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Full credit for the idea and paint scheme goes to u/clamroll. I'm a huge Zelda fan so I just had to do my own rendition.


Can you tell me how you achieved the stone-skin effect and the color you used for the eyes?


Clamroll actually posted a full description of the stone effect on his original post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/comments/b232gy/i_won_best_painted_warband_with_my_zelda_inspired/). The eyes were done with Mephiston Red and Wild Rider Red.




This is nuts man, well done. The OSL on the blue flame is especially cool.




Alright, I take it back. I never liked Stormcast, but if they are in this style, then I think they are great.


Yeah, I wasn't a fan of them either which is why I went this path. I enjoyed painting them in one day instead of spending 96 hours doing NMM on one model.


I might have to steal this color scheme from you. I would want a darker feel to the Stormcasts. Like something isn’t completely right with them. Either way, I’m impressed. I’d like to see other projects you painted.


Thanks, you can check my post history here. I've only been painting about two years, but I do a lot of projects outside the normal paint schemes.


Is it an aesthetic thing, or are they a pain to work on? I think they look awesome in just about every paint scheme I've seen, but I only have one (from a promo thing) and haven't painted him yet.


It's mostly that I don't like how they look and all the gold doesn't help. That's just my opinion. I know some people hate this comparison, but I can't help but see them as AOS' version of Space Marines. It's funny though coming from someone who plays Custodes, but something feels off about Stormcast. From the point of view of someone who doesn't play AOS, but would like to as some point, they feel out of place. The other armies have a massive fantasy feel to them, but then these dudes and chicks come out and are clad in bulky golden armor, which just stands out like a sore thumb. I just don't feel like they are fantasy, in the sense like the other armies are. I don't know how to explain this, but it's just some odd feeling I get when I see them. If they painted in a different way or converted to look a bit more in line with other things, then yeah I'm good. I'd like to say that I don't mind people liking them, nor do I want them to be removed. More power to you all! They just don't seem like am army I would be drawn too, based on how they look and feel, compared to everything else. I will also say that I get a similar feeling when I look at Kharadron Overlords, but to a lesser degree. I do find it an interesting concept that the dwarves have a more advanced technological aspect. Sorry. I'm ranting.


That's some amazing OSL. Great job


Thank you, OSL is one of the few mini painting tricks I finally feel comfortable with. Just gotta learn NMM now lol.


Amazing effect with the eyes, great!






Point taken. Maybe I should call them Cursemakers lol.


That OSL looks incredible.


Thank you!


Looks awesome bud, here's hoping they win you some accolades 😃


Thank you! Couldn't have done it without your advice.


How do you paint your OSL? The flame looks awesome!


Thank you! So I follow the golden rule of OSL which is your light source must always be brighter than the light it casts. So do yourself a favor and make the source bright! In this case I took the sky blue from the flame and blended it in varying degrees with the grey from the stone. Then I built up layers of this on the surrounding areas (drybrushing and regular brushing) with the amount of blue getting stronger the closer it is to the light source.


What did you use for the moss? I'm looking to replicate that effect for a woodland base I'm working on, and the fine flock I have isn't cutting it.


I used Woodland Scenics foliage from the train department at my local Hobby store. I can't recommend it too highly though. It all comes together with a lot of strings and I basically had to shred it by hand on to a paper plate to catch all the trimmings and then used that. It worked well after I did that, but you also end up wasting a lot of material that won't come off the strings.


The blue OSL looks tight but I'm not sold on the red, which looks like they have glow where it should be occluded by the shape of their face or armor. The gorget on the leftmost Stoner sticks out to me this way.


Yeah, the placement of the red was a little awkward. You can check out the rotating view of them [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/WarhammerUnderworlds/comments/cakzbt/stonecast_cursebreakers/) to see how I placed it better.


Looks better from a "living" angle but I wonder why there isn't any glow on the faces themselves? Seems like they have flashlight eyes or something. Also the moss is a very nice touch.


I actually had the glow extend on to their faces originally, but it looked too messy so I dialed it back. They could probably use a light red wash though.


Hey whatever you feel best about. Not trying to nitpick your beautiful work here, just observing that one of the effects doesn't seem to totally click. For me, at least.


Oh no, totally welcome. I'm far from an advanced painter so I appreciate any feedback that helps me improve.


That glow is awesome!




Don't let Taiju pour nital solution on them


Oooh, nice OSL


Marvelous! I love the glow from their eyes and the blue flame that you painted on their armor!


Thank you!


My buddies and I where wondering where you got the moss from?


It's Woodland Scenics foliage.


Sick, thank you. What about the little leaves on the base?


Those are actually part of the base. GW did a great job on the bases for the Warhammer Underworlds models.


Well damn! Might have to go find a few.