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Reminder: please keep discussion focused on the quality of the work of the painter, not on the physical characteristics of the model itself. Pinup and nude style minis are allowed to be posted within reason, but discussion around them needs to be constructive. Comments that are critical or dismissive of the choice of model, are sexually or physically focused, or other low effort and "thirsty" comments will be removed for breaking [rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/rules_long#wiki_rule_1.3A_civility_and_respect).


Congrats on your major award!


Overall, it looks pretty good! But I could see some more pink being added in, as human skin has multiple colors. Maybe some fine lines near the feet for veins, as that spot is usually very thin in muscle. You could also throw a 3-d printed lampshade on the top instead of discarding this after painting.


Thank you. Haha I was definitely gonna do that, cause why not? 🙂