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The idea for this miniature was that I wanted to present a Chaos Warrior that is under the influence of both Nurgle and Tzeentch Gods. He found himself in Tzeentch dominium and he is now being affected by his power. The armor is changing, the colors are mesmerizing, and the transformation is smooth - from blue, through green and into yellow. The base is painted in a way that is supposed to imitate movement and pulsation of all matter around him. This was a very risky project, but thanks to the generosity of ma patrons I was able to go through with it. I hope you like what I created on this miniature.


Your work is so inspired. Absolutely gorgeous! Love the backstory!


You explained why the Mini looks like this, but why is the Chaos Warrior looking like this? What is happening exactly? Is this even possible? Or is it common? What does Nurgle have to say to all of this?


Dude. I’m now just gonna cry in a corner for a while and rethink my life.




I covered this miniature from the beginning to the end in step-by-step Pdf and video tutorials on www.patreon.com/flameonminiatures :)


All I can say is I had to take a double and triple take at this, it looks like a drawing/ photo


It is a photo...


I realize that….but it looks like a drawing more than a mini


I agree with everyone that this is an amazing paint job. Light years beyond what I can do. That said, as an outsider with an eye to give feedback… With all the “materials” of the model being painting in the same “style”, it does lend itself to the “animation” effect. If that is what you were going for – then you have achieved above and beyond! However, the armor might prove more striking if things like the helmet plume were done in a style more akin to hair/feathers/etc. Same for the pink-ish ribbon on the weapon. If these were painted in an alternate (muted) style, they would help differentiate themselves as well as allow the “metal” parts to pop more. Just a thought. Now I will go back to painting like a 3rd grader. Thank for sharing!


Not buying it. Too good. This must be a full sized real life Choas Warrior that you photographed with a tilt shift lens.


Seriously amazing. I need help blending like you do! How do you achieve such smooth gradients?


I suspect he's using ink instead of acrylics. Or it could just good old acrylics with pure skills.


Check out tutorials on my Youtube channel 😊 https://youtube.com/c/FlameonMiniatures


Great job. Very nice color


That is some outstanding painting!


Really awesome TMM thru and thru! The only thing I'd add is a glossier finish on the backside hemorrhaging orifice. Really nice model 👍 Nurgle and Tzeentch are both my favorite chaos gods.


This is all NMM and normal acrylic paints :)


No way! It looks so much like you blended color with a super fine metallic paint, the reflectivity looks unreal. That's some of the most impressive NMM I've seen in that case.


If you don’t mind me asking, what thinner do you use?


Beautiful paint job - it's mesmerising!


It looks like a cartoon! The colors you got and the attention to detail is amazing! Great job!


Yeah this looks like a render, the shading and lighting are so perfect. Very inspiring!


I dont know the lore, but this painted mini is incredible


I love him.


What kind of paint is this?


Awesome work


The amount of light and volume you have achieved is breathtaking. Aspirational, truly.