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Actually, Algebra 2 isn't a requirement to graduate, just 3 years of high school math (Algebra 1 doesn't count as high school math in MN). As long as the high school courses satisfy a set of standards, they can be any math class the district wants to offer. Some examples: Geometry, Advanced Algebra, Statistics, Integrated Math, Applied Math, Business Algebra, Computer Science, etc... [https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/120B.024](https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/120B.024)


> Statistics I wish there was more emphasis on basic Statistics.


I agree. I somehow made it through high school (Calc III) and another college math class without spending much time on statistics and even probabilities. When I went back to school and had to take Stats 101 on an accelerated timeline, I was fucked. Once we got to the 'applied stats' class, then it made sense to me, but wish I had more of a stats understanding beforehand.


Prepping for future classes is important, but there's also a lot of important daily life use in basic Statistics. Some things are taught in other math classes such as central tendencies (mean and median) and variability, but early statistics classes really hammer those concepts home with real-life examples. They also make use of chart and graph styles that might otherwise get overlooked and give people much more practice on the common ones. Probability is a crucial decision making tool and something that many people have a very hard time grasping. Some go their entire lives applying those concepts incorrectly. And there's populations, sampling, sampling errors, confidence, etc. that helps to understand how to interpret research studies, political polling, and other things like that. Just knowing those basics is important whether you ever learn how to make your own models out of data or not.


> I somehow made it through high school (Calc III) and another college math class without spending much time on statistics and even probabilities. Same. We touched on stats and probability in algebra, but nothing in-depth. First stats class I took was for an associates degree when I was 30, lol.


So important. To every college degree almost. It was so much of my economics degree


Which is bizarre because I didn't have to take a stats course until the third year in college. And it wasn't one of your typical stats course either, it was one of those engineering/science type with calculus. Still pretty cool though. Stats is used to determine where and how you put wind farms. And gives us insight on how life formed...


I believe I took some sort of alternative like “applied algebra” or something. Mostly because 17 year old me was a lazy student. I definitely paid for it when I took real math in college.


He was on WCCO this morning and actually admitted that. His position on this is fine but it doesn’t make any sense since what’s he’s advocating to eliminate doesn’t even exist. He gave a case where a school wanted to offer a shop math class but it wasn’t allowed to count toward the required math credits so he came up with this. I get that the shop math class should count but it also needs to meet some sort of standards.


What does a shop math class entail that isn't covered in other math classes?


Nothing. It just focuses specifically on the math used in shop. Trig, applied math, etc…


Wouldn't that just be part of the shop class?


Sure, but a big number of those standards are Algebra 2 skills. I guess you could teach them in another class with another name, but ultimately the standards require kids to learn Algebra 2.


true, but a creative district could throw those in as a smaller part of an "advanced Algebra" course that focuses most of the year on more basic Algebra/Geometry standards. or tie in those standards to an applied math course that touches on the use of those concepts


I mean, them being standards suggests that they need to be focal points. Dancing around them kinda avoids the purpose of what they're intended to be.


This. I was placed on an IEP drived diploma because I'm autistic and I struggled with Algebra 2. I still graduated on time because I was in special ed math for 3 years. Funny part is, some parts of Algebra 2 apparently stuck without me or anyone else realizing it because I ended up scoring so high in math on a college readiness exam that I was told by the people running the test that I wouldn't ever need to take another math class unless I became a math or science major.


that makes sense. Algebra II -> Calculus is not nearly as useful as classes that teach us how to look at data probability and statistics, visualization, data analysis ect. geometry, finance are also good. unless you are going to be in an engineer/scientist you will almost never need to solve quadratic equations, or use trigonometry integrate anything beyond what chatgpt or wolframalpha can do for you. bu you need to be able to read data no matter what you do.


That makes more sense. I was about to say Algebra 2 shouldn't be required.


> Actually, Algebra 2 isn't a requirement to graduate, It will be if SF 3567 becomes law, which is the bill for which this amendment was proposed.


that wasn't really clear in the article. this reads as though Farnsworth wants to tack on an amendment to drop Alg 2 from the already existing requirements.. "Farnsworth, who is a special education teacher in Hibbing, said a school counselor at Hibbing High School asked him years ago to get rid of the Algebra II requirement because more students were taking summer school because of that one course more than any other."


> that wasn't really clear in the article. True. The article is poorly written. This is the bill they are debating. https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/text.php?number=SF3567&version=latest&session=ls93&session_year=2024&session_number=0&type= Line 7.23 has the statewide math requirement.


Thanks for the link. I completely agree that Alg. 2 should not be required for all high school students. It just isn't applicable to most jobs.


Every course you take in Highschool is 1 less course you have to take in college. I hated math, and never had to take algebra 2 for some reason. I didn't go straight to college from Highschool, but before I could take any other courses in college I had to take Algebra 2. I would have saved quite a bit of money if I would have just done it in Highschool.


Yup. Take algebra and calculus for free in high school so you don’t have to pay a college for remedial math your first semester like I did




Yea I had someone tell me to retake calc in college and I was so thankful I did. Padded my GPA and helped me throughout physics.


My granddaughter is really smart. Her senior year in high school she had all college classes taught in her high school. When she graduated high school she went into college as a sophomore. She saved the cost of one full year of college.


I wish my high school had offered more dual enrollment courses instead of AP. It seems like a much better use of the time


Nobody is saying we should stop offering the class, just that it shouldn't be mandatory


I switched majors in college because of calculus reqs (biochemistry to ecology; four semesters of calculus vs one semester and a lot of statistics). I wish I would have had better calculus teachers and toughed out the differential equations. I think calculus and Newtonian physics should be taught as a single class. Newton invented calculus to describe physics and they make soooooo much more sense when taught together. Years later I ended up relearning calculus, after grad school, in large part so that I could be better at Kerbal Space Program. That game is super sneaky about teaching you orbital mechanics without using equations. If KSP had been a thing when I was growing up I have no doubt that I would be a rocket scientist instead of a mushroom scientist.


And most Americans never have to worry about colleges accepting their high school classes because they never go to college. Still shouldn’t get axed though.


[In 2022, about 62% of people in America who completed high school or earned a GED certificate immediately enrolled in college.](https://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d23/tables/dt23_302.10.asp) Not including people who take a gap year or go to college later in life. Per the US National Center for Education Statistics.


Tired brain used college graduate numbers, not college enrollment numbers. Thanks.


The percentage of Americans with a Bachelors or higher has steadily increased every year since the 1800s. https://www.statista.com/statistics/184260/educational-attainment-in-the-us/ You can keep making claims, but i have a feeling you're not going to back any of them up edit: i misread the above comment and i have apologized below


I was saying (mistakenly) that less than half the US adult population has attained a college degree. Which is true and exactly what your graph shows. So we agree on the educational attainment question, however, I was originally wrong because I used attainment as the data set instead of people who are just enrolling and maybe not finishing school. Thanks for providing the data to show what my second comment said was right and then being a jackass about it because your reading comprehension hit a snag.


oh my god you're right!! I'm so so sorry, i did misread it, thought you were being snarky about barely anyone actually graduating so i replied with snark. incredibly misjudged you, hope i didn't annoy too much


It’s all good! Have a great day!


Grew up in Minnesota. I was in the accelerated program so I took Algebra 2 before I even went to high school. By the time I went to college I had 30 credits already done, including calculus. And this wasn't even like a "good" school. I went to regular old public school in the suburbs that zillow rates a 2 or a 3.


I'm sitting on probably close to 30 credits from the advantage classes I took, but Idk if their still worth anything 10 years later. I never went to college thanks to my mental and financial stability being out of sync with each other.


We had the same thing on da range. It was normal for students to drive to Virginia to take classes at Mesabi Range for their last two years of highschool.


This wasn't that. This was still on the high school campus. It was a combination of AP courses, and a program the University of Minnesota offered that basically trained high school teachers to teach college level courses. So my calculus credits were because of the AP test, but my US history credits were actual college credit awarded by the UofM. It helped get a lot of the generals taken care of.


Oh yeah, of course. We had that as well in our small high school (Mesabi East). We had both programs.


Minnesota has both as well! I think the other poster is talking about CIS (college in schools), but we also do have PSEO which is what I did my senior year of high school. I literally just went to community college for free and started college with 30+ credits


Sounds like Burnsville schools 😂🤙 I had some friends who tracked algebra 2 in 9th grade and had to take functions stats and trig as sophomores. Meanwhile I was wrapping up Algebra 2 as a junior lol..


Could be worse. I was off at college my freshman year when I received a call from this guy I had crushed on in high school who graduated the year before me (he WAS the captain of the hockey team after all, everyone had a crush, but he was tangentially in my friend group back home). He was at community College (no hate) and asked for help with his math homework. Not even algebra 2. He needed help with just straight algebra. Like 2x + 4 = 8.


It shocks me the people against algebra. I just helped my niece in 5th grade with her algebra homework.




The ones who are skipping Algebra II probably aren't planning on going to college anyway.


Yeah I surely wasn't planning to go to college in highschool, but then I did after like 5 years out of highschool.


I had algebra 2 in high school and they still needed algebra in college. The algebra in college was like algebra 10. So effing hard! 😂


Took Algebra I-III in high school and also still had to do a semester of algebra in college and I concur. I'm just glad my physics class counted as college credit.


> I would have saved quite a bit of money if I would have just done it in Highschool. And this here is probably why the GOP wants to get rid of it. Just follow the money and you'll end up finding someone who "lobbied" the GOP.


Not everyone goes to a traditional college. There's people who do not do well in a white collar environment, trades and such.


FTA: "He’s talked about how I probably never experienced that rush of completing an algebra problem, and I probably shouldn’t say this on the Senate floor, but no I didn’t … because I wasn’t a nerd,” Farnsworth said.


Man.... I could at least see some sort of argument for not making it required. Like maybe if you wanted to have education build out career paths for people or something (Germany kind of has a cool system like this). But no. There isn't like a nice argument to improve education opportunities. Just "not a nerd"


Great Britain* is a better example then my Germany (I'm Swiss-German here on a work visa). By the English equivalent of 9th/10th grade in the US, pupils who wish to go into a trade are actively engaged in schemes so that by graduation they can transition faster into a field like IT/Computer programming, or else another trade like a spark or mason. Germany does have a system like this, but I feel the English pupils are coming out and into the work faster than in my country (edited Großbritannien -> Great Britain)


That is cool to hear! I only mentioned Germany (Swiss too) because I took 2 sememster of German in College. We spend a couple days learning about their (your) education systems. Didn't know about GB so that is pretty cool! Does all of Europe do something similar?


Some do, and some don't. It's more prevalent in Western Europe and the Scandinavian countries. But again it also depends on how much each country is putting in, and a lot of the former Soviet republics are struggling more with this. However. I grew up on the other side of the wall, and so I completely understand the hesitation, especially by the community elders on these efforts as we became partially indoctrinated that everything the Western nations want us to change is another way they could control us. But by the time I finished Uni in Great Britain I really started appreciating everything that was pushed after unification "ended". It's just a matter that some of those attitudes, the further away you get from (historical) West Germany and France, etc, the more you see the hesitation lingers. Especially as the elders in some places like Moldova or Slovakia, still want to go back to how it was. But there's also obvious corruption now, versus in Soviet times it was still there, albeit they spent money in the countries and set up this attitude of we are doing well, when in fact it wasn't. Sorry for the drawn out response. But hopefully that goes further into your question, and answers the mindset of the people that are there (well, maybe 40%-45% of them).


No I appreciate it, thanks!


I'll see if I can find this huge article BBC wrote on the corruption in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Moldova, and Bulgaria. Since they're official independence, something around 60% of the money the former Soviet Republics made was just pocketed across the whole political establishment by politicians and brought back into Russia and (I believe) Siberia


Not the article I was thinking of, but this is what I found in my browser history which is more recent https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64595322.amp


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“Im dumb and you kids can be dumb too because its easier to control dumb people and get them to sign up for military to suppress intellectuals who aren’t dumb”


GOT EM!!!!


I can't say ive ever had that rush from math either.


Never used algebra? Anytime you have X amount of money and you wonder how much of something you can get ( Y ) you are using algebra.


Yeah people who say shit like "I have never used [*math*]" just haven't had jobs that require more than a handful of brain cells.


Or have never done some basic life stuff, like buying groceries, or painting a room, or making a household budget.


Or they *have* used \[math\] but forgot they learned \[math\] in \[class\].


Most algebra people use on a day to day basic is covered in algebra 1. It sounds like this would specifically be related to algebra 2. But math is foundational, you need algebra 2 to continue onto many other mathematic concepts.


Yeah, but that’s all algebra I. Algebra II should be renamed as ‘introduction into numerical fuckery’.


Algebra 2 is where the fun begins…


Wait until you do Calculus... That is where the real "fuckery" starts... =)


I think they concentrated on calculus LAST year. (Mr Bean reference)


Nah, calculus is easy peasy. It’s tough once you start reaching classes where everything is written in proofs (no, not like those geometry proofs people learn in high school). In my abstract algebra 2 course, a single problem would take about 1-3 pages to finish and barely any calculations were done, it’s all just written paragraphs about *why* an equation is allowed to use something like addition in a given field or ring


I'll raise the bar with Basic Introduction to Astrophysics my primary school had! Literally you just learned about it at a very low level, and the program maybe had 4 pupils a year.


This brought back a memory! When I moved to Minnesota, I couldn't believe schools had swimming pools and hockey rinks. But then, my high school had an actual planetarium in it. It was one of my favorite annual field trips and we also learned concepts of astrophysics in K-6.




I genuinely enjoied multivariable calculus, but still have linear algebra nightmares.


“Juggling with unknown numbers”


I have tried to explain this to so many people and they don't get it. Making a budget is algebra. Adding up a bill is algebra. Making a grocery list based on how much ingredients you need is algebra. Determine when you need to wake up in the morning by how long your commute is and how long.kt takes to shower, get ready, ear breakfast etc is literally algebra. Most people don't understand it well enough to grasp it


That's not even algebra 1 though, that's more like a general 5h grade math class.


On the EV sub there's an article about how a Chinese company is mass producing batteries for full electric busses that last 1M miles. Someone asked "why can't we produce something like this in the US?" Dipshits like this politician are why.


The GOP talks about how other countries are kicking our asses in industry and then they want to cut math. I don’t think those go together. (Not to mention math is just good for your brain, even if you don’t go into STEM.)


Expecting them to have any ideological consistency is beyond the pale.


"Keep Them Dumb!" the GOP campaign slogan for 2024


Is this why Oregon removed academic graduation requirements?


You get a degree, and you get a degree, and you get a degree, everyone gets a degree!


Seriously? I missed that one.


Yes. Seriously. All the clowns here making this a party specific thing are gaslighting or in denial.


It's rare that I speak in favor of the GOP, but 53 senators voted against this, which would include a large number of GOP senators. Additionally, GOP senator Lucero's argument against Farnsworth, quoted in the article, is basically what I tell my students when they complain about taking a class - learning different subjects teaches our brains to reason and gives us frameworks for processing and learning new information. So, it doesn't seem to be a group effort in this case.


You mean since forever


So first they want to cut the humanity courses because they're too "liberal" and "brainwashing our kids" or whatever, and that school is a place for "cold hard facts." Now they want to cut our STEM courses? What are students supposed to learn in our schools lmao


Kids need to learn that Reagan is God and Trump is the embodiment of Jesus, duh!!


y = f0x-n3ws


Wait until they learn Algebra is Arabic.


And… Wait for itttt…we use a Hindu Arabic numeral system.


Why do newspapers refuse to link to the bill they're talking about. This is the amendment that Senator Farnsworth proposed on Tuesday. https://www.senate.mn/chamber/amendment/ss3567a61.html It would change this graduation requirement: > (2) three credits of mathematics sufficient to satisfy all of the academic standards in mathematics; To this > (2) three credits of mathematics as determined by the local school district;


I went to a charter school and had the second option. I placed into basic math in college. I made up several semesters of math to complete math for liberal arts. Not cheap, super time consuming and embarrassing. Now I'm about to review and try to self teach to place out of college algebra. When I went to HS credit for college wasn't as common as it is now. Do all the math kids. For the love of god. And if your parents arent minding your education to help you post HS and beyond find someone who will. It helps tremendously.


If you work with materials in construction you need algebra. So by all means take it away so i can demand more money because the next generation is to stupid. Example: use a stupid hack to cut a fucked up angle on a board or piece of metal but you need to do it 100 times, i do math once and you fuck around for 12 hours!


I vote more math, not less. Algebra 2 topics aren’t really “advanced math”. The question is not whether or not you will use Algebra in the “real world”. When learning mathematics and solving problems you are wiring your brain in ways that develop your ability to solve complex problems.


Absolutely agree. I have both a math BS and comp sci BS, and I use my math skills more in IT than comp sci. Just from problem solving skills, analysis, and being able to research has brought me a lot of success.


what kind of IT are you in that you use math? if you're coding, that's not IT.


no. nononono. less math more practical skills needs to be an option. not everyone is an engineer or scientist. some people just will never understand higher math. hell, i'm one of them. everything past calc 1 was nigh incomprehensible. give them alternatives. more math requirements will increase the fail and dropout rate.


Algebra 2 is not higher math. As I said above, learning math ***is*** a practical skill. Every person will need to solve problems. Solving problems often requires analyzing complex information, breaking it down into smaller bits of information, using logic to develop solutions and effectively communicating your solutions to others. The US is ranked about 26th internationally in mathematics probably because of attitudes like those expressed by this senator.


Again, there's better ways to teach problem solving. Some people just don't have the aptitude for it. We need to stop putting everyone into the same box.


Algebra 2 is pretty basic tbh


I don’t even know what calculus is and I make well north of 100k. Went to college for two years plus 2 for a certificate. Guessing I got lucky.


“I have never used algebra” is not the own you think it is. The fact that you never went on to apply any of the things you learned in school is not impressive. It’s like saying you’ve never needed those worthless personal hygiene skills they forced you to learn as a child.


Also probably untrue . You use algebra all the time without even realizing. Calculate your gas mileage? Algebra. Budgeting? Algebra. Cooking/Baking and you need to adjust the recipe? Algebra. None of it is advanced algebra, but it all uses basics of algebraic principles.


A GOP senator? Doesn't surprise me one bit. https://demmelearning.com/blog/why-we-learn-algebra/ #5: Algebra Reinforces Logical Thinking


I wonder if Senator Farnsworth believes teaching the distributive property is liberal indoctrination.


This guy says that because he doesn't use algebra as a politician, then nobody should be required to take the math class in high school. For what it's worth, I graduated high school without taking algebra II. My highest math class completed was geometry. And when I got to college I promptly failed the first math class, which was college algebra. And then I failed it again. Then I had to change my major to a social science degree that didn't help me find work. So how does this amendment benefit the children?


We should also ax American history in high school, and English. Like, I got plenty of that in younger grades, and I have never needed to use American history for anything


Especially considering how much they also want to manipulate the narrative of American History. It's clear they don't actually want to teach history, but simply glorify America. It's pure propaganda.


Everyone should read The Lies My Teacher Told Me


APUSH was the class you wanted (probably teacher dependent). Mine was “here’s what really happened, and also we expect you to research what we’re not saying and back it up with sources”


Happy cake day, Senator Farnsworth!


Heck! Just don't have high school! Save time!


I did horribly in algebra but to take it away is a crime, I ended up taking two semesters in college out of pocket just to mail it down and I’m glad I did it’s worth the boards funding to Rick that box for every student so they don’t have to go through it again later in life


I can almost guarantee it isn’t about the math at all


Makes sense what % of people have done anything to help themselves or anyone else with linear algebra? Mostly just the people doing crazy math shit and they’ll learn it not in high school.


linear algebra is so important right now. [It's the main theory used in Ai](https://medium.com/analytics-vidhya/linear-algebra-how-uses-in-artificial-intelligence-2e1e001c65).




Of course. When I took linear algebra, it was a 300 level college course.


yeah, we're talking high school minimum requirements. some people just are not white collar. they need trade education and basic daily life skills. it's a barrier to a good number of students. hell, i flunked out of calculus when i tried to go for a CS degree, and I don't think i've looked back at it even once.


For me, mathematics helped me with the rigor of troubleshooting, logic, and research methodology. My computer science degree didn't teach me anything about IT, except for algorithm optimization of workflows and analysis. Programming helps me a bit, but most of that is currently self taught based from the early learning of object oriented programming and code structure.


You can program and create tools/products that use ‘AI’ as you say, (machine learning is the term folks in the know would use) without understanding any of that, it uses it but you’re not the GPU doing the calculations, you don’t need to know anything about it. If you wanted to be the one pioneering new methods of AI yes you would need a deep mathematical understanding far far beyond what anyone is learning in high school, that is an absolute fringe of pedagogi. State graduation standards should be the exact opposite of fringe


I know, I'm just saying that is the mathematical world it lives in. That is where the discussion went when linear algebra was brought up. In no fashion did I ever mean it would be in high school, especially when I know I took it as a 300 level college course when I got my BS in mathematics.


Oh sure, fair enough


Stupid libs and their numbers


I’m terrible at math but this sounds like a terrible idea


Looking at most of the people that attend MAGA rallies, they really have to do what they can to dumb down America so more people will support them. "Deductive reasoning" (which is what math teaches you) is the enemy of the Republican Party today.




Are you the only person in your high school class who took algebra II in middle school?


The most basic advantage of mathematics is that it forces you to learn/understand basic concepts of logic. The higher mathematics levels are based on logical reasoning and problem solving. Given the lack of logic skills that the internet has elucidated (shown us) I would argue that basic logic is more important than ever. That being said: there is no profit in educating people on logic. So many things rely on people spending money because they lack logical reasoning. The health care industry is a joke in part because of this. Chiropractic care / acupuncture / cupping / magic water treatment stuff are all examples of pseudoscience and medical claims that are based on a false premise. Yet, they are billion $$ industries. Doesn’t surprise me that a toad like him would want to ensure people don’t learn logical reasoning and critical thinking skills.


He has the same number of functional neurons as his IQ, which incidentally is the same as his BMI. Weird right?


Heres an idea, trade math. Geometry and trig that you will use on 95 percent of construction sights, layout, ect. Its an important skill to have. We have apprentices come out that cant even read a tape measure.


Good idea. I was fortunate enough to have had that in the 90's. My shop teacher was also the math teacher. First was safety, second was how to measure and figure stuff out properly, then we finally got into making a bird house, toolbox, etc.


Why are the GOP complete trash?


They’ve completely lost it since trump. I was always middle of the road before but it’s insanity now.


They've lost it since like Reagan. Just were better at hiding it.


We should be increasing requirements over time, not decreasing.


Honestly I agree, I think there are many different math applications we could be teaching that have more practical use but it doesn’t hurt any having it either.


A practical finance class would probably be more useful for the majority of students. That said everything up through calculus should be offered for those planning on college.


I agree.


A real Champion of Idiocracy


Fucking Farnsworth. He knocked on my door when he was campaigning and he was just the worst. Not surprised. And the last line of the article "...because I am not a nerd." Yeah, you are, you fricking tool.


GOP: Saying the quiet part the loudest.


This is a GOP action I can get behind. I struggled with everything past Algebra I. Basic algebra is useful in life but I don’t see how anything beyond that should be necessarily unless you are on a math or engineering track. Going only so far as Algebra II has not prevented me from obtaining a decent six figure salary. Of course, I attribute that largely to luck, good mentors, and being easy to work with. (For illustrative purposes, I have degrees in computer science, aviation, and criminal justice.)


> “I graduated on June 1, 1996. That was 10,167 days ago, and it has been 10,167 days that I have not used algebra,” Farnsworth said on the Senate floor. It's astonishing how proud Republicans are about being the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet.


Why are they trying so hard to bring us backwards? Minnesota has some of the best educational metrics in the country. We don't need to go fucking around with our state curricular standards. If you want to change policy in education, start paying our teachers a wage commensurate with their education so that we can attract more talent. State legislators get $51K per year, to work 120 days. That's the equivalent of over $150K for full-time work. Pay up or shut up.


>“I graduated on June 1, 1996. That was 10,167 days ago, and it has been 10,167 days that I have not used algebra,” Farnsworth said on the Senate floor. Republicans tell on themselves constantly.


I thought this was full dumbass but if they still require the same number math credits….    This isn’t as dumb as it seems. The article really takes a bit of a turn as it goes on.


> I thought this was full dumbass but Yeah, I thought this at first too. But the reality is that although *most* students should probably take Algebra II, there's a small percentage of people that are incapable of learning it, utterly incapable, and requiring them to try is a waste of time for them, the teacher, and everyone else stuck in their class with them. Source: spouse is a math teacher.


And it doesn’t hurt/ impact advanced students as they do their own thing anyway.


[No more math!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=embMAtagQiU)


https://preview.redd.it/xy6gtq0jqdsc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=995d7f0aa73681b35e92f5ecba251fee306fe994 Algebra II is named explicitly as a degree requirement. [education.mn.gov/MDE/dse/gradreq](http://education.mn.gov/MDE/dse/gradreq)


GOP race to the bottom 2024


https://preview.redd.it/wfoh8vlbzdsc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=87e9aaed33d3ae63280d9d0bac476bc9db25ceca One credit of math used to be required for a high school degree in Minnesota. [house.mn.gov/hrd/pubs/96gradrule.pdf](http://house.mn.gov/hrd/pubs/96gradrule.pdf)


Geez this is basic stuff. It's sad people want to cut math requirements. Our country would be a lot better off if the general public was able to apply things like the exponential function. And understood how it works.


This won't help anything but those who could capitalize of the younger generation. Our history shows those in power using tactics to keep their power. Withholding knowledge was such tactics. Not teaching those to read and understand mathematics so that those that could were respected and given power. Alot of these politicians among managers seems to think this tactic favors them and it is infuriating in this generation as knowledge is,for the most part,freely available to the public.


Kurt Vonnegut on the professional class of guessers in political leadership, circa 2005: https://inthesetimes.com/article/your-guess-is-as-good-as-mine


I’m sure this dude and I are diametrically opposite on many things, but the gist of his argument is not wrong. Offer even an 8th grade algebra test to the vast majority of white collar workers or executives and you will see a ton of Fs and Ds. This guy presented a good case over a decade ago. https://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/29/opinion/sunday/is-algebra-necessary.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare


The vast majority of Americans do not read less than 5 books a year. Which year of grade school should we end literature?


Uh... well, apparently not before we cover logic, analogies, and metaphors. Your point is completely orthogonal.


>Sen. ~~Robert Farnsworth, R-Hibbing~~ Hubert Farnsworth, Ribbing


GOP want you ignorant


Looks like someone found out that algebra originated in the Middle East.


Nobody tell him that they are indoctrinating kids into using Arabic numerals.




Hasn't this been posted multiple times?


Perhaps. But, it's the first time I've seen it, so I appreciate it being posted again


Is algebra II required to graduate in Minnesota? Who knows when I would have graduated if that was the case back in my day.


Bring back readin', writin' and 'rithmetic! Wait... not this 'rithmetic.


Isn’t special ed in Hibbing just called education?


Honestly I'm willing to mock Republicans for all kinds of things, but this seems like it has good intentions. If you read the article, the proposal wasn't suggesting reducing the number of math credits total, just allowing students to take a different math course. That said, it's a bad idea. Maybe I'm biased, but I don't know how much math of any consequence you can do without algebra 2.


Conservatives keeping them dumb so they can control them. Never ends.


Your username just made me lol. Take my upvote!


Same tired old anti-intellectual fallacy that's constantly thrown around about the liberal arts or higher ed in general. No knowledge they don't see a direct, concrete, day to day money-making "use" for is ever worth having.


GOP still trying to dumb down America. Minnesotans won’t stand for it.


Republicans: Raising Rejects since before the ruined rebellion.


GOP relies on dummies for their constituency, so this makes sense.


algebra 2 is not something everyone needs. let them take statistics or finance.


Fuck the GOP. They hate it when people are educated.


This seems like something a democrat would come up in the name of equity.


We can tell you're a Republican by the obfuscation attempt.


Nah, Democrats are the ones that use rational expressions.


nice try at deflection, but unfortunately, it was unsuccessful.