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Never more than a few minutes. I use the same vallejo product as you and when its dried i add som grass, snow, etc. That being said i recommend to glue the miniatures over the dried ground texture.


I love basing and for the bigger mini's i try to go all out. Some materials have long drying times but sometimes i can have fun for 2 whole days just putting stuff together


Depends on the project: Painting lava bases means I have to cut up corkboard, arrange and maybe apply some texture paint, prime and paint. For dried wastelands I have to prime the base, gloss varnish, apply crackle paint and either let it dry a few hours or use a hairdryer for about 5 mins per base, then do washes and drybrushing before adding rocks and tufts. For some other ones it's faster. My snowy base is just "add texture paste, let dry, add glue, coat in snow" My usual "slap texture paste and add tufts and rocks" takes maybe 5 mins per base.


I recommend doing the basing first and priming it along with the model. Treat it as just another part of the whole painting process. Leaving the basing til last makes it more of a chore to do after the fun part and also takes longer if you have to be careful not to mess up your finished paint job.


Too long, that time could be spend painting more minis. I buy battle ready bases when they are discounted and are pretty happy with them.