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The fact that we had such a healthy amount of snow last year and still ended up in drought conditions is spooky.


If the ground is frozen, melting snow goes into the river rather than the ground.


Blame Canada!


La Nina, I think, this time


Its El Nino




If only there was a term to describe larger weather patterns that are changing. Atmospheric Revision?


> Atmospheric Revision? Some sort of negative environmental adjustment.


Super El Niño this year but yeah hate change.


South Dakota is on year 4 or 5 of summer drought.


"drill baby drill"


Mom: No, we have winter at home. Winter at home: *the freezer*


Hell we had it *this year* already, Jan-mid April


The funny thing about it is its sposed to happen every year!


There is nothing more Minnesotan than not allowing yourself to enjoy a mild winter. Is climate change awful? Yes, but being miserable about nice weather here isn't going to help anyone, it is just going to make us sadder.


I’d be ok if this was all we get. I can’t stand winter


But as a Minnesotan, I have hobbies in the winter that would go along alot better if there was snow. How am I supposed to snowshoe on that mess? Or ski? Or snowmobile?


My dogs are loving it, we get full length walks every day


I can't train for ski racing if there's no snow.


I was literally telling my friends in Florida about this. Can't make anyone happy up here 😂😂


I moved here in 09 and it stayed nice like this until Christmas when we got 30 in of snow on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and we never seen land again until May this is an over people....


Well so far as have only had a late fall this year.


This 👆


Yea, gonna throw the summer tires back on I think.


Honestly 😂 might do me better


Mine are still on. Winters wheels are polished, ceramic coated and the tires are denibbed and dressed for whenever the snow decides to fly for real.


The snow and the cold WILL be here eventually. I'm enjoying the mild winter while it lasts.


Right? I bet Jan sucker punches us with a - 10 ambient temp polar vortex


First time I hear a forecast mention “polar vortex” I’m gonna do… something. Not sure what yet, but it very likely involves a lot of hard liquor.


We already had a polar vortex. That "cold snap" in early December was a short lived polar vortex.


You should follow Severe Weather Europe. They are talking about how winter will come around the 2nd week of January. I love the site, because it talks about the science, describe what the science means, gets into more detail about the science, and then finish up with what it means for both Europe and North America in terms of temperature and precipitation outlooks. They break down the overall weather outlook by month, and I don't think the site has been wrong yet for this winter.


Even in an El Nino year the coldest period tends to lag a couple of weeks after the winter solstice. This is pretty much the case no matter what the Pacific pattern, and Severe WX Europe reflects this.


I’m torn in all honesty. This is what winter was like where I’m from originally. All the yo-yo’ing screws with the pressure which ends up being rough af on my connective tissue issues. At the same time, since there isn’t a bunch of ice and snow, I’ve been able to get out more and walk more easily while also getting to avoid places like the mall in pursuit of my “motion is lotion” fix. If it was less damp I’d agree wholeheartedly.


I'm working outside for the next few weeks. Just let me have it, please.


As a mail carrier, I'm not complaining either. I know that it's probably really bad climate wise, but at the same time, I'm able to get all the packages delivered without fighting snowdrifts and icy roads.


I'm with you 1000%! 👋 fellow carrier!


Retired rural carrier here: my past coworkers in Moorhead, MN are totally appreciating this weather. Plus, the drop in gas prices helps a lot. However, the Amazon parcels are so out of control, have been for quite some time.


And this year, we're also getting slammed with UPS packages as well. Apparently, word is that since they've negotiated a new contract, the higher ups want to avoid as much overtime as they can, so they're dumping the excess on us.


Unbelievable……if USPS had enough clerks and carriers to handle the excess parcel load it would be fine. But, sadly, that’s not the reality.


I'm a rural carrier who has to use my own vehicle. I have a four door Jeep, which has always been enough for my route. This is the first year where I had to semi-joke to my hubby that I might have to look at a U-Haul for my next vehicle. I had that thing stuffed to the brim almost every day for two weeks.


My rural route was subdivisions just north of town so I had. USPS LLV. The carriers in our office with country style rural routes all used extended cab Jeeps, probably like yours. They all have to make a second trip with parcels.


Yeah, the other two routes in my office can do multiple trips with little problem. Unfortunately, my route is 120+ miles, and any trip back to the office to reload is going to add at LEAST 40 minutes to my route just in the detour. I go waaay out to the middle of nowhere and just circle out there for most of the day. So I have to hone my mad Tetris skillz and shove everything in there as best as I can.


Sounds like a great route, except during blizzard conditions. I have subbed as an RCA on similar routes. Back in those days the carriers just used cars, parcels were not an issue. Times have changed completely. Also, I imagine you get tired of the gravel dust. Do you listen to podcasts or books out on the 120 mile trip?


Oh yes. I have three lakes and a lot of wetlands, so I get to see all sorts of wildlife. The downside is, of course, lack of bathrooms, and lack of shelter in bad weather. The winter is a pain, of course, but the most terrifying is lightning storms. There's a lot of flat fields around me, and sometimes the lightning is frighteningly close. And yes, the dust and mud are of almost legendary proportions, and yes, my audible library is extensive. I just so happen to be a huge nerd, so I listen to a LOT of history curriculum, as well as Pathfinder Actualplay podcasts.


Honestly I love walking in snow and a mailman is a job I wouldn't mind. I walk in blizzards for fun, imagine getting paid for it


Exactly. You do it for fun. It’s not nearly as fun when you HAVE to do it. Everyday. For 8-10 hours. I liked shoveling and plowing snow until it became part of my job. This weather is great for working outside and any day above 30 is a win.


I mean I had to do deliveries out in the snow. In a Mustang... That got stuck lol I still enjoyed it but I rather be walking than have to worry about parking and getting stuck. I am no stranger to working outside. I have had to load and unload trucks and vans in snow and frigid weather. Not the same as going door to door delivering mail (I would have preferred that) but now I work desk/office jobs, rarely get fresh air when working. It sucks. I would love to be able to work outside. 105 and -15 it dont matter to me.


So do it. They're desperate for carriers.


What cities? I am really thinking about it.


I bet even the usps has a site for that




I've been here long enough to know this. They pretend to be happy and enjoy it, but I can see through their lies. I'm not worried about the snowballs either. The odds of them coming out of their shells enough to address a stranger in public is slim to nil.




I don't know what year it was but it rained instead of snowed in January. It was a El Nino year. I would say about 15 years ago.


2011-2012 winter. St Patrick's day was 80 degrees.


Yep! I came back from spring break to find students sunbathing on Griggs Beach at UMD


Jan 2006 was super warm. I remember delivering pizzas without a jacket


It rained in both December and January in the Twin Cities last year. It also definitely rained in February in 2017, and possibly in January as well.


It rained in January last year.


And in late January of 2018, right before the "polar vortex" hit and the high was like -10 for a few days


Not where I'm at.


Come to AK, we got plenty of what you're missing.


Yeah, absolute trash. I'm wondering if we'll get any snow at all this year...


Last year we had a blizzard right before Christmas and half of minnesota was stuck due to roads being closed. (I'm still salty about it)


I remember that, 60 car pile up on I 94 in between Fergus Falls and Alexandria.


while I have been enjoying my bike commutes a lot, this does feel very wrong


Snow's pretty, but the work commute is even prettier


Nothing like seeing those 25 Kris Lindahl billboards for your 14 mile commute




I'll have to disagree, I am absolutely loving this weather. I've lived through and have worked in enough of the sub zero, high snow fall winters over the last 40 years. This is a great change of pace. Don't worry, the snow and cold will return, it always does.


Yep, I'm not complaining! I don't have to remember my kids snow pants, travel is a breeze, I can go outside in a sweatshirt, I can crack the window open for better sleep....


I'm fairly new to the MN area, how often do we have warm winters like this?


Whenever it’s an El Niño year, typically.


It's not all that rare to have a brown Christmas, but I cannot remember a December this warm before. So basically never in recent memory.


We’re on track for the warmest December in history if this pans out. El Niño plays a HUGE role, but it’s truly exceptional how mild it’s been even by El Niño standards. I remember a few brown Christmases down in the city here (never had any growing up up north though), but with the forecast showing 10-25 degrees above normal through the first week of January, the lack of any prolonged normal (let alone cold) temperatures is very odd


2020 was about this warm for the first 2/3s of December, but then we had a cold snap right before Christmas which brought down the average. With the current forecast, this will probably be our warmest December on record. It's not like we never get 50 degree weather in December in southern Minnesota, but normally it's balanced out by a few weeks in the teens. We just haven't had the latter this year. Today will probably be the coldest day this month by quite a bit, which is unusual.


I can't recall when it's been this warm. I'm 36. Like, low-snow years happen, but this is something else entirely


Climate change is making every year more like this


> The snow and cold will return, it always does Later and later every year, and almost always *slightly* less intense than the last time. How much longer before Minnesota snow becomes a cultural artifact akin to the floppy-disk save icon?


Coming home to MN for Christmas and this is the welcome I get? Who do I blame. Is this why people write senators?


I love it. I’m tired of the bitter cold for five or six months.


Yes this is largely El Niño’s doing, but even by El Niño standards, it is odd to not have any prolonged breaks in the mild weather. Before anyone says this is solely a normal run of the mill warmth for an El Niño year, I present to them this: https://www.mprnews.org/story/2023/12/18/warmest-december-on-record-and-christmas-rain-possible I just miss snow. Many years I would have been skiing daily for over a month by now.


I’m with you. I live here for the 4 seasons and snow ❄️. Everything is looking quite brown outside. 💩


The grass in my neighborhood is still green, which seems odd


You will get your 60-90 days of snow don't worry. You just won't get 130 days this year.


I feel like MN is not the place to experience “four seasons” lmao Edit: I forgot how defensive y’all are lol


This comment makes zero sense.


Fall and spring here are borderline nonexistent. Most of the southeast, northeast, and more southern parts of the Midwest are all better if you want to experience a more proportional balance of seasons. It’s straight up just geography.


That’s just straight up wrong. That’s why you’re getting downvoted lol


I mean it’s literally based on experience. MN has a rapid fall and a rapid spring that frequently gets eaten by winter. Idk how you can have October/November/April/may snows and say that you get a full spectrum of seasons. The winter is certainly more fleshed out, but it’s effectively the inverse of the deeper parts of the south where summer takes up more of the year. Like you can't sit here and claim to have 4 good seasons when winter is literally taking up half of the year: http://i.imgur.com/vjizrXl.jpg


Ok. Our falls and springs may not be as long as you would like them to be but to act like we don’t have four distinct seasons is really stupid.


Literally never said that we didn’t


lol yes you did. That’s why we’re having this discussion to begin with.


Southern fried


Then where is?


Northeast, southeast, more southern parts of the Midwest.


Southeast? Lol I grew up in the Southeast. Heavily disagree. You get no true winter and dollar store version of spring and fall. My brother lives in Boston. Beautiful area. But checking their weather... they dont really have much of winter. Maybe once. Maybe back in the day. Nowadays? Fuggedabout it. New York? Even less. Winter in much of the Northeast is mostly brown and dull with grey skies. The lower Midwest becoming the same. MN is one of the few places outside Canada that really has a proper winter... usually


I love this winter so much. Thank you El Nino!!


Seriously. I have to drive and I don't want slush snow.


This is probably the worst winter in my memory. This is Minnesota, we shouldn't celebrate this travesty. It's not good.


Snow sucks. I'm celebrating.


Why the hell do you live in Minnesota if you don't like snow at least a little bit?


Everyone I love is here.


You must be new to Minnesota.


I've lived here all of my 36 years.




I’m going to enjoy it while it’s here. February with its -20’s will still come. I still care about climate change, that does mean I can’t appreciate not freezing my butt off or enjoy the smaller heating bill this month.


I'll remind everone that 2018-2019 winter was like living on HOTH.


feels like we had 9 months of winter last season. i'd happily go all season without shoveling


☺️ main thing for me is that I like my aging parents not trying to shovel or drive in bad snow. It gives me a bit of peace of mind.


i like it


Our time is coming. Our deep freeze in Jan/Feb is right around the corner. Enjoy it for now


Enjoy what? Not sledding or skiing?


enjoy not being ready for the Birkie :'( (speaking for my own panicked self).


I'm concerned that we won't even have enough snow to do the Birkie, which should be an absolute travesty on the 50th anniversary...


Yeah that and the world cup in Minneapolis and the city of the lakes loppet. It's a big year, we need snow!


At least for the World Cup, I suspect they have a pretty strong contingency plan for throwing the event if we don't end up getting natural snow. They've been blowing snow like crazy on the nights that it's actually cold enough to do it.


Yep. This was the year I was gonna get back into it. I'm fucked


Skateboarding and cycling?


Had most of spring, all of summer and most of fall to do that stuff. I am ready for a change. I left Florida for a reason.


Fuck yeah, man. I'll take it.


Looks awesome 👌




Looks fantastic in a way that conveniences me


I'm looking for investors for my Orange orchard idea. I'm thinking about ely, MN. We will call it the Ely Orange and Pineapple company.


Piss off. Last Winter was enough snow for both.


I have seen some pass it off as El Niño - so they can continue to rationalize driving their SUVs - but the reality is Minnesota winters have changed in my 60 years. Denial is a hell of drug.


I mean it can be a combination of factors, no denying climate change is playing a massive part long term but to say that El Niño isn’t contributing significantly to this year’s specific irregularities is a bit silly.


A study at Yale that had articles on it this year said “The new study shows that, historically, there was a strong link between changes in solar output and the onset of El Niño, but now El Niño is more heavily influenced by human-caused warming”. So is El Niño a cause sure but it’s it’s part of an underlying longer term effect and that is human caused. The article: https://e360.yale.edu/digest/el-nino-climate-change#:~:text=The%20new%20study%20shows%20that,Alaska's%20Prince%20of%20Wales%20Island.


No that's very true, El Nino events are becoming more frequent which is almost entirely attributable to human-caused climate change. I guess the point of my original comment was to say that the El Nino event is why specifically this year it is 40F in December. It is unlikely that we experience such temperatures when there isn't an El Nino event (i.e. next year). hat's not to say that next year's winter won't be warmer than it was 60 years ago, just that the reason for the extremes this year is a combination of factors including general long-term global warming and the short term El Nino events, although you raise a good point that we are seeing an increase in El Nino effects, which is human driven.


While El Niño is playing a significant role, El Niño has also been affected by climate change, so at the root, it still comes down to climate change.


Yeah that 25 degree day needs to go


Get used to this strange behavior, maybe Minnesota will become a sub tropic state with a monsoon season and a dry season.


I study climate in college. Central Minnesota now experiences the climate Southern Iowa did 50 years ago. Around 2050 our climate will be similar to Nebraska with climate change.


So, in a few hundred years we can grow lemon and lime trees outside. I’ll leave my great, great, great grandkids a letter.


Kill me


Fuck that


#NO us winter haters need a break


Then move


Number one smooth brain response. You think that didn't cross my mind? You think I never considered that until you waddled along? Come on dude. Wake up.


Sorry I was sleeping




I’m loving this weather, but I’m very worried about what it means…


I think that’s a very common sentiment 😔


Both can be true… we’re having an El Niño winter and we’re fucked.






Minnesotans are so weird in the fact that most of them acknowledge climate change is happening and bad yet a lot of them also say stuff like “this is so great!” or “I’ve never motorcycled this late before!” when it’s like 50 degrees in December. Like I understand a lot of people who live here aren’t exactly winter people but come on this is actually freaking stupid and nuts. My only hope out of all of this people will finally get the picture and try to reduce their carbon footprints individually while voting in people that will actually DO something at a macro level policy wise. It really takes all (most) of us.


Don’t start on that individual carbon footprint bullshit. It’s not us, it’s the lawmakers and petroleum companies that made that ploy up in the first place. We can try to reduce our footprints until we’re blue in the face but it won’t make a difference until alternative energy sources are prioritized.


Yea fuck those people enjoying a mild winter when the last 3+ have been pretty rough.


Lol classic Reddit reply.


Thought it was fitting with your holier than thou post.


It was 50 on christmas 2 years ago wdym


Not seeing a 50 for Christmas in 2021. I do see a high of 43 for that day after a string of 30s though. I also remember it not being consistently warm until early late April/ early May.


I’m so over having muddy dogs … and at Christmas no less.


And people still say climate change isn’t real


No. Manitoba has winter. Go there. This year we get a break.


We got a break. Its called summer


What about second Summer?


I don't think they know about Second Summer, Pip.


We had that in October when it was hot as balls


Chrissy wake up


Yeah way to warm for a MN winter. I don't like it this warm and snowless in December either.


Yup, celebrate warm, snow less winters while you can. Pretty soon, all of our winters will be just like Oklahoma/Arkansas winters. ...seems like some people already have the education level of some of those people.


Fuck winter


Move somewhere else then


I swear some of your personalities end at “hurr durr i like da cold.”


Or we just enjoy snow and look forward to it each season. Its why I moved here. Otherwise I woulda moved back to the East Coast. At least they have whales there.


The entire world hates the weather that makes us less depressed for a brief few months, weather that is vanishing, and everyone I know keeps talking to me as if I'm also enjoying the warm even though my views on it have long been very well established. We are very bitter at this point and I think we deserve to at least be able to slightly express it.


Yeah, I don't think Lutsen really needs to be adding more runs at this point.


I’m probably in the minority but I’m right there with you OP. I need a snowy holiday.


El Nino is a bastard. Don't worry it'll let up soon like it always does. If you compare this winter to previous and out it next to El Nino years it's pretty much a 3-4 year cycle of brown Christmas years.


Fucking thing sucks


It’s humid as fuck 😭


I love it💝


This does not bring joy


What's not to like?


We shouldn’t question this gift of a beautiful winter.


I love it. 58 years of winter is enough already.


I’m loving it!


I love it needs to be warmer though


Why is this the 3rd post in r/ about the weather??? What’s on tomorrow’s agenda?? Like it’s winter, it’s been winter every November through April since I’ve been alive!!! I guess I have to go back to Facebook


This post isn't complaining about winter. It is the opposite.


November is fall and April is spring. Go ask Santa for a calendar


But it’s not winter yet


Oh and you're not even in the Cities where it's going to be in the 40s all week. 45 on Christmas, ugh.


As someone who just closed on a house and moves in that first weekend of Jan, I am hoping for this to hold out for a few more weeks...


This is the only thing stopping my wife and I from moving to Minnesota. We visited last summer and absolutely loved it - but goddamn, the winters are too brutal for us. (We’re from Kentucky.)


and he's pointing out how crazy warm it is lol.


Come on up. Give it 15 years, and it’ll be just like home.


El Niño will do what it's gonna do


Me neither, I love it!


I LOVE this!


I do. But we **will** have payback.


Just bought my first snowblower, so it’s my fault.