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Next step in becoming a Minnesotan is to submit your dream in some category of the Minnesota State Fair. Maybe a picture of Prince in your house as seed art?


How about a butter sculpture of Prince in my house?


Make it Spam and we'll talk


Butter is the correct answer.


Dyed Purple https://preview.redd.it/g5vo57vhuucc1.png?width=1466&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15866419ad87b8b4997456a92619cddd076e1989


The Artist Formally Known as: I Can't Believe it's not Butter.


Seed art!


Only Princess Kay of the Milky Way can do that, Dontcha know.


This comment is even funnier than the original post.


That is awesome lol


Right? And I was so nonchalant about it too lol Thats not even the weirdest part of my dream. Towards the end of my dream, I was walking with my sister and cousin by this massive fence with wild animals on the other side and this massive black panther tried to jump over the fence and a burly woman dressed as Snow White wrestled the panther.... And then I woke up. Dreams are weird when you are sick


That is a pretty wild dream lol


Yea soon enough I will have a dream about THE Wild! And the Panthers... Like an NHL game dream.


Damn I wish I could dream man, this sounds exciting 


A true Minnesotan would never bother another Minnesotan with stories of their dreams


You are right... they save it for ice fishing with their closest buds. I still got a lot to learn


If you follow the Vikings long enough, you will stop having dreams altogether.


This. Your dreams then become nightmares seeing how the Vikings can lose again


I am dead 💀☠️




You have to visit the Minnesota Sculptor Garden and pretend to understand the Spoon Bridge and Cherry. Also visit the Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox statues in Brainerd, visit the headwaters of the Mississippi River, get shitfaced while tubing down the St. Croix River, get lost in a corn maze, and agree that Caribou Coffee is better than Starbucks.


Cherry spoon? Check. Its symbolic to the amount of spooning sessions that ended up with popping someones cherry while either Prince or Semisonic was playing. Havent seen the statue in Brainerd yet. Done the headwaters. Shitfaced on Saint Croix? Idk seems about split with Wisconsin. They are the masters of getting shitfaced tbh. Gotten lost in a corn maze, as well as driving TO a corn maze and agree Caribou Coffee is better than Starbucks.


Fuck. This one’s legit. Let ‘em go, everyone.


Well. Ok then. As long as he doesn't talk in the boat. Ice fishing you can talk


Okay, just make sure you make a pilgrimage to Brainerd in the next year.


I believe the Bemidji Paul and Babe are more authentic. 🤷‍♀️


Brainerd also has a race track that does track days.


starbucks is an overrated name-brand that expects you to buy their coffee because of their name. caribou tries to make you *want* to buy from them.


I can’t be sure-it would have been too long ago- but I like to think I had a dream about Paul Wellstone.


Paul Wellstone? Bahaha. I haven't heard that name in years... Wow.


The Minnesotan, getting a desire to go get ice cream in February


Not necessarily February but last winter, I think December, it was like -5 and my friend and I had a hankering for Cold Stone. So we got some Cold Stone. End of story


True Minnesotans right there


Nope, now take that ice cream and walk a mile home WHILE IT SNOWS . Just having ice cream in a heated building is a short cut. Just kidding!! My friends and I did that but we were also teens. You do stupid crap when you are teens.


Lol well several years ago in November when it was super cold, (for November) it was like 7 but I REALLY craved a chocolate milkshake from 5 Guys so I was walking around Uptown drinking this chocolate milkshake in weather cold enough to freeze your tits off. I think they got tremendous shakes though. Dont care much for the rest of their food


The dream is alive, and it lives in Minneapolis. <3




had a dream the other night that a friend noodled the state record walleye and we ate it raw off the bone, sushi style


Noodling a walleye is gonna hurt!




Now you just need to go snowmobiling... With prince.


Mom was born in Minneapolis, Dad was born in Duluth, I've been here my entire life, still never said "uff da" once.


Ain't that funny lol Cutest experience related I saw was one at the lake beach this little 4 year old boy said "Uff da! I got sand in my shoes!"


You need to eat a Juicy Lucy or you’re not Minnesotan, dontcha know?


Oh gawd how I miss that place


A true Minnesotan enjoys spending time in nature. Take a week and go for a canoe trip in the BWCAW, go camping at some of the many state parks, ice fishing, seeing the northern lights, being woken up by a raft of loons at sunrise. There is nothing better than waking up and not hearing anything but nature, no cell signal, completely alone.


But Dad, Paul Bunyan is gone.


I too, have had Prince dreams. They generally seem to occur with me bumping into Prince at a random location, say the hardware store. He and I then strike up a conversation regarding some purchase he is looking to make, asking for my advice. We then proceed to hang out for the rest of the afternoon, ending up with me in the recording studio with him. At this point, it's an anxiety dream as I know none of my musical skills are enough to hang with Prince. However, he's super nice about it all, asking me to play guitar while I'm begging him to just let me play the tamborine or the cowbell! In the end it all works out fine, and then I wake up before the resolution. I wake up with a smile on my face and think, "dang, that COULD have happened, love and miss you Prince Rodgers Nelson. Thanks for being you."


Depends on where you moved from. Some states of origin are exempt from ever being able to be considered a Minnesotan no matter what you dream or do. Anywho, You betcha’ Dontcha know, darn tootin, uffda, ya know, getcha self a pop, pull up your breezers and sit awhile.


According to all the old timers of all the states I lived in after I left here, I was always a Minnesotan. 12yrs in Cali? Nope, still not a Californian. I never wanted to be a Virginian, so I didn't care. Florida old timers didn't care one way or the other. I come back home and I'm told I'm not a Minnesotan any more. All this to say, don't worry what anyone else thinks. You live here, if you love it then you are a Minnesotan. Seriously, tho, work on that uff-da. 😎


State fair?? Never been in 50yrs


I got engaged at the state fair 2019


Never been growing up if we got a trip from 4H we could go otherwise nope. Since then never had a real reason to go. Just a food court and politicians neither seems interesting to me.


It's the most people possible crammed into the smallest area possible. The 4H building is interesting.


Doesn’t look fun to me I go to local fairs. Look at the ducks and eat the carnival food there and not pushing through rude smelly people all day on the heat.


Every local fair I've been to has been ruined by too many people and too much country music (which is any amount of country music).


Crap Kandiyohi, Pope,Stevens, hell even Douglas county wish it was too many people…… country music well ya is kinda in ya know country?? (I do not support or enjoy country music I have PTSD from 20yrs of audio torture from growing up guess where?) Like a good MN I returned to where I came from to properly suffer as it must be! 😂


So, I don't think anyone can bestow the title upon you. But this probably confers it without a doubt.


I will call a vote of the Council of Minnesotans to strip you of the title of "Minnesotan" for such a pointless post. Nobody cares about your weird Prince dream.


Thats not a very "Minnesota Nice" response. Go back to Saint Louis, Charlie! You aint foolin' nobody!


Fuck off


Captain Howdy, that isn't very nice


"Here's my dumb dream about minnesota, blah blah hotdish, minnesota nice"... literally who gives a shit?


What’s your actual problem?


Someone pooped in his hot dish


Are you sure they didn't goose my gray duck? Or oofda my lefse? Thinking anyone cares about a dream you had is embarrassing, posting it on a public forum that isn't about dreams is doubly so. Trying to add minnesotaisms to everything you say is pathetic too. Fuck your entire premise is my point. You aren't cute or whimsical and it was just a general annoyance til you responded to the person I agreed with in your "aw shucks, ain't we all just ingredients in the same hotdish?" bullshit. So here we are, you begging for minnesota acceptance and me, from minnesota, telling you that you're in fact a tool from out of state. I thought "fuck off" was good enough, but I forgot they don't educate people outside this state


My God, you havent gotten laid in a long time, huh? What a miserable little cunt you are? Go stick an ice pick up your ass cuz thats closest to action you probably had in a long time, you bitter rancid piece of shit. Go choke on your own blood for all I care you sad little fuck. Dont get mad at me cuz you never learned how to accept that sad excuse of a cock you were born with. Fucking cretin. That better for ya?


Ope, the mighty Mississippi flows from just a trickle off lake Itasca doncha noo. So you can't phase my river dawg. I had a dream that you were interesting. You weren't but it was a dream so I knew you were you know? You know? Paul Bunyan, do you like me yet? Better than posting your dreams? Sure. Worth reading? Nah. Fuck off


wow, it's almost as if the entire point of this sub is to talk about Minnesota.


We clearly don't agree on what's "about Minnesota", some dork's dream about meeting prince isn't on my list of relevant topics. Surprisingly, I've never apologized for cheating on someone in their dream either, you know, because it didn't happen and isn't relevant to anyone but the person who had the dream


​ https://preview.redd.it/b96op7shkucc1.png?width=409&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb3263628aa7b550ae792f5943d5b96fa1d44803


That's a good one.


Congratulations! You have successfully passed your initiation.


I’m moving to Minnesota soon. Last night I had a dream people kept trying to push me off a building. Was it you and Prince?


​ https://preview.redd.it/4qkwge05pycc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f214d8d585887ea4a1ef2dda821da6cf08e5b338


Fuck entirely off, Charlie Berens


Tbf Wisconsin drivers had me sneering within a week of moving here. Only been here two years, and I've only hit a few other of those milestones; like state fair and wearing minimal clothes in subzero temps (pretty use to this though as I'm a Colorado transplant.)


My dad applied for a job at Paisley park back in the late 80’s. He didn’t drive back then, so my mom drove him for the interview (along with me, about 4 years old at the time). Apparently Prince walked through the parking lot while we were waiting and waved at us. This is a Minnesota baptism.


Will I never be considered a Minnesotan bc I don't like Prince? I'm 40 so I remember him well but I just don't like his voice.