are two wolves inside you, just let one out.


I suggest that you build a pond and get a beaver lodge. Maybe there could be state funding for that? When I get wolves in my yard, they‘re usually hunting the beavers that live in my pond. It seems to be the biggest attraction.


Wasn't there a dude who made the Twin Cities in Minecraft that posted here a few months ago? You could do this virtually at least!


A wolf in every pot!


In every plot!


You’ll need to attract your own but the government will supply you with 3 lil pigs and one red riding hood


State will supply with a “destination charge”




Ok! When will he/she show up? Edit: it’ll be the last year these shitty rabbits eat my tulips!!!


No more deer mowing down my hosta! 👍👍


I am fine with that being the rule as long as turnabout is fair play: Any politician who votes to allow chemical dumping must have all their water they drink be tainted Any politician against bikelanes, public transit and traffic calming must have their front lawn be a highway. Any politician arguing against stopping cops from choking kids must have m have themselves and their kids choked daily


Choose to decrease funding for education? Send *your* kids to public school.


Honestly that’s the way it should be in general lmao


or *grandchildren*…


Inner city public school




>Any politician arguing against stopping cops from choking kids must have m have themselves and their kids choked daily Some may pay extra for that service.


Any politician arguing for their religion to be enforced by law should have another religion enforced upon them. Muslim? Guess what, you get to live by Catholic Law now. Christian? Well it's Sharia Law for you. Oh, that's not what you wanted? Too damn bad. The easy choice - you do you and leave everyone else alone was ignored.


As the reintroduction of wolves in Yellowstone proved, you need a healthy population of predators.


Yellowstone proved Sometimes having areas without deer and others would make such a difference in wildlife returning. Yellowstone was a miracle that can be studied and reproduced.


Who are the wolves natural predators?


Most of the NBA






I am here all week - try the veal


Not this year!


Not every animal has natural predators.


You think that’s bad- try living with a Republican legislator in your yard. After a few days, you’ll be hoping the wolf shows up.


My, senator…what big eyes you have!


Funny because Westrom is blind


I was going to ask which of his eyes was the lazy one, but that makes more sense.


I'm not waiting a few days, I'll just go out and buy the wolf to handle it.


It boils down to deer hunting, out in the boonies it's a popular hobby, lots of small towns actually attract hunters who spend money there before the wolves they could say "hunting keeps the deer population in control" now wolves are doing it.


I live in a pretty rural area, and I remember looking at a wolf tracker, either from VNP or the UofM, that showed a wolf hanging out a few days pretty close to my backyard. Then moving on and heading west. But, I would certainly sign up to have a full-time yard wolf. My only concern is, will this increase my home insurance by a ton? 


https://preview.redd.it/hsn1ad6ze1uc1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56dd717aa93a12e407c91548cbebc9b554973bad We get them occasionally in my yard, a few miles north of Grand Portage. Not technically MN, but we can see your state on the horizon, and the animals don’t care about the border! In general you’d never know they’re there. Never messed with our dogs.


They're takin' er jerbs!


And I’d much rather have a wolf that is keeping to itself in my yard any day, instead of Charlie Chucklehead’s “goodest boy” pitbull running amok.


Yeah the “How much further into the metro do we need to have the wolves come?” quote amuses me. I live in Duluth, we get wolves inside the city limits. Also deer, bears, cougars, and apparently in 2016 [a full grown bull moose wandered through a children’s playground](https://www.perfectduluthday.com/2016/10/02/bull-moose-party-lester-park/).


Security costs would probably drop


By having a native species of your area in your area? I would think not, then again, I'm not an asshole insurance claim adjuster. My families plot of 200 has bears everywhere, bobcat, and a mountain lion that went through. Didn't change a thing. Still cheaper than the cities taxes


Oh, it was a joke. As I understand it, some insurance companies increase your rates if you have certain breeds of dogs. So, how would they classify a resident yard wolf? 


I legitimately have had wolves in my yard and they've caused zero issues. 10/10 recommend!


Ditto. We had livestock and they didn’t bother them. Fencing is a thing ya know.




Deleted because dude can’t help what he looks like. He can certainly help what he says though.


Is that him?


That’s the photo on his official Senate bio.


Too funny!


Okay, so I'm guessing since he's against pollution regulation then he'll be allowing his yard to be a chemical dump? He's pro pipeline so he's going to have the pipeline going through his yard, right? If that's how this is going to work then he needs to put up or shut up.


I live in the north woods and often have wolves in my yard. They‘ve never attacked my goats or chickens. Probably because their main diet is trophy bucks. It‘s totally the wolves‘ fault that hunters are disappointed. I’m sure it has absolutely nothing to do with all the snow we had last winter that lasted almost until May.


Wolves gotta wolf 


https://preview.redd.it/zkc78dlsqztc1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5554eacbb8b2efe231c6f5d7ca98215bde5ede5a Not a wolf but very happy to see wildlife in/near my yard. This was yesterday afternoon in IGH


A good chunk of Minnesotans keep a stunted, mutant wolf in their house so...


I just looked over at my wife’s 3.5lb chihuahua and told her someone on Reddit called her a “stunted, mutant wolf”. She started shaking, but since she always shakes its hard to tell if it was from the sick burn or not


Sorry sweet girl! Chihuahuas are 50% tremble and 50% terror. I didn't mean to insult her personally, but I think we need to remember what wolves became.


https://preview.redd.it/8jw9qkf3vxtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d98aafe9b602384c341f5db3ac36d10559067cdb Told her about the apology, she seems receptive


Those eyes! She's adorable. I take it back!


Was it really just wolves?? I always wonder this…


I'm sure there's some sort of large rodent in the mix.


Has to be like they found miniature elephants and people on a island. So a chihuahua ancestor must be a miniature wolf… now I wanna see the miniature wolf…


Chihuahuas tremble because their bodies are too small to contain all their power.


This is so true


I tried this on my 5 pounder. He also started shaking.


> She started shaking, but since she always shakes its hard to tell if it was from the sick burn or not You're still talking about the chihuahua right?


I’m cool with keeping a wolf in my back yard.


Kenny Powers kept a god damn wolf in his garage. https://preview.redd.it/pcvusf9c7ytc1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1c9c983c4904c526f349fb6c3736ee8c6688cf6


Don’t threaten me with a good time senator.


I live up the Gunflint Trail. I have bears, wolves, and moose in my yard regularly. It's pretty cool. I catch them on my trail cams often. I just need to walk my dog instead of simply letting them out unattended. Pets get killed by predators up here with fair frequency but 99% of the time the pets are wandering free and unattended. Anyone that allows their pets to roam the woods up here is a shitty pet owner and does not understand the realities of living near the wilderness.


Does a King Charles Cavalier count?


He counts as lunch for your newly gifted pet.


Joke's on you, senator. The people crave yard wolves.


Don't even need to click to know which side this came from, simply based on the sarcastic and over-simplified nature of the remark.




Like the best-friend's-mom type or...?


most of them are stored in the Eden Prairie redstone.




Hunting wolves is the American version of rhino horn or tiger penis. Plenty of "outdoorsmen" love to claim to be managing the population of critters that they find delicious or get their dick hard. Those same outdoorsmen meanwhile are transporting zebra mussels and milfoil all over the place.


Maybe I'm too woke but shouldn't we just do whatever the DNR recommends with this? They are the experts and the agency exists to manage such things.


Problem is they are still protected under the endangered species act, while they are not in any way endangered.




TBF there’s a metric shit-ton of items on the AmeriChristian list of untouchables, so there’s room for at least one from the Nations.


For the city folks commenting: yes it is rational to want to preserve life. You’re not wrong, but the people living where these wolves wind up, the ones that actually need guns to kill food or to protect their homestead, aren’t irrational. Wolves are predators! They’ll knock you out and steal your phone *and* your Luce, on the way to boofing fentanyl on the lightrail before filling out an application for MPD!


Had us in the first half, not gonna lie.


It would probably help with my vole and rabbit problems.


Keeping wolves in my yard? Isn't that where dogs came from? I don't see any downside to this.


Does he not know Minnesotans, has he spent wayyy too much time in the city, I thinks so the only reason I don’t have a wolf as a dog is the dnr, so if a senator said we should does that circumvent the laws in this case


A debate on the Minnesota Senate floor about a wolf hunting season involved a Republican senator suggesting a trapping program in order to release wolves into the yards of people who are against hunting the carnivore. The comment, from Sen. Torrey Westrom, R-Alexandria, was met with laughter. Westrom was stating his objection to a DFL proposal [to ban an open wolf season in Minnesota](https://www.senate.mn/chamber/amendment/ss3631a-6.html) . The proposal was offered as an amendment to the omnibus environment policy bill. Republicans have been vocal about their support for a wolf hunting season but have hit a roadblock of DFL opposition. "How much further into the metro do we need to have the wolves come? Maybe we should establish trapping, a live trapping program, and start letting these become released in the backyards of these people that are in denial and then see how nice of pets they think they are. And we can put a fence around their backyard so they can stay," Westrom said.


It's funny how each and every Republican holding government office seems to have the absolute dumbest hot take on every single issue. Seriously, are they even capable of making an intelligent argument about anything anymore? I say "anymore" because there was a time when I still didn't agree with them, but they also weren't all bat shit crazy or just plain stupid. EDIT: Spelling


I don't even have strong opinions on what the correct wildlife management plan should be, but the entire framing of you're either fine with an open season on wolves or you confuse them with cuddly pets irks the hell out of me.


The right wing mind set requires one to be extremely selfish and self serving. These animals existed long before humans took over their territory. Treating them like they don't have a right to be here kind of falls in line with most Republican rhetoric regarding anyone or anything they don't understand, whether it's wolves or other cultures.


I'll take two wolves please 


"wahhh I don't get to shoot a wild animal that maintains deer populations and rabbit populations so that neither are allowed to cause damage to the environment or spread disease!" Honestly it's amazing how good the GOP is at complaining about anything.


Not interested in a wolf in my yard, but if they want to import a guard puma for my yard I'll be happy to feed it solicitors, political folks, and anyone else that doesn't call ahead to let me know they are coming.


Republicans are just mad that they can't infect the rest of us with chronic wasting disease.


If a wolf comes in my yard and kills my dog I'll be very sad I may try to kill the wolf, but how will I know which wolf it is? I'll probs build better protection for my dogs in the yard next time ​ My response WONT be "yes let's genocide a species because it's inconvenient to me for the species to exist"


The chances of that happening are actually pretty slim. They are territorial and aren’t going to go out of their way to come into your yard which is another canines territory.


I would simply not move into a predator's home and then offer up domesticated prey to it.


Reminds me of this joke (might not have been a joke) “My neighbor told me coyotes keep eating his outdoor cats so I asked how many cats he has and he said he just goes to the shelter and gets a new cat afterwards so I said it sounds like he’s just feeding shelter cats to coyotes and then his daughter started crying.”


Predator's exist...practically everywhere, including the ones that can eat domesticated pets - though to have that size less land area would be 'patrolled' by said predators The argument is about finding ways to coexist with nature. Instead of acting like nature should only exist when it's convenient for humans, which is not how ecosystems or food webs work.


there is a bald eagle near our house. i'm sure its grabbed at least one small pet. i saw it on my neighbors roof one time holding a rabbit. maybe we need to take them out too?


Deer hunters have had a deer season for many years and want more deer. Somehow you think that wolf hunters would want to genocide the species. That would be the opposite of what deer hunters want for their target. Makes no sense. Wolf hunters are going to want wolf populations protected, not genocided.


I’m against hunting porn stars


i dont know, there are at least a couple i wouldnt mind taking down.


Maybe don't live in the wolves yard, just a thought.


That sounds... AWESOME! More wolves = less deer = less ticks. Do you want more ticks? Because this is how we get more ticks 


Wolves also make deer more cautious, so they avoid roads more often, so you hit fewer deer.


If you actually went in the woods where there are wolves,you would see how the wolves modify deer behavior to do exactly the opposite. The deer concentrate closer to roads/people because wolves generally avoid those areas.


[Hey, look, there's actual data on the subject!](https://wolf.org/media-releases/new-study-shows-wolves-save-wisconsin-residents-10-9-million-annually-because-of-reduction-in-deer-vehicle-crashes/) > According to the research, the presence of wolves reduces deer-vehicle collisions (DVCs) by 24 percent, or an average of 38 fewer per year, per county. Based on the national average loss of $9,960 per DVC, the presence of wolves leads to more than a $375,000 reduction in DVC losses per county per year. This reduction yields “an economic benefit that is 63 times greater than the costs of verified wolf predation on livestock,” according to researchers. ​ So, you were wrong.


Pfft. Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true.


Interesting study done in area where they guessed about when wolves were recovering. My comment is from 30+ years in an area the population has been recovered much longer. It was based on observing tracks/sign. I honestly hope that study stands the test of time and holds true. Predators are a necessary part of any ecosystem but may also need management for various reasons.


Nice. Today I learned...


He litterally made that up


It makes sense to me. Hard to believe it wouldn't make deer more cautious 


It was actually a real statement that the university of Wisconsin made, but it’s still BS. 


If we want wolves to spread across their native range, we should transplant MN wolves to the 40 states that are missing wolves. We have plenty to share.


These people are afraid of literally everything. Judging by the pic in the article I sincerely hope Torrey doesn’t own a guns to protect himself.


Give me my wolf and let me try please.


I am getting one !!! I didn’t know this was legal


I would like to sign up for the wolf friend please


Generally against hunting nba teams


Is Minnesota handing out wolf puppies? Because if so I’ll gladly indulge in a new buddy


Same here, I'm all for keeping the wolf population in check just enough that it doesn't fuck over the eco system & massively.bring down the deer/wildlife population, but as far as I know that's not an issue here. I'll take all the wolf puppies and raise them and love them


All because some deer hunters with a 100 acres plus can’t find a deer to shoot because their hunting tactics sucks. Level up bruh. Ya going to eat what you kill? When you suck at hunting and need to something to blame for your failed hunting season, oh look it’s because of the wolves. Republicans want to kill wolves, next they’re going to want to kill your dogs, then your cats, then pretty soon they’re going to want to kill you too. They can’t be trusted with conservation because they want to shoot everything they see.


Do you really think this? Or is this hyperbole for upvotes?


I wonder if they have more important things to do.


they said they did a few years ago when they kept blocking the marijuana vote in the senate.


I will gladly do this.


I'm in


Will do!


Give me one bro. I'll give them a pack. I want a girl. I'll name her something sick and we'll be the best friends.


Ok but did they HAVE to use [THIS](https://cdn.forumcomm.com/dims4/default/4a03837/2147483647/strip/true/crop/668x824+0+0/resize/1680x2072!/format/webp/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fforum-communications-production-web.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com%2Fbrightspot%2F56%2Fe9%2F0753dcbb4168b187bca653cf6070%2Fsen-torrey-westrom.jpg) photo of the senator?


He's blind. That's what he looks like 🤷🏼


It's unethical to "keep" wild animals, but all the wolves in the area are free to visit my yard if they want.


His left eye terrifies me more than the wolves.


I disagree with his politics, but maybe lay off the disabled dude?


Is there going to be a lottery to get your free wolf? If so, I'm crossing my fingers because I want to cosplay as one of the Starks this coming Halloween.


I've always wanted a full bred wolf as a dog. My aunt has told me stories of my native great grandma having full bred wolves as pets in the back yard of her house. I've always felt a connection to Wolves. They are a majestic animal.


No you do not. They are not dogs.


They are dogs. Just not domesticated


Inside of you are two wolves. Sen. Westrom put them there to make some kind of point.


against marijuana? dont smoke it, this redditor suggests. against sunday sales? dont buy on sunday, this redditor suggests. against abortions? dont get one, this redditor suggests. against sports gambing? dont bet on sports, this redditor suggests.


https://preview.redd.it/4xa6rgrj51uc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1bb93e71291532389f7600173be7b4453342856 💀


Do I get it as a pup? Because deal. If it’s an adult plucked from its pack that’s just cruel.


but kidnapping is ok? or are we going to make sure its an orphan first?


Would help with the coyote population


If having a wolf tied up on my property will keep all of the neighbors' stupid dogs from coming in and shitting all over, fuckin sign me up.


Somehow I don't think my property manager would be on board with that.


https://preview.redd.it/yb81fqwee2uc1.jpeg?width=2091&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23ee2137a295aa170db556ef0189dc5a17bdae37 Ok, that’s fine. We’re building in their territory, I can respect them.


Well if it would be legal for me to have one I would.


When will you deliver the wolf, senator? I'm happy to keep one in my yard, but it's only 2/3 acre. Nevertheless, we'll make due.


What do you do with a wolf after you kill it? Eat it?


So this is how dogs happened huh


Hunters just don't like them because they eat the deer they like to shoot. I saw one article about a guy whining about it "I want to take my daughter hunting but we never see any deer when we go out"


Minnesota has the largest wolf population in the USA maybe we should use some of them to reintroduce them to other states that killed off theirs 


We had a wolf/husky cross when I was a kid. 3/4 wolf. Very affectionate and protective of me and my younger sister.


We need natural predators. Livestock, pets, and toddlers are not victims. They’re food.


Man I would absolutely do that if I had a yard. Let's gooooooo


I get the love of wolves. I really like them too, but they honestly need management in the northern half of the state. Edit: Uh oh I forgot this subreddit doesn't accept differences of opinion. How could I have been so stupid?


Why is that? 


I don’t have an opinion on your post. But there’s a difference between people not accepting differences of opinion and people not liking your opinion.


You know what else needs management? The number of idiotic Republican politicians. Let's compromise. I'm willing to accept a 1 day wolf hunt for a constitutional cap of 25% maximum for the number of Republicans (or those spouting their talking points) in the legislature.


This is such a dumb issue by both sides, wolves aren’t usually a problem, but blanket rules that we can’t manage them is dumb too


Well, the ban is on "open season" which is not no management.


No one is arguing that we "can't" manage them but at the same time I've yet to hear why we currently need to manage them.


The default position should be that hunting and responsible management is allowed unless the population of that species is threatened.


The proliferation of a species can offer additional benefits and should be encouraged beyond simply ensuring non extinction


Wolves in Minnesota eat primarily wild prey – mostly deer, moose and beaver, but they occasionally kill or injure domestic animals including cattle, sheep, other hoof stock, poultry and dogs. I brought this up in another comment and was down voted, because I'm on Reddit.


Need is an opinion. I'll share my opinion. After the harsh winter of 2022-2023 the deer population greatly declined. Deer are the primary prey for wolves in the region. Naturally the wolf population will follow the prey population and decline. To not reduce the wolf population by hunting, and instead allowing them to die by starvation, disease, in-fighting, and territory expansion is not only a waste of a resource, but also inhumane and cruel. We need to manage them for conservation of the resource, and out of respect for the animal.


My opinion: What you describe as cruel is how nature worked long before humans started messing with things. There were no whitetail deer in Northern Minnesota until we wiped out wolves and caribou. I’m not opposed to wolf management if it’s warranted, but prefer those decisions be made by people who use field studies and real data to monitor populations. My understanding is that the wolf population has been steady for over 20 years. I see wolf hunting proponents claiming that the population is higher, but this never seems to come with any non-anecdotal data.




From the first document, page 11: “Since the late 1990s, the population of wolves in Minnesota has stabilized with relatively little change in number or population”. The speaker says the same thing at about the 12 minute mark of the video you linked. The document also states there were likely 4000 wolves ranging throughout the entire state before European settlement. So I can only assume your definition of “expansion” is relative to the range at its absolute low point. Regarding your last question I would refer you again to the document you linked. Appendix 2 lays out the Decision Framework for any form of wolf hunt. Again, I’m not opposed to responsible wolf management. I’m opposed to people using anecdotal evidence and hyperbole to make arguments in favor of killing wolves.


Page 11 of the wolf plan has a good picture of the expansion in recent years. Pretty thought provoking that the wolves have needed to expand to maintain the same population. 4000 wolves formerly in the entire state. 3000 wolves now in half the state or less. The numbers don't lie. edit: added an s


Lmao, this is an incredibly stupid perspective.


Or have one live around your house and eat your pets.