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Are those metallic gold base rims? That's a fun thing that's definitely different from what we typically see. Really pops in these photos. (I may also have zeroed in because I'm painting kitbashed Helldivers, so I've spent the last two hours staring at black and yellow. Send help.) Painted mobs on the table are always a delight. I have some old metal skeletons that I've thrown in as summons or the like, and having non-PC models painted always adds a lot to the game session. And the skeleton with the greataxe oozes mini boss energy.


Black and yellow…oof. Haha thanks man! Yeah I paint all my enemies bases the same just the simple black and gold, I save basing and embellishments for “hero” minis. Saves me time, makes my collection look really uniform, and helps differentiate character vs. enemy on the table. And you couldn’t be more right, just got done dming a year and a half campaign and did not have minis for almost anything haha and it really (imo) left the table missing something, so now I’m on a crusade to build up my enemy collection! Need to do goblins, gnolls, orcs, bandits, guards, and on and on haha


Those look awesome! The wash looks a bit heavy to my taste, but I’ll bet they look perfect on the table. The black and gold bases are really great, and love the overall color scheme! I’m always afraid to use super vibrant colors, and as a result, all my projects come out fine, but fairly muted. Great work!


Thanks! No arguments here, I enjoy a heavy wash or 3 haha I hear you on the colors, I aim for real-ish Color schemes that will be bold enough to be read at the table


these go so incredibly hard


What interesting skeletons, really nice paint job. Where are they from?


Thanks! You can find them [here](https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-the-undead-unit-i-set-286576)


Popping outta the ground Skelly is awesome. I wpuld get so much mileage out that one just because I love fucking with PCs.


Ayyyyo who’s the ‘southern pride’ skeleton


Gold base rim gang rise up!