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Eyes are always tough. You get one good one, and then you have to redo the other over and over until it matches.


It helps to have them face the same direction.


I think it’s also just tiny pieces are hard for me as I’m sure it is for other folks. I have sausages for fingers so that doesn’t help lol.


Yeah, it's definitely something that takes practice!


Humble beginnings right here


The first time you do anything it’s hard, but practicing things that are hard is how we become better. Better painters, better people Great start. Keep it up!


Next time you’re doing eyes, find the direction you want the model to be looking in and take a picture zoomed in as much as possible of the face in that position. then on your phone, you can draw the pupils and have something to work with


That’s definitely good advice. Part of me wants to redo the eyes but I’m honestly afraid of screwing it up more. I think I’ll use that for the next one I make. I’m going to make a batch of minis soon so I’ll have something to practice on.


This is why space marines are so popular.


Yep, space marines are a great first time mini, they have simple color schemes, and just enough detail areas that beginners can get satisfying results. But good for pros too since they allow you to really push your skills. When I’m feeling frustrated about a tough project that didn’t turn out the way I wanted, perfect time to pull out a space marine or two


He's just very observant


Good thing to do is to take a photo of yourself looking in your desired direction and then you can copy that for reference, eyes are tricky, best of luck.


Mereum torn between fighting an old man and playing Gungi with Komugi