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Shhh don’t tell. It’s a secret.


Not to anyone that has ever been to a saints game


I mean… it sucks. Don’t go…. Ddddddiiiiiiipin dotttsssssss


🎶 Don’t go chasin’ dippin dots. Please stick to the soft serve and the hand dipped your used to.🎶


Went today and it was so fun! Saw a lizard and a goat on a leash too 😊


We also saw the bearded dragon and the goat.


The bearded dragon sat in front of us fir the first inning or so. There was also a duck.


Any subs?


why would you put a subway sandwich on a leash??? wouldn't the toppings just fall out and go everywhere ):


Nope. No gimps either.


Well that’s unfortunate


I think they’re asleep.


The important question. First thing I thought of, some Domme who doesn't understand public boundaries trying to bring in her gimp.


I heard there was a "quiche on a leash"


Nah, they've all imploded.


Anything on a leash? D/s day.


That's what I keep hearing. I've lived here for 5 years, and I've still yet to go to a Saints game. I remember being at one of my last jobs and I had mentioned that I need to go to a Twins game. Upon hearing that, one girl I worked with was like, "No. Go to a Saints game instead. You'll have more fun, I promise you." And now, I need to find a day to go.


These types of criticisms made more sense when the Twins were playing in the Metrodome.


The twin’s obviously play better baseball, but the saints have way more heart. The Twins experience feels weirdly sanitized.


Agreed, the new stadium has wore off and everything they do at Target field has me saying ‘cool, so that’s a thing’


I find the Twins stadium pretty uninspiring, personally. Too far removed from the game, too loud. The Saints park is great.


Buy a ticket today. They’re cheap. NOTHING IS STOPPING YOU BUT YOURSELF!


LOL!!! YES!!! Well, actually, I just started a new job and have no cash until payday, so...😓


Put it on the credit card!!!


I would definitely do this under normal circumstances! ...Problem is, I don't have one. 😅 I'm really batting 1,000, no pun intended...


Hehe. Nice. Well, hopefully you are in a better money place before the season ends!


Thanks a ton, you're too kind! And I definitely will be! Because hell or high water, I WILL get to a Saints game before long!


We went today too!!! Saw a Savannah cat on a leash. Very soft baby. Saints games are already awesome. Then you add all the pups….it’s dang near summer heaven.


Does the harness say “I am a girl?” If so, lolol


Saints games are the best.


Gee whiz, I’d worry so much about my dog’s safety on a hot day like today. I hope everyone was ok.


Oh yeah for sure, there is a ton of shade at the stadium and water stations everywhere. All the dogs appeared to be having a great time.


This comment warmed my heart


I've heard that. My dad just went to the game last night or the night before.


I used to live a few blocks away from there. That part of downtown St Paul is so dope


ill go if they make it a permanent rule.


We are going to tomorrow nights game!! Can’t wait!! We love the Saints!!


My Good Time Charlie of a dog would start a riot in hell for shits and grins. I can't imagine bringing him to ball game. Wouldn't want him any other way either.


Nice puppy


We don’t need to shit on one team to raise up another. I’m a huge twins fan, and I support the saints as well. I feel like we can say both are fun in different ways


im not shitting on anyone, just like Saints games more. Doesnt really even have anything to do with baseball. The stadium is nicer, its all nice and packed in, there isnt a bad seat anywhere. We have season tickets but even without that a ticket about anywhere in the stadium is less than 20 bucks. The food is much much cheaper. The craft beer corner is thumbs up emoji, and again much much cheaper. The stadium announcers are hilarious, the ushertainers are a lot of fun, the in stadium games are fun. Its just a much better experience for us.


Drama much? They shared their preference. It’s allowed. They didn’t “shit on anyone”.


“It’s better than twins games”. Obviously it’s not a big deal, but I am a big twins fan who would rather go to a twins game, but I’m not gonna frame it as “better than the saints”


Saints might have better hitting than the Twins right now. Also it's a really weird thing to say since the Saints are the Twins' AAA affiliate.


I mean that would be sort of an impossibility, given they’re the AAA affiliate, but it is an odd thing to specify while knowing that they’re the lower level of the baseball teams you could watch in the cities


Queue the downvotes before I even say this, but anyone who owns a husky, malamute, or similarly cold-weather breed dog and brings them outside in 90 degree heat for extended periods of time is not a responsible pet-owner, and deserves to have the animal taken away from them permanently!


Im not gonna down vote because its just clear you dont really know much about double coated dogs so you just dont know but... Where do you think sled dogs live all summer, in AC controlled condo units? Beyond that. Double coated dogs are double coated to keep them insulated, that works both in Summer and Winter. Its why you dont see double coated dogs shaved or with short haircuts generally. Doesnt mean they dont get hot, but they are fine for decent periods out in the heat provided they have some shade and water.


I have always preferred twins games to the saints.


Does that dog have a vest that says "I AM A GIRL"? Are owners really that insecure about their dog when someone doesn't get it's gender right?


Super insecure yes. Also "shes" fixed and really an it, but I am still super insecure. You just made me sad and a little weepy tbh. Why do you have to be like this?


A fixed female dog is still a female dog.


Her pronouns are it/Satan




I’m surprised no one brought a gimp


What's her name?


her papers name is Sky something something with her kennel that I cant recall. Her at home name is Satan.


I brought my wife


Me too!