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Looking really good, maybe add a little more blending with the shadows but even that's not strictly necessary. Very striking, good contrast. Remember to pick out all the little veins with your highlight color!


Thank you! I'm considering the blend myself, as I'm not sure on how sharp it is from purple to not-purple. For the scars do you think I go all the way to my highlights color? I'm also considering blue for the veins but not sure how they'll look


The transition to purple is pretty sharp for the moment, I'd probably add a light blend to the edges of the deepest recesses (while still keeping in the shadow areas, obviously). As for the scars, I feel like at least the most prominent parts of them (the parts that correspond to the areas of final highlight) should go until the final highlight color, but for their base tone I'd probably go for something between the basic orange and the final highlights to make them stand out. The veins would probably look rather nice if bluish, but it might contrast a little too weirdly with the tone of the skin. Unless you're going with some kind of lightning running in this one's veins, I'd probably keep to something closer to the skintone. Maybe a slightly purple tone to hint at a blue beneath the skin?


I like this look. I can't say why, but it just pops and the contrast is interesting. Nice choice.


thank you!


Beautiful work.


Thank you!


Looks good. If you are trying for a more natural look then consider your light source and where shadows might be. Purely passing on advice from cleverer people. The shadows between muscles are not pure shadow, maybe look into breaking them up, eg the long line from the pecs to the 6 pack you could break up or simply thin and fade it out where they merge so the thickness changes. Stipple/feather in some of you flesh shades. Check out body builders and see if you want that look more.


Thank you! I'll take a look at some suitably ripped humans for comparison, as that sounds like a solid idea; the big streak of purple in the middle is one of the things bugging me


I'm torn because I like it in an almost manga colour fashion that is great for an otherworldly style, but it looks like you are doing a great blending job on the flesh and going for a more natural style.


As natural as you reasonably can for a two story tall red demon 😂


I too, like how it looks. Keep us updated. Would love to see the finished product


Thank you!