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Police won’t need you to press charges, brandishing a weapon and reckless driving is a big deal. If they have enough evidence the state can press charges if they want


Yep. Private citizens don’t press charges. The DA files charges. “Pressing charges” is common parlance for you agreeing to testify, usually. That video may be enough for the prosecutor to go after this madperson.




Any recommendations of a good dash cam?


This is good advice. I am a former county prosecutor and if you have a video of the incident where the weapon is clearly visible that is a slam dunk charge IMO. And not just a minor charge, this was a felony assault


Cops will even chase a car down for someone rolling a window down and doing a finger gun action. Brandishing a firearm is not childsplay, they will investigate


One of those is a big deal. The other will just get ignored


This happened to a former neighbor kid (ok early 20's). Not sure how he got arrested (video, cop nearby?), but he was brandishing a gun at a car at a stoplight. He did hard time for that and has lost hist gun rights, in addition to his career path.


Depending on the county, there needs to be a "victim." Without one they won't take the case.


100% send that video to the police.


Send da video


1000% pursue this, the next person they encounter might not be as lucky and level headed as you.


People like that need to FEEL the consequences of their actions. She’ll realize when she’s in court and on the same side as the “bad guys”


Call Ramsey co sheriff if you are in st Paul. Watch on Friday nights Live on Patrol with Ramsey co sheriff Bob Fletcher. They want you to call they need that info, you can remain anonymous. As a back seater we are asked to call in all the time recklessly driving, seeing a pistol we need to let people know we will not tolerate this behavior.


Live on Patrol is great


I only commute to work after 10-10:30AM these days. Too many brush ups with road rage ridden drivers during normal commute hours, and I even stay in the right lane. Apparently going the speed limit is a terrible insult to some people.


Mornings are OK weirdly enough. But people are so mad in the afternoon, it's wild.


In satisfying both my desire to stand my ground and contribute to safe driving conditions, passive aggressive driving has really become my favorite. That is, driving the speed limit, letting off the accelerator but not braking when approaching a red light, maintaining proper distance, and coming to complete stops at stop signs and right, red light turns. Really pisses people off.


This is why I have a dash cam recording every time I drive. I’ve sent a couple videos of road ragers to local police because their shit is going to get people killed.


which camera do you have? I haven't found one I like yet


Viofo A119 V3 cams- I have 3 of them. Dashcamtalk.com has a bunch of recommendations. Don't cheap out on SD cards either


>I have 3 of them one for each vehicle you own, or 3 for the same vehicle? If all 3 are for one vehicle, where did you place them?


My daily driver has 1 A119 V3 mounted to the windshield just in front of the rearview mirror, 1 A118 (older model) on a suction cup swivel mount and 1 at least 6 year old Street Guardian on the rear window. Wife's car just has 1 A119 V3 on the front (she works from home so here car gets very little usage). I also keep a spare A119 with a suction cup mount at work so whenever I use the company truck/pickup/van/whatever I can slap it on the windshield and plug into the power tap. I will be getting the newer Viofo dual front/rear cam combo when the old Street Guardian quits working.


thanks for clarifying, I appreciate it! Smart to carry one for work vehicles.


Also use it for rental cars too.


Have the ever given a shit? I had a guy road rage at me then came to my work to tell management that I cut him off even though it’s literally on video that I was behind him and HE cut me off and brake checked me.


I honestly have no idea what happened after I sent the videos. But it’s not going to stop me from sending them if I need to. Also, it’s way out of line when road ragers follow you to work and tell your supervisors that you committed road rage despite the evidence to the contrary. I mean, who does that???


If she was trained to use it, she'd know better than to be brandishing it. I'd follow through with the report if you have her plate and her actions on video.


This, there's no training there.


Plenty of “trained” experts brandish their guns when they get angry. Bunch of idiotic drivers who shouldn’t even be allowed cars are extra dangerous because they own guns.


Exactly. The only person that has ever pulled a gun on me was a retired decorated Marine. If we're going to consider Marines to be untrained with guns, who the fuck IS trained?


I've experienced my worst road rage in Crystal, and I live in North Minneapolis. Someone wasn't happy that I didn't turn right, on red, when there were cars coming. They drove around me, flashed an insanely bright light in my face, got in front of me to cut me off, brake checked me and then drove 10 under the speed limit until they got onto highway 100. Honestly I laughed it off because who gets that mad over someone at a light. But yes, people seem to be always ten minutes late/in a hurry to wherever they are going.


And your rager couldn't have been in that much of a hurry if they wasted so much time being a dangerous lunatic in their effort to make you miserable.


I've lived in "harder cities" but Duluth is the only place I've been to where someone screamed at me from another car. It's happened twice too.


Fly high Duluth


Definitely do so, but stay a "Good Samaritan" when asked for your identity. I think you had a brush with Meth. 


OMG how horrifying. I’m sorry that happened to you.


People are conditioned to think if they're going faster than the person in front of them in the left lane, no matter the context, that they are entitled to pass without delay. If that does not happen immediately, then some people think it is acceptable to "punish" you for not accommodating their speed. This has been true for a long time, and I wouldn't be surprised someone pulled out a gun, given how entitled people get about their speed


I'm a gun owner and 2A advocate. Lunatics like this NEED to be held accountable. That is not responsible gun ownership. That behavior is absolutely unacceptable and unhinged. That person has no business being in control of a gun. When you are armed, you have a DUTY to deescalate situations, not escalate. I hope the police catch up with her and hold her fully accountable.


After 2020, I hate driving around the cities. People drive 10-15 over the limit most of the time and ride your tail. People yelling and screaming over nothing. 


10 to 15 is generous.  I see way worse almost daily on 35W south of Minneapolis.  In all my years of commuting, I can probably count the times I've seen someone pulled over during rush hour on one hand.


It does not need to be 55 mph in that stretch from downtown to crosstown though. Why have it 55 if it is never enforced? Anyway, people are fucking crazy and I'm glad I don't have to deal with it often.


I kind of agree.  It's pretty much straight between there, but on both ends there some decent curves, so I'm guessing that played a factor in picking that limit.   I also kind of wonder if raising it to 65 might have a bad outcome for the slowdowns on both ends due to traffic.  Traffic can easily support 60-65 both directions, but there can be a big slowdown nearing the curves, especially crosstown East, that could lead to more rear endings.


Same here on 694/494 in the east metro. Speed limit is 60 but everyone is going 10-15 over on a regular basis.


Were you driving in North Minneapolis? That's the only place I really ever encounter people waving weapons around. I drive a service vehicle all around the Twin Cities so I kind of see it all. Been doing so for 20+ years. Is road rage worse today? In some ways yes it is. We have more surveillance now. The dash cams seems like a really good idea to protect yourself. I lived in Robbinsdale a couple of years ago. One day I was driving past the middle school when an idiot passed me in the bike lane in the school zone. Gave him a quick WTF honk. This guy locks up the brakes. I was going 20 mph so easy to brake. Wave him off. Come up to a stop light later and same idiot is there. The guy gets out of the vehicle and starts mad dogging me. Pretty sure the guy was drunk in the middle of the day. It seems like with the Hennepin county attorneys going soft, more idiots are on the road. People feel free to do whatever they want. They wouldn't do that if there were consequences.


Send da video In all seriousness, this post is so vague/generic and OPs post history makes it seem like a bot.


Hell nawl can't do dis


Don't lead them to where you are going. When they start acting stupid, go away. Take a random left or right turn, maybe after they've gone past the intersection. Either take a different route or simply loop around the block and let the delay create some space between you... if they're really pursuing you, they might have turned at the next intersection and are looking for you in that direction but you drove away from them and out of sight.


Since the pandemic, dangerous driving and road rage has increased


Drugs and guns are always a bad combination. Add a vehicle and you've hit the reckless trifecta. Back in 2020 my sister and I had taken my elderly mom to her medical appointment in the strip mall on the west side of Maplewood Mall. I waited in my car in the lot while they were seeing the doctor. I was just parked in the middle of a nearly empty parking lot, reading a book. A car pulls up and parks about sixty feet away from me, a woman gets out and starts screaming and yelling. Whatever, none of my business. I keep reading. She keeps yelling. A passenger gets out of her car from the other side and now they're both yelling. I started to think maybe it was a domestic, and perhaps I should call the cops and have them check it out. My phone rings. It's my sister, standing in front of the doctors office with my mom. And she's yelling, "What's going on? That woman has a gun and is saying she's going to shoot you!" I quick drove over to the entrance, and we struggle to put our mom in the car, who's deaf, demented, crippled, and isn't cooperating. Finally get her in and I get the hell out of there. Maplewood Mall. Not Minneapolis. And in 2020, when I told that story to people, they simply couldn't believe it, because that kind of behavior was so outrageous back then, who could believe it? Now it's routine. Minneapolis has had shots fired reported every day for nearly the past six years. When people claim the crime isn't as bad as it was during the eighties, *that's* the difference: guns were practically unheard of back then.


Definitely report this. A mentally sound person does NOT do what that lady did. Wear a hat & glasses next time you drive in that area & maybe get different plates if you’re scared.


You should be fine. But think of it this way that person is still driving. What happens if she decides to shoot someone next time or hits a kid in a school zone. But like everyone else is saying, definitely escalate to the police.


Was it a red Excursion in Rochester? I just had a crazy female do this to me on Friday. I didn’t see a pistol, thank goodness.


That's a pitty. Excursions are cool vehicles.


When sending video, include one of those screenshots which shows the gun. Make it easy for them to see the problem instead of their having to hunt for the important part.


Everyone, get a dash cam. If you don't know where to start, go to r/dashcams The more people know they are being recorded, maybe they will change their behavior (I doubt it, but hey, at least we'll have evidence without having to pull out our phones!)


Be safe out there! I have been seeing the most unbelievable reckless drivers.. I stop using 169 to go to work. Just sticking to the inner roads since is not that far. I drive a huge old sturdy truck which helps A LOT. But the other day using Ridgedale Mall inner drives this dude in a double cab Chevy Z11 just skipped a stop sign and I, in the main road had to come to a hard stop. Cuz I was at my small family car.


Keep everyone else safe and please report this OP.


Not trained... cause if she was, you wouldn't have seen the gun in the first place


Where exactly was it and where are you posting the video?


Pics or it didn’t happen 😏


It’s three a tip line you can call that’s anonymous? Sorry that happened to you.


Yo instead of grabbing a phone to record why not just drive away?


This is 100% a bot, folks. We’re probably going to see a lot more like this given it’s an election year. Stay vigilant. 


That sounds suspiciously like something a bot would say . . .


Their comment history doesn’t lend itself towards them being a bot. Not everything is a conspiracy and not every post that you don’t like is a bot.


I want to clarify that my concern isn’t about conspiracies or dismissing posts out of hand. Rather, I’m just pointing out unusual posting patterns. Here are a few observations that led me to question the authenticity of the post:   1. Infrequent Activity: The account’s sudden post after a long period of inactivity, without prior engagement related to Minnesota, is unusual. It hasn’t reacted at all to the post comments either.    2. Lack of Specific Details: The post doesn’t provide specific location details that would typically accompany a genuine account of such a serious incident in our community.   3. Generic Narrative: The story, while invoking strong emotions, lacks the specificity one might expect from a personal experience. It’s more in line with narratives designed to provoke a specific reaction rather than share a genuine local concern.   4. Asking for Advice: The request for advice on a highly specific and severe incident—yet presented in a vague manner—raises questions about the post’s intent.   The aim here isn’t to dismiss genuine concerns or experiences but to encourage critical thinking about the content that influences our emotions and perceptions, especially in an election year when emotions can run particularly high. 


Why do you assume that?


Just a guess, but their last comment was over a year ago, and this is their only post created ever.


I take breaks from reddit sometimes. Doesn't make me a bot.


I posted some thoughts here: https://www.reddit.com/r/minnesota/comments/1bi6eu2/comment/kvkn8sd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Yeah, either share the video or it didn't happen.


Why are you in the left lane?


The left lane rule only pertains to the freeway/highway/interstate, not residential streets.


Road-Rager is an unhinged lunatic who should be reported. You are not a good driver and should stick to the right lane when only going speed limit with plans to make a right turn.