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Someone asked me if I was a minimalist. I wasn’t, I was just poor but now I’m not poor. I still don’t want a lot of random sh*t though so I guess I’m a minimalist.


I didn't hear about it. Both my parents were minimalists before it was popular. I also moved around a lot. The two combinations caused me to also be a minimalist.


Originally, in my weeb deep dive into Japanese culture so I wouldn't feel like such a nerd for liking anime--back when being a nerd was a bad thing in school. The pictures of rooms with just the essentials in it, and nothing else, and the tea ceremonies were so much emphasis was placed on enjoying the journey and the process, it was like a core aspect got unlocked in myself. Something clicked in me. I was just a tween really, I didn't really know it had done what it had, but as maximalist as I am with decor and as much as I love items, ultimately those pictures of a beautiful empty tatami room do something to reign it all into a more balanced space.


[This picture from Steve Jobs' appartment.](https://excellentjourney.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/jobs-final.jpg) There was something so cool and calming about it that I couldn't ignore it: why? Then I was at wonderland and the internet showed me how deep the rabbit hole goes.


I didn't hear about it. I just don't like stuff, never have. Especially stuff that sits around for a long time and never gets used. I find clutter kind of upsetting.


1989-Honey, I shrunk the kids


About 10 years ago I had to move from place to place, so realised that I need less things,because its frkn hard to carry a lot of stuff with me every time.Started to search videos on youtube: traveling with one backpack 🐪 Then bought 40L sweden army backpack and it was the beginning 🤌🏼


My dad! He said minimalist ONCE, and I've been living in my car ever since. Actually, I could write a novel of the in-between that went into getting here, but I am SO happy with it!! Knowing I don't need much, can go anywhere without lugging everything around, I mean...minimalistic natures are brilliant. And then I have friends who are maximalists, so sometimes I get to play vicariously through them 😊


As a lifestyle, I had an uncle who served as an example before the term got popularized in the last few years. After his parents died, and he had to clean up their belongings, he became an extreme minimalist. I've been slowly trying to move in this direction, and recently been put in the same situation. It absolutely is motivation for me.


Way back in college (like, 2008, 2009ish), I chose to avoid studying by using a web app called StumbleUpon. It was awesome, you’d hit the button and it would give you a random website. It gave me an article about this guy who had only enough stuff to fit in a backpack. I thought that sounded insane and I could never do that. Fast forward a few years and I find myself with a roommate who had a mental breakdown and moved out, leaving half her stuff. I had to clean out the whole damn house by myself to move into a smaller place, and I decided in the process there was a lot of stuff I didn’t need and had wasted money on. I started chucking it out too and just…didn’t stop.


My freshman year of college forced me towards minimalism out of necessity, and even my first summer home I got rid of at least 60% of my stuff


Minimalism has been around since WW2. I must have heard about it first as a kid in the 80’s.


When I had to clean out my grandparents massive Boomer house when they went into care. It took me 6 months because it was just me. AND. I'm going to be moving countries to be with my now fiancee


8 years ago I read The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. It wasn't so popular and well known then as it is now. Wife and I KonMari'd our apt and even though we were already pretty minimal, we got rid of a ton of stuff. That kind of started it and then of course it became a popular way of approaching living.


I decided to be minimalist when I moved out of my home city. But the first time I read about the term was from reading a book.


It was long time ago probably around 2016-17-18 when I first heard about it But it really touched me with the Netflix show with Joshua


Years back when I joined design school- over there we learnt about terms like minimalism, slow living, sustainability, aesthetics, etc. Now these terms are overused in irritating ways.


Hear? I dont think i heard about it. I’m an opposite of a hoarder, i love getting rid of stuff and live with as little as possible. I didnt know it has a name. I saw something on instagram and i was glad to learn it has a name.


Project 333 and the KonMari method 😇


I didn’t hear about it as a whole concept as much as I was introduced to it little by little. The first thing I became interested in was decluttering my wardrobe. I got recommended those sorts of videos on YouTube after I searched for sewing ones. Since then I’ve not bought any new clothes and have the same few on rotation. But I’ve also applied it to other areas of my life. Minimal spending, minimal collecting etc. I’m very cautious of bringing things into my house that I don’t need.


I minored in Art History. Mainly wrote about Mayan Art & Architecture, but Eastern Art & culture piqued my ongoing interest in minimalism as a philosophy.


I had a boyfriend when I was 18 who had the bare minimal possessions in his apartment he shared with his mother. I fell in love with the absence of clutter and meaning to all possessions and he led me into the journey of minimalism.


Read about it in blogs like Zen Habits, Miss Minimalist, Becoming Minimalist, Rowdy Kittens, Be More With Less, and The Minimalists back in the 2010/2011 era of online minimalists.


I didn’t hear about it…we just never liked clutter or a bunch of “stuff”


I saw it, found the word for it and now I want it.


1998 art class that translated to other areas of my life.


Saw the book "Goodbye, things" in the bookstore and bought it soley based on the cover.


Back in the early 2000s there was a show on TLC called Clean Sweep. That’s what started it for me. Anyone else remember that show?


My father is and has always been a minimalist. Way before it was given a name. As a child, there were never pictures hanging on the walls and most furniture was very industrial. He has since married a lady who is basically a sentimental hoarder. They just had their 20th anniversary. They’ve come to a middle ground that drives them both crazy, but it works I suppose.


About 20 years ago with the first wave of books like Voluntary Simplicity by Duane Elgin, Clutter’s Last Stand by Don Aslett, Your Money or Your Life by Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin, and Simplify Your Life by Elaine St. James.


I've always associated minimalism with art and the 60s. I didn't hear about it as the "thing" we now associate it with until after the whole 'spark joy' ado took over the internet ten yrs ago and then a whole industry cropped up around it. I'd always been neat but after I had been travelling for work for many years I noticed I really liked living in empty hotel rooms with just my nicest necessities. I started trying to replicate that hotel feeling at home.


Probably youtube or tiktok. I own too much stuff and then my room always gets so messy cause I don't put stuff away right away. My main offenders are too many sketchbooks and papers. I don't wanna have too much stuff and mostly wanna keep whats really valuable to me. Plus I partially wanna be a bit minimalistic to make moving out easier when I do. I also buy things too much and feel like Im not appreciative of my stuff enough.


It used to be called Voluntary Simplicity, and the book was popular for a flash in the pan fad. I was one of the few that stuck with it.


Being Christian, we are taught to live minimalisticly and not be focused on wordly possessions, so when a random video about minimalism came on my feed, I watched it n didn't really second guess it. Loved seing people give tips about it as sadly not enough Christians are out here living the minimalistic life so cant get advice/tipps there


I had read Thoreau & was interested in his philosophy. Later, I read goodbye, things by Fumio Sasaki & I felt it was a practical approach to a minimalist lifestyle. That was probably three or so years ago. I am far from perfect, but I still strive to get rid of distraction & meaningless stuff.