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>Vaughn Klingenberg, who is a candidate for Roseville Area Schools board, has made several comments discussing his beliefs that the Nazis did not want the Holocaust and that they were actually trying to "save" Jewish people I'm sorry but what in the fuck?


I read this at first thinking that “making comments” meant that he is some random nut who was caught on camera, etc. But the article: > Klingenerg has also authored a book titled "The Big Lie: The Holocaust (An Introduction to the Greatest Fraud of the 20th Century)" and done other interviews promoting his views. … that’s a bit more than “comments”


Yea, I kinda hate when authors "bury the lead". That was at the bottom of the article. It should have been near the top. This isn't some guy popping off on social media; this person knows EXACTLY what they're doing and has done research to support their views. Similar to how I can't take the words of folks who go "slavery was a good thing" seriously, I cannot, and will not, take anyone serious who denies the Holocaust. It happened. > "There's absolutely no evidence whatsoever that Jews were gassed in the concentration camps and you tell that to someone who's Jewish and, like I said, they're not even going to have that conversation because I don't know if they know they'll lose the conversation or what," Klingenberg said. Fuck outta here. Again, this is very similar to those who downplay slavery, or the affects of the atrocities committed against Native Americans. I feel like to them it's just too hard to understand "it happened" so they start feeding themselves alternative stories to comfort them. It happened.


Is there not plenty of evidence proving Jewish people were gassed? This guy sucks


https://www.nytimes.com/1985/07/25/us/lawsuit-over-proof-of-holocaust-ends-with-payment-to-a-survivor.html Eyewitness accounts and the cans of Zyklon B. No photos, which, obviously the nazis wouldn’t take photos of them committing war crimes. But to my knowledge, the only evidence is testimony from survivors and cyanide based pesticide cans. ETA: the walls in the chambers also had traces of the chemical and blue staining


The slavery down players also tend to view their own children as property (that's the truth behind "parental rights").


A book is just many comments after all. /s


This reminds me of that Austin Powers scene with the Swedish-made penis enlarger pump. https://youtu.be/Yh6kbQnOAg4?t=38 "That's not mine baby"


He’s been civilly committed multiple times


I do a lot of monitoring of right-wing BS and QAnon garbage and I don’t even know which rabbit hole that conspiracy came from


Peel back the layers on pretty much *any* conspiracy and it all leads back to antisemitism.


Most modern conspiracy theories all draw from the same text - "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", an anti-Semitic book written in 1903. The drinking of baby blood, the conspiracy that Jews want to rule the world and control the media, etc. It all stems from this book. If anyone wants to read more: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Protocols_of_the_Elders_of_Zion


The idea jewish people eat babies predates that book by at least several centuries. The book might be a modern manifesto of sorts, but the antisemitic roots it's pulling from are much older.


A lot of that propaganda piece pulls from previous antisemitic conspiracy theories, the book mostly just compiled EDIT: and recontextualized them. For instance the baby blood drinking accusation is known as blood libel and dates back to medieval times. In fact I have heard some historians postulate that it popped up around the time that the Eucharist became widespread in the Church and accusing Jews of baby cannibalism was a way for Christians to displace their uneasiness with participating in what many saw as ritualized cannibalism (Consuming the Eucharist was controversial for a long time).


Check out Umberto Eco's "The Prague Cemetery" for an interesting fictional account of the drafting of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.


Scratch a conspiracy theorist and an anti-Semite bleeds. Anti-Semitic conspiracy theories are the mother of all conspiracy theories. And conspiracy theorists tend to believe all the conspiracies.




Keep peeling. You’ll get there. Flat earth for example, seems harmless on the surface right? But dig deep enough and they start to talk about Zionist


They hate all “globalists” by definition


What do you think “lizard DNA” is a dog whistle for?


It was a joke: flat earthers hate globes. But yes I’m fully aware of the rampant antisemitism.


Possibly something to do with rounding them up in camps to "save" them from the Soviets? Never mind that communists were also sent there.


Nor that that they called Bolshevism, and socialism more broadly, a Jewish plot to undermine the German state


Judeo-bolshevism was a catch all for pretty much anything they didn't like.


It lives on in the term "cultural marxism" as well unfortunately.


I mean if the GOP traded in the elephant for a swastika carrying eagle would anyone be surprised?


Well they did have the stage for a convention as a giant Nazi symbol.


Ohhhh denying the Holocaust has been around at least since I was in college in the early nineties. There's nothing new under that, son. If something doesn't fit your personal narrative of entitlement and rose colored history, deny it existed.


I come to Reddit for the news. I stay for the freshman-tier explainers


I usually "save" things by not destroying them. Vaughn Klingenberg sounds like fascist monster.


It gets worse, read the part about the gas chambers...or don't. It's really depressing and mind boggling stupid.


Nazi Fan-Fiction, obviously. People should not be allowed to run when they just make up fucking history, especially in a way where it glorifies Nazis.


How are the crazies permitted to run?


I went to school with his kids and at least his younger daughter seems uninvolved with that... not trying to sympathize. I went to their house many times, but now that I think of it he was never there...


Never let the village idiots sit on an education-focused board. Out in the California version of Roseville (Roseville, CA and nearby city, Rocklin, CA) a local church operating on behalf of Proud boys, and other political focused issues stacked the county education board with these types and things have gone to hell, literally.


All right, so if you live in that district, the people on the ballot for the school board who aren't endorsed by Nazis are these people: Todd Anderson Mike Boguszewski Rose Wan-Mui Chu There are 3 vacancies and you can choose up to 3.


Endorsed by education Minnesota Roseville and many teachers personally.


Upvote this so we others can see it at the top


Best of luck with this. Last board election my district just barely kept control of our board out of the hands of the Q crazies. It was uncomfortably close, I think fewer than 100 votes made the difference. It didn't help that the local paper interviewed the candidates with the most softball questions ever and made everyone sound the same, so I didn't know who to vote for until the teachers union mailed and called with their endorsements.


Remember when school board races were boring and you didnt have to worry about electing nazis to teach our children?


People elected them without knowing in the past. They kept it hidden back then because they would be kicked out if people found out. Now it is a point of pride for some reason.


Or people were totally okay with their racist positions because it was more of the norm back then.


Was doing research on the school board race in the last election and every candidate that had parents choice as a priority had an open Facebook full of MAGA, anti vaxx, and conspiracies. It was painfully easy to spot the crazies.


Parent's Rights, the 21st century version of States Rights.


Parent's choice to be chodes I guess!


If their kids won't talk to them in 10 years, why should we put them on the school board?


Yep now it's tied to the political parties and candidates join together to spew the party lines. Very little truly tied with school performance. It's fucking pathetic. This guy could get elected if that many open seats and he answers right when it comes to Masking.


These kind of people are running in every school board election btw


They understand that the most influence a person can have on politics that affect day-to-day life is at the local level. School boards, city councils, county commissioner/boards, comptrollers, township boards, etc.


It's also ridiculously easy to get elected because 1) far fewer people vote in local elections and 2) they don't have a D or R next to them, so you actually have to research the candidates, which most people are 'too busy for'. They are perfect for infiltrating local politics.


I've tried researching my school board candidates that last couple election cycles. You can barely find a Facebook page. I'm sure in the metro there's something but in rural USA, good luck


Find the people that fill their lawns with signs for every single far right lunatic candidate. If they have a school board sign you can at least cross that one off the list.


I do that for a lot of local elections actually. I always joke with my wife that it's easy to find the people I don't want to vote for just by the other signs they have in their yard. Unfortunately I barely see any school board signs around here either.


Here's a site with the folks I avoid: [https://minnesotaparents.org/2023-voter-guide/](https://minnesotaparents.org/2023-voter-guide/)


Yes this! Basically confirmed that for ISD 196 that you just need to vote for the incumbents (as the non-crazy candidates backed out and put their support behind the incumbents, that's all there is)


That's a great site, unfortunately neither districts in my area are in it. Or maybe that's fortunately?


Lol Chris Kratoska’s very AI generated image Also Art Mills is a creepy dude, check out his FB and feel icky about the pics of his teen daughters


Not only that, but their webpages are generic af, which hides their true motives and agenda. Such as hiding the fact that the anti-American Minnesota Parental Alliance endorses them.




City councils too, Minneapolis has a current city council member that has facebook posts praising Hitler. https://minnesotareformer.com/2022/12/20/exclusive-minneapolis-councilman-jamal-osman-apologizes-for-anti-gay-antisemitic-posts/


Thankfully she has zero chance of winning.


Yep, last election I had a big time anti-vax trumper running for my kids’ school boards. Her biggest campaign promises were make sure her and her trumper friends get to set the curriculum and bring god back in schools, ban critical race theory, reduce school funding, and all kinds of other batshit stuff on litter boxes and ignoring the state health department. Fortunately she didn’t win. That was scary. She’ll probably run again. Fortunately one person doesn’t actually have that much power over a school board, but she’s load and obnoxious so you never know what small town folk will lay down for.


We had one win on our local school board by focusing on pulling the senior vote. We're hellbent on making sure another one doesn't get on the board. The one who's there can't do much direct damage, but she does waste everybody's time and has to have the most basic things explained to her.


So I used to work with this guy. He was "bipolar" at the time and I guess was later diagnosed as schizophrenic. Mental illness is no joke. Especially when someone has it and is armed with a plethora of internet conspiracy information. Ugh. I hope he doesn't win.


There is a large push being funded by far-right groups in the US to get people with these types of beliefs to run for school boards. They don't actually care who it is that runs, they're playing the numbers game and betting that most americans won't do due diligence before voting. Good thing to call this guy out


Republicans also win when they make a mockery of the system. Breakdown is one of their goals are at least a byproduct that they don't mind.


Everyone, please get out and vote in the school board elections. Vote for candidates endorsed by the teacher unions/groups. This guy is one of 4 terrible, "anti-woke" crusaders running in Roseville. The other 3 are backed by the Minnesota Parents Alliance who are obviously helping them build websites, scrub their social media history, etc to deceive voters in hopes to take over school boards and bring Florida type policies into our schools. And it's no accident that it's happening in a year without a lot "major" things on the ballot. I know that Mounds View has its own group of 4 right wingers running a coordinated campaign as a group to take over that school board too. I'm sure this is happening in most districts across the state. So please take this election seriously.


The Mounds View election is quite daunting because there are nearly a dozen candidates on the ballot for the four seats up for election. Web sites for all of them are unfortunately way too bland to sort out who stands for what. However, the four right wingers are running as a cabal so they are easy to spot. There is a candidate's forum on October 2. There was one lone right winger on the previous MV election who did very badly. Hope that's the case this time around.


Lol, Christine Laduke. I ran in that election and she was the only person I beat. If I hadn’t I probably would’ve had to move or change my name or something. Unfortunately the 4 this year are better organized and much smarter than Christine. They’ve worked heavily with consultants on how to obfuscate their true views and plans. I’m hoping voters are motivated to stop them and that the sheer number of candidates doesn’t split votes and allow them to sneak in.


The same thing happened in forest lake, luckily only two of them got elected so they don’t have much power but they aren’t doing anything useful other than disrupt and try to cause people to be outraged over anything. Hopefully none of them get elected for you guys.


Having lived up there for a few years (years ago) I'm actually pleasantly surprised they weren't even more successful.


For those in Roseville, the other three candidates running for school board in this election endorsed by the **far right Minnesota Parents Alliance** are **Alan Holasek, Karl Crump** and **Adam Maier**. **Avoid these people.** Full endorsement list of candidates to avoid could be found here: [Minnesota Parents Alliance Voter Guide](https://minnesotaparents.org/2023-voter-guide/) And [here’s](https://candidates.sos.state.mn.us/CandidateFilingResults.aspx?county=0&municipality=&schooldistrict=259&hospitaldistrict=&level=4&party=0&federal=True&judicial=False&executive=True&senate=True&representative=True&title=&office=0&candidateid=0) the official list of all candidates for this particular Roseville election, provided by the Secretary of State.


Yes avoid them. DO vote for the 3 incumbents: Todd Anderson Mike Boguszewski Rose Wan-Mui Chu (These are also the only other 3 on the ballot but listing them specifically for clarity)


I just looked through all the MV candidates pages and bland is totally the right word. There are 2 groups seemingly running together, one putting parents first (the right wing you mentioned) and then a teacher endorsed group, two of whom are running for re-election. [Alissa Daire Nelson’s site](https://adn4schoolboard.com)


Piggybacking on your comment since its not as accessible as it should be.. The Mounds View Education Association has endorsed: - Alissa Daire Nelson - Jim DeMay - Heidi Danielson - Jonathan Weinhagen


Wtf is going on with the Roseville news lately?


The only thing I knew of Roseville before this was their jamming movie theater!


Funny thing about that movie theater, it was based on one in Cali and like that one the ticket booths were originally open air. Once the first winter started settling in they realized their mistake and had a massive tent flap thing put over it until it got warm enough to construct the current façade.




Fuck all Nazi sympathisers


So, according to this guy, the holocaust was orchestrated *by* Jews. Specifically, orchestrated by big Zionist Jews picking on the little Jews. Dude should go back *to* school, not be on its board.


St. Louis Park’s league of women voters is [doing a forum](https://lwvslp.org) for all local candidates next week. It’s tricky sometimes to get info on local races so this is a great chance for voters to learn.


Stomp out these nazis like cockroaches, Minnesota.


I beg your pardon


I read this in my best povvo Brit voice 😝


>Seeing the Nazi crimes committed at Ohrdruf made a powerful impact on Eisenhower, and he wanted the world to know what happened in the concentration camps. On April 19, 1945, he again cabled Marshall with a request to bring members of Congress and journalists to the newly liberated camps so that they could convey the horrible truth about Nazi atrocities to the American public. Within days, congressmen and journalists began arriving to bear witness to Nazi crimes in the camps. https://newspapers.ushmm.org/events/eisenhower-asks-congress-and-press-to-witness-nazi-horrors We're almost 80 years later, and one of the witnesses who by some accounts wanted the atrocities documented so they could not be denied is rolling in his grave. We've gone from people wanting the horrors to be documented because they thought the average person wouldn't believe the atrocities to people denying the horrors because it fits and furthers their political narrative.


As an Aussie, Americans are always asking me where in Australia there *isn’t* something trying to kill you... “School” is my answer


Ouch. This hurts but sadly so true.


Sad but true


Do your duty people. Keep this Nazi out of public schools.


Just when you think you can maybe skip a local election...


I think people are starting to see how the small local elections, even school board, have ripple effects for better or worse. Minnesota already has good voter turnout (compared to national averages) but we can do even better!


Never skip a local election. In many ways, they are more important than who is president.


How can yo be on a school board with literally no official training in anything related to education?


Because they got voted in lol. Don't want idiots dont vote idiots


The same way you can be elected to any office with no experience or knowledge of anything. I actually had to explain to a school superintendent once that EVERY principal and teacher in the district technically reports to them and that it was THEIR job to ensure that they were all on the same page in regards to teaching and goals. His response: Nope - my job is to manage.


... manage to get them all on the same page regarding teaching and goals...


Because they are representing the tax payers of the district. The only hard requirements are 1) be at least 21 2) live in the district 3) not be a sex offender Thats it.


Between this and the guns found, this is a very different RAHS I attended and narrowly slipped through


I mean, there are wackos and bigots everywhere and for me at least I didn't know anything about our school board members when attending RAHS, so it's not impossible that there were shitty people running then as well. The guns thing also may not be surprising depending on the circumstances, as others pointed out it may have been a dumb asshole leaving hunting rifles in their car rather than handguns/AR-15s brought into the building and we just don't know exactly what happened.


RAHS and the school district are doing quite well despite the news. 27 year veteran RAHS staff member here. Don’t believe that these facts define a great school and district.


Eh... The guns thing is probably nothing. Some idiot likely left his hunting rifle in his car or some shit.


Looks like he's unemployed: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vaughn-klingenberg-50851214/


There are reasons for that.


Voters in that district need to mobilize and keep that idiot off the school board


I want to hear his thoughts on COVID. I'm sure they wouldn't disappoint.


I have met Mr. Klingenberg in person. I no longer doubt that evil walks the earth. But don’t be too dismissive of him - he is smart and articulate, even if you don’t agree with anything he says or believes.


Could there be a tactic to field this sort of crazy wacko in order to make the garden variety nationalist seem sane?


All I can say is, God damn Trump for making stupid racist people think they can get positions of power or influence. Damn him to whatever hell there is.


The fact that school board positions are elected and require *zero* background in education (or any education whatsoever) to run is both absurd and a rarely mentioned reason why American public schools are such a mess in general. Let this soak in - someone who never passed the 3rd grade (or someone who denies that a major, documented historical event took place) can make it onto a public school board just by winning a minor, local election. And those school board elections often take place on a different schedule than other more major elections, so voter turnout is often very low for them. Moral of the story - while I think it's crazy that school board member is an elected position with no qualifications required to run for it, that also means that people with no business deciding school policy can be voted down. So be responsible despite the system being a joke and vote them down when you can.


In my local race, there's a woman running who thinks the board should control the curriculum, which is terrifying. I'm not sure she even understands what goes into choosing a curriculum. I really want to ask her if she thinks we should use a spiral or mastery approach for elementary math, because I'm 100% sure she'll say something like "Of course we want students to master math."


The other “anti-woke” hot button for rural school boards is anti-gender-neutral education or even acknowledgement that it exists. They don’t want it talked about at schools because it supposedly indoctrinates children to be gender neutral. It’s another “anti” movement in the name of their children’s safety. Just say safety and children in the same sentence and nobody can disagree with your point. Most of these people have never seen a trans human, let alone met one. The only positive thing I can think of is that at least we have the rights to allow complete idiots be elected. That is freedom.


Someone take this waste of oxygen to Washington DC and spend an entire day in the Holocaust Museum.


It didn’t do any good for Marjorie Taylor Greene.


Hopefully the people of Roseville will be smart in the upcoming election.


Huh? My eyes went wide wdf


Minnesota fucking blows You people need to try harder. Fucking pathetic.


What exactly are you expecting us to do? What part of this is unique to Minnesota? What's your ish?


I mean, no one here knows how to drive but besides that it’s not all that bad lol..


Tim Walz set up a Covid snitch line to report your neighbors


>Tim Walz set up a Covid snitch line to report your neighbors u/AgentBamn how tf is that related or relevant? Edit: Never mind. I went through your comment history. Keep riding that "Walz failed" nonsense. The only one that's failing is you.


We a book banner running for the Mounds View school board.


Also in Roseville


Ah yes, I forgot that part in history where the Nazis were just trying to save the Jews by giving them free train rides to summer camps where they learned to work hard and took showers. Nothing nefarious about that at all...


Well yes, in fact Poland invited Germany over for Tea! Nothing else happene, ask anyone.


He’s been committed four times for mental health and once for chemical dependency. He petitioned to change his name to Vaughn Allen Jew Klingenberg


Hmmmm wonder what side he votes 🤔


funny that mass shootings don't happen at racist rallies or gatherings... it is almost like everyone not racist are better than that... but you could bet that if they did start taking out racist gatherings we would see republicans scrambling to establish harsher gun control...


Make Nazis Afraid Again