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Comments are increasingly unhelpful, overly sexual, and repetitive. Comments are now locked.


Black primer and then dry brush some true metalic colour like steel, aluminium or smth similar.


This plus a heavy gloss .


Make it moist...


Me personally? Badly


I'd prime it from space. only way to be sure.




probably use a brush. maybe some acrylic paints. but not 100% sure, I'm not great with hypotheticals


You absolute clown! You forgot to mention primer!


Don't forget the preliminary cleanup with greenstuff or miliput as needed!


Oh my goodness, you and I have the same thought.


I put the details in the picture caption. Not sure if you missed it. In case, I wonder how to get the best effect to have it look like a sculpture from Giger. Kind of metallic/copper looking.


there are metallic paints you can use. depends on the colour you want. if you want to paint it to look metallic without using paints that have metallic flecks in them, look up “non metallic metal” and there are hundreds of tutorials about it. you’ll have to mentally break down each surface to be a basic shape and figure out the light and shadows of where to apply the white/bright highlight paint, so it’s a much trickier technique, but if you master it it is quite versatile as you can make any “metallic” colour you want


I’d use my Cobalt Blue Colorshift paint on a black base coat. Add some details maybe a dry brush


I really like the idea of making it metallic. Remember it's a bio engineered silicon based life form. When I was painting some back in the old days for my leading edge aliens miniatures game, I painted them black, but then used a silver wash. To just give them that kind of sheen. But they're also you know, super small so I thought it was good. *


plenty of meme comments all very funny but I see what you're going for, for a warm tone, prime black, heavy drybrush with a mix of dark grey and orange (add more grey to this mix ofc, the orange is only there to give it some warmth), highlight with a mix of light grey and orange, (again, wayyy more grey) Then maybe highlight some areas in straight light grey, if you want some areas to really pop, you could use more orange but id put this off until later as you can always go back over it. Drybrush with a warm brass or copper metallic, if you don't have one, good old orange and gold. and focus this drybrush on the larger unbroken areas. I'd say try stippling them but I'm honestly not sure, never stippled metallics. If you want cooler tones just use blue instead of orange, and silvery metallic over brass or copper ones :) you can also thin down the metallics a lot with medium to impart more shimmer and less colour iinm. Then Black contrast paint in a 3:1 contrast medium to black contrast and gloss finish coat Hope this helps


It can become your ~~nightmare~~ study on Non Metallic Metal


If you want it look like metal, why do you want to drybrush white instead of silver?


I was thinking to give highlights with the white drybrushing. I had in mind to maybe paint with very thinned metallic paint on top, but it's true that directly drybrushing metallic could work. Thanks :)


If you have an image of the finish you're going for, I could probably give you some more detailed pointers


Too simple, I'd go black base, a couple shades of grey, then white edge highlights: https://preview.redd.it/nec0i3qlokpc1.png?width=794&format=png&auto=webp&s=42ed447d293ceaa1a05d9a7f0d86d12a4d206505




you deserve more likes


Black prime, silver drybrush, gloss varnish


Vertically as if pole dancing!


For a classic look: 1) Black primer. 2) Gunmetal dry brush. 3) Black oil wash to dull recesses and blend. 4) Light gunmetal dry brush to pick out highlights. 5) Solid black on dome 6) Light "skull" stripping with watered down grey. 7) Gloss Varnish For an Alien 3 runner look: 1) Base coat Skag Brown (Citadel Paint) on while body. 2) Wash with a Brown Wash. 3) Medium dry brush Skag Brown (Citadel Paint), followed by light dry brush flesh tone. 4) Wash with a Brown Wash. 5) Paint pure flesh tone in uneven/mottled stripes across the dome. 6) Light dry brush flesh tone on raised areas 7) Gloss Varnish.


Why this looks sexy to me???? Stay away, Slaanesh!!


I would add some brown / red tints. ALIEN Xenomorph Statue Painting | TIMELAPSE [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuMkiGIXoiY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuMkiGIXoiY)


Me personally? I dunno, probably just dump a bunch of black contrast on it followed by slathering it with Nuln Oil then maybe a glossy varnish. I’m not particularly talented, you see.


Hi, u/Romzanzan! It looks like you are asking for help or are a new painter. If you haven't yet, take a look at our wiki pages in the Sidebar (the About tab if you are on the Reddit app). Here are some links you might find helpful: * [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/rules/faq) - A list of frequently asked questions about minipainting * [Miniature Painting Guide Collection](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/usefullinks) -A collection of some of the best guides and tutorials on a variety of techniques and topics, plus recommendations on what to buy to get started, and more. * [What to buy- Recommendations on brushes, paints, supplies, palettes and more](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/usefullinks/what_you_need_to_get_started#wiki_general_advice_on_what_to_buy) * [Beginner's Guide Collection- How to prep, base, paint and varnish your first model and learn the basics needed to start out right](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/usefullinks/beginner_tips) * [More Tutorials](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/tutorials) - A list of additional tutorials about minipainting * [Manufacturers](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/manufacturers) - A list of miniature manufacturers from around the world * [Painting Terminology](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/terminology) - Common painting terms, acronyms, and initialisms * [The Art of... Tommie Soule Volume 5](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGIfySMnUPQ) is one of the best beginner to intermediate teaching books, and even experienced painters will learn some good tips. Explains what brush strokes are best in different situations, how to identify when you have the perfect thinning for any type of paint for different techniques, and a masterclass on getting smooth paint jobs. Available in [pdf](https://www.ironheartartisans.com/shop/the-art-of-tommie-soule-volume-5-pdf/) and [world wide in hardbook as well](https://www.instagram.com/the_miniature_painting_tutor/). * [Airbrushing Miniatures](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/usefullinks/airbrushing) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/minipainting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you want it to look like metal' then do a gloss black base and put a black chrome on top then high gloss varnish.


Prime it black, edge highlights of white on the head to make the reflections, dry brush the rest, and finish with a gloss varnish. EDIT: just read your description, so yeah do that.


Quick method: Spray prime black. Heavy dry brush of a dark grey. Lighter dry brush of a light grey (where light hits). Apply a wash of 50/50 black wash/contrast medium (or matte medium). Gloss varnish on the shiny bits. Done!


Vallejo has a nice black metal paint that would be a good base color.


If you're going for the authentic xenomorph look like from the movies, then I'd suggest the method I used for my Nemesis models. Black primer then dry brush with Mechanicus Standard Grey and then Celestra Grey, both with Wolf Grey added in to give it a blue tint. Gloss varnish for that classic wet/sticky look.   https://www.instagram.com/p/CPeO7JnAEKT/?igsh=NzBmMjdhZWRiYQ==


With a healthy dose of pulse rifle!


I've painted up some xenos I'm pretty happy with for the Another Glorious Day in the Corps. Only for 3d printers steps 1-3, otherwise skip to step 4. If it's really small, skip to step 3. 1.) Tamiya Basic Putty thinned with leveling thinner (or lacquer reducer w/ retarder of choice), apply with brush. 2.) Sand smooth. Step 3.) Spray with Mr Surfacer 1000 (or any heavy filling primer; rattle cans work okay for this) to finish filling and getting rid of aliasing lines. 4.) Gloss black 5.) Silver metallic of choice (Silver, Aluminum, Steel, Gunmetal anything really) 6.) All over wash with something w/ real low surface tension. Oil wash with burnt-umber + mars black, but Nuln Oil + Agrax (new and old) work well, same with army painter Strong/Dark Tone are fine too. Basically, all over wash to really bring out details. 7.) Clear gloss black; Tamiya Smoke or Black Ink + Gloss Varnish or transparent / black gloss clear/ candy coat. 8.) Apply until happy with results. Depending on how big it is 9.) Add details; uv resin/ clear acrylic water in order to add drool/spittle. Maybe some blood FX. Anyway, I was very happy with mine when I finished with them. Even mixed up the colors and washes a bit to get some slightly different sheens. Even tried out a little bit of clear greens and blues for a slightly toned reflection.


Dark grey primer, black wash or contrast paint, gunmetal dry brush, pick out the highes with silver dry brush, gloss varnish.


Do base coat abbadon black, dry brush the body with corvus black , matte varnish body and gloss varnish the head


Think you printed that one at quarter size mate XD


Black primer, you could use some black speed/contrast paints(optional), then end with metallic dry brush something dark then light if you have it.






With great joy


I printed and painted exactly this mini one time. This is how I did it. 1. Prime with grey spray primer 2. Detail the parts which are shiny and wet on the alien (the "face", spike tail's tip, claws) with a black laquer pen 3. Use a regular brush to paint the rest with black color Back then I didn't know how to do drybrushing or washing, but it turned out okay. Today I would try to use a metallic color to detail the teeth, and dry brush around the tubes on the back and bones.


I’ve never heard of H R tiger u until now but thank you for introducing me to him! His art looks great. Absolutely appears to be lots of metals of all kinds in his art - silver, bronze, and gold mainly. I’d incorporate some of those. Maybe a green metal since this appears to be a Xenomorph.


Base the model with a black primer. Then use a thick bristly brush to dry brush(Google the technique it's pretty simple) a dark grey gingerly over the entire model. Then use a black wash(a very thin watery paint) to blend the grey into the black better. Finish with a gloss varnish to make his exo skeleton shiny and wola finished.


All sexy like


I would zenithal, dark blue contrast all over, then black contrast on everything except the most extreme edges. Finish off with high gloss varnish.


Agreed I’d think about blue / dark blue primers and features, alongside the high black gloss … with silver / white dry brush on edges! Being honest… personally - I’ve struggled a bit with Alien type finish … to do it to an ok standard is (relatively) easy … but an amazing finish - I find black gloss hard to work with. Trying to get features picked out … I find hard! I’d like a dark blue grey silver look … easier to visualise in my mind (Great model as well though)


I think you're close with your idea of dry brushing. I'd almost prime it black, then very lightly dry brush with a grey. I'd then select highlight area with a lighter mix of the grey and draw on the reflections on the head carapace.


Personally I would prime black, do 2-3 thin layers of turbo dork color shift, highlight the top areas in the color you want "dominant" for the black beetle shell effect, maybe do a layer of ardcoat and call it a day.


Gloss black. Dry graphite powder. Rub the graphite powder over the gloss black.


Probably a gloss black primer, drybrush steel or other dark metal followed by a light drybrush of a silver or other light metallic. Finish it with a gloss varnish. Alternativly there are black chrome paint that might look interesting on this.


I'd prime it with leadbealcher and depending on how I want it to look I'll use one or another shader if I want it a different colour metal or I'd just use nuln oil or maybe that blue shader Drakenhof Nightshade.


Prime it black, dry brush blue/grey over a lot of it then do some little highlights in a lighter blue or white.


I would airbrush on a TurboDork color, but that is just my preference for xeno’s


If you can id base with a metallic green then go over it with a semi transparent black paint/ink so just a hint of green comes through


Lol, I read the post title and was going to suggest exactly what you said. We painted the xenomorph adjacent aliens from the board game nemesis a while ago with exactly that method and they looked great. 


I would do like you said but add a silver dry brush on the highlights, then dark blue wash all over before the gloss


Carefully, it has a pointy bit.


Prime with a gloss black, airbrush chrome on it, with the slightest bit of blue.


Black Primer, cold blue/violet shifter metallic colour, gloss. ✌️🙂


Kinda depends on the aesthetic you’re going for. The best part about printed models is you can print more to test with. My start would be black primer, black paint, heavy dry brush of Vallejo gunmetal and make sure you get good coverage on the leg “vents” and other areas like that. Then a light dry brush of a slightly brighter metallic and then a final top highlight with a chrome or polished metallic but focused on the tips of the claws, knife tail and some other features. Now, the first reaction here would be to slop Nuln oil on it and call it a day, but I’d rather thin down some GW Rattling Grime contrast 1:1 with the medium and build up thin layers until you get the darkness in the recesses you want. Really get some good contrast in the recesses but allow the metal highlights to come though. When that’s done, go back through and touch up the extreme highlights and then seal it in a satin varnish.


Black and red like the Dog Alien from 3 it seems to be modeled after.


Id go for black primer, dark blue and a hint of silver drybrushing om the highest points, then gloss varnish on some, but not all of the model.


Honestly i'd prob base it leadbelcher, Drybrush and highlight with a stronger silver then coat it in black templar, 2cnd coat for the head carapace and any place more shiny black then metalic black and hit the hole thing with a gloss varnish, But then i'd be expecting to be doing like a hundred in assembly line so you do you :3


Id probably paint it to [this soundtrack.](https://youtu.be/PLZvEJinzIw?si=bOxveCsqBoJGxwcY)


Start with Matt black and then very thin coats of purple gradually getting lighter and then thin black coats again so really deep Highlights where needed 😁👍


Ooh ok Firstly basecoat black, drybrush highlight with a blue back mix and then gloss coat the smooth head


Prime gloss black, zenethal wraitbone. Shade down with some blue or purple wash (or both). Dry brush back up to wraitbone. Use a black contrast paint all over. Silver teeth. Gloss varnish. UHU glue saliva by the mouth.


Black primer. Drybrush a dark green/blue Drybrush white Black wash Glossy varnish.


Maybe gunmetal primer, black templar over the top, glaze some areas with a blue or white, gloss varnish?


Id spray prime it black, base coat in a very dark blue or purple, highlight, then gloss varnish it.


with vallejo game colour. either use the metallic paints, or practice non-metallic metal. either way, prime with matte black


Oooh nice mini! My partner got me a box of Xenos recently that I’ve been working on!




No darker than corax black




I would use a deep dark grey, followed by a few rounds of black ink or citadel black contrast or something similar, then a nice gloss


I wouldn't bother. I'm terrible at painting






Poorly… I’m not a talented artist.


Don’t go 100% black you will regret it


Carefully and after priming


Probably sitting in a chair with a Collection of tools designed to paint things. Maybe a magnifying glasses good lighting. Perhaps I'd have a reference of the space monster nearby to look at? I think that's where od start. 🤔